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Use of Past Continuous Tense




1: An action in the past which overlaps another action or a time. The action in the past continuous starts before and often continues after the other shorter action or time.

-    I was walking to the station when I met John. (I started walking before I met John, and maybe I continued afterwards.)

At three o'clock, I was working. (I started before three o’clock and finished after three o’clock.)


2: In the same way, we can use the past continuous for the background of a story. (We often use the past simple for the actions.) This is really a specific example of

Use 1.

The birds were singing, the sun was shining and in the cafés people were laughing and chatting. Amy sat down and took out her phone.


3: Temporary habits or habits that happen more often than we expect in the past. We often use ‘always, constantly’ or ‘forever’ here. This is the same as the way we use the present continuous for habits, but the habit started and finished in the past. This thing doesn’t happen now.

-        He was always leaving the tap running.

-        She was constantly singing.


4: To emphasise that something lasted for a while. This use is often optional and we usually use it with time expressions like ‘all day’ or ‘all evening’ or ‘for hours’.

I was working in the garden all day.

He was reading all evening.

Remember you can't use this tense or any continuous tense with stative verbs.





➤➤Exercise 19. Past Simple or the Past Continuous?


Choose the past simple or past continuous:

1.     What (you / do) when I (call) you last night?

2.     I (sit) in a café when you (call).

3.     When you (arrive) at the party, who (be) there?

4.     Susie (watch) a film when she (hear) the noise.

5.     Yesterday I  

(go) to the library, next I                          

(have) a swim, later I

             (meet) Julie for a coffee.

6.     We  

(play) tennis when John                          

(hurt) his ankle.

7.     What (they / do) at 10pm last night? It (be) really noisy.

8.     He (take) a shower when the telephone (ring).

9.     He      _ (be) in the shower when the telephone                _ (ring). 10.When I       (walk) into the room, everyone      (work).

11. It  

(be) a day last September. The sun                          

(shine), the birds                          

(sing). I (walk) along the street when I          _ (meet) an old friend.

12.   He (live) in Russia when the Revolution (start).

13. When her train (get) to the station, we (wait) on the platform.

14. He (be) so annoying! He (always / leave) his things


15. On holiday we (visit) Rome, (see) the Vatican, and         (spend) a few days at the beach.

16.   Why       (you / stand) on a chair when I     (come) into the room? 17.They       (live) in Germany when they   (be) young.

18. At 7pm yesterday, we (listen) to music. 19.When I (leave) the house, it _ (snow).

20. He       (work) in a bank when he       (meet) his wife.


➤➤Exercise 20. Past Simple or Past Continuous


Choose the past simple or past continuous:

1.  He         _  (sleep) when the doorbell (ring).

2.  We (eat) dinner at 8pm last night (we started eating at 7:30).

3.  Yesterday I   _ (go) to the post office,     (buy) some fruit at the supermarket and             (read) a book in the park in the afternoon.

4.  We (watch) TV when we (hear) a loud noise.

5.  Julie (be) in the garden when Laurence (arrive).

6.  A: What (you / do) at 3pm yesterday? B: I (clean) my house.

7.  Last year I (visit) Paris and Rome.

8.  They (have) dinner when the police (come) to the door.

9.  He (work) in the garden when he (find) the money.

10.  Laura (study) at 11pm last night.

11.  I (walk) along the road when I (meet) an old friend.

12.  It (be) a day in December. Snow (fall), children (sing) carols and

people                (do) their Christmas shopping.

13.  My ex-boyfriend  

         (arrive) late.

(be) so annoying! He             (always / miss) the bus and

14.  When I (call) Julie, she (work).

15.  Why (you / cry) when I (arrive)?

16.  When he (get) home, we started to eat dinner.

17.  At 10am yesterday I (sit) on a bus.

18.  I (enjoy) my book so much that I (not / notice) the train had stopped.

19.  David (not / sleep) when I (arrive), he (study)!

20.  Mr Black (not / work) in the garden at 10pm last night.

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