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Transformation of Simple, Complex and Compound Sentences

 Rule 1


Simple : too…....... to

Complex : so… that

Compound : and so



1.    Simple : The load is too heavy for me to carry.

•       Complex : The load is so heavy that I cannot carry it.

•       Compound : The load is very heavy and so I cannot carry it.

2.    Simple : The boy was too weak to walk.

•       Complex : The boy was so weak that he could not walk.

•       Compound : The boy was very weak and so he could not walk


Rule 2


Simple            : to + verb (reason)

Complex         : so that

Compound     : and so


1.             Simple : Muhsin donated money to support the helpless people.

•       Complex : Muhsin donated money so that he could support the helpless people.

•       Compound : Muhsin wanted to support the helpless people and so he donated money.

2.    Simple : He goes to school with a view to learning.

•       Complex : He goes to school so that he can learn.

•       Compound : He wants to learn and so he goes to school

Rule 3


Simple              : Because of/ on account of/ owing to/ due to/ for/ present participle (reason)

Complex              : as/ because/since

Compound              : and so


1.   Simple : Because of his poverty, he could not buy a new shirt.

•       Complex : As he was poor, he could not buy a new shirt.

•       Compound : He was poor and so he could not buy a new shirt.

2.   Simple : Being ill, he missed the important meeting.

•       Complex : He missed the important meeting as he was ill.

•       Compound : He was ill and so he missed the important meeting.

3.   Simple : Our departure was delayed for bad weather.

•       Complex : Our departure was delayed because the weather was bad.

•       Compound : The weather was bad and so our departure was delayed.

 Rule 4


Simple             : Phrase of time 

Complex         : when, while 

Compound      : and


1.                Simple : At the age of ten, he left his house.

•        Complex : When he was ten, he left his house.

•        Compound : He was ten and at that time he left house.

2.   Simple : At the time of saying his prayer, his mother came.

•        Complex : While he was saying his prayer, his mother came.

•        Compound : He was saying his prayer and his mother came.

3.   Simple : In winter season, different types of Pithas are prepared in our rural areas.

•        Complex : When it is winter season, different types of Pithas are prepared in our rural areas.

•        Compound : It is winter season and different types of Pithas are prepared in our rural areas.

Rule 5


Simple            : In spite of/despite

Complex         : Though/although

Compound     : but


1.   Simple : In spite of being a costly game, everybody likes cricket game.

•       Complex : Although cricket is a costly game, everybody likes it.

•       Compound : Cricket is a costly game but everybody likes it.

2.   Simple : Despite being a wonder of modern science, mobile phone has also some demerits.

•       Complex : Though mobile phone is a wonder of modern science, it has also some demerits.

•       Compound : Mobile phone is a wonder of modern science but it has also some demerits.

 Rule 6


Simple             : phrase of place

Complex          : where, which

Compound      : and


1.              Simple : Haji Mohammad Mohsin was born in Hoogly.

•       Complex : It was Hoogly where Haji Mohammad Mohsin was born.

•       Compound : It was Hoogly and Haji Mohammad Mohsin was born there.

2.   Simple           : Madhusudan Dutt was born at Sagordary on the bank of the Kapotaksho.

•       Complex : Madhusudan Dutt was born at Sagordary which is on the bank of the Kapotaksho.

•       Compound : Madhusudan Dutt was born at Sagordary and it(S) is on the bank of the Kapotaksho.

 Rule 7


Simple       :  By + (Verb + ing), In case of

Complex    :  if

Compound:  and


1.    Simple : By studying attentively, you can do well in the exam.

•       Complex : If you study attentively, you can do well in the exam.

•       Compound : Study attentively and you can do well in the exam.

2.    Simple : In case of his coming, I will go.

•       Complex : If he comes, I will go.

 Rule 8


Simple   :  without + (Verb + ing), In case  of (negative sense) 

Complex     :  unless, if (negative sense)

Compound :  or


1.             Simple : Without working hard, you cannot go ahead.

•       Complex : Unless you work hard, you cannot go ahead.

•       Compound : Work hard or you cannot go ahead.

2.    Simple : In case of your failure to attend the meeting, I will not help you.

•       Complex : If you do not attend the meeting, I will not help you.

•       Compound : Attend the meeting or I will not help you

Rule 9


Simple    :  Indicating person

Complex :  who, whom


1.             Simple : The students studying regularly can expect a good result.

•       Complex : The students, who study regularly, can expect a good result.

2.   Simple : People living in the high land can escape flood.

•       Complex : People, who live in the high land, can escape flood.

3.   Simple : The man taking bribe is next to devil.

•       Complex : The man, who takes bribe, is next to devil.

4.   Simple : An industrious man will shine in life.

•       Complex : A man, who is industrious, will shine in life.

5.   Simple : A corrupt man can do anything against morality.

•       Complex : A man, who is corrupt, can do anything against morality


Rule 10


Simple         : Indicating object/concept

Complex     : which, that

Compound : and


1.      Simple : Health is wealth.

•       Complex : It is health which is wealth.

2.   Simple : The programs telecast by television are very interesting.

•       Complex : The programs, which are telecast by television, are very interesting.

•       Compound : Television telecasts programs and these are interesting.

3.   Simple : He wants his students to be good citizens.

•       Complex : He wants that his students will be good citizens.

•       Compound : His students will be good citizens and he wants this.


Changing Sentences 

Prepared by

Khaled Mahmud Hasan


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