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Present Simple

Present Continuous

Things which are always true:

•  Water boils at 100 degrees.

Things which are happening at the moment of speaking:

•  The water is boiling now, so you can put in the pasta.

Permanent situations (or nearly permanent; true for a few years at least):

•  Julie lives in London.

Temporary situations:

•  Julie is living in Paris for a few months (usually she lives in London).

Situations which are slowly changing:• I'm getting better and better at

speaking English.

Habits or things we do regularly:

•  I drink coffee every morning.

Temporary or new habits:

•  I'm drinking too much coffee these days because I'm so busy at work.

Annoying habits (usually with 'always'): • My flatmate is always leaving the

kitchen in a mess!

Future events which are part of a timetable:

•  My plane leaves at eight tonight. To talk about the future after certain words ('when' 'until' 'after' 'before' 'as soon as'):

•  I'll call you when I get home.

Definite future plans:

•  I'm meeting John after class today.

To talk about what happens in books, plays and films:

•  At the end of the book, the detective catches the killer.

To talk about people in pictures and photos:

•  In this photo, my mother is walking beside a lake.


We use the present simple with stative verbs (Appendix I). We can't use any continuous tense (including the present continuous tense, of course) with stative verbs.





➤➤Exercise 3. Present Simple or Present Continuous?


Make the present simple or present continuous:

1.     You (not / like) chocolate.

2.     She (not / study) at the moment.

3.     We often (go) _ to the cinema.

4.     He usually (not / do) his homework.

5.     They (not / eat) rice every day.

6.     We (not / study) every night.

7.     (You / like) spicy food?

8.     (She / go) to Scotland often?

9.     (He / eat) now?

10. We (go)      to the cinema this weekend. 11.They (study)           now.

12.I (clean) the kitchen every day. 13.She (work)       _ every Sunday. 14.We (not / sleep)         now.

15.He (not / go)                    to the park very often. 16.It (rain)          a lot here.

17.I (go)    on holiday tomorrow. 18.How long (she / stay)            in London?

19.I often (read) at night. 20.We (not / drink) much wine.


➤➤Exercise 4. Present Continuous All Forms


Make the present continuous:

1.  (I / be silly? )

2.  (they / not / read)

3.  (I / cook tonight)

4.  (he / see the doctor tomorrow? )

5.  (you / eat chocolate? )

6.  (what/you/do?)

7.  (we / make a mistake ? )

8.  (you / come tomorrow)

9.  (it / snow)

10.  (John/ sleep at the moment)

11.  (he / not / dance)

12.  (how / they / get here? )

13.  (when / it / start? )

14.  (I / not / speak Chinese at the moment)

15.  (Jill / drink tea now? )

16.  (he / pay the bill at the moment? )

17.  (I / stay with a friend for the weekend)

18.  (when / John / arrive?)

19.  (they / come to the party?)

20.  (we / not / study)



➤➤Exercise 5 . Present Simple or Present Continuous?


Choose the present simple or present continuous:

1.     (You / come) tonight?

2.     (He / eat) rice every day?

3.     I (work) at the moment.

4.     (He / come) to London often?

5.     He (play) tennis now.

6.     (You / come) to the cinema later?

7.     They (not / come) to the party

8.     tomorrow.

9.     He (not / play)               _ golf now. 10.(You / play)      tennis this Sunday? 11.They (go)   to a restaurant every 12.Saturday.

13.She (not / go)    to the cinema very 14.often.

15. You usually (arrive) late.

16. He normally (eat)           _ dinner at home. 17.(You / study) every night?

18.(They / work) _ late usually? 19.You (not / go) _ out later.

20.I (not / work) tonight. 21.(She / work) at the moment?

22.I (not / drink)      coffee very often. 23.Julie (sleep) now.


➤➤Exercise 6. Present Simple or Present Continuous?


Make the present simple or present continuous:

1.     You (not / like) chocolate.

2.     She (not / study) at the moment.

3.     We often (go) _ to the cinema.

4.     He usually (not / do) his homework.

5.     They (not / eat) rice every day.

6.     We (not / study) every night.

7.     (You / like) spicy food?

8.     (She / go) to Scotland often?

9.     (He / eat) now?

10. We (go)      to the cinema this weekend. 11.They (study)           now.

12.I (clean) the kitchen every day. 13.She (work)       _ every Sunday. 14.We (not / sleep)         now.

15.He (not / go)                    to the park very often. 16.It (rain)          a lot here.

17.I (go)    on holiday tomorrow. 18.How long (she / stay)            in London?

19.I often (read) at night. 20.We (not / drink) much wine.


➤➤Exercise 7. Present Simple or Present Continuous?


Choose the present simple or the present continuous. Watch out for stative verbs.

1.     Julie (read) in the garden.

2.     What (we / have) for dinner tonight?

3.     She (have) two daughters.

4.     I (stay) in Spain for two weeks this summer.

5.     He often _ (come) over for dinner.

6.     The class (begin) at nine every day.

7.     What (you / eat) at the moment?

8.     What (Susie / do) tomorrow?

9.     I (not / work) on Sundays.

10. She (not / study) now, she (watch) TV. 11.How often (you / go) to restaurants?

12.I (not / go) on holiday this summer. 13.I'm sorry, I (not / understand). 14.She (work) as a waitress for a month.

15.She (take) a salsa dancing class every Tuesday. 16.It (be) cold here in winter.

17.Take your umbrella, it _ (rain). 18.This cake (taste) delicious.

19. The bag (belong) to Jack. 20.When _ (you / arrive) tonight?

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