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“There is” used when object is singular or uncountable noun (has). “There are” is used when object is plural noun (have).


      The book is on the table. (Where is the book?) There is a book on the table. (What is on the table?)


Interrogative form: is/are there + object?


Negative form: there isn't/ aren't+ object.


Past simple: there is -> there was; there are -> there were




      If there's one thing everyone knows about the Dead Sea it is that you can't sink in it.


      There are six chairs and one table in my rom. Odamda 6 sandalye ve 1 masa vardır. There is one table and six chairs in my rom. Odamda 1 masa ve 6 sandalye vardır.


      There are still some significant points of disagreement.


      There is a lot of light in this room. There are two cups on the table.


      There were a lot of people on the streets. Was there a pool at the hotel?


      There is a magazine on the desk. There are two pens on the table.


      I tried phoning, but there was no answer.


      There's a bank down the road. There is an old man in the room.


      There was a car accident on Seventh Street yesterday.


      Is there meat in the refrigerator? Is there any tea in the tea-port? There's no food in the house.


      Are there many doctors in this city?  There are no girls in our class.


      Isn’t there an eraser in your bag? Aren’t there some books on the table?


      There isn’t a lamp in the room. There aren’t two pillows on each bed.


      Throughout the world, including the United States, there are significant researches and developments on smart antennas for wireless systems.


      Today there is greater awareness than ever before that women’s full participation is essential for peace, democracy and sustainable development.


      There are still places in the world where one can go to dive and see very little indication of human impact. Dünyada, dalış yapmak için gidilebilecek ve insan etkisinin çok az belirtisi görülebilecek yerler hala mevcuttur.


With an indefinite pronoun or expressions of quantity and the to-infinitive:


There is/are sth to do sth


      There is nothing to do in the village.


      There was plenty to read in the apartment


      There was nothing to watch on television.


      There is a lot of work to do




If we want to show the subject of the to-infinitive it is used for:


      There is nothing for the children to do in the village.


      There was plenty for us to read in the apartment


      There was nothing for them to watch on television.


      There is a lot of work for you to do.


With an indefinite pronoun or expressions of quantity and an -ing verb:


      There is someone waiting to see you.


      There were a lot of people shouting and waving.


It is used as a singular verb if the noun phrase is singular:


      There is a meeting this evening. It will start at seven.


      There was a lot of rain last night.


      There is someone waiting to see you.


It is used as a plural verb if the noun phrase is plural:


      There are more than twenty people waiting to see you.


      There were some biscuits in the cupboard.


      There were a lot of people shouting and waving.


There+ pronoun + verb: var gibi oluyor.


“There” is used as a dummy subject with part of the verb “be” followed by a noun phrase:


      There she goes.


      There she is.


      There I fixed it.


There+ verb + subject:


      There lived a sage.


      There comes a point of life.


      There lies the port.


There+ verb + infinitive + noun:


      There seems to be a programming error. Bir program hatası olabileceği var gibi görünüyor.


      There seems to be a noise.


"There" we can use "to be". For instance: There is, there are, there was, there were, there will be.


Unique structure “there is/are”.  “There” can be modified by other verbs


      There will be a noise.


      There has never been a better time: this is the best time


      There is a noise.


It also works with a few other verbs, like 'come', using the same structure:


      There is a point in life, when...


      There comes a point in life, when....


      There grows in a man, a spirit which....


      In 1723 there arrived in Philadelphia a penniless young man, eager for work and for knowledge.


Preposition “there.” It works with any verb that makes sense with that preposition.


      There is my house. Here is my house. Up that street is my house


      There lies my dinner


      There goes my train.


Interjection, “there!” It is a word you say in a sentence, it is not linked to any verb.


      There, it is fixed! Look, it is fixed! Wow, it is fixed!


      There, you have done it again!


      There, I have fixed it!


To introduce a new topic:


      There is a meeting this evening. It will start at seven.


      There has been an accident. I hope no one is hurt. Bir kaza oldu. Umarım kimse yaralı değildir.


With numbers or quantities:


      There was a lot of rain last night.


      There must have been more than five hundred in the audience.


To say where something is:


      There used to be a playground at the end of the street.


      There are fairies at the bottom of the garden.


      I wonder if there will be anyone at home.



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