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Cambridge Dictionary: Part 1

Cambridge Dictionary:
πŸ“š Firm, adjective (C2).
❓ Definition: strong and tight.

❗️ Examples:

1. a firm handshake
2. Keep a firm hold of the handrail as you go down.
3. No one seems to have a firm grip on the company at the moment.
4. You need a firm grasp of mathematics to become an astronaut.
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πŸ“š Anosmic, adjective.
❓ Definition: having no sense of smell or being unable to smell certain things.

❗️ Examples:

1. These patients are anosmic.
2. I discovered that I’m anosmic to the scent of sandalwood.
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πŸ“š Receive, verb.
❓ Definition: to formally welcome a visitor or guest.

❗️ Examples:

1. She stood by the door to receive her guests as they arrived.
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πŸ“š Well, adverb (C1).
❓ Definition: used to emphasize some prepositions.

❗️ Examples:

1. The results are well above/below what we expected.
2. Keep well away from the edge of the cliff.
3. It cost well over £100.
4. Stand well clear of the doors!
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πŸ“š Shower, noun.
❓ Definition: a device that sprays water on your body while you wash yourself, or an act of washing using such a device.

❗️ Examples:

1. He stays in the shower until there is no more hot water!
2. Have I got time to take a shower before we go out?
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πŸ“š Tough, adjective.
❓ Definition: likely to be violent or to contain violence.

❗️ Examples:

1. A tough guy
2. A tough neighborhood
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πŸ“š Issue, noun.
❓ Definition: a group or series, or one of a group or series, of things that are supplied, made available, or printed at the same time.

❗️ Examples:

1. A new issue of postage stamps was released to honor women in the military.
2. He picked up an old issue of Life magazine.
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πŸ“š Well, adverb.
❓ Definition: very.

❗️ Examples:

1. The film was well good.
2. Watch out for those two - they're well hard (= strong and willing to use violence).
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πŸ“š Back, adjective.
❓ Definition: at or near the back of something.

❗️ Examples:

1. She left the house by the back door.
2. The back seat of the car folds down.
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πŸ“š Unsuccessful, adjective.
❓ Definition: not ending in success, or not achieving success.

❗️ Examples:

1. After writing three unsuccessful plays, Miller finally had a hit.
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πŸ“š Sign, verb.
❓ Definition: to write your name on a document to show that you agree with it or that you have written it yourself.

❗️ Examples:

1. To sign a letter/contract/check
2. Please sign for the package when it arrives (= write your name on a form to show that you have received it).
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πŸ“š Back, verb (C2).
❓ Definition: to give support to someone or something with money or words.

❗️ Examples:

1. The management has refused to back our proposals.
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πŸ“š Relationship, noun.
❓ Definition: A relationship is the way two or more people are connected, or the way they behave toward each other.

❗️ Examples:

1. "What is your relationship to the soloist?" "She's my daughter."
2. The two men have a good working relationship.
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πŸ“š Unexpected, adjective (B1).
❓ Definition: not expected.

❗️ Examples:

1. Her resignation was completely unexpected.
2. How lovely to see you here - this really is an unexpected pleasure!
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πŸ“š Profit, noun.
❓ Definition: money that a business earns above what it costs to produce and sell goods and services.

❗️ Examples:

1. Any profit made on the sale is taxable.
2. A lot of businesses are reaping huge profits.
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πŸ“š Force, verb.
❓ Definition: to manage, with difficulty, to laugh or smile.

❗️ Examples:

1. I managed to force a smile as they were leaving.
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πŸ“š Sign, noun (B1).
❓ Definition: something showing that something else exists or might happen or exist in the future.

❗️ Examples:

1. His inability to handle the situation is a sure sign of weakness.
2. The fact that he's eating more is a sign that he's feeling better.
3. I've searched for my hat, but there's no sign of it anywhere (= I can't find it).
4. There was no sign of life in the building (= there seemed to be no one in it).
5. Billy's work at school has shown signs of improvement this year.
6. There is every sign that/All the signs are that the worst is over.
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πŸ“š Reach, verb.
❓ Definition: to arrive somewhere.

❗️ Examples:

1. The storm continues to move west and is expected to reach the east coast of Florida tomorrow.
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πŸ“š Arrange, verb.
❓ Definition: to put something in a particular order.

❗️ Examples:

1. We arranged the chairs in a circle.
2. Books should be arranged alphabetically by author.
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πŸ“š Certainly, adverb.
❓ Definition: When said in answer to a question asking for help, certainly means yes.

❗️ Examples:

1. "Can you give me a hand?" "Certainly."
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πŸ“š Test, noun.
❓ Definition: a test match.

❗️ Examples:

1. Australia won the test by 197 runs.
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πŸ“š Spread, noun (B2).
❓ Definition: the development or growth of something so that it covers a larger area or affects a larger number of people.

❗️ Examples:

1. The spread of the disease in the last few years has been alarming.
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πŸ“š Recent, adjective.
❓ Definition: having happened or having been done a short time ago.

❗️ Examples:

1. He sent me a copy of his most recent article.
2. A recent study shows that most of the country-music audience is female.
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πŸ“š Spread, noun.
❓ Definition: A spread is also a meal, esp. one with a lot of different foods arranged on a table.

❗️ Examples:

1. This is quite a spread.
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πŸ“š Soft, adjective.
❓ Definition: not difficult.

❗️ Examples:

1. He's got a pretty soft job - he hardly seems to do anything all day.
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πŸ“š Nervous, adjective (B1).
❓ Definition: worried and anxious.

❗️ Examples:

1. Do you feel/get nervous during exams?
2. I was too nervous to speak.
3. She's always been nervous around dogs.
4. I was very nervous about driving again after the accident.
5. He had/was of a nervous disposition.
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πŸ“š Firm, adjective (B2).
❓ Definition: certain and not likely to change.

❗️ Examples:

1. He is a firm believer in traditional family values.
2. Some people still claim that there is no firm evidence linking smoking with lung cancer.
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πŸ“š Next-door, adverb, adjective (B1).
❓ Definition: in the next room, house, or building.

❗️ Examples:

1. A Russian couple have just moved in next door.
2. Who lives next door to you?
3. Margot is our next-door neighbour.
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πŸ“š Failure, noun (B2).
❓ Definition: the fact of something not working, or stopping working as well as it should.

❗️ Examples:

1. He died of heart/liver failure.
2. The accident was caused by the failure of the reactor's cooling system.
3. The number of business failures rose steeply last year.
4. After three crop failures in a row, the people face starvation.
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πŸ“š Appearance, noun.
❓ Definition: judging from what can be seen.

❗️ Examples:

1. To all appearances their marriage is fine, but I think she gives him a bad time in private.
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πŸ“š Lack, verb.
❓ Definition: to not have any or enough of something, esp. something necessary or wanted.

❗️ Examples:

1. What we lack in this house is space to store things.
2. He’s totally lacking a sense of humor.
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πŸ“š Search, verb (B1).

❓ Definition: to look for information on a computer, the internet, etc..

❗️ Examples:

1. I searched the internet for the best deal.
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πŸ“š Suitable, adjective.

❓ Definition: being right or correct for a particular situation or person.

❗️ Examples:

1. The book is suitable as a text for a course in beginning chemistry.
2. The movie may not be suitable for very young children.
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πŸ“š State, verb.

❓ Definition: to express information clearly and carefully.

❗️ Examples:

1. His will states the property is to be sold.
2. Please state your preference.
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πŸ“š Test, noun.

❓ Definition: A test is also an act of using something to find out whether it is working correctly or how effective it is.

❗️ Examples:

1. A safety test
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πŸ“š Self-esteem, noun.

❓ Definition: respect for yourself.

❗️ Examples:

1. The program is intended to build students’ self-esteem.
2. Does he suffer from low self-esteem?
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πŸ“š Deal, verb.

❓ Definition: to cause someone or something, usually a plan or hope, to fail or to be affected very badly.

❗️ Examples:

1. The latest trade figures have dealt a severe blow to hopes of an early economic recovery.
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πŸ“š Enthusiasm, noun.

πŸ”‰  /Ιͺnˈθu·ziˌæz·Ι™m/ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
❓ Definition: a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and a desire to be involved in it, or a subject that produces such a feeling.

❗️ Examples:

1. You don’t seem very enthusiastic about the movie.
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πŸ“š Crowd, verb.

❓ Definition: (of people) to fill a place.

❗️ Examples:

1. Street vendors crowded the sidewalks.
2. As soon as he appeared, reporters crowded around him.
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πŸ“š Administration, noun (C2).

❓ Definition: a period of government, or the people who are in government.

❗️ Examples:

1. The Obama administration/the last Republican administration
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πŸ“š Deal, noun.

❓ Definition: an agreement or arrangement, esp. in business.

❗️ Examples:

1. They bargained with each other but finally agreed to a deal.
2. She got a really good deal (= paid a low price) on her new car.
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πŸ“š Effect, noun.

❓ Definition: (esp. of rules or laws) official or legal use.

❗️ Examples:

1. Winter parking rules are in effect (= must be obeyed) .
2. All salary increases will take effect (= begin) in January.
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πŸ“š Severe, adjective (B2).

❓ Definition: causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc.; very serious.

❗️ Examples:

1. A severe chest infection/leg injury/toothache
2. This is a school for children with severe learning difficulties.
3. In parts of Africa there is a severe food/water shortage.
4. There is expected to be a severe frost tonight.
5. Severe cutbacks in public spending have been announced.
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πŸ“š Wide, adjective.

❓ Definition: covering a large area, or including many types of things.

❗️ Examples:

1. They sell a wide range of skin-care products.
2. The candidate has wide support (= the support of many people).
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πŸ“š Civil, adjective.

❓ Definition: relating to private arguments between people or organizations rather than criminal matters.

❗️ Examples:

1. The matter would be better dealt with in the civil court rather than by an expensive criminal proceeding.
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πŸ“š Please, verb.

πŸ”‰  /pliz/ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
❓ Definition: to make someone feel happy or satisfied, or to give someone pleasure.

❗️ Examples:

1. He did what he could to please her, but she was hard to please.
2. I’m pleased to report that sales have increased by 15%.
3. She’ll listen to what you say, but in the end she’ll do as/what she pleases (= what she wants to do).
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πŸ“š Jaw, noun.

πŸ”‰  /dΚ’Ι”/ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
❓ Definition: either of the two bony parts bordering the mouth that hold your teeth in place.

❗️ Examples:

1. The upper/lower jaw
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πŸ“š Climbing, adjective.

❓ Definition: relating to the sport of climbing mountains.

❗️ Examples:

1. He needs some climbing boots.
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πŸ“š Search, noun.

❓ Definition: the act or process of looking carefully in order to find something.

❗️ Examples:

1. After a long search, they finally found the lost child.
2. It’s a book about the search for love.
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πŸ“š Ripe, adjective.

❓ Definition: wholly developed, esp. of fruit ready to be collected or eaten.

❗️ Examples:

1. The tomatoes aren’t ripe.
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