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Daily Important Words ●● Day 71

Daily Important Words ●● Day 71

🔶1. Doldrums (noun)
● Meaning ➩ A state or period of stagnation or depression (उदासी)

● Synonyms ➩ abeyance, cold storage, deep freeze, dormancy, holding pattern

 🔷2. Wary (adj)
● Meaning ➩ Feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems (सावधान)

● Synonyms ➩ alert, careful, cautious, chary, circumspect, conservative

🔶3. Statute (noun)
● Meaning ➩ A written law passed by a legislative body (क़ानून) 

● Synonyms ➩ act, bill, constitution, enactment, law, ordinance 

🔷4. Glaring (adj)
● Meaning ➩ Giving out or reflecting a strong or dazzling light (स्पष्ट)

● Synonyms ➩ blatant, conspicuous, egregious, flagrant, gross, obvious

🔶5. Eradication (noun)
● Meaning ➩  The complete destruction of something

● Synonyms ➩ abolish, annihilate, black out, blot out, cancel, clean (up)

🔷6. Nudge (verb)
● Meaning ➩ Touch or push (something) gently or gradually

● Synonyms ➩  brush, graze, kiss, shave, skim

🔶 7. Rogue (Noun)
● Meaning ➩ a dishonest or unprincipled man.

● Synonyms ➩ scoundrel, villain, reprobate

🔷8. Portent (Noun)
● Meaning ➩ a sign or warning that a momentous or  calamitous event is likely to happen. 

● Synonyms ➩ omen, sign, indication, presage

🔶9. Warring (Adjective)
● Meaning ➩ in conflict with each other

● Synonyms ➩ opposing, conflicting, clashing

🔷10. Galvanize (verb)
● Meaning ➩ shock or excite (someone) into taking action. 

● Synonyms ➩ jolt, shock, startle, impel, stir, spur, prod

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