Daily Important Words ●● Day 94
By ─────────────── 12:15 PM
Daily Important Words ●● Day 94
🔶1. WARY (ADJ)
● Meaning ➩ careful because you are uncertain or afraid of somebody/something (सावधान)
● Synonyms ➩ cautious, circumspect, attentive, prudent, heedful, vigilant
● Meaning ➩ the speed of something in a given direction.
● Synonyms ➩ speed, pace, tempo, momentum, swiftness
● Meaning ➩ to disturb, annoy or worry somebody (परेशान, तंग या चिंतित करना)
● Synonyms ➩ perturb, distress, trouble, worry, upset
● Meaning ➩ encouragement of something to make it develop or become more active.
● Synonyms ➩ incitement, provocation, invigoration
● Meaning ➩ weaken or damage (something, especially a faculty or function).
● Synonyms ➩ damage, harm, lessen, impede, spoil
● Meaning ➩ to see or notice something with difficulty
● Synonyms ➩ perceive, recognize, notice, observe, discriminate
● Meaning ➩ excessively proud of oneself; vain.
● Synonyms ➩ vain, arrogant, boastful, proud
● Meaning ➩ likely to give a false impression or to make somebody believe something that is not true (छलपूर्ण)
● Synonyms ➩ misleading, illusory, specious, counterfeit, bogus
● Meaning ➩ coming after something in time; following.
● Synonyms ➩ upcoming, ensuing, succeeding, later, successive
● Meaning ➩ having, showing, or done with good judgement or sense. (विवेकपूर्ण)
● Synonyms ➩ prudent, shrewd, wise, astute, sagacious
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