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Affirmative to Negative

1. Affirmative: John alone lives in this building.

Negative: None but John lives in this building.

2. Affirmative: You were right in doing so.
Negative: You were not wrong in doing so.

3. Affirmative: His father was doubtful of his success.
Negative: His father was not sure of his success.

4. Affirmative: Sagor is my friend.
Negative: Sagor is not my enemy.

5. Affirmative: Travelling is always welcome.
Negative: Travelling is never unwelcome.

6. AffirmativeMr. Khan rejected the money.
Negative: Mr Khan did not accept the money.

7. Affirmative: Every mother loves her child.
Negative: There is no mother but loves her child.

8. Affirmative: As soon as he reached the station, the train arrived.
Negative: No sooner had he reached the station than the train arrived.

9. Affirmative: Only the brave deserve the praise.
Negative: None but the brave deserve the praise.

10. Affirmative: Every rose has a thorn.
Negative: There is no rose but has à thorn.

11. Affirmative: God alone is Almighty.
Negative: None but God is Almighty.

12. Affirmative: I was doubtful of his truthfulness.
Negative: I was not sure of his faithfulness.

13Affirmative: As soon as the doctor came, the patient died.
Negative: No sooner had the doctor come than the patient died.

14. Affirmative: The man is poor.
Negative: The man is not rich.

15. Affirmative: A good student always respects his teachers.
Negative: A good student never disrespects his teachers.

16. Affirmative: He was a kind man
Negative: He was not an unkind man.

17. Affirmative: He is a regular student.
Negative: He is not an irregular student.

18. Affirmative: They are honest and pious.
Negative: They are not dishonest and impious.

19. Affirmativewe should be honest in our life.
Negative: We should not be dishonest in our life.

20. Affirmative: He is loved by everybody
Negative: He is not hated by anybody.

21. Affirmative: He was unmarried
Negative: He was not married.

22. Affirmative: Day to day life in London is expensive.
Negative: Day to day life in London is not cheap.

23. Affirmative: It lives together.
Negative: It does not live alone.

24. Affirmative: A healthy man is an asset to his family.
Negative: A healthy man is not a liability to his family.

25. AffirmativeA tea stall is a crowded place
Negative: A tea stall is not an uncrowded place.

26. Affirmative: Cox’s Bazar is a beautiful place.
Negative: Cox's Bazar is not an ugly place.

27. AffirmativeE-mail is used for important purposes.
Negative: E-mail is not used for unimportant purpose.

28. AffirmativeThis was an extra-ordinary ship.
Negative: This was not an ordinary ship.

29. AffirmativeA patriot is respected by all
Negative: A patriot is not hated by all.

30. AffirmativeThe Titanic was regarded unsinkable
Negative: The Titanic was not regarded sinkable.

31. Affirmative: I shall remember you
Negative: I shall not forget you.

32. AffirmativeMalacca is an old city.
Negative: Malacca is not a new city.

33. AffirmativeEnglish is easy.
Negative: English is not hard.

34. AffirmativeI am your enemy/foe
Negative: I am not your friend.

35. Affirmative: They solved their problem wisely.
Negative: They did not solve their problem foolishly.

36. Affirmative: He is very kind to me.
Negative: He is not unkind to me.

37. AffirmativeMan is very curious to know and see.
Negative: Man is not incurious to know and see.

38. Affirmative: Mark is very strong in English
Negative: Mark is not weak in English.

39. Affirmative: The illiteracy rate in Bangladesh is very poor.
Negative: The illiterate rate in Bangladesh is not a high.

40. AffirmativeIt is very difficult for Bangladesh
Negative: It is not easy for Bangladesh.

41. Affirmative: Her parents liked her very much.
Negative: Her parents did not like her little.

42. Affirmative: Cricket is a very exciting game.
Negative: Cricket is not a boring game.

43. Affirmative: Diamond is a very precious metal
Negative: Diamond is not cheap metal.

44. Affirmative: I will be for a very long time
Negative: I will not be for a short time.

45. Affirmative: It’s a very small window.
Negative: It is not a big window.

46. Affirmative: The journey was very pleasant.
Negative: The journey was not unpleasant.

47. Affirmative: He is the only boy of five.
Negative: No other boy than/but he is of five.

48. Affirmative: A brave man alone can do this.
Negative: None but a brave man can do this.

49. Affirmative: I need a book only.
Negative: I need nothing but a book.

50. Affirmative: I need ten taka only.
Negative: I don’t need more than ten taka

51. Affirmative: You have to drink clean water.
Negative: You cannot but drink clean water.

52. Affirmative: He ate eggs and vegetables.
Negative: He ate not only eggs but also vegetables.

53. Affirmative: Everybody likes flowers.
Negative: Nobody dislikes flowers.

54. Affirmative: I am always against of smoking.
Negative: I am never in favour of smoking.

55. Affirmative: Knowledge is power.
Negative: Isn’t knowledge power?

56. Affirmative: I missed the train.
Negative: I could not catch the train.

57. Affirmative: I have a few dolls.
Negative: I don’t have many dolls.

58. Affirmative: All must die.
Negative: None can escape death.

59. Affirmative: I come here for the last time.
Negative: I will never come here again.

Affirmative: The box is too heavy for me to lift.
Negative: The box is so heavy that I cannot lift.

Affirmative: He saw the Taj.
Negative: He did not fail to see the Taj.

62. Affirmative: Who has seen the wind?
Negative: No one has seen the wind.

63. Affirmative: Only England can help you.
Negative: None but England can help you.

64. Affirmative: Only hard work is a key to success.
Negative: Nothing but hard word is the key to success.

65. Affirmative: Portia Proved to be a faithful wife.
Negative: Portia did not fail to prove to be a faithful wife.

66. Affirmative: Can you touch the sky?
Negative: You cannot touch the sky.

67. Affirmative: England won a medal in the Olympics.
Negative: England did not fail to win a medal in the Olympics.

68. Affirmative: He is too old to work hard.
Negative: He is so old that he cannot work hard.

69. Affirmative: Can there be smoke without fire?
Negative: There can be no smoke without fire.

Affirmative into Negative Exceptional rules

1. Affirmative: He is the only boy of five.
Negative: No other boy than/but he is of five.

2. Affirmative: I read only English.
Negative: I read no other subject than English.

3. Affirmative: Water is liquid.
Negative:  Water is neither solid nor gaseous.
OR: Isn't water liquid?

4. Affirmative: Milk is white.
Negative: Milk has no other colour without white
Or: Isn't milk white?

5. AffirmativeIron is solid.
Negative: Iron is neither liquid nor gaseous.
Or: Isn't Iron solid?

6. AffirmativeWhere there is fire, there is smoke.
Negative: There is no smoke without fire.

7. Affirmative:  He tried all plans.
Negative: He left no stone unturned.

8. Affirmative: He has given up smoking for good.
Negative: He will never smoke again.

9. Affirmative: He is less ugly than you said.
Negative: He is not as ugly as you said.

10. Affirmative: You are less good than he said.
Negative: You are not as good as he said.

11. Affirmative: He has left the village forever.
Negative: He will never come to his village again.

12. Affirmative: All must submit to death.
Negative: No one can escape death.

13. AffirmativeWhere there is fire, there is smoke.
Negative: There is no smoke without fire.

14. Affirmative: I am unable to attend their needs.
Negative: I cannot attend their needs.

15. Affirmative: I missed the train.
Negative: I could not catch the train.

16. Affirmative: Everyone admits that he is a good musician.
Negative: No one can deny that he is a good musician.

17. Affirmative: Everybody will admit that I am right.
Negative: Nobody will deny that I am right.

18. Affirmative: It is often difficult in the company to speak frankly.
Negative: It is not always easy in the company to speak frankly.

19. Affirmative: I refused to wait any longer.
Negative: I would not wait any longer.

20. Affirmative: More attacks followed.
Negative: This was not his last attack.

21. Affirmative: I was doubtful if he would come.
Negative: I was not sure that he would come.

22. Affirmative: He always minds his lessons.
Negative: He never neglects his lessons.

23. Affirmative: It always pours when it rains.
Negative: It never rains but pours.

24. Affirmative: You are the only person fit for the post.
Negative: No other person but you are fit for the post.

25. Affirmative: I come here for the last time.
Negative: Never again I shall come here.

26. Affirmative: In all respects this morning was like any other.
Negative: This morning did not differ from any other in any respect.

27. AffirmativeHe will go only under compulsion.
Negative: He will go unless he is compelled.

28. Affirmative: Chance and accidents are only aliases of ignorance.
Negative: Chance and accidents are nothing but aliases of ignorance.

29. AffirmativeJohn was always on time.
Negative: John was never late.

30. Affirmative: I saw only but husks and dust in the bag.
Negative: I saw nothing in the bag but husks and dust.

31. Affirmative: It was the only school for males.
Negative: There was no other school for males.

32. Affirmative: A little boy is always innocent.
Negative: A little boy is never guilty.

33. Affirmative: There are many people here.
Negative: There are not a few people here.

34. Affirmative: We sold a little honey.
Negative: We did not sell much honey.

35. AffirmativeI come here for the last time.
Negative: I shall never come here.

36. AffirmativeThen I saw him last.
Negative: I have never seen him since then.

37. Affirmative: I warn you for the last time.
Negative: I shall never warn you.

38. Affirmative: I have given up smoking forever
Negative: I shall never smoke again.

39. Affirmative: He came here for the last time.
Negative: He never came here again.

40. Affirmative: Where there is smoke, there is fire.
Negative: There can be no smoke without fire.

41. Affirmative: The sun rises in the east. 
Negative: Isn't the sun rise in the east?
[N.B: Universal truths are changed into interrogative negative sentences.]

42. Affirmative: A life with an assignment is actual life.
Negative: A life without an assignment is not actual life.
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