Daily Important Words ●● Day 113
By ─────────────── 2:14 PM
Daily Important Words ●● Day 113
● Meaning ➩ to stop something happening, or to cause a plan to fail (बिगाड़ना)
● Synonyms ➩ thwart, stymie, scupper, foil
● Meaning ➩ to make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad. (कम करना)
● Synonyms ➩ lessen, attenuate, abate, diminish
● Meaning ➩ to become independent of a country or area of government. (अलग होना)
● Synonyms ➩ withdraw. break with, separate from, split, pull out
● Meaning ➩ the outer edge of a particular area (क्षेत्र-विशेष का बाहरी सिरा; परिधि)
● Synonyms ➩ boundary, border, edge, ambit, margin
● Meaning ➩ most important or noticeable (सर्वाधिक महत्वपूर्ण या सबसे अधिक दिखाई पड़ने वाला)
● Synonyms ➩ principal, noteworthy, arresting, conspicuous, noticeable
● Meaning ➩ similar in some way; that you can compare (समरूप, अनुरूप)
● Synonyms ➩ comparable, parallel, similar, corresponding, cognate, equivalent
● Meaning ➩ a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement; a deadlock (गतिरोध)
● Synonyms ➩ deadlock, halt, stalemate, standstill, stand-off
● Meaning ➩ a shy or nervous feeling that stops you from saying or doing what you really want
● Synonyms ➩ shyness, reticence, apprehension, hesitance, nerves
● Meaning ➩ not honourable in character or purpose. (नीच, अप्रतिष्ठित)
● Synonyms ➩ shameful, abject, despicable, Sordid, degraded
● Meaning ➩ a state of physical or mental inactivity; lethargy (अकर्मण्यता)
● Synonyms ➩ lethargy, dormancy, idleness, tiredness, lassitude
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