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Voice change exercise

 Assertive Sentence

1. Active: I play badminton.
Passive: Badminton is played by me.

2. Active: I am playing badminton.
Passive: Badminton is being played by me.

3. Active: He has eaten rice.
Passive: Rice has 
been eaten by him.

4. Active: He ate rice.
Passive: Rice was eaten by him.

5. Active:: He was eating rice.
Passive: Rice was being eaten by him.

6. Active: He had eaten rice.
Passive: Rice had been eaten by him.

7. Active: He will be eating rice.
Passive: Rice will be eaten by him.

8. Active: He will be eating rice.
Passive: Rice will be being eaten by him.

9. Active: He will have eaten rice.
Passive: Rice will have been eaten by him.

10. Active: I may help you.
Passive: you may be helped by me.

11. Active: you must do the work.
Passive: The work must be done by you.

12. Active: Stella will invite Riva.
Passive: Riva will be invited by Stella.

13. Active: She writes a letter.
Passive: A letter is written by her.

14. Active: He doesn`t paint the wall.
Passive: The wall isn’t painted by him.

14. Active: She flies a kite.
Passive: A kite is flown by her.

15. Active: Shis flying a kite.
Passive: A kite is being flown by her.

16. Active: He has flown a kite.
Passive: A kite has been flown by her.

17. Active: He flew a kite.
Passive: A kite was flown by her.

18. Active: Shwas flying a kite.
Passive: A kite was being flown by her.

19. Active: Shhad flown a kite.
Passive: A kite had been flown by her.

20. Active: Shwill fly a kite.
Passive: A kite will be flown by her.

21.Active: The work will have tired her. 
Passive: She will have been tired of the work.

22. Active: The postman will have delivered the letter.
Passive: The letter will have been delivered by the postman.

23. Active: The police will have caught the criminal.
Passive: The criminal will have been caught by the police.

24. Active: The painters will have painted the house.
Passive: The house will have been painted by the painters.

Active to Passive voice exercises

25. Active: Riva will have completed the homework.
Passive: Homework will have been completed by Riva.

26. Active: I will have seen the movie before next Sunday,
Passive: The movie will have been seen by me before next Sunday.

27. Active: The carpenter will have made the chair.
Passive: The chair will have been made by the carpenter.

28. Active: John will have polished the furniture.
Passive: The furniture will have been polished by John.

29.Active: I will have done a good job.
Passive: A good job will have been done by me.

30. Active: I will have found the locket.
Passive: The locket will have been found by us.

31.Active: They will have attended the function.
Passive: The function will have been attended by them.

32. Active: The rabbit will have eaten the carrots by now.
Passive: The tickets for the train shall have been bought by her.

33. Active: They will have sent Rina home.
Passive: Rina will have been sent home by them.

34. Active: They will have closed the shop.
Passive: The shop will have been close to them.

35. Active: Sumi will have written the letter.
Passive: The letter will have been written by Sumi.

36. Active: The judge will have passed the judgment.
Passive: The judgment will have been passed by the judge.

37. Active: He will have helped the children.
Passive: The children shall have been helped by him.

38. Active: John will have eaten the cake.
Passive: The cake will have been eaten by John.

39.  Active: She had ordered the pizza.
Passive: The pizza had been ordered by her.

40.Active: She had ridden the bicycle.
Passive: The bicycle had been ridden by her.
Interrogative Sentence

1. Active: Whom did you see on the road?
Passive: who was seen by you on the road?

2. Active: Whom has the principal honoured?
Passive: Who has been honoured by the principal?

3. Active: Whom has the police arrested?
Passive: Who has been arrested by the police?

4. Active: Whom have the people elected?
Passive: Who has been elected by the people?

5. Active: Whom have the selectors selected?
Passive: Who has been selected by the selectors?

6. Active: Whom has she called?
Passive: Who has been called by her?

7. Active: What do you want?
Passive: What is wanted by you?

8. Active: Where did you find him?
Passive: Where was he found by you?

9. Active: Did you play badminton?
Passive: Was badminton played by you?

10. Active: Have you eaten rice?
Passive: Has rice been eaten by you?

11. Active: Is he reading a novel?
Passive: Is a novel being read by him?

12. Active: Who can answer my question?
By whom my answer can be answered?

Imperative sentence

1. Active: Open the door.
Passive: Let the door be opened.

2. Active: Do not open the door.
Passive: Let not the door be opened.

3. Active: Let me play badminton.
Passive: Let the badminton be played by me.

4. Active: Never tell a lie.
Passive: Let not a lie ever be told.

Difficult voice change exercise

1. Active: He annoyed me.
Passive: I was annoyed with me.

2. Active: I know the man
Passive: The man is known to me.

3. Active: His behaviour surprised me.
Passive: I was surprised at his behaviour.

4. Active: The news shocked him.
Passive: He was shocked at the news.

5. Active: I saw him go.
Passive: He was seen to go by me.

6. Active: He made me do the work.
Passive: I was made to do the work by him.

7. Active: His conduct shocked me.
Passive: I was shocked at his conduct.

8. Active: Light-filled the room.
Passive: The room was filled with light.

9. Active: Her manners pleased us very much.
Passive: We were very much pleased with her manners.

10. Active: The novels of Charles Dickens interest me.
Passive: I am interested in the novels of Charles Dickens.

11. Active: Someone has stolen my purse.
Passive: My purse has been stolen.

12. Active: Circumstances obliged to go.
Passive: I was obliged to go.

13. Active: We can grain nothing without labour.
Passive: Nothing can be grained without labour.

14. Active: Why did they refuse him admittance?
Passive: Why was he refused admittance?

15. Active: We should not encourage indiscipline.
Passive: Indiscipline should not be encouraged.

16. Active: Mother looked after the girl.
Passive: The girl was looked after by mother.

17. Active: He has worked out the answer correctly.
Passive: The answer has been correctly worked out by him.

18. Active: Someone built this building in 1976.
Passive: This building was built in 1976.

19. Active: Adam presided over the meeting.
Passive: The meeting was presided over by Adam.

20. Active: People consider me honest.
Passive: I am considered honest.

21. Active: She likes people to obey her.
Passive: She likes to be obeyed by people.

22. Active: People believe that you know.
Passive: It is supposed that you know.

23. Active: We will not admit children under eight.
Passive: Children under eight will not be admitted by us.

24. Active: It is time to do your duty.
Passive: It is time for your duty to be done.

25. Active: I knew him.
Passive: He was known to me.

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