Daily Important Words ●● Day 111
By ─────────────── 2:13 PM
Daily Important Words ●● Day 111
🔶1. WARY (ADJ)
● Meaning ➩ careful because you are uncertain or afraid of somebody/something (सावधान)
● Synonyms ➩ cautious, circumspect, attentive, prudent, heedful, vigilant
● Meaning ➩ Tending to cause harm, deleterious (हानिकारक)
● Synonyms ➩ baneful, damaging, dangerous, deleterious, evil, harmful
● Meaning ➩ Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience (पक्षपात)
● Synonyms ➩ bias, favor, nonobjectivity, one-sidedness, parti pris, partiality
● Meaning ➩ Supersede and replace (हटाना)
● Synonyms ➩ cut out, displace, displant, relieve, replace, substitute, supersede
● Meaning ➩ (of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality (अल्प)
● Synonyms ➩ exiguous, hand-to-mouth, light, niggardly, poor, scant
● Meaning ➩ about to happen or appear. (आगामी)
● Synonyms ➩ upcoming, approaching, impending, imminent
● Meaning ➩ different to what is normal or expected; strange. (अजीब)
● Synonyms ➩ odd, curious, queer, bizarre, atypical
● Meaning ➩ a shine or brightness on a surface. (चमक)
● Synonyms ➩ shine, lustre, patina, gloss, gleam
● Meaning ➩ low spirits from loss of hope or courage. (निराशा)
● Synonyms ➩ despair, melancholy, dejection, gloom
● Meaning ➩ resign from (an office or position). (पदत्याग करना)
● Synonyms ➩ quit, abdicate, abandon, relinquish
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