Daily Important Words ●● Day 128
By ─────────────── 2:24 PM
Daily Important Words ●● Day 128
● Meaning ➩ A person or thing that causes trouble, difficulty or mental pain. (अभिशाप)
● Synonyms ➩ Curse, Bane, Affliction, Plague
● Meaning ➩ having an unpleasant or annoying effect. (अप्रिय)
● Synonyms ➩ unpleasant, grating, upsetting, annoying
● Meaning ➩ To come together or bring people together in order to help or support somebody/something. (जुटाना)
● Synonyms ➩ assemble, muster, marshal, mobilize,
● Meaning ➩ In an overconfident manner that annoys other people. (अहंकार से)
● Synonyms ➩ overconfidently, arrogantly, conceitedly,
● Meaning ➩ A short argument, especially between political opponents. (हल्की लड़ाई)
● Synonyms ➩ argument, quarrel, squabble, contretemps
● Meaning ➩ To reject somebody/something in a proud way. (ठुकरा देना)
● Synonyms ➩ reject, refuse, turn down, repudiate, rebuff
● Meaning ➩ Deeply shocking. (चौंका देने वाला)
● Synonyms ➩ Astonishing, Stunning, Shocking
● Meaning ➩ of a state, quality, or emotion) very great or intense. (गम्भीर)
● Synonyms ➩ Intense, Great, Extreme, Deep.
● Meaning ➩ made poor or with diminished quality of life. (कंगाल)
● Synonyms ➩ poor, penniless, destitute, indigent, pauperized
● Meaning ➩ (of an argument or case) clear, logical, and convincing. (निश्चयात्मक, प्रवाहशाली)
● Synonyms ➩ potent, convincing, effective, forceful, compelling
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