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What is a Tag question?

A tag question comes when someone finishes their sentence with a short question and speaker wants to know the view of listener about their sentence. Basically a tag question is one where a statement is made, but the speaker wants a response from the listener to make sure their information is correct or to seek argument. A ‘Tag Question’ or ‘Question Tag’ always added at the end of a sentence.


auxiliary verb + subject

1.           We use the same auxiliary verb in the tag as in the main sentence. If there is no auxiliary verb in the main sentence, we use do in the tag.

Ø  You live in Spain, don’t you?

2.           If the auxiliary verb in the sentence is affirmative, the tag is negative.

Ø  You’re Spanish, aren’t you?

3.           If the auxiliary verb in the sentence is negative, the tag is affirmative.

Ø  You’re not Spanish, are you?


1.           We use tag questions to confirm or check information or ask for agreement.

Ø   You want to come with me, don’t you?

Ø   You can swim, can’t you?

Ø   You don’t know where the boss is, do you?

Ø   This meal is horrible, isn’t it?

Ø   That film was fantastic, wasn’t it?

2.           We use tag questions to check whether something is true.

Ø   The meeting’s tomorrow at 9am, isn’t it?

Ø   You won’t go without me, will you?


1.           In the present form of be: if the subject is “I”, the auxiliary changes to are or

aren’t in the tag question.

Ø  I’m sitting next to you, aren’t I?

Ø  I’m a little red, aren’t I?

2.           With let’s, the tag question is shall we?

Ø  Let’s go to the beach, shall we?

Ø  Let’s have a coffee, shall we?

3.           With an imperative, the tag question is will you?

Ø  Close the window, will you?

Ø  Hold this, will you?

4.           We use an affirmative tag question after a sentence containing a negative word such as never, hardly, nobody.

Ø  Nobody lives in this house, do they?

Ø  You’ve never liked me, have you?

5.           When the subject is nothing, we use “it” in the tag question.

Ø  Nothing bad happened, did it?

Ø  Nothing ever happens, does it?

6.           If the subject is nobody, somebody, everybody, no one, someone or everyone, we use “they” in the tag question.

Ø  Nobody asked for me, did they?

Ø  Nobody lives here, do they?

7.           If the main verb in the sentence is have (not an auxiliary verb), it is more common to use do in the tag question.

Ø  You have a Ferrari, don’t you?

Ø  She had a great time, didn’t she?

8.           With used to, we use “didn’t” in the tag question.

Ø  You used to work here, didn’t you?

Ø  He used to have long hair, didn’t he?

9.        We can use affirmative tag questions after affirmative sentences to express a reaction such as surprise or interest.

Ø  You’re moving to Brazil, are you?


I. Affirmative statement

Negative tag


He is excellent at languages,

isn't he?


You were late,

weren't you?


They are working on a new project,

aren't they?


She writes good poems,

doesn't she?


We have worked hard to earn this money,

haven't we?


He called her,

didn't he?


You should see a doctor,

shouldn't you?


He can drive,

can't he?


You will help us,

won't you?


II. Negative statement

Affirmative tag


He isn't an athlete,

is he?


They weren't early,

were they?


You aren't writing a new book,

are you?


She doesn't work in a hospital,

does she?


He hasn't found the solution,

has he?


You didn't visit the museum,

did you?


We shouldn't sleep late,

should we?


You won't tell her,

will you?


III. Imperative


keep quiet

won't you ?

Can’t you?



Match the beginnings of the sentences to the correct endings.




Question Tags


as looking forward to that film, but it was a load of rubbish,

a. isn't it?


talked and talked about the same topic for hours,

b. have they?


That's my coat,

c. doesn't she?


You don't know the answer,

d. didn't he?


They haven't been married very long,

e. does he?


You won’t be home till after midnight,

f. had we


Peter doesn't like chocolates,

g. do you?


We hadn't been there very long,

h. wasn't it?


She lives in Paris,

i. can you?


You can't swim,

j. will you?

II. Complete the sentences with a suitable question tag.

1.           Oh  no! They're vegetarians, ? And I've made a chickencasserole!

2.           Your sister couldn't give me a lift, _? My car won't start.

3.           The flight from Paris arrives at ten o'clock, ?

4.           Let's go out tonight, ?

5.           You will remember to get some petrol before you set off, ?

6.           There weren't any mistakes in my essay, ?

7.           Don't forget to turn off the computer before you leave, ?

8.           Everybody enjoyed Tom's party, ?

9.           I really messed up, ?

10.        The jury has taken its decision, ?

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