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Sentence Connectors and Transition Words

 What is Connectors?

At the time of speaking or writing something, we use some words or phrases in order to maintain the cohesion or continuity of the sentences. Those words or phrases are called connectors. For example – therefore, but, next, in fact, of course, in brief, on the other hand, etc. So, a connector work as a conjunction to join two or more words, phrases, and clauses together. There are three main types of linking words:

A. Conjunctions
B. Sentence connectors
C. Subordinators

A. Conjunctions

Conjunctions are the most common form of linking words. They are used to join two parts of a sentence together, generally in the middle of a sentence. There are seven coordinating conjunctions. They are – and, but, so, or, for, nor, yet. Example:

Good teachers work hard          and            they organize their lecture effectively.
(Independent clause)         (conjunction)                       (independent clause)

B. Sentence Connectors

Sentence connectors are used to link ideas from one sentence to the next and to give paragraphs coherence. Most pieces of formal writing are organized in a similar way: introduction, development of main ideas or arguments; conclusion. Linking words and phrases join clauses, sentences and paragraphs together. Sentence connectors perform different functions and are placed at the beginning of a sentence. They are used to introduce, order, contrast, sequence ideas, theory, data, etc.

Functions of the Sentence Connectors:

1. Connectors used to mean the sequence or chronology of events:

→First, firstly, at first, in the first place, at the beginning, in the beginning, to begin with.
→Second, secondly, third, thirdly, fourth, fourthly, etc.
→between, in the middle of
→In the end, at the end, lastly, at last, finally, to sum up, in conclusion, last but not the lest.
→Next, afterwards, after that, then

Example: In order to open a new bank account, you have to follow some steps. First you have to collect a form from the bank. Then you have to fill up the form accordingly. After that you need to submit the form to the manager. Finally the manager will give approval to open a bank account for you.

2. Connectors are used to provide additional information: and, additionally, besides, further, furthermore, especially, not only ….. but also, moreover, both…..and, or, either…..or, neither…..nor, as well as, too, likewise, also, in addition, so on, apart from, similarly, again.

i. Both John and Peter obtained the same grade.
ii. Either she or her brother came here yesterday.
iii. I will neither go nor ask anybody to go there.
iv. He as well as his father will come tomorrow.
v. He is a meritorious student. In addition, he is good player.

3. Connectors are used to give examples: such as, namely, for example, for instance, that is, to illustrate, as an illustration, to demonstrate, etc.

i. Peter is an expert in a number of areas such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, medicine, etc.
ii. There are a lot of benefits of early rising. For instance, one can inhale fresh breath.

4. Connectors are used to indicate contrast: on the contrary, instead, on the other hand, but, yet, still, while, whereas, though, although, even though, despite, in spite of, however, nevertheless, nonetheless.

i. She studied hard but she failed.
ii. The govt. has increased salary of employees. On the other hand/on the contrary it has increased the rate of tax on income.
iii. In spite of being a regular student, he could not pass in the examination.
iv. Eva is very hardworking person, whereas her sister is lazy.

5. Connectors are used in comparison: similarly, likewise, in the same way, than, as …. as, so ….. as, too, correspondingly, equally.

i. She is taller than her elder sister.
ii. He is an expert in computer technology. Likewise, he has expertise in mobile technology too.
iii. Reva is as beautiful as a doll.
iv. Eva dressed in the same way her mother liked.

6. Connectors are used to express cause/effect : since, for, because, as, why, so that.

i. I don’t know why she is crying.
ii. I could not go to the office because my mother was sick.
iii. I am not attending your party tonight as I will be flying tonight.

7. Connectors are used to express results: so, therefore, hence, as a result, as a consequence, thus, consequently, eventually, so that, accordingly, now.

i. The electricity has gone out. So we have to wait until it comes again.
ii. He did not attend the classes regularly. Therefore, he got not marks is attendance.
iii. I don’t have the habit of getting up in the morning. As a consequence, I fall sick often.

8. Connectors are used to express the purposes of any action: as much as, as many as, so that, in order that, lest, so as to.

i. I keep the door open so as to let fresh air enter into the room.
ii. The boy is studying hard so that/in order that he can do well in the examination.
iii. He ate as many ice-cream as he could.

9. Connectors are used to put condition: if, otherwise, unless, till, until, provided, provided that, in case, as long as.

i. If you call me, I will come to help you.
ii. Study hard or/otherwise you have to face difficulty in the examination.
iii. Wait here until/till I come back.
iv. The singer has agreed to perform in the concert provided that a good amount of money will be given.

10. Connectors are used to indicate time and place: at that time, there, where, when, while, before, after, since, as soon as, sometimes, at present, presently, of late, now, then, afterward, at first, once, no sooner hand … than.

i. He is a writer. At the same time he is a singer.
ii.. They had arrived at the station before the rain started.
iii. He wanted to know where I come from.
iv. As soon as the singer came on the stage, the audience applauded.

11. Connectors are used to indicate conclusion: to sum up, in brief, in short, in fine, to summarize, on the whole, above all, in all, in conclusion, to conclude.

i. She is good at Mathematics, English, Physics, and other subjects. Above all she is a brilliant student. ii. We have two English teachers, two Bengali teachers, and four Science teachers. In total we have eight teachers at our college.
iii. She has established a school in the village. She helps people at the time of natural disasters. She donates money to poor students. In brief, she is a very kind hearted man.

12. Connectors are used to indicate events occurring at the same time: at the same time, at that time, mean while, in the mean time, as.

i. He was eating and watching television at the same time.
ii. When she called me yesterday; I was watching cricket at that time.
iii. I entered into the meeting room at 10:45 am. Mean while the issues had been settled.

13. Relative pronouns are used as connectors: who, which, whom, whose, what, whatever, whichever, that.

i. I know the person who came here last night.
ii. This is the book which I need.
iii. I will give you whatever you want.

14. Connectors are used in pairs: whether …. or, rather …. than, though …. yet.

i. You should rather wait than go now.
ii. I am not sure whether you are coming or not.\

15. Connectors are used to indicate how the work has been completed: as if, as though, how, however, like, so as, by and by, as it were, such…..as, such……that.

i. She speaks as if he knew everything.
ii. He can write like his father does.
iii. We need such students as are hard-working.
iv. Write as I asked you.

C. Subordinators

Subordinators are linking words that are used to join clauses together. They are used as the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. Subordinators connect elements of unequal importance. One clause is not as strong as the other.

Even though the train was late,  I got the exam on time.
Dependent clause                           Independent clause

Common subordinators

1. Comparison and Contrast (Although/Though/Even /Though/While/Whereas).
2. Cause/effect (Since/So that/Because)
3. Time (After/When/Until/Whenever/Before)
4. Possibility (If/As if/Whether)
5. Place and Manner (Wherever/Where/How)
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