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Impersonal Passive Voice

Impersonal Passive Voice

An impersonal Passive Voice sentence, is a passive voice sentence without by+object / the doer of the action is not mentioned.

PASSIVE VOICE: The book was taken by Kala IMPERSONAL PASSIVE VOICE: The book was taken.

PASSIVE VOICE: The record was submitted by Mohan.

IMPERSONAL PASSIVE VOICE: The record was submitted. Look at the Impersonal Passive sentences carefully!

A.               The tiger was chasing the deer.

ANS: The deer was being chased (Impersonal)

B.               She has learned her lessons.

ANS: Her lessons have been learned (Impersonal)

C.               Have you finished the report?

ANS: Has the report been finished (Impersonal)

D.               She is writing a letter.

ANS: A letter is being written (Impersonal)

E.               Somebody cooks meal every day.

ANS: Meal is cooked by someone (Impersonal)

The impersonal voice is sometimes called pseudo-passive voice.It is a verb voice that decreases the valency of an intransitive verb (which has valency one) to zero. The impersonal passive deletes the subject of an intransitive verb. ImpersonalPassive is only possible with verbs of perception (e. g. say, think, know).


1.                They say that women live longer than men.

It is said that women live longer than men.

2.                They report that two people were injured in the accident

it is reported that two were injured in the accident

3.                They say he was studying hard for his exam

It is said that he was studying very hard for his exam



1.      (convert active voice into impersonal passive voice)

2.      People say that he got married in London

3.      We understand she doesn't like football

4.      People think he is waiting for us now

5.      People except that he will join the company soon

6.      They say that many smartphones are stolen every day

7.      They think dinner is being cooked as we speak

8.      People expect that taxes will be raised next year

9.      People think that he has left for good

10.   They know she has been working very hard

11.   They say he has been planning to his plan

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