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Tense: Active Voice and Passive Voice


Active Voice:

       Present Continuous: I am playing; he/she/it is playing; we/you/they are playing.


[Sözün söylendiği an; for future, present simple]


       Present Simple: I/we/you/they play, he/she/it speaks. Do I/we/you/they play? Does he/she/it speak?


[States, routins; scientific]


       Present Perfect: I/we/you/they have played; he/she/it has spoken.


       Present Perfect Continuous: I/we/you/they have been playing; he/she/it has been speaking. [Began in the past and continuous to the present]


       Past Continuous: I/he/she/it was playing; we/you/they were speaking.


[Diğer olay olduğunda ya da olurken devam eden diğer olayı anlatmada kullanılır. Past Simple]


       Past Simple: I/he/she/it/we/you/they spoke; did I/he/she/it/we/you/they speak? [ Bilinen zamanda biten eylemler; Also it is used with Past Continuous or Past Perfect ]


       Past Perfect: I/he/she/it/we/you/they had spoken.


[When /before /after / by the time + Past Simple, Past perfect]


       Past Perfect Continuous: I/he/she/it/we/you/they had been playing.


       Future Simple: I/he/she/it/we/you/they will play.


[Future plan: to be going to, öneri, kestirim, söz verme, gönüllü, isyeterek: will. Present simple and Present Continuous are used for future plans.]


       Future Continuous: I/he/she/it/we/you/they will be playing.


[Gelecekte başlayacak olan]


       Future Perfect: I/he/she/it/we/you/they will have played.


[Gelecekte tamanlanmış olacak]


       Future Perfect Continuous: I/he/she/it/we/you/they will have been playing.




      My father gave me a present yesterday.


      I often go to school by bus.


      They collected lettuce, bell peppers, sweet potatoes and tomatoes, before enjoying a late lunch in the White House. [Lettuce: marul, bell peppers: dolmalık biber ] , before they enjoyed a late …


      They acted quickly to find a solution


      Peter's daughters work at a large bank.


      He will speak to the manager.


      She was wearing a light summer dress and sandals.


      It has been a great challenge and a great achievement.


      Lena couldn't find her textbook after class. Maybe somebody took it.


      Can you give me some money?  Sorry. I don't have any.


      I read two stories yesterday. The first story was very interesting, but I didn't like the other one.


      All life needs energy to survive, and the biggest source of energy for life on Earth is the Sun.


      Nobody knows exactly when life began.



Passive Voice:

Simple Present: I am informed; he/she/it is informed; we/you/they are informed


Present Continuous: I am being informed; he/she/it is being informed; we/you/they are being informed


Present Perfect: I/we/you/they have been informed; he/she/it has been informed


Past simple: I/he/she/it was informed; we/you/they were informed


Past Continuous: I/he/she/it was being informed; we/you/they were being informed


Past Perfect: I/he/she/it/we/you/they had been informed


Simple Future: I/he/she/it/we/you/they will be informed


Future Perfect: I/he/she/it/we/you/they will have been informed




      The English king was killed at the Battle of Bosworth on 22 August, 1485.


      His remains were found under a car park in Leicester in 2012.


      President Barack Obama's credit card was declined at a restaurant in New York City last month.


      He has always been concerned about regular people. (Past Participle)


      The system will be used by students as a research and training tool.


      Some of the people who were invited to the meeting refused to participate.


      I have several friends. They live near my house on the same street.

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