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fruit talk

🍇 fruit talk 🍇

👉To ‘go bananas’ means to become very angry, upset or emotional. It can also be used to talk about behaving irrationally or in a way that seems mentally unstable.

‘The owner will go bananas when she sees that I’ve broken her window.’

👉To ‘bear fruit’ means to produce positive results, usually after a long period. 

‘The effort he put into his studies is now bearing fruit.’

‘Low hanging fruit’ refers to a course of action that is easily achievable and does not require a lot of effort – like picking fruit from the lower branches of a tree rather than climbing to the top.
‘Let’s focus on local customers first, they are the low hanging fruit.’

👉To ‘cherry pick’ means to choose the best or most desirable option.
‘Our manager cherry picked staff to work on the project.’

Can you think of one more phrase or idiom relating to fruit? 

Add it below then come back tomorrow and check everyone else’s examples. 

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