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Top 19 Grammar Books (PDF)


Technology Based Idioms and Phrases

Technology Based Idioms and Phrases

1.                a cog in the machine – an insignificant member of a huge organisation or system

2.                a well-oiled machine – an organisation that operates smoothly

3.                acid test – a test of something’s value or success

4.                as bright as a button – very intelligent

5.                bells and whistles – extra features and trimmings

6.                cutting edge – advanced and innovative

7.                in tune with – in agreement or harmony with someone or something

8.                it’s not rocket science – it’s not difficult

9.                on the ball – alert

10.             on the same wavelength – to be in agreement/to have similar views and ideas

11.             to blow a fuse – to lose your temper

12.             to button your lip – to stay quiet

13.             to get your wires crossed – to have a misunderstanding

14.             to have something down to a science – to have perfected something through routine and repetition

15.             to hit the panic button – to panic or take emergency measures

16.             to know what makes someone tick – to know what motivates someone

17.             to pull the plug – to prevent something from continuing or happening

18.             to push someone’s buttons – to provoke someone

19.             to reinvent the wheel – to waste time and effort creating something that already exists

20.             to run out of steam – to lose enthusiasm

21.             Sputnik moment -moment of challenge when a person realizes they must work harder to surpass their competitors.

22.             Silver surfer- A silver surfer is an elderly person who uses the internet.

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