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Top 19 Grammar Books (PDF)


Paired Expressions

Paired Expressions

In English grammar, a paired construction is a balanced arrangement of two roughly equal parts in a sentence By convention, items in a paired construction appear in parallel grammatical form: a noun phrase is paired with another noun phrase, an -ing form with another -ing form, and so on.

Selected expressions with

and: Beginner

Selected expressions with

and: Intermediate

Selected expressions with

or: Beginner

·     Before and after

·     Black and white

·     Come and go

·     Dos and don’ts

·     Each and every

·     In and out

·     Ladies and gentleman

·     Large and small

·     By and large

·     Bright and early

·     Far and away

·     Far and wide

·     For and against

·     Forgive and forget

·     Hit and run

·     Live and let live

·     All or nothing

·     In or out

·     like it or not

·     me or you

·     more or less

·     once or twice

·     one or another

·     one or more



Selected expressions with

and: Beginner

Selected expressions with

and: Intermediate

Selected expressions with

or: Beginner

·     Mother and father

·     One and only

·     Round and round

·     There and then

·     This and that

·     Top and bottom

·     Up and down

·     Where and when

·     With and without

·     Yes and no

·     Off and on

·     Once and for all

·     Over and above

·     Pros and cons

·     Pure and simple

·     Safe and sound

·     So and so

·     Whys and wherefores

·     one or two

·     some or all

·     something or other

·     this or that

·     up or down

·     yes or no

Selected expressions with or: Intermediate

·        By hook or by crook

·        Factor fiction

·        For richer or poorer

·        Give or take

·        Right(ly) or wrong(ly)

·        Sink or swim

·        Sooner or later

·        Take it or leave it

·        True or false

·        Whether or not

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