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However vs. But


πŸ‘‰However is an adverb. It comes after the part of the sentence that is being contrasted. It can go in different parts of the clause.

I did well at the interview. However, I didn’t get the job.
I did well at the interview; I didn’t, however, get the job.
I did well at the interview; I didn’t get the job, however.
I was really angry; however, I tried not to show it.
I was really angry; I tried, however, not to show it.
I was really angry. I tried not to show it, however.


☘☘ But ☘☘

This is a conjunction that links two parts of a sentence together. It goes before the clause that has the contrast.

I did well at the interview but I didn’t get the job.
I was really angry but I tried not show it.


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