Daily Important Words ●● Day 99
By ─────────────── 12:17 PM
Daily Important Words ●● Day 99
● Meaning ➩ the origin or mode of formation of something
● Synonyms ➩ origin, source, root, beginning, start, outset
● Usage ➩ For years, scientists and religious leaders have argued about the truth of mankind’s origin or "genesis".
● Meaning ➩ showing a casual lack of concern.
● Synonyms ➩ nonchalant, untroubled, unworried, unruffled, heedless, carefree
● Usage ➩ His victory on Monday in the first round captured attention; his"insouciant"charm afterwards capturedhearts.
● Meaning ➩ lacking excitement or variety; boringly
● Synonyms ➩ Dull, boring, tedious, monotomous, banal
● Usage ➩ He fell asleep during the professor’s "humdrum" speech.
● Meaning ➩ superficially plausible, but actually wrong.
● Synonyms ➩ misleading, deceptive, false, unsound
● Usage ➩ You will not win your debate with "specious" arguments!
● Meaning ➩ evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret. (करुणाजनक या मार्मिक)
● Synonyms ➩ moving, sad, touching, tearful, pitiful, tragic
● Usage ➩ The book’s ending was "poignant" and caused me to reflect upon my own family life.
● Meaning ➩ a temporary prohibition of an activity
● Synonyms ➩ embargo, ban, prohibition, suspension, stay,
stoppage, halt
● Usage ➩ The colored students held a one-week "moratorium" on classes to oppose racism.
● Meaning ➩ optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation. (आशावादी)
● Synonyms ➩ optimistic, bullish, hopeful, buoyant, positive
● Usage ➩ He seemed quite "sanguine" about his chances of success.
● Meaning ➩ describe or portray (something) precisely. (वर्णन या रेखांकन करना)
● Synonyms ➩ describe, set forth, set out, present, outline, depict, portray.
● Usage ➩ Aman asked her teacher to "delineate" the project description once more.
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