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Top 19 Grammar Books (PDF)


One Word Substitutes

One Word Substitutes


Pertaining to Government:-

·       To give up throne or other office of dignity Abdicate

·       A diplomatic minister of the highest order

sent by one country to another Ambassador

·       Absence of government Anarchy

·       A person who is out to destroy all government and order Anarchist

·       A person liable to be called to account for his actions Answerable

·       Government by one Autocracy/


·       Government by the officials/ departments of state Bureaucracy

·       Government by the nobles Aristocracy

·       The right of self government Autonomy

·       Government of the people, for the people, by the people Democracy

·       Government by the king or queen Monarchy

·       Government by a few Oligarchy

·       Government by the rich Plutocracy

·       The science of government Politics

·       To decide a political question by the direct

vote of the whole electorate Referendum

·       A person(s) who takes up arms against the government Rebel

·       Too much official formality Redtapism

·       Sweeping governmental change Revolution

·       Government by divine guidance Theocracy

·       That part of the government which preserves

law and order and carries out the laws made Executive


Pertaining to Sciences & Arts:-

10.  The study of all heavenly bodies and

the earth in relation to them Astronomy

11.  One who studies the sky and stars Astronomer

12.  The study of mankind/ the science which treats of man Anthropology

13.  The study of physical life or living matter Biology

14.  The study of plants Botany

15.  The art of beautiful hand-writing Calligraphy

16.  The art of practiced by statesman and ambassadors Diplomacy

17.  The science which deals with varieties of human race Ethnology

18.  The study of the origin and history of words Etymology

19.  One who thinks of the welfare of women Feminist

20.  The study of coins Numismatics

21.  The study of birds/ the science which treats of the birds Ornithology

22.  Stamp collection Philately

23.  The study of languages Philology

24.  The study of body/ the science which treats of the body Physiology

25.  The study of human face Physiognomy

26.  The art of making fireworks pyrotechnics

27.  One who studies plant & animal life Naturalist

28.  The study of speech sounder Phonetics

29.  One who amuses oneself by love-making Philander

30.  The science which treats of the earth Geology

31.  The science which treats of the animals Zoology

32.  The sciences which treats of the earthquakes & their origin Seismology

33.  Study of the relation of living things to environment Ecology

Pertaining to the Literary Arts:-

·       A work whose writer is unknown Anonymous

·       A record of one’s life written by himself Autobiography

·       The history of the life of a person Biography

·       The heading or short description of a

newspaper article, chapter of a book Caption

·       A humorous play, having a happy ending Comedy

·       A list of books in a library Catalogue

·       A book in which the events of each day are recorded Diary

·       A book containing the words of a language

with their definitions, in alphabetical order Dictionary

·       A book of names and address Directory

·       A short speech by a player at the end of a play Epilogue

·       A brief summary of a book Epitome

·       A book containing information on all branches

of knowledge Encyclopedia

·       To remove the offensive portion of a book Expurgate

·       A speech delivered without earlier preparation Extempore

·       A noisy or vehement speech intended to excite passions Harangue

·       A written account, usually in book form of the

interesting and memorable experience of one’s life Memoir

·       A note to help the memory Memorandum

·       A declaration of plans and promises put forward by a candidate for Election, a political party or

a Sovereign Manifesto

·       A short speech by a player at the beginning of a play Prologue

·       Literary theft, or passing off an author’s original

work as one’s own Plagiarism

·       A writer who borrows words and ideas from

another author Plagiarist

·       A statement open to more than one interpretation Ambiguous

·       One who cannot read or write Illiterate

·       One who does not care for literature and art Philistine

·       The first speech delivered by a person Maiden

·       A word or law no longer in use Obsolete

·       A person very reserved in speech Reticent

·       A style full of words Verbose

·       A statement that cannot be contradicted Irrefragable

·       Incapable of being described adequately Indescribable

·       Speaking one’s thoughts aloud to oneself Soliloquizing

·       A play with a sad or tragic end Tragedy

·       Something that can not be read Illegible

·       One who is a great lover of books Bibliophile


Pertaining to Religion:-

·       One who is not sure of the existence of God Agnostic

·       One who renounces his religious vows or

forsakes his religious principles Apostate

·       One who does not believe in the existence of God Atheist

·       One who believe in the existence of God Theist

·       One who starves the body for the good of the soul Ascetic

·       One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views Bigot

·       To talk impiously about sacred things Blaspheme

·       A beaker of church images or ornaments Iconoclast

·       Worship of images or idols Idolatry

·       One who believes in a single God Monotheist

·       To make a thing sacred Consecrate

·       One who believes in many God Polytheist

·       One who is present everywhere Omnipresent

·       One who knows everything Omniscient

·       One who is all powerful Omnipotent

·       One who serves public interest & feels very

sympathetic towards human beings Humanitarian

·       One who has much enthusiasm for his own

religion & hates other religion Fanatic


Pertaining to Death:-

1.0 To destroy completely    Annihilate

2.0 Dead and decaying flesh especially of animals        Carrion

3.0 A monument set up for persons who are buried elsewhere     Cenotaph

4.0 To preserve a dead body from put rejection       Embalm

5.0 Words inscribed on a tomb        Epitaph

6.0 An examination of a dead body Autopsy/ Postmortem

7.0 An account in the newspaper of the funeral

of one deceased Obituary

8.0 The property left to someone by a will         Legacy

9.0 Something occurring after death Posthumous

10.0     The act of killing a human being     Homicide


Murder of a new born child



Murder of one’s brother



Murder of one’s Sister



Murder of one’s mother



Murder of one’s Father



Murder of one’s parent



Murder of a king



Murder of oneself



Lasting only for a short white






One who embraces voluntary death for the



sake of one’s country


 Pertaining to Marriage/ Family/ Children:-



1         One who marries a second wife/ husband

while the legal spouse is alive Bigamist

2         One vowed to a single or unmarried life Celibate

3         One engaged to be married Fiancée

4         A children whose parents are dead Orphan

5         A hater of marriage Misogamist

6         One having more than one wife or husband at a time Polygamist

7         State of growth between boyhood & youth Adolescence

8         Marrying one husband/ wife at a time Polygamy

9         Marrying more than one husband at a time Polyandry

10     Hater of mankind Misanthrope

11     Lover of mankind Philanthropist

12     Hater of women misogynist

13     Property inherited from one’s father or ancestors Patrimony

14     One who thinks of the welfare of women Feminist

15     A state of complete continence on the part of a woman Virginity

16     Allowance due to a wife from her husband after

separation Alimony


 Pertaining to Medicine:-

7.       A substance which destroys or weakens the germs Antiseptic

8.       Any medicine which produces insensibility Anesthetic

9.       A medicine to counteract poison Antidote

10.   Deficiency of blood Anemia

11.   To cut off a part of a person’s body which is infected Amputate

12.   One who is recovering from illness Convalescent

13.   To be able to tell the nature of a disease by its symptom Diagnose

14.   A disease affecting many persons at the same

place & time Epidemic

15.   A disease confined to a particular district or place Endemic

16.   To disinfect by smoke Fumigate

17.   A person who is sick Invalid

18.   Free or exempt from injection Immune

19.   A cure for all diseases Panacea

20.   A disease widely epidemic Pandemic


Pertaining to Profession:-

Ÿ One who write books Author

Ÿ One who makes or sales candles Chandler

Ÿ One who drives a motor car Chauffeur

Ÿ One skilled in the care of hands & feet Chiropodist

Ÿ One who sells sweets and pastries Confectioner

Ÿ One who works in a coalmine Collier

Ÿ One who attends to the teeth Dentist

Ÿ One who shoes horses Ferrier

Ÿ One who studies rocks and soils Geologist

Ÿ One who travels from place to place selling articles Hawker

Ÿ One who deals in iron and hardware Ironmonger

Ÿ A professional rider in horses races Jockey

Ÿ One who compiles a dictionary Lexicographer

Ÿ One who attends to the diseases of the eye Oculist

Ÿ One who tests eyesight and sells spectacles Optician

Ÿ One who collects postage stamps Philatelist

Ÿ One who flies an aeroplane  Pilot


Pertaining to War:-

Ÿ An unprovoked attack by an enemy Aggression

Ÿ Shells, bombs, military stores Ammunition

Ÿ A place where naval or military weapons are stored Arsenal

Ÿ An agreement by belligerents to stop fighting Armistice

Ÿ A general pardon of offenders Amnesty

Ÿ To reduce to nothing Annihilate

Ÿ Nations carrying on warfare Belligerents

Ÿ To surround a place with the intention of capturing it Besiege


 Pertaining to Characteristics and Actions:-

14.  One who devotes his life to the welfare of others Altruist

15.  One who can use both his hands Ambidexter

16.  One who kills secretly or by surprise Assassin

17.  One who collects things of ancient times Antiquary

18.  One who engages in something for the love

of it, not for gains Amateur

19.  One who is always finding faults Censorious

20.  One who has special skill in judging art, music, etc. Connoisseur

21.  Living at the same time Contemporary

22.  One who sneers at others Cynic

23.  One who delights to speak about himself Egotist

24.  One who exalts his own opinion Egoist

25.  One who is banished from his home or country Exile

26.  One who runs away from justice or the law Fugitive

27.  One who dies for a noble cause Martyr

28.  A hater of mankind Misanthrope

29.  One who is new to anything Novice

30.  One who looks on the bright side of things Optimistic

31.  One who looks on the dark side of things Pessimist

32.  One who devotes one’s life for the mankind Philanthropist

33.  One who loves one’s country Patriot

34.  One who foretells events Prophet

35.  One who retires from society to live a solitary life Recluse

36.  One who takes refuge in a foreign country Refugee

37.  One who walks in sleep Somnambulist

38.  One who spends too much Spendthrift

39.  One who is indifferent to pain or pleasure Stoic

40.  One who abstains from alcoholic drinks Teetotaller


Denoting Numbers

Ÿ A collection of poems Anthology

Ÿ A number of merchant ships protected by warships Convoy

Ÿ A number of stars grouped together Constellation

Ÿ A number of hired applauders, i.e., persons paid to clap Claque

Ÿ A number of people at church Congregation

Ÿ A number of people gathered together for

some common purpose Gathering, assembly,

Ÿ People who get together to work for some

cause of common interest Coterie

Ÿ A number of workmen, prisoners, thieves Gang

Ÿ A number of sheep Flock

Ÿ A number of geese Gaggle

Ÿ A number of leopards Leap

Ÿ A number of lions, monkeys Troop

Ÿ A number of ships Fleet



Ÿ Loud enough to be heard Audible

Ÿ Not distinct enough to be heard Inaudible

Ÿ Fit for food Edible

Ÿ Unfit for human consumption Inedible

Ÿ Fit to be chosen or selected Eligible

Ÿ Not having the qualities of being chosen Ineligible

Ÿ Writing that is easy to read Legible

Ÿ Writing that is easy to decipher Illegible

Ÿ Able to read Literate

Ÿ Unable to read Illiterate

Ÿ Born of married parents Legitimate

Ÿ Born of unmarried parents Illegitimate

Ÿ To send back a person to his own country Repatriate

Ÿ To banish from one’s country Expatriate

Ÿ To move from one country to another Migrate

Ÿ One who leaves his country to settle in another Emigrant

Ÿ One who comes into a foreign country to settle there Immigrant

Ÿ Incapable of being redeemed from evil,

i.e., beyond correction Incorrigible

Ÿ That which cannot be rubbed out or blotted out Ineffaceable

Ÿ That which cannot be conquered Invincible

Ÿ Incapable of making errors Infallible

Ÿ That which cannot be avoided or prevented Inevitable

Ÿ Incapable of being burnt Incombustible

Ÿ That which easily catches fire Inflammable

Ÿ That which cannot be seen Invisible

Ÿ Unable to die Immortal

Ÿ Increase the gravity of an offence Aggravate

Ÿ Ordinary or commonplace remark Platitude

Ÿ That which cannot be satisfied Insatiable

Ÿ That which cannot be repaired Irreparable

Ÿ That which cannot be imitated Inimitable

Ÿ Persons that cannot be wearied Indefatigable

Ÿ One who easy too much Glutton

Ÿ To destroy completely Annihilate

Ÿ A statement open to more than one interpretation Ambiguous

Ÿ A round about way of speaking Circumlocution

Ÿ Cautions observation of events, etc. Circumspection

Ÿ That which cannot be hurt Invulnerable

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