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The Active and Passive Voice


As well as having tense distinctions, verbs in English possess voice characteristics. There are two main voices in English: active and passive. The difference between them is that the subject of a passive construction, unlike the subject of an active construction, is not the doer (agent) of the action but the receiver of it, while the doer (agent) of a passive verb is expressed by the object of the passive construction.

Active Voice

Passive Voice

Subject            Predicate                        Object The storm               damaged                        the roof.

doer                                   receiver

Subject            Predicate                            Object The roof   was damaged    by the storm.

receiver                                          doer


It is formed with the auxiliary verb ―to be‖ in the required tense and Past participle (V3) of the main verb.






am is










will be asked


am is



being asked





being asked








been asked


had been asked


will have been asked


Only the verbs which take an object can go into the passive (=transitive verbs). Intransitive verbs can‘t be used in the Passive Voice.

A feature of English is that a verb in the active form may have a passive meaning.

e.g.       The cow milks well.

The cardigan wears well. The dress washes badly.

The passive is preferred to the active when we are more interested in the action than in the person who does it. It happens in the following cases:

1)                 when it is not necessary to mention the doer of the action as it is obvious who she/he is/was or will be.

e.g. The streets are swept every day.

2) when the speaker doesn‘t know who did the action or when the doer cannot be named definitely. In such cases the subject of the active sentence would be typically expressed by the noun ―people‖ or by the indefinite pronouns ―one, someone, somebody, they, you‖.

e.g. My car has been moved.

=Someone has moved my car.

A new public library is being built.

=They are building a new public library.

1)                       when the speaker wants to avoid an awkward or ungrammatical sentence (when the subject of an active sentence consists of a long expression).

e.g. Don‘s decision to give up his job and move to Sydney surprised me. (-)

I was surprised by Don‘s decision to give up his job and move to Sydney. (+)

2)                       when the speaker wants to disclaim responsibility for disagreeable announcements or when he wants to make a polite statement.

e.g. You have opened the letter! (impolite) The letter has been opened. (polite)

The passive is more widely used in formal English and in written English. It is common for official rules, news items, newspaper reports of accidents and crimes, instructions, advertisements, headlines, signs, science and technology, formal explanations.

If we want to say who did the action we introduce the doer by ―by‖, the instrument which was used to perform an action is introduced by the preposition ―with‖. ―With‖ is also used to talk about materials and ingredients.

e.g. He was accompanied by his friend. The building was lit by lightning.

The windows were broken with a baseball bat. He was killed with a knife.

Irish coffee is made with whisky. The room was filled with smoke.


Uses of the Passive Voice peculiar to the English language.

There are cases when the use of the Passive Voice seems to us very peculiar because we find no analogous constructions in Russian. These cases are as follows:

1.        The verbs to accord, to advice, to allow, to ask, to award, to deny, to envy, to forbid, to forgive, to give, to grant, to offer, to order, to pay, to prescribe, to promise, to refuse, to show, to teach, to tell are used in the Passive Voice. These verbs always take an object expressed by a noun or an infinitive. The action expressed by the Passive Predicate passes on to the subject and the object. The subject corresponds to the Russian indirect object.

She was granted a two days‘ leave.

Has he been shown a new picture?

Note. If the object is expressed by a noun we can say not only I was given a book, but also A book was given to me. The choice of the construction depends on the logical stress: in I was given a book the thing given is emphasized, which occurs oftener; in The book was given to me the person is emphasized.

2.        The Passive Voice is possible with intransitive verbs used with prepositions: to account for, to agree upon, to allude to, to arrive at (a conclusion, agreement, decision), to call for, to call upon, to comment upon(on), to depend on, to deal with, to fire at, to  hear of, to hear from, to insist on (upon), to interfere with, to laugh at, to listen to, to look at, to look after, to look for, to look into, to look upon, to look down, to look up to, to mock at, to object to, to provide for, to put up with, to read to, to refer to, to rely on, to run over, to send for, to speak about (of), to shout at, to think highly (well, badly, poorly) of, to talk about (to, over), to wait for, to write to.

e.g. This book is always referred to. My friend can be relied on. Little children like to be read to.

The phrasal verb to do away with the preposition ―with‖ can be used in the Passive Voice.

In our country illiteracy was done away with many years ago.

Note. To send for can be used only in connection with people.

The secretary was sent for.

«Послать за лекарством, книгой» should be translated in the following way: to send someone to get medicine (the book). But we can say: A car (a taxi) was sent for.

3.        The following verbal phraseological units can be used in the passive Voice: to do away with, to find fault with, to lose sight of , to make use of, to make fun of, to pay attention to, to put an end to, to put up with, to set fire to, to take care of, to take notice of.

e.g. His words were taken no notice of.

Their conversation was put an end to by a sudden telephone call.

4.        When phrasal verbs are followed by a direct object without a preposition remember to keep the two parts of the phrasal verb together in a passive structure.


Active Voice

Passive Voice

They knocked down old buildings in the

centre of the city.

Old buildings in the centre of the city were

knocked down.


5.        When the subject of the passive predicate corresponds to the Russian adverbial modifier then we use the intransitive verbs to live and to sleep with the preposition ―in‖.

e.g. This old house on the hill is not lived in. The bed was not slept in.

6.        There are a number of transitive verbs in English which correspond to intransitive verbs in Russian. They are: to affect, to answer, to assist, to attend, to follow, to help, to influence, to join, to watch. These verbs naturally admit of the passive construction while their Russian equivalents cannot be used in the Passive Voice.

e.g. His report was followed by a discussion.

Here is a list of prepositional verbs (A), phrasal verbs (B) and phraseological units (C) to be learnt:


1.       account for – to give an explanation or reason for;

2.       arrive at (a decision, conclusion, agreement) – to reach, to come to;

3.       ask for – to make a request for;

4.       approve of – to consider good, wise, right; disapprove of – to consider bad, wrong, unwise;

5.       break into – to enter by force: to break into a house;

6.       call for – to demand (e.g. to call for the waiter, to call for the bill); to collect (someone or something);

7.       comment on – to make a remark, give an opinion;

8.       deal with – to do business, to trade with;

9.       depend on – to trust (usually someone);

10.   hear from – to receive news from someone usually by letter;

11.   hear of – to know or to hear about (a fact, existence of something or somebody);

12.   insist on (upon) – to declare firmly (when opposed);

13.   interfere with – to get in the way of another, to prevent from happening;

14.   laugh at – to treat as foolish, worthless or an object of fun;

15.   listen to – to give attention in hearing;

16.   look at – to give attention in seeing, use the eyes;

17.   look after – to take care of someone or something;

18.   look for – to try to find;

19.   look into – to examine the meaning or causes of something;

20.   mock at – to laugh at (someone or something) when it is wrong to do so;

21.   object to – to be against something or someone;

22.   provide for – to support, supply with necessary things;

23.   read to – to say printed or written words especially to give pleasure to others;

24.   refer to – to mention, speak about;

25.   rely on – to trust someone to do something;

26.   send for – to give a command, request;

27.   shout at – to give a loud cry, speak or say very loudly;

28.   think highly (well, little, poorly) of someone or something – to have a good (bad, etc.) opinion of someone or something;

29.   wait for – to stay somewhere without doing anything until somebody or something comes or something happens;

30.   write to – to produce and send (a letter);

e.g. I hope the child will be looked after while the parents are away. She was well provided for in her husband‘s will.

I hate to be shouted at.

His foolish behaviour could not be accounted for.


1.         blow down – to fall by blowing;

2.         blow out –to (cause) stop burning;

3.         break down – to destroy something, reduce to pieces;

4.         bring up – to educate and care for the family until grown; to raise or introduce (a subject, a question);

5.         call up –to order(someone) to join the armed forces;

6.         give up – to stop believing that someone can be saved especially from death;

7.         hold up – to delay;

8.         knock down – to destroy a house by means of blows;

9.         let down – to cause someone to be disappointed in one‘s loyalty; to fail to keep a promise t someone;

10.    pick on – to choose someone to do an unpleasant job or blame someone for something, especially unfairly; to choose something or someone;

11.    pick out – to choose someone or something carefully; to recognize someone or something in a group of people or things;

12.    pick up – to lift something up from a surface; to collect someone who is waiting for you or something that you have left somewhere;

13.    point out – to draw attention to something or someone;

14.    pull down – to break to pieces and destroy something;

15.    pull out – to remove by drawing out;

16.    put off – to move to a later date, to delay;

17.    run over (of a vehicle or its driver) – to nock down and pass over the top of (esp. a creature);

18.    see off – to go to the airport, station, etc. with someone who is beginning a trip;

19.    take down – to write down; to separate (a large machine or article) into pieces;

e.g.       The mail will be picked up a bit later. Their wedding has been put off.

The window was blown out by the explosion.


1.       to do away with – to cause to end, abolish;

2.       find fault with – to complain, perhaps too much or too often;

3.       lose sight of – to cease to see; to forget;

4.       make use of – to use well, to take advantage of;

5.       make fun of – to laugh or cause others to laugh rather unkindly;

6.       pay attention to – to take notice of;

7.       put an end to – to stop from happening any more;

8.       put up with – to accept an unpleasant situation or person without complaining;

9.       set fire to – to light (something) not really meant to burn, set something on fire;

10.   take (good) care of – to be responsible for someone or something;

11.   take notice of – to pay attention to;

e.g. She said something but her words were taken no notice of. This state of affairs will be put an end to.

At last the ship was lost sight of. The main purpose of the discussion mustn’t be lost sight of.



Choose. Read the sentences and decide if they are Active (A) or Passive (P).

1.        A small sum of money was stolen from the cash box.

2.        Reader`s Digest was founded in 1922.

3.        Millions of people read it.

4.        A large type edition is also printed.

5.        They also read it.

6.        Reader`s Digest is published once a month.

7.        It has been translated into many languages.

8.        Many readers subscribe to the magazine.

9.        It is sold in newsagents throughout the country.

10.      I read an interesting article in it.

11.      The article was written by a famous scientist.

12.      A new article will be written soon.


Ex. 2

Active into Passive. Which sentences cannot be turned from Active into Passive?

A)  Passive form is possible

B)      Passive form is impossible


1.        They didn`t ask her name.

2.        Ann saw Mary in the park.

3.        Has anyone answered your question?

4.        They danced all night.

5.        On Sunday evening we all met at my friend`s.

6.        Someone told us a funny story yesterday.

7.        You can`t park your car in the street before this office.

8.        This kind of flowers doesn`t bloom very often.

9.        His parents have brought him up to be polite.

10.      The plane from Minsk was several hours late.

11.      The fire has caused considerable damage.

12.      My shoes don`t fit me.

13.      People must obey the law.

14.      He was having a bath.

15.      A famous designer will decorate the hall.

Ex. 3

Choose the correct word or phrase.

1.       The prime minister was / has criticized for his recent actions.

2.       When I walked past the Brown`s house, their new sofa was/has being delivered.

3.       Our teacher was / has told us to take our favourite book to school tomorrow.

4.       I think my mobile was / has been stolen!

5.       Ann was/has chosen to play the lead role in the play.

6.       I`m sleeping downstairs because my bedroom is being painted/has been painted.

7.       This picture was/has probably taken during winter.

8.       Your essays must be/have handed in on Friday.

9.       Someone was/has left their wallet on the floor.

10.     Did you hear about the bank being/having robbed?

11.     Treasure Island was/has written by R.L. Stevenson.

12.   It was a real shock when my dad was/has fired from his job.

13.     The Vikings had visited America before it was/has discovered by Columbus.

14.   When we got to the airport, we learned that our flight was/had been delayed.

15.     Was/has your ticket for the concert paid for by you or your parents?


Ex. 4

Complete using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1.       The Earth ……… (hold) by the gravity of the Sun and orbits around it.

2.       The   first feature-length comedy film (create) by Charlie Chaplin.

3.       The award for best video (present) later this evening.

4.       By the time you read this, I (arrest) for murder.

5.       I don`t know if our tests (mark) yet or not.

6.       Radio waves (discover) by Marconi.

7.       You wouldn`t think it to look at him now, but Jack ………... (bully) when he was at school.

8.       Your application (consider) and we will let you know as soon as we`ve

made a decision.

9.       The roof of the car can (lower) by pressing this button here.

10.     Our tent ………….. (blow) over in the night by the wind.

11.     Chess (play) for around two thousand years now.

12.     Two men (question) at this moment by police in connection with the


Ex. 5

Write sentences in the passive.

1.       Our car / service/ a mechanic/ at the moment.

2.       A man / shoot/ an air gun/ outside the petrol station last night.

3.       Gunpowder / invent/ the Chinese.

4.       At the surgery yesterday, I/ examine/ Dr Jon/and I/give/ a prescription.

5.       I went to see it because I/ tell/ it was a good film/ all my friends.

6.       This photograph/ take/my friend.

7.       It looked like the window/ break/ a hammer/ some time before.

8.       Our dog/ give/ an injection/ a special syringe/ the vet.

9.       The winning goal in last match/ score/ Donatello/ a brilliant free kick.

10.   Your cheque/send/ last Friday and / should/ deliver/ to you tomorrow.


Ex. 6

Rewrite in the passive starting with the words given.

1.      People say that Bali is a beautiful island. It ………..

2.   People generally think that life won`t be found on Mars. It …………

3.   It is generally said that Christmas is too commercialized. Christmas ………….

4.     People often argue that prison doesn`t work. It ………………

5.     People have suggested that the school should start to produce a magazine. It …………….

6.   People say that crocodile tastes like squid. Crocodile ……………

7.     It is said that the Vikings discovered America before Columbus. The Vikings ……………

8.        People think that heart disease is caused by eating the wrong things. Heart disease ……………



Rewrite the sentences using the passive form of the underlined verbs.

1.   They gave up the search after 3 hours.

2.   They ought to have pointed that out to me at the very beginning.

3.   No one brought up that question at the meeting.

4.   Somebody should look into the matter.

5.   It was clever that the parents had brought the child up well.

6.   He had to put off our visit until later.

7.   I was shocked to hear that someone had broken into your house.

8.   Don`t speak until someone speaks to you.

9.   His bank manager turned down his request for a loan.

10.   You must account for every penny you spent.

11.   Someone hasn`t stuck this stamp on very firmly.

12.   Events will bear out the truth of what I`m saying.

13.   An official held us up at the Customs for half an hour.

14.   How can we bring about the desired result?


Ex. 8

Complete the sentences with a passive construction using the verbs given and the forms suggested.

1.        Much of London (destroy) by fire in the 17th century. (Past Indefinite)

2.        The men who (bite) a snake (give) a serum. (Past Perfect, Past Indefinite).

3.        A leader should be a man who can (respect). (Infinitive).

4.        Many slums (demolish) to make way for new buildings. (Present Continuous)

5.        The police (instruct) to take firm action against hooligans. (Present Perfect).

6.        A cease-fire (expect) (declare) later this week. (Present Indefinite, Infinitive).

7.        The worker claimed that he (victimize) by his employers. (Past Continuous).

8.        It (think) that the Government would do something to help. (Past Perfect).

9.        Three hundred new houses (build) by the end of the next year. (Future Perfect).

10.      Because of a strike work on the building had to (discontinue). (Infinitive).

11.    Customers (ask) to ensure that they (give) the correct change before leaving the shop, as mistakes cannot afterwards (rectify). (Present Indefinite, Present Perfect, Infinitive).


Ex. 9

Choose the correct answer.

1.       We a swimming pool put in this week.

a)       get

b)       are having

c)       have

d)       have got

2.       Why don`t you get a doctor ..… at your arm?

a)       to look

b)       looked

c)       look

d)       be looking

3.       My teeth were a little yellow so I ….. by the dentist.

a)       had cleaned them

b)       have them cleaned

c)       was cleaned them

d)       had them cleaned

4.       Brown`s thinking of having .….!

a)       shaved his head

b)       his head shaving

c)       his head shaved

d)       shaved to his head

5.       My sister ….. her ear pierced last Monday.

a)       made

b)       got

c)       did

d)       took

6.       Mum and Dad didn`t fancy cooking, so we got a pizza ….. .

a)        be delivered

b)      to be delivered

c)      delivered

d)      deliver

7.       You should ….. a professional to check your house for earthquake damage.

a)       have

b)       made

c)       take

d)       get

8.       She wanted to have a live band at her wedding.

a)       to be played

b)       play

c)       played

d)       been playing

9.       Can we …… this summer?

a)       get installed air-conditioning

b)       get air-conditioning to install

c)       have installed air-conditioning

d)       have air-conditioning installed

10.     We while we were on holiday.

a)       were burgled our house

b)       had our house burgled

c)       had burgled our house

d)       got burgled our house


Right/wrong – Passive Voice. Find the mistake and correct it.

A) right B) wrong


1.        By 4 o`clock Ann was tired of fishing.

2.        These bushes have grown so high that they block the window.

3.        Since all our matches had soaked when the boat turned over we couldn`t make a fire.

4.        His face was covered with scratches and his clothes was torn and dirty.

5.        The plane wasn`t delayed in Brest.

6.        The letter has to sign the chief of police.

7.        Peaches can be bought here for 10 p each.

8.        Jim laughed as he fell into the water.

9.        The meeting was to be continued after lunch.

10.      He was such a good runner that he could be caught.

11.      It was obvious that the order couldn`t be controlled by authorities.

12.      The passes through the mountains were often block with snow during the winter.

13.   These lilac bushes should being trimmed.

14.      It was impossible to tell what was in the can, for the label has been torn off.

15.      A calendar tells you how each month will divide into weeks.

16.      I hope they will have been received the papers by tomorrow afternoon.


Ex. 11

Insert prepositions and translate the sentences into Russian.

1.       Troops have been called … .

2.       The trains were held … by fog.

3.       This is to be left here. It will be called … .

4.       The police were called … .

5.       He was looked … to by everyone.

6.       He will be seen … at the airport by all his friends.

7.       Her bed hasn`t been slept … .

8.       The house was broken … .

9.       That notice was taken … by his secretary.

10.               After a million dollars had been spent, their experiment was given … .

11.               She is often taken … her brother.

12.               These skyscrapers will have to be pulled … soon.

13.               No conclusion was arrived ….

14.               I hate to be shouted … . .

15.               I`m not prepared to think that I`m being made a fool … .

16.               No notice was taken … the boy at first.

17.               These pictures must be looked … with great attention.

18.               This child is always being found fault … .

19.               The discussion was put an end … by his sudden arrival.

20.               Soon the car was lost sight ….

21.               He was looked … … by all the boys.

22.               Though the question had been discussed for a long time no decision was arrived … .

23.               The visit of this delegation is widely commented … in the newspapers.

24.               He can be depended … to keep strict silence.

25.               He left for Australia five years ago and hasn‘t been heard … since.

26.               I‘m sure the idea of spending this week-end in town will be strongly objected … .

27.               Unfortunately our work was constantly interfered … .

28.               His presence at the meeting will be insisted … .

29.               Don‘t say foolish things. You‘ll be laughed … .

30.               The children should be looked … better. They look so scruffy.

31.               A shop was broken … last night. A man was seen leaving the premises.

32.               He was knocked … by a bus and taken to hospital.

33.               The matter will be dealt … as soon as possible.

34.               The old rules have been done away … .

35.               This book is very popular with the readers. It is often asked … .

36.               The cottage hasn‘t been lived … for a long time.

37.               An endless number of examples was made use … in his report.

38.               Don‘t worry. The children will be taken good care … in your absence.

39.               Here you are at last. You have been waited … too long.

40.               He can never be relied … . Whenever he makes a promise he always breaks it.

Ex. 12

All these sentences contain errors. Spot and correct them.

1.        The late arrival of the plane can be accounted by bad weather.

2.        After an interesting discussion about the problem the agreement was arrived to.

3.        The proposal was approved by the Project Coordinating Team.

4.        The President‘s speech was widely commented by mass media.

5.        This will be dealt in chapter seven.

6.        Sarah has not been heard for a long time. I hope she will write soon.

7.        Higher salary will be insisted about.

8.        His work was constantly being interfered in.

9.        I am not going to stand here and be laughed by a crowd of ignorant fools.

10.   I like to be listened carefully.

11.   It pleased her to be looked to.

12.   Old Mrs Peabody lives with her children and is well looked at.

13.   The matter will be looked after in the near future.

14.   The servants were well provided with in Mr Johnson‘s will.

15.   Little children like to be read about.

16.   Later the data were referred for.

17.   The sick child was taken good care.

18.   Jane was written and informed about the conference.

19.   Several trees were blown down out by the hurricane.

20.   The door was blown up by the explosion.

21.   The baby is always picked out whenever it starts crying.

22.   The hitchhiker was picked on by the truck driver.

23.   His rotten tooth must be pulled away.

24.   When he leaves he will be seen out by all his relatives.

25.   The plane took off and soon it was lost sight.


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