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🚶walk 🚶

‘🤔Walk’ is a verb meaning to travel using your legs, usually at a slow pace. 
I love to walk on the beach in the early mornings. 

‘🤔Walk’ can also mean to give up, quit or leave something behind.
If they won’t increase my salary I’m going to walk.

‘🤔Walk the walk’ means to do what you have promised. Someone who ‘talks the talk’ says all the right things, but if you ‘walk the walk’ you live up to your words.

👉To ‘walk on eggshells’ means to be cautious around a person or topic in order to avoid upsetting or offending them. 
We are so nervous about his bad temper that we are walking on eggshells. 

👉To ‘walk off with’ means to take something that doesn't belong to you. 
I can’t believe she just walked off with my stapler.  


a. Walk away from
b. Walk the walk
c. Walking on eggshells
d. Walked off with

Use the best word/phrase in the spaces provided;

1. He is so absent minded he ______ my phone. 

2. If you want everyone to believe your promises you need to ______ .

3. If the price does not come down we are going to ______ the negotiations. 

4. Ever since I upset my friend I am _______ every time we talk.


1. Walked off with 
2. Walk the walk 
3. Walk away from 
4. Walking on eggshells 

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