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Top 19 Grammar Books (PDF)




1.  Read the following passage :

A new model of Yamaha Motor Cycle ’Fazer’, by the Yamaha India Limited was launched at 11-A, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi on October 25, 20xx. The vehicle is expected to be popular among the youth who believe in durability. The underlined words express a relationship, usually of space or time, between the words with which they stand. Such ‘Positional’ words which are used before an object or a person to show their relation with another are known as Prepositions.

Kinds of Prepositions 

1.         Simple Prepositions : These are mostly single syllables.

For Example : in, at, on, by, for, from, till, with, through etc.

2.         Compound Prepositions : These are formed by modifying some other words or by prefixing a ‘preposition’, ‘a’ or ‘be’ to different nouns, adjectives or adverbs.

For Example : across, amidst, between, besides, before, below, beneath, into, inside, outside, within, without, etc.

3.         Phrase prepositions : These are formed by a group of words that convey a single idea. For example: according to, because of, by means of, for the sake of, in front of, in place of, in spite of, in order to, instead of, due to, on account of, etc.

The best way to learn the correct use of prepositions is by reading, listening, speaking and writing as much as possible. The use of prepositions is not determined by the kinds but by the relation that is to be presented. Keep in mind that same prepositions can be used for expression of different relations.

Prepositions are classified according to their function or the relations expressed through them.



Position & Direction










Let us understand the usage of various prepositions in detail:

A. Prepositions of Time:

Many prepositions are used to denote time. For example: on Saturday, in the evening, till tomorrow, after breakfast etc. Special care has to be taken while using prepositions:

1.         At : point of time i.e. Fixed time : at 9 o’clock, at the start of

class, at the end of the day But sometimes it can be used to denote  : at noon or at midnight indefinite periods.

The train will leave the station at 5.30 p.m.

The accident happened at noon.

He is going home at Christmas.

2.         On : It is used with  days and dates : On Sunday, On 15th August,

On the Independence Day, On Monday evening,

On Friday night

The Annual Function will be celebrated in the school on 15th December. The market will be closed on Sunday.

We shall have a party on Saturday evening.




3.         For : It is used when we have to express a period of time. It is used with all tenses.

I have been working in this office for fifteen years. They have been waiting for the train for thirty minutes. She stayed at my place for three days.

4.         Since : It is used to express a point of time. It is generally preceded by a verb in some perfect tense.

He has been living in that house since 2016. They have been playing together since Monday.

5.         From and To / till : Generally from is used to denote the starting point of an action and is mostly used in combination with to or till.

For Example : The match will be played from 9.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. He was the captain of the team from 2006 till 2011.

6.         In : It is used with periods of time, i.e.: parts of the day, month, year or seasons.

in an hour, in a few moments, in a week,

in the evening, in the morning, in the afternoon in May,

in 2017,

in summer / winter

It rained heavily in the morning. We will have final exams in March. The Olympics will be held in 2020.

 Note : In’ is not used before today, tomorrow or next/ last day.                    

For Example : It might rain today.

They are going shopping next Monday.

We must also understand the difference between application of ‘on time’ and ‘in time’ and ‘within’.

‘On time’ is used to denote punctuality : We reached the station on

time. (It means just before the train arrived)

The show begins right on time. (at the scheduled time)

Whereas, ‘in time’ is used to denote a period of time, meaning, at the end of the given time.




The train will leave the station in ten minutes.

While ‘within’ is used to denote a time before the end of time given:

You must return within half an hour.

7.         By : It is used to convey the meaning ‘not later than’ or to denote the time at which that action will be over.

For Example : The match will be over by 5.00 p.m. (This expresses that the match may finish before 5 p.m. and at least not later than  5 p.m.)

8.         Before and After : We use (before) to denote a point of future time. It implies action taking place at an earlier time.

For Example : We will reach the school before 9.00 a.m.

He will complete his education before the age of eighteen. While ‘After’ is used to express the end of a period of time in the past. It implies action taking place at a later time.

For Example : India got freedom after a long struggle. (It is followed by a Noun, Pronoun or Gerund.)

Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1.         The show will be over       5 p.m.

2.         His interview will be held Monday, 30th October.

3.         Two boys quarrelled    the teacher had gone.

4.           The new session starts April.

5.         They have been living here 2009.

6.         We were at Shimla Monday Friday.

7.         The hockey match was played 1p.m. 2.20 p.m.

8.         They met only thirty minutes.

9.         The train arrives     11 o’clock sharp.

10.         Our shop opens weekdays only.



Quite a number of prepositions are used to indicate a position, movement and direction.

For Example : at Moga, on the table, under the book, against the wall, above the shelf, over the head, in the room, between the plates, beside the chair, among the children, near the lake, etc.:

1.         At : Used to express exact locations or small extent of space (small place/ localities, villages, towns) or proximity with actual or intended contact or some festival :

For Example :  His office is at 11, Brigade Road. (Exact place) His mother is not at home now. (Nearness to place)

My son is studying at Sarasvati Vidya Mandir. (Venue) Arjun aimed at the bird. (Point)

2.         In : Used to express a wider extent of space or state of rest in the interior of anything.

For Example : His birthday party was at Hotel Taj in Delhi.

I spent my early years in India. The guest is in the house. (Space)

3.         On : To express location of an object that rests on the upper surface of something.

For Example : The train runs on the rails. (Expresses touch)

The books were scattered on the floor. (Expresses at rest) Varanasi is on the banks of the river Ganga. (Expresses nearness)

4.         Above : Used to express position that is higher in relation to something.

For Example : The grandfather’s picture hung above the fireplace. (On a higher place)

The flags waved above our heads.

5.         Over: It can also be used to indicate something that is higher in position or covers something or to indicate that something crossing over or moving to other side.

For Example : The fan was just over her head.

She puts a blanket over her sick child. The dog jumped over the wall.




6.         Below : Used to indicate a position that is lower in relation to something or lower in rank or importance.

For Example : His apartment is just below ours.

His name was below me in the merit list. A Subedar is two ranks below a Captain.

7.         Under : Used to express a lower position.

For Example : The travellers had to rest under a tree on a sunny afternoon.

The cat was sleeping under the table.

8.         Behind : at the back of something or someone.

For Example : My house is just behind the temple. (At the back of) He hid himself behind the big banyan tree.

9.         Opposite : On the other side of something.

For Example : There is a beautiful park opposite my house.

His house is opposite the Head Post office in the city.

10.         In front of : To indicate a position that is just ahead or at the front of something or somebody.

For Example : He parked his car in front of my gate.

The vehicle in front of my car stopped suddenly.

11.         Between : Used when there are two persons or things or ideas.

For Example : The rich man divided his property between both his sons.

Moga is situated between Ludhiana and Firozpur on National Highway. (In the middle of two)

12.         Among : Used when there are more than two things or persons.

For Example : The hare hid among the bushes.

The Gita is most revered among all Hindu scriptures.

13.         Amongst : Used when there are a large number of people or things.

For Example : These fifty books will be distributed amongst ten boys.

14.         Beside : Means by the side (or nearness):

For Example : She came and sat beside me.

I kept the chair beside the table.

15.         Besides : Means in addition to something.

For Example : Besides the cash, the robbers took his bike.

Besides studies, music is his passion.




Exercise 2 (Solved) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1.        He stays Karol Bagh.

2.        He spent his early life India.

3.        He made his son sit him and his friend on the bike.

4.        Manav was sitting    his mother.

5.        He distributed the toffees     all the children.

6.        He was hiding       a big board.

7.        We stood    the Sun temple for a while to admire its beauty.

8.        My cat was resting    the table.

9.        A big statue of Mahatma Gandhi has been placed the Gandhi Museum.

10.        The papers were scattered    the floor.


1.                   To : Used to convey the sense of destination:

For Example : He went to the market to buy milk. (Reached the market)

He took me to the station.

2.                   Towards : It is used to express direction or to indicate ‘closeness’ to a certain time or event:

For Example : He ran towards the school.

I threw the ball towards him.

Most employees feel shortage of money towards the end of the month.

3.                   Into : to express a state of motion towards interior of something or inside something.

For Example : He jumped into the pool.

He stepped into the classroom.

4.                   Against : to express opposition of some kind. Close to, touching or hitting something.

For Example : The girl was leaning against the wall.

A motor car ran against a rickshaw.




5.                   Across : to convey movement from one side to the opposite side.

For Example : He ran across the road to his guest room.

Mihir Sen swam across the English Channel.

6.                   Along : move by the side of a path.

For Example : I walked along the canal for sometime.

He came along with me on my trekking route.

7.                   By : Used to indicate an agent of action or a source or doer of an action or mode of transport also.

For Example : The case was solved by the police.

My painting has been awarded the first prize by the Jury.

I love to travel by my own car.

She came and sat by me. (Nearness)

8.                   With : Used to indicate an object or instrument of action or nearness or some special features.

For Example : I mowed the grass with a new mower. (An instrument of action) I killed the snake with a long stick.

He owns a villa with a large swimming pool.

9.                   From : Used to indicate the point of departure or origin of something or somebody or a source.

For Example : Punjab Mail starts from Firozepur at 9.40 p.m.

He comes from a noble family. She is from Dehradun.

His health is going from bad to worse.

He received an appreciation letter from his boss.

10.                     Off : To indicate some separation from a surface or down, from, away.

For Example : The rider fell off his horse.

He took off his coat.

The salesman rolled off the carpet. Never get off a running bus.

11.                    Of : To express some belongingness or relation or reason or possession.

For Example : His house is made of wood.

He died of cancer.

She comes of a nice family. He is a man of character.

12.                     Out of : To indicate a motion from the inside or interior of something, opposite of into.

For Example : She went out of the classroom.




The sparrows flew out of the cage. He is out of pocket money these days.

13.                     Through : To indicate across the interior of something, means via something or past a barrier, stage or exam / test.

For Example : He passed through the main entrance.

It was difficult to sit through a boring movie.

He has gone through many ups and downs in life.

14.                     Near : To indicate a short distance or gap from something or somebody or to express a short period of time from something.

For Example : Ravi’s house is near the temple.

Many companies make lucrative offers to customers

near Diwali.

15.                     Upon : To move upward so as to get on or be on something.

For Example : The cat jumped upon the table.

She jumped upon the bed.

Exercise 3 (Solved) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

1.               We were on our way school.

2.               Winter vacations start 25th December.

3.               The axe fell    the canal.

4.               They were running    the beach.

5.               Our school is    the temple.

6.               The wheel went        .

7.               He will have to pay    his nose.

8.               We must face the challenge courage.

9.               You must learn the lesson heart.

10.                 He threw the packet    the wall.


1.               About : To indicate some nearness or to suggest the subject of a book

or a conversation.

For Example : It’s about time to go.

The sick man is about to die.

Their discussion was about the problem of pollution.




2.               During : To indicate a period of time, like, during the rainy season, during winter, during 1900’s, during the day, during that time.

For Example : The skin gets dry during the winters.

Children enjoy playing in the rain during the rainy season.

3.               Until : It is generally used to indicate a point of time or event, meaning ‘not before’.

For Example : We can’t start the match until the umpires announce.

There are no floods in this area until the rainy season starts.


Sometimes Prepositions are not used properly between a transitive verb and its object or used where they are not required or wrongly omitted after intransitive verbs.

Some such examples are as below:

Incorrect Correct

1.        She loves with him.  She loves him.

2.        I told to him to write a letter.       I told him to write a letter.

3.        He reached at home.   He reached home.

4.        The child resembles to her mother.  The child resembles her mother.

5.        The manager resigned from his post. The manager resigned his post.

6.        I descended down the hill.      I descended the hill.

7.        He reached at school late.   He reached school late.

8.        You must obey to your elders. You must obey your elders.

9.        I ordered for a new shirt.      I ordered a new shirt.

10.        She opened out the window.  She opened the window.

Every prepositional phrase is a series of words made up of a Preposition and

its object. The object may be a Noun, Pronoun, Gerund or Clause. A prepositional phrase functions as an Adjective or an Adverb.

Here are some commonly used Phrasal prepositions.

1.        According to : Cut your coat according to your cloth.

2.        Along with : She came to the party along with her boyfriend.




3.        Because of : He won the case because of his sincere efforts to find the truth.

4.        By means of : He was pulled out of the well by means of a long rope.

5.        Due to : Hassan was refused admit card due to shortage of lectures.

6.        In spite of : In spite of facing hardships, he gave money to his friend.

7.        Instead of : I gave the children pizza instead of pancakes for breakfast today.

8.        On account of : He got a promotion on account of his hard work.

9.        In case of : In case of any emergency, dial 100 to call the police.

10.        With reference to : He gave details to the police with reference to

his complaint regarding the theft.

11.       In the face of difficulties : Don’t lose courage in the face of difficulties.

12.        On the eve of : The Principal hosted a farewell party on the eve of his retirement day.

13.        In the event of : Don’t use elevators in the event of fire in this building.

14.        In order to : He burnt mid night oil in order to top in the exams.

15.        On behalf of : I thanked the sponsors on behalf of all participants.

1.         Abide by : One must abide by the rules of the road.

2.         Absent from : She was absent from the office today.

3.         Abounds in : This lake abounds in fish.

4.         Absorb in : These days he is absorbed in completing his new novel.

5.         Account for : She has accounted for her actions.

6.         Access to : He managed to have access to some secret information.

7.         Accede to : She acceded to my request.

8.         Accused of : He has been accused of fraud by his employer.

9.         Accompanied by : The Minister visited the accident site accompanied by medical team.

10.         Accustomed to : The Punjabis are accustomed to battles at the borders.

11.        Act upon : He acted upon her advice.

12.         Adapt to : I can adapt to a new place easily.

13.         Addicted to : The youth get addicted to smoking very easily.




14.         Admit to : Manisha got admitted to class X.

15.         Admit into : His uncle was admitted into the hospital.

16.         Afraid of : One should not be afraid of anyone in life.

17.         Affection for : I have a great affection for my motherland.

18.         Agree to : Everyone agreed to his suggestions.

19.         Agree with : Even friends do not always agree with each other on all points.

20.         Aim at : Arjun aimed at the eye of the fish.

21.         Alarmed at : The residents were alarmed at the sound of siren.

22.         Alive to : We must be alive to our own weaknesses.

23.         Amounts to : His conduct amounts to cheating.

24.         Amazed at : His parents were amazed at his rude behaviour.

25.         Annoyed at : The boss was annoyed at the peon’s negligent behaviour.

26.         Attend to : You must attend to your duties.

27.         Appeal to : Dark coloured dresses don’t appeal to me.

28.         Approve of : Nobody approves of his misconduct in the office.

29.         Aspire for : Always aspire for the best in life.

30.         Assured of : He assured him of his consistent help.

31.         Astonished at : Everyone was astonished at his extraordinary performance in the play.

32.         Avail of : You must avail of this opportunity.

33.         Aware of : He was not aware of my circumstances.

34.         Averse to : He is not averse to hard work.

35.         Back out : You should never back out of your promise.

36.         Bark at : Street dogs bark at strangers.

37.         Beg of, for : She begged of him for mercy.

38.         Begin with : The show began with a lot of pomp.

39.         Believe in : I firmly believe in the strength of friendship.

40.         Belong to : He belongs to a nice family.

41.         Beware of : Beware of pick pockets in crowded places.

42.         Born of : Swami Vivekananda was born of noble parents.

43.         Break into : The thieves broke into the shop.

1.              Break out : Dengue has broken out in many cities.

2.              Brood over : The prisoner was brooding over his deeds.

3.              Burst into : The old man burst into tears.

4.              Bestow upon : The President has bestowed many honours upon him.

5.              Call at : We called at his house to wish him well.

6.              Call in : Call in the doctor, at once.

7.              Care of : Parents take best care of their children.

8.              Careful of : We should be careful of our deeds.

9.              Carry out : He carried out the task very sincerely.

10.         Certain of : The coach was very certain of his pupil’s success.

11.         Cling to : The child clings to her mother.

12.         Charge with : He has been charged with murder.

13.         Come of : She comes of a respectable family.

14.            Claim to : You have no claim to this book.

15.         Close to : The biggest cinema is close to my house.

16.         Confer upon : The jury conferred the title of ‘Sir’ upon him.

17.         Complain of : She complains of a heartache.

18.         Consist of : This group consists of seven members.

19.         Congratulate on : He congratulated the winners on their success.

20.         Confine to : He has been confined to his room because of his illness.

21.         Conscious of : One should always be conscious of one’s duty.

22.         Courteous to : We should always be courteous to everybody.

23.         Count on : You can always count on me.

24.         Deal in : We deal in jewellery.

25.         Deal with : The police has to deal with numerous criminals.

26.         Dear to : My sons are very dear to me.

27.         Deprive of : He has been deprived of his status.

28.         Die of : The patient died of Malaria.

29.         Different from : This book is different from other books by the same author.

30.         Dream of : She dreams of becoming an Army Officer.


Displeased with : She seemed to be displeased with your services.




32.         Dispose of : We must dispose of the outdated mobiles phones.

33.         Due to : He won laurels due to his sincerity and hard work.

34.         Eager to : I am very eager to learn a new language.

35.         Elect to : He was elected to the Lok Sabha in his first attempt only.

36.         Eligible for : You are not eligible for this post.

37.         Engage in : You will always find her engaged in some work.

38.         Enquire into : The police is enquiring into the murder case.

39.         Escape from : The thief escaped from the police.

40.         Equal to : He is equal to the challenge.

41.         Excel in : Elizabeth Bennet excels all her sisters in beauty.

42.         Envious of : He was envious of her success.

43.         Explain to : I explained my plan to her.

44.         Entitled to : He is entitled to have his views on dowry.

45.         Exempt from : The minister has been exempted from personal appearance by the court.

46.         Exchange for : I exchanged my old bike for a new scooter.

47.         Expose to : He has been exposed to many dangers.

48.         Faith in : I have full faith in God.

49.         Faithful to : A soldier is always faithful to his duty.

50.         Familiar with : You don’t seem to be familiar with the customs of this place.

51.         Famous for : Govinda is famous for his dancing skills.

52.         Fight for : A soldier fights for his country.

53.         Fond of : I am fond of my new pet.

54.         Fed up : He is fed up with his neighbour.

55.         Favourable to : The new scheme is not favourable to old employees.

56.         Frown at : The teacher frowned at him.

57.              Forgive for : I forgave her for her breach of promise.

58.              Give away : The Principal gave away the prizes to the winners.

59.              Give up : Never give up till you achieve your target.

60.              Good at : My son is quite good at studies.

61.              Guard against : We must guard against complacency during the match.




62.              Get along : I got along with most of my classmates..

63.              Glance at : I glanced at my watch.

64.              Grateful to : I am always grateful to my teachers for imparting me valuable knowledge.

65.              Guilty of : He was found guilty of telling lies.

66.              Happy about : Party workers were happy about the victory in Panchayat Elections.

67.              Happen to : Something terrible happened to him.

68.             Hope for : One should always hope for better life.

69.              Hopeful of : I am hopeful of success in the final results.

70.              Hanker after : Don’t hanker after wealth.

71.              Hatred for : Let there be no hatred for anyone.

72.              Hand over : People handed over the pickpocket to the police.

73.              Hostile to : We shouldn’t be hostile to new ideas.

74.              Hint at : The Army Chief hinted at more surgical strikes against the terrorists.

75.              Hurl at : A journalist hurled a shoe at a leader.

76.              Ignorant of : Being ignorant of laws is no excuse.

77.              Inferior to : His painting was inferior to none.

78.              Insist on : You must insist on the quality of services.

79.              Indifferent to : The management has been indifferent to the demands of the workers.

80.              Impress with : He was impressed with her work.

81.              Inquire after : She inquired after my health.

82.              Incline to : He is inclined to join the new job.

83.              Jealous of : Ajit is jealous of his colleague’s success.

84.              Junior to : Mani is junior to Sunny by two years.

85.              Jumped at : The customers jumped at the lucrative offers made during the Diwali sale.

86.              Jump into : Ram jumped into the river to save the drowning child.

87.              Judge by : We should judge a man by his actions.

88.              Keen on : She seemed keen on finishing the work.




89.              Kind to : We must be kind to animals.

90.              Known by : A man is known by the company he keeps.

91.              Known to : Anand is known to me for many years.

92.              Knock at : Someone is knocking at the door.

93.              Key to : Hard work is the key to success.

94.              Laugh at : We should not laugh at others.

95.              Lame of : His dog is lame of one leg.

96.              Listen to : Always listen to your teachers’ advice.

97.              Lead to : This lane leads to the main market.

98.              Look into : The police is looking into the matter.

99.              Look after : He is looking after his ailing sister.

100.         Lament for : There is no use lamenting for the lost time now.

101.         Limit to : There is no limit to desires.

102.         Lost in : He was seen lost in thoughts.

103.          Loyal to : We must be loyal to our nation.

104.         Lust for : Lust for money has no limits.

105.         Liable to : He is liable to fall sick if he keeps roaming in the sun.

106.         Made of : The dining table is made of wood and glass.

107.         Make up : You must make up your mind to succeed.

108.         Married to : She is married to a rich old man.

109.         Match for : He was no match for him.

110.         Mistake for : He mistook her for her sister.

111.         Meddle with : Try not to meddle with affairs of others.

112.         Mindful of : Ranvijay has always been mindful of his actions.

113.          Necessary for : Hard work is necessary for success.

114.          Need of : He is in need of sound advice.

115.          Notorious for : Taimur is notorious for his killings of the innocents.

116.          Negligent in : A good student should not be negligent in studies.

117.          Natural to : Hard work is natural to a Gurkha.

118.         Obedient to : I have always been obedient to my teachers.

119.         Object to : She objected to his proposal.

120.         Open to : Discount sale is open to all.

121.         Obliged to : I am obliged to her for her advice.




122.         Opposed to : He is always opposed to any change.

123.         Offend with : She felt offended with his rude behaviour.

124.         Painful to : It is really painful to see him lose a close match.

125.         Part from : The lioness was not ready to part from her cubs.

126.          Pay for : He will have to pay for his actions.

127.          Play at : They like playing at the park.

128.         Popular with : Karishma is still very popular with her co-actors.

129.          Prefer to : He prefers village life to city life.

130.         Passion for : Kids have a passion for soft toys.

131.         Pretend to : Tammana was pretending to be sick.

132.         Proud of : Ravana was proud of his powers.

133.          Proceed on : He will be proceeding on long leave.

134.         Put on : He was putting on a new dress.

135.          Prepared for : A soldier is always prepared for a battle.

136.          Preside over : The Prime Minister will preside over the cabinet meeting.

137.         Put off : He never puts off till tomorrow what he can do today.

138.         Quick at : Tanya is very quick at numbers.

139.          Quarrel with, over : Girls generally quarrel with each other over trifles.

140.         Recommended for : I recommended him for a promotion.

141.         Refer to : The policeman will refer this matter to his senior officer.

142.            Refrain from : You should refrain from making such comments.

143.         Rely on : True friends can be relied on in difficult moments.

144.          Rejoice at : They rejoiced at their success.

145.         Reply to : I reply to all letters as soon as possible.

146.          Related to : Kareena is related to Ranbir.

147.         Rest with : The initiative rests with the leader.

148.         Run into : He ran into trouble by challenging a strong opponent.

149.         Send for : He sent for a doctor.

150.         Set Up : I am setting up a new office at Chandigarh.

151.         Sentence to : The criminal has been sentenced to life imprisonment.

152.         Search for : He is searching for a new job.

153.         Stand by : One must stand by friends in need.




154.         Surprised at : We were surprised at his arrival.

155.         Satisfied with : His parents were not satisfied with his results.

156.         Suffer from : The old man is suffering from fever.

157.         Similar to : His watch is similar to mine.

158.          Stare at : She has been staring at me for long.

159.         Superior to : This book is far superior to his earlier works.

160.         Stick to : You must stick to your decision.

161.          Taste for : I have a taste for good books.

162.         Think of : I have been thinking of you since morning.

163.         Thank for : I thanked him for his help.

164.          Tired of : Mothers never get tired of their children.

165.         Trust in : Always trust in God.

166.          Throw at : Don’t throw stones at birds.

167.         Tremble with : The thief was trembling with fear.

168.         Useful for : Coconut oil is useful for dry skin in winters.

169.         Unfit for : He was found unfit for military duty.

170.         Used to : She is not used to working outdoors.

171.          Vote for : People have voted for the bold decisions taken by the Prime Minister.

172.         Versed in : Chankya was well versed in diplomacy.

173.          Vexed at : Shikhar Dhavan was vexed at himself for playing a loose shot.

174.         Victim to : He has fallen a victim to false propaganda.

175.          Wait for : We waited for him at the station.

176.          Warn against : I warned him against bad company.

177.         Welcome to : He was welcomed to the party by the host.

178.         Wonder at : I wondered at the beauty of The Taj.

179.          Worthy of : Virat is worthy of all the praise he gets.

180.         Work at : I am always working at my fitness.

181.          Yearn for : India yearns for a permanent membership of UN Security Council.

182.         Zealous in : Sachin was zealous in his work.





Exercise 4

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1.         I was surprised    the contents of the notice.

2.         He sat    the sofa.

3.         She was looking forward your proposal.

4.         The cat jumped    the table.

5.         I fell love with picturesque beauty of Darjeeling.

6.         Sudha was not afraid challenges.

7.         Gulmohars were scattered all    the fields.

8.         The rat ran     its hole.

9.         I saw the advertisement    the Sunday newspaper.

10.         She was transferred out Mumbai.

Exercise 5

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1.               We walked    the park.

2.               He lives India.

3.               My grandfather’s portrait hung    the mantelpiece.

4.               His cat was sitting table.

5.               Grandmother’s lips constantly moved prayer.

6.               I was left alone    my village.

7.               Her face was covered    her silver locks.

8.               My school was attached    the village temple.

9.               She used to sit    the temple till my school finished.

10.                 She hobbled

the house with a stick in her hand.

Exercise 6

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1.        I used to get up early   the morning.

2.        A brisk walk is best    the heart.

3.        Some books are be tasted, while others are to be read    parts.

4.        You should not take things granted.




5.        Some students were reading books    the library.

6.        Books serve delight and ornament.

7.        He is good studies.

8.        We will be free    the end of day.

9.        Francis Bacon wrote an essay    the importance of studies.

10.        Bowling is good stone and reins.

Exercise 7

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1.        The children climbed    the wall.

2.        We watched the match    big screen.

3.        He answered some    the questions only.

4.        Wasan was admitted class.

5.        We must pray God.

6.        I have no interest games.

7.        Kalam had three visions India.

8.        I believe equality.

9.        Discipline is important success.

10.        He was worried    the results of the competition.

Exercise 8

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1.         He was moving    the stage.

2.         Kalam would not rest     he achieves his aim.

3.         The students stood the Taj for some time to admire its beauty.

4.         We remained seated    the entire performance.

5.         Self-respect comes self-reliance.

6.         I could see only his head    the water.

7.         I parked my car exactly    the bridge.

8.         I waited for him 5.00 pm and then left for my walk.

9.         Cubs were jostling each other.

10.         We should wash our hands    the meals.

Exercise 9

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1.        I have been waiting for you 11.00 am.

2.        He has been visiting our place many weeks now.

3.        They have lived here 2015.

4.        You must learn stand yourself.

5.        The meeting was held      2. p.m. to 5. p.m.

6.        He got a deep cut

7.        Both the vehicles collided

his right hand.

each other.

8.        The plane flew    the fields.

9.        Children generally quarrel themselves over trifles.

10.        India is

the top five nations of the world.

Exercise 10

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1.         His car knocked   the pillar and overturned.

2.         The crowd pressed    the gate.

3.         Captain Vikram Batra stormed    the enemy.

4.         Major Som Nath Sharma laid down his life    the nation.

5.         Indian troops were airlifted Srinagar.

6.         Flying Officer Nirmaljit exposed himself danger.

7.         The aeroplane flew    the clouds.

8.         Indian soldiers displayed highest bravery    the battle.

9.         Captain Batra led his company victory.

10.         Our soldiers inflicted heavy casualities    the enemy.

Exercise 11

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1.               We can see clear water.

2.               We should leave the natural resources future generations.

3.               Rivers have been flowing ages.

4.               Forests are essential human life too.

5.               Saving our environment is the need    the hour.

6.               Many parts of Punjab are on the verge becoming a desert.

7.               Many cities were developed    the banks of rivers.




8.               Man has always longed    the imaginary elixir of life.

9.               We must take steps preserve our heritage.

10.                 People should be educated    the adverse effects of globalization.

Exercise 12

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1.         U.S. Forces dropped atomic bombs Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

2.         A soldier renders selfless service    his nation.

3.         Violence is not a solution   any problem.

4.         Man must learn love.

5.         Many animals hunt night.

6.         I requested the commander explain the situation of the patients.

7.         I waited    the doctor.

8.              attending to the patients, he gave them medicines also.

9.         General Fitch took    his glasses after reading the telegram.

10.         The nurse was attending    the sick people.

Exercise 13

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1.         Malcolm was walking       a creek.

2.         He saw the grizzly       a distance twenty yards.

3.         The grizzly pounced Barb.

4.         Malcolm was standing    the Grizzly and Barb.

5.         She kept slipping    the ice.

6.         Grizzly grabbed him both hands.

7.         She squeezed him    her chest.

8.         Barb burst tears.

9.         There was no time fear.

10.         Barb did not give     on Malcolm.

Exercise 14

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1.         Nobody warned us    the dangers of pollution.

2.         He never thought I would be ready    the challenge.

3.         The new law prohibits us drinking while driving.




4.         Will you wait your turn?

5.         The teacher handed the answer sheets the students.

6.         Prime Minister was very keen reforms.

7.         BMW has recalled many cars because some technical fault.

8.         The policeman was walking    the street at night.

9.         People of India know how welcome a guest.

10.         Swami Vivekananda influenced millions of people the world.

Exercise 15

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1.         He was looking    the board.

2.         The haze prevented me seeing the train.

3.         She complained headache.

4.         I could not agree    his proposal.

5.         There is no exception rules of traffic.

6.         They fought    the last round.

7.         Swami’s father was shocked    his behaviour.

8.         I insist    his speaking the truth.

9.         He was sorry    the delay.

10.         My friend is a professor profession.

Exercise 16

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1.        Children are generally fond Laddoos.

2.        A drowning man catches       a straw.

3.        We are now good terms with each other.

4.        He has not come to my house many days.

5.        It is difficult

6.        He knew that he was

convince him.


7.        Maharana Pratap fought tooth and nail    the Mughals.

8.        Shivaji fought    his motherland.

9.        He fell a victim drinking.

10.        Her voice is familiar   me.




Exercise 17

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1.            The child was clinging    his mother.

2.            He wrote a letter    his friend.

3.            She closed the door him.

4.            Always be kind children.

5.            I am pleased   her.

6.            Write   ink.

7.            I don’t care a fig him.

8.            He ran short money.

9.            We haven’t met   last week.

10.             Her efforts were rewarded success.

Exercise 18

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1.        This book is superior that.

2.        I congratulated her    her success.

3.        He will deliver the mail

4.        The postman delivered the letter


my home.

5.        The man was leaning    the wall.

6.        I will get    the difficulties.

7.        I wished him a speedy recovery illness.

8.        She takes pride    her beauty.

9.        My office is opposite    the Post office.

10.          I never exempted him class.

Exercise 19

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1.            She belongs       a poor family.

2.            Beware stray dogs.

3.            One should never boast knowledge.

4.            He appealed    the public for keeping the area clean.

5.            My bed is made teak wood.

6.            I was not angry   her.

7.            Mr. Verma is sure    his success.




8.            He was anxious    his son’s safety.

9.            He believes

10.             I solved the problem

fair dealing.

any difficulty.

Exercise 20

Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions:

1.               We go to office    my official car.

2.               He works in the factory 8.30 a.m. 4.30.p.m.

3.               The boy hid himself    the tree.

4.               He was found sleeping    the class.

5.               His mobile fell

6.               Sweets were distributed

the water tank.

the street children.

7.               There is a cinema hall in front    his office.

8.               The river is flowing    the danger mark.

9.               Always hope    the best.

10.                 Always be positive life.

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