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Present Perfect Simple

Past Simple

Unfinished actions that started in the past and continue to the present:

●         I've known Julie for ten years (and I still know her).

Finished actions:


●         I knew Julie for ten years (but then she moved away and we lost touch).

A finished action in someone's life (when the person is still alive: life experience):

●         My brother has been to Mexico three times.

A finished action in someone's life (when the person is dead):

●         My great-grandmother went to Mexico three times.

A finished action with a result in the present:

●        I've lost my keys! (The result is that I can't get into my house now).

A finished action with no result in the present:

●        I lost my keys yesterday. It was terrible! (Now there is no result. I got new keys yesterday).

With an unfinished time word (this week, this month, today):

●        I've seen John this week.

With a finished time word (last week, last month, yesterday):

●        I saw John last week.



1.      We use the past simple for past events or actions which have no connection to the present.

2.     We use the present perfect for actions which started in the past and are still happening now OR for finished actions which have a connection to the present.

3.     We CAN'T use the present perfect with a finished time word:

○       NOT: I've been to the museum yesterday.




This is the basic past tense. We use it whenever we want to talk about the past and we don't have any special situation that means we should use the past perfect, present perfect, past continuous etc.


➤Finished actions, states or habits in the past.


1: We use it with finished actions, states or habits in the past when we have a finished time word (yesterday, last week, at 2 o'clock, in 2003).

I went to the cinema yesterday.

We spent a lot of time Japan in 2007.


2: We use it with finished actions, states or habits in the past when we know from general knowledge that the time period has finished. This includes when the person we are talking about is dead.

- Leonardo painted the Mona Lisa.

-The Vikings invaded Britain.


3: We use it with finished actions, states or habits in the past that we have introduced with the present perfect or another tense. This is sometimes called ‘details of news’.

-        I've hurt my leg.

-        I fell off a ladder when I was painting my bedroom.

-        I've been on holiday.

-        I went to Spain and Portugal.


4: For stories or lists of events, we often use the past simple for the actions in the story and the past continuous for the background.

-        He went to a café.

-        People were chatting and music was playing.

-        He sat down and ordered a coffee.




Unreal or imaginary things in the present or future.

5: We use the past simple to talk about things that are not real in the present or future. So we use it with the second conditional and after words like ‘wish’.

-        If I won the lottery, I would buy a house.

-        I wish I had more time!




➤➤Exercise 9. Past Simple and Present Perfect

Choose the past simple or the present perfect:

1.     Last night I (lose) my keys – I had to call my flatmate to let me in.

2.     I _ (lose) my keys – can you help me look for them?

3.     I (visit) Paris three times.

4.     Last year I (visit) Paris.

5.     I (know) my great grandmother for a few years - she died when I was eight.

6.     I (know) Julie for three years – we still meet once a month.

7.     I _ (play) hockey since I was a child – I’m pretty good!

8.     She (play) hockey at school, but she (not / like) it.

9.     Sorry, I (miss) the bus, so I’m going to be late.

10. I (miss) the bus, and then I (miss) the aeroplane as well! 11.Last month I (go) to Scotland.

12.I’m sorry, John isn’t here now. He (go) to the shops. 13.We (finish) this room last week.

14.I _ (finish) my exams finally – I’m so happy! 15.Yesterday, I (see) all my friends. It was great.

16.I _ (see) Julie three times this week! 17.She (live) in London since 1994.

18. She (live) in London when she was a child.

19. I _ (drink) three cups of coffee this morning.

20. I (drink) seven cups of coffee yesterday.


➤➤Exercise 10. Present Perfect or Past Simple

Choose the present perfect or past simple:

1.     I (see) three police cars this morning (it’s still morning).

2.     After he  

(arrive) home, he                         

(unpack) and                          

(go) to bed early.

3.     A: What’s wrong?

B: I (break) a glass!

4.     My grandparents only    (get) married.

(know) each other for a few months before they                         

5.     I (be) in London for three years. I love it here.

6.     We (see) Julie last night.

7.     He (be) a teacher before he (become) a musician.

8.     When the boss (walk) into the room, we (know) someone was going to get fired.

9.     The children      (break) a window in the school last week. 10.He   (see) that film last year.

11.Lucy (break) her leg, so she can’t come skiing. 12.Julie (arrive)! Come and say hello!

13. They (be) cold when they (arrive) home.

14. Jack  

(break) his arm when he                          

(fall) off a horse in 2005.

15.   I  

(know) about the problem for months, but I                         

(not / find) a

solution yet.

16. A: When (you / arrive)?

B: At 10pm last night.

17. She (be) a teacher for ten years, and she still enjoys it.

18.   How long (you / know) Jill? I know you see her often.

19.   I (see) the sea before.

20.   A: Hello

B: Hi Mum, it’s me. I just wanted to say I                         fine.

(arrive) safely and everything is


➤➤Exercise 11. Past Simple and Present Perfect


Choose the past simple or the present perfect:

1.     We (go) to the theatre last week.

2.     Yesterday I (have) dinner with a friend.

3.     I (never / taste) champagne.

4.     When I _  (be) a child, I _ (love) ice skating.

5.     I (not/ have) any coffee today – I feel very sleepy!

6.     I (not / drink) any coffee yesterday.

7.     I (read) all his books – I think he’s a wonderful writer.

8.     What _ (do) at the weekend?

9.     I (always / love) tea – I drink it every day. 10.What subject (she / study) at university?

11. John (lose) his bus pass – can he borrow some money? 12.How long                   _ (you / know) Susie for?

13.He     (be) married for ten years (but he got divorced). 14. (you / ever / go) to Central Park in New York?

15. How many books (she / write) so far?

16.   He  

(wash) the dishes,                          

(clean) the living room and                          

(cook) dinner last night.

17.   My great-grandfather never (leave) Scotland.

18.   She (come) to London in 1997.

19.   She (never / see) snow before.

20.   He            (be) married for thirty-five years (and he’s still married now).


➤➤Exercise 12. Present Perfect or Past Simple


Choose the present perfect or past simple:

1.     I (never / go) to Vienna.

2.     My great great grandfather (have) five sisters

3.     He (live) in Manila for a year when he was a student.

4.     Oh no! I (lose) my wallet!

5.        (you / see) Julie today?

6.     At the weekend, they (play) football, then they

          _ (go) to a restaurant.

7.     I (read) six books this week.

8.     Amy (live) in Portugal when she was young.

9.     She (visit) her grandmother last month. 10.The Vandals (invade) Rome in the year 455.

11. She cultures.

(live) in seven different countries, so she knows a lot about different

12. I (go) to the cinema last night. 13.Ow! I (cut) my finger!

14.    (you / see) ‘The King’s Speech’?

15. John (never / understand) the present perfect.

16. She (break) her leg the day before her exam. 17.We (see) Oliver yesterday.

18. He _ (be) here all morning.

19. They (live) here for many years (and they still do). 20.King Henry the Eighth of England (have) six wives.

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