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Top 19 Grammar Books (PDF)


Changing one Part of Speech into Another

Changing one Part of Speech into Another

Aim: To establish already words known to students

At the end of lesson students demonstrate their understanding of parts of speech by identifying parts of speech in sentences with 80% accuracy and rewrite by using suffixes.

Notes: Words can be categorized according to how they work within phrases, clauses or sentences. These categories, traditionally called parts of speech are now more usually known as word classes. The traditional parts of speech were of eight kinds, excluding the two articles (a/an, the). These were nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, adverbs, and interjections:

Features of Verbs:

ü     Verb take past or the participle form ( take, took, taken)

ü    Verbs can be preceded by a noun and in many cases followed by a noun (Raju wrote a book)

ü     Each verb has three or more of inflexions like the following:



III person





Past participle


Sing cut


Sings Cuts


Singing cutting


Sang cut


Sung Cut


Features of Nouns

ü     They form plurals by taking ‘s’

ü     They take possessives

ü     Typically can be preceded by articles

ü     Noun suffixes can be-ity, ness, ism, hood, ice, ship, ship etc

1.1. Change the following sentences as directed without changing their sense:

1.   The audience listened to the leader with patience. (Use verb of ‘patience’)

2.   At last he succeed  in his venture. (Use noun of ‘succeed’)

3.   It is impossible for him to revert at this stage. (Use noun of ‘revert’)

4.   It is not allowed to slay animals in the city. (Use Noun of ‘Slay’)

5.   He has made corrections in all of these sentences. (Use verb of ‘corrections’)

1.2                Change the following sentences as directed without changing their sense:

1.      The master was astonished that the student refused the job. (Use noun of ‘refuse’)

2.      He made an agreement with her to complete the job. (Use verb of ‘agreement’)

3.                      They were amused to accept our proposal (Use noun of amused)

4.      A violent mob appeared at the scene all of a sudden. ( Use adverb of sudden)

5.      The boy succeeded in the examination by dint of hard work.(use adverb of ‘succeeded’

1.3     Identify the part of speech of the words in bold: Some examples are given:

1.      He succeeded in his attempt.His attempt was successful.His attempt was crowned with success.

2.      Respect your parents and teachers. Be respectful to your parents and teachers. (respectful – adjective)Show respect to your parents and teachers. (respect – noun)

3.      He works diligently. (diligently – adverb)He works with diligence. (diligence – noun)

4.                      He died in an instant. (in an instant – adverb phrase)He died instantly.

5.                      He accepted all of our proposals. He accepted all that we proposed.

6.      This is apparently a good proposal. This appears to be a good proposal. It is apparent that this is a good proposal.

7.      The performance didn’t give me any amusement. I wasn’t amused by the performance at all.

8.                      No invitation was sent to the mayor. The mayor wasn’t invited.

9.      I do not intend to spend my vacation here. I have no intention to spend my vacation here

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