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The future perfect tense is only used in a few situations, but it's still good to know it. Here's how to make it.


The future perfect is made with the future simple of 'have' (will have) and the past participle. For regular past participles add 'ed' to the verb ('play' becomes 'played').


Here's the positive:


By six pm tonight:


●        I will have finished this book

●        You will have studied the English tenses

●        She will have cooked dinner

●        He will have arrived

●        We will have met Julie

●        It will have stopped raining

●        They will have left Japan


For the short form, we change will to 'll. But, when we are speaking, we also make 'have' shorter, so it sounds like I'll've finished (don't write this!). Here are some examples for you to listen to:


●        I'll have finished this book

●        You'll have studied the English tenses

●        She'll have cooked dinner

●        He'll have arrived

●        We'll have met Julie

●        It'll have stopped raining

●        They'll have left Japan Here's the negative:

By next week,


●        I will not have finished this book

●        You will not have studied the English tenses

●        She will not have cooked dinner

●        He will not have arrived

●        We will not have met Julie

●        It will not have stopped raining

●        They will not have left Japan


Here's the short form. Listen to how I shorten 'have' when I'm speaking:


●        I won't have finished this book

●        You won't have studied the English tenses

●        She won't have cooked dinner

●        He won't have arrived

●        We won't have met Julie

●        It won't have stopped raining

●        They won't have left Japan


Here's an exercise about negative

To make the question, just put 'will' before the subject: 'Yes / no' questions:

By next year,


●        will I have finished writing this book?

●        will you have studied all the English verb tenses?

●        will she have graduated?

●        will he have got married?

●        will it have got colder?

●        will we have met your boyfriend?

●        will they have left their jobs? 'Wh' questions:

●        When will I have finished writing this book?

●        Why will you have studied all the English verb tenses by tomorrow?

●        When will she have been here three weeks?

●        Why will he have got married before June?

●        Why will it have got colder by May?

●        How will we have met your boyfriend by tonight?

●        When will they have left their jobs?





➤➤Exercise 27. Future Perfect


Make the future perfect. Choose positive, negative or question.


1.     (I / leave by six)

2.       (you / finish the report by the deadline?)

3.       (when / we / do everything?)

4.       (she / finish her exams by then, so we can go out for dinner)

5.       (you / read the book before the next class)

6.       (she / not / finish work by seven)

7.       (when / you / complete the work?

8.       (they / arrive by dinnertime)

9.       (we / be in London for three years next week)

10.   (she / get home by lunchtime?) 11.(they / not / go at six)

12.(you / do everything by seven?)

13.(we / not / eat before we come, so we’ll be hungry) 14.(he / finish his exams when we go on holiday?) 15.(we / arrive by the time it gets dark?)

16.(how long / you / know your boyfriend when you get married?) 17.(he / not / complete the project by July)

18.(I / not / finish the essay before the weekend) 19.(why / she / finish the cleaning by six?)

20.(how long / you / be in this company when you retire?)


➤➤Exercise 28. Future Perfect Continuous Mixed Exercise


Make the future perfect continuous. Choose the positive, negative or question form:


1.     I (work) all weekend so I won’t be energetic on Sunday night.

2.     How long (you / wait) when you finally get your exam results?

3.     Julie (not / eat) much, so we’ll needto make sure she has a good meal

when she arrives.

4.                       How long  

(she / plan) to move house when she finally moves?



(she / wait) long by the time we get there?

(he / play) computer games for ten hours when he finally stops?

7.     They (study) all day, so they’llwant to go out in the evening.

8.     They (not / stay) in the hotel for long when she arrives.

9.     I (not / walk) when I meet you – I’ll have been cycling.

10. She  

11. We  

12. We

13. How long 14.     

(play) squash, so she won’t bedressed up. (look) at houses for four months next Tuesday.

(not / do)this project for long when the inspector arrives. (you / work) on this project when it is finished?

(you / buy) clothes when I see you?

15. He (not / do) much work, so he’ll be happy to start a new project.

16. How long (the children / sleep) in the living room when their new

bedroom is ready?

17. How long (he / train) when he enters the competition?

18.     (you / take) exams the day we meet?

19. I         20.         

(answer) students’ questions all morning, so I’ll want a quiet lunch. (they / travel) for long when they arrive?


➤➤Exercise 29. Mixed Future Tenses


Make the future tenses. It could be a positive sentence, a negative sentence or a question.

1.     future simple (She / win the competition?)

2.     future continuous (She / wait when we arrive)

3.     future perfect (By next week I / finish this work)

4.     future perfect continuous (I / live here for one year next week)

5.     future simple (Who / pass the exam?)

6.     future perfect continuous (She / study so she will be tired)

7.     future continuous (How / you / get home?)

8.     future simple (I / come later)

9.     future perfect (She / catch the train by 3pm) 10.future simple (It / rain tomorrow)

11.future perfect (We / arrive in Bermuda by this time tomorrow) 12.future continuous (John / sleep at 4am)

13.   future perfect (I / not / complete the report by 5pm tomorrow)

14. future perfect continuous (How long / you / see your boyfriend when you get married?)

15. future perfect (You / have dinner by 8pm?) 16.future continuous (It / rain in Scotland next week) 17.future perfect (When / she / sell the house?) 18.future simple (She / not / do her homework)

19.future perfect continuous (How long / you / work here when you retire?) 20.future perfect (When / you / do everything you want to?)

21.future simple (They / not / be able to arrive on time) 22.future continuous (We / not / eat dinner at that time)

23.future perfect continuous (He / not / work here for three years next month) 24.future continuous (She / take her car to the party?)

25.future perfect continuous (They / not / exercise before we meet) 26.future simple (He / not / be happy)

27.future perfect continuous (What / you / do before dinner?) 28.future simple (You / drive here?)

29. future continuous (She / not / lie on the beach yet)

30. future perfect continuous (They / work all day so I will cook) 31.future continuous (What time / you / arrive?)

32.future perfect (He / not / finish the cleaning by the time she gets home)

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