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Top 19 Grammar Books (PDF)


Plural and Possessive Nouns

Plural Nouns

Plural nouns are the nouns that have been changed into their plural states by adding -s or -es. Remember your irregular nouns, such as mice and children! They too are plural nouns.

Possessive Nouns

Nouns can be possessive and express ownership, usually following the use of “of.”

Example: The life of Maria

Most singular possessives are formed by adding an apostrophe and “s.” If the noun is plural, the possessive form becomes “s” and apostrophe.

Singular Common: Dog
Singular Possessive: Dog’s
Plural Common: Dogs
Singular Possessive: Dogs’

Exception: if the plural noun does not end with an “s,” the possessive is formed by adding apostrophe and “s.”


Singular Common: Woman
Singular Possessive: Woman’s
Plural Common: Women
Plural Possessive: Women’s

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