Daily Important Words ●● Day 196
By ─────────────── 10:38 AM
Daily Important Words ●● Day 196
● Meaning ➩ An upper limit set on prices, wages, or expenditure (अधिकतम सीमा)
● Synonyms ➩ bound, boundary, cap, confines, end, extent, limit, limitation
🔷 2. GUT (VERB)
● Meaning ➩ To destroy (नष्ट करना)
● Synonyms ➩ destroy, ravage, devastate, ruin, sabotage
● Meaning ➩ Countless or extremely great in number. (बेशुमार)
● Synonyms ➩ countless, innumerable, numberless, multitudinous
● Meaning ➩ (of a situation) not safe or certain; dangerous. (खतरनाक)
● Synonyms ➩ dangerous, perilous, hazardous
● Meaning ➩ Likely to cause disagreement between people. (विवादी)
● Synonyms ➩ controversial, disputable, disputatious, moot, vexed, polemical
● Meaning ➩ In a way that attracts attention by reason of being unusual, extreme. (असाधारण रूप से)
● Synonyms ➩ conspicuously, markedly, remarkably, prominently
● Meaning ➩ (of laws or their application) excessively harsh and severe.
● Synonyms ➩ extreme, drastic, harsh, severe, cruel
● Meaning ➩ absorb and integrate (people, ideas, or culture) into a wider society or culture. (आत्मसात् करना)
● Synonyms ➩ subsume, acculturate, incorporate, embrace
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