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Order of adjectives

๐Ÿ’ˆOrder of adjectives๐Ÿ’ˆ

That is, if someone were to say 'the red, big ball,' you know that it sounds wrong ('the big, red ball' sounds much more correct), but it's hard to explain why.

  When trying to teach non-English speakers what order to place adjectives, it seems very arbitrary. It turns out that there are rules that govern this.

  Basically, adjectives should be categorized and then arranged in the following order:
Quantity, Opinion, Size, Age, Shape, Color, Origin, Material, Purpose.    

So, in the example above, 'red' is a color adjective and 'big' is a size adjective, so 'big' must be placed before 'red' in the example above. 

When trying to think about how to apply this rule, you have to remember a seemingly arbitrary order and then classify your adjectives before you speak, which is a slow process.

  This one generally has to be learned through repetition by hearing examples over and over until it becomes instinctive.

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