Daily Important Words ●● Day 122
By ─────────────── 2:20 PM
Daily Important Words ●● Day 122
(तैनात करना): position
Synonyms: station, post
Antonyms: concentrate
Example Sentence:Forces were deployed at strategic locations.
╰────────────────╯ (चतुर): astute
Synonyms: sharp,-witted sharp
Antonyms: stupid
Example Sentence:He was shrewd enough to guess the motive behind his gesture.
🔶3. ALLY (NOUN):
(साथी): associate
Synonyms: colleague, friend
Antonyms: enemy, opponent
Example Sentence:He was forced to dismiss his closest political ally.
╰────────────╯ (तकरार): squabble
Synonyms: argue, quarrel
Antonyms: agree
Example Sentence:Couples who bicker over who gets what from the divorce.
(समय गँवाना): linger
Synonyms: dally, take one's time
Antonyms: hurry
Example Sentence:He mustn't dawdle if it is necessary to make the call.
(विस्तृत करना): expand
Synonyms: enlarge on, add to
Antonyms: condense
Example Sentence:The notes amplify information contained in the statement.
╰───────────────╯ (सुधरना): improve
Synonyms: better, enhance
Antonyms: enhance
Example Sentence:The reform did much to ameliorate living standards.
╰─────────────────────╯ (छिटपुट): sporadic
Synonyms: irregular, fitful
Antonyms: continuous
Example Sentence:Intermittent rains are very annoying.
╰─────────────╯ (रूपांतर): variation
Synonyms: form, alternative
Antonyms: standard
Example Sentence:The game is a variant of baseball.
╰─────────────────╯ (व्याकुल): anxious
Synonyms: worried, upset
Antonyms: calm
Example Sentence:There was a fraught silence
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