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Completing sentence exercise

 SSC Exam 2018 Combined Board

a) It is English which is an international language.
b) But most of the students don't know how to do well in English.
c) If a student wants to do well in English he/she must practice it more and more.
d) Unless he/she practices it he/she cannot do well in the examination.
e) It is high time we learnt English well.

1. Completing the following sentences. [Dhaka Board 2017]
(a) There goes a proverb that time and tide wait for none.
(b) Though lost wealth can be regained by hard work, lost time can never be regained.
(c) Time is so valuable that time once lost is lost forever.
(d) Those who waste time cannot shine in life. 
(e) As make proper use of time, you must be successful.

2. Completing the following sentences. [Dhaka Board 2016]
(a) Smoking is a habit which harmful to our health.
(b) Many people go on smoking though they know its bad impact.
(c) If we smoke, we will suffer a lot.
(d) People can't give up smoking easily because they become accustomed to it.
(e) So, attempts must be taken by us to stop smoking.

3. Completing the following sentences. [Dhaka Board 2015]
a) Many people cut trees indiscriminately but do not plant any tree.
b) Trees cause rainfall which is essential for our environment.
c) If we cut trees at random, the country will soon lose ecological balance.
d) Trees supply oxygen which we breathe in.
e) Since tress helps us in many ways, we should plant more trees.

4. Completing the following sentences. [Rajshahi Board 2017]
(a) Books are our best friends because they are always ready to help us.
(b) A man who reads books regularly is able to know many things.
(c) By reading books we can learn knowledge.
(d) We can leam moral values ​​by reading books.
(e) We should inspire the students to read books.

5. Completing the following sentences. [Rajshahi Board 2016]
(a) Acid rain is harmful because it pollutes the environment.
(b) The wind was so strong that it blew some huts way.
(c) Had he been a little careful, he would not have made a mistake.
(d) They were frightened when they were angry.
(e) Take your umbrella lest you should get wet in the rain.

6. Completing the following sentences. [Rajshahi Board 2015]
a) If you do not waste your time, you will succeed in life.
b) This is the boy who is a studious.
c) I wish I were a child.
d) United we stand, divided we fall.
e) The boy is so weak in mathematics that he can't pass the examination.

7. Completing the following sentences. [Barishal Board 2017]
(a) Slum dwellers are so poor that they cannot make both ends.
(b) As they live there in an inhuman condition, they often suffer from various diseases.
(c) Come forward to help them lest they should die from starvation.
(d) Although they do hard work from dawn to dusk, they cannot manage two meals.
(e) Only then they will be able to live a sound life.

8. Completing the following sentences. [Barishal Board 2016]
a) Five years have passed since we met last.
b) It is a matter of sorrow that you didn't answer my last letter.
c) I tried to write to you but could not manage time.
d) In fact, we all are always busy with our work.
e) We hope that we will meet soon.

9. Completing the following sentences. [Barishal Board 2015]
a) We must work hard in order that we can succeed.
b) A man who is lazy cannot shine in life.
c) It is hard work that makes a man successful.
d) The idle cannot reach their target because of their idleness.
e) You will not succeed unless you work hard.

10. Completing the following sentences. [Sylhet Board 2017]
(a) Cricket is a game which attracts all classes of people.
(b) Boys and girls of our country are very much fond of cricket.
(c) Though cricket is a costly game,  it's liked by all.
(d) Bangladesh is a test playing country, but its standard is not good.
(e) It is essential to upgrade the standard.

11. Completing the following sentences. [Sylhet Board 2016 & 2015]
a) Yesterday I could not get up from bed in time because I was ill.
b) As soon as I got up from bed, it was 10 am.
c) Since I could not avail the bus, I started to walk.
d) On the way to school, I walked fast lest I should miss the class.
e) If I reached late I would miss a task.

12. Completing the following sentences. [Dinajpur Board 2017]
(a) It is said that youth is the golden period of life.
(b) In youth the mind is so soft that it can be shaped as we like.
c) If we lose morning hours of life, we will not complete daily work.
d) We will reap a good harvest if we make the best use of our youth.
e) On the other hand, if we remain lazy, we will suffer in the long run.

13. Completing the following sentences. [Dinajpur Board 2016]
(a) He asked me if I could recognize him.
(b) He will show me how it can be done.
(c) Hardly had he started for school when the rain started.
(d) He told me that honesty is the best policy.
(e)Where is well there is away.

14. Completing the following sentences. [Dinajpur Board 2015]
(a) United we stand, divided we fall.
(b) It is high time we changed our bad habits.
(c) Unless you are united, others may harm you.
(d) Who doesn't know this wise saying?
(e) The story of the old man and his sons teaches us unity is strength.

15. Completing the following sentences. [Cumilla Board 2017]
(a) This is Bangladesh which is my motherland. 
(b) The people of Bangladesh are friendly though they are needy.
(c) When anyone falls in danger, others immediately come to help him.
(d) We love and help one another as if we were friends.
(e) We work seriously in order that Bangladesh might prosper.

16. Completing the following sentences. [Cumilla Board 2016]
a) We come to know about the happenings of home and abroad if we read the newspaper regularly.
b) People read newspaper lest they should miss the current affairs.
c) Many students do not read the newspaper regularly as they don't know the importance of it.
d) I become happy when I get a daily newspaper.
e) Many people earn their living by selling the newspaper.

17. Completing the following sentences. [Cumilla Board 2015]
a) I would help him if he told me.
b) The answer that he wrote.
c) Finishing the work, I went to bed.
d) I saw my mother cooking food in the kitchen.
e) To walk in the morning is good for your health.

18. Completing the following sentences. [Jashore Board 2017]
(a) Five years have passed since we met last.
(b) Hardly had the assembly began when I reached college.
(c) Hurry up lest you should miss the plane.
(d) Danger often comes when it is feared.
(e) The lady speaks as if she knew everything.

19. Completing the following sentences. [Jashore Board 2016]
(a) An educational institution is a seat of learning so students can gain knowledge.
(b) It should be a peaceful place where students can acquire knowledge.
(c) But nowadays peaceful atmosphere is absent from educational institutions because of political violence and terrorism.
(d) The students who are involved in violence can never acquire knowledge.
(e) The sooner it can be controlled, the better the result will be.

20. Completing the following sentences. [Jessore Board 2015]
a) No sooner had I reached home than the rain started.
b) He was so lazy that he could do nothing in his life.
c) It is health which is wealth.
d) He succeeded though he was lazy.
e) As our elders love us, we also should love them.

21. Completing the following sentences. [Chittagong Board 2017]
(a) He pretends as if he were a Shahrukh Khan.
(b) It is high time we changed our bad habits.
(c) Walk slowly lest you should fall down.
(d) If you don't work hard, you can't succeed.
(e) Had I seen you before, I would have informed you.

22. Completing the following sentences. [Chittagong Board 2016]
(a) 1971 is the year when Bangladesh became independent.
Or: 1952 is the year when Bangladeshi students gave their lives for the establishment of Bangla Language.
(b) Though Bangladesh has limited natural resources, she cannot utilize them properly.
(c) He cannot pass because he is not attentive to study.
(d) Be truthful if you want to gain others' respect.
(e) His silence proves that he is a thief.

23. Completing the following sentences. [Chittagong Board 2015]
a) As the flower is a symbol of love, beauty and purity, it is used on different occasions.
b) There is hardly any person who dislikes flowers.
c) We can turn our enemies into friends if we treat them with flowers.
d) It is said that those who do not love flowers are cruel.
e) Many people cultivate flowers because flower cultivation is profitable.

24. Completing the following sentences. 
a) United we stand, divided we fall.
b) Eva talks as if she knew everything.
c) Since the body and mind go together, we cannot do anything without them.
d) Zara is so tired that she cannot study.
e) As I had forgotten her, I went away.

25. Completing the following sentences.
a) As the poor man was hungry, he could not walk anymore.
b) The weather was so cold that we could not go outside.
c) Hasan behaves as if, he knew everything.
d) It is high time we changed our bad habit.
e) A patriot is respected because he works in his country.

26. Completing the following sentences.
a) The weather is so cold that we cannot go outside.
b) He was strong enough to defend the enemy.
c) She came here with a view to meeting her friend.
d) John behaves as if, he knew everything.
e) You had better go home.

27. Completing the following sentences.
a) A school is a seat of learning, so everyone should keep the place free from politics.
b) It should be a peaceful place where every student can study well.
c) But now a day’s peaceful atmosphere is absent from the college because of politics.
d) The students who take part in politics do not do well in the examination.
e) The sooner it can be controlled, the better it will be.

28. Completing the following sentences.
a) I wish I were a child again.
b) She works hard so that she can earn his livelihood.
c) There is hardly any person who believes a liar.
d) Man is born free but everywhere he is in a chain.
e) It is our sacred duty to love our country.

29. Completing the following sentences.
a) He hurried to the station lest he should miss the train.
b) People are advised to take oral-saline since it will keep the body fit.
c) Where there is a will, there is away.
d) The weather was so unbearable that we could not go outside.
e) When the final hour of departure came, we became depressed.

30. Completing the following sentences.
a) We want that we will see good days.
b) Man dies but his works live.
c) People work with a view to earning money.
(d) I wish I were a child again.
(e) A patriot is a person whom we respect.

31. Completing the following sentences.
a) Since Bangladesh is a disaster-prone country we should take necessary measures to save the country.
the country.
b) Though Bangladesh is a small country, she is burdened with a huge population.
c) Women who comprise half of our population are ignored in society.
d) Moreover, our country is beset with lots of problems.
e) We all should come forward with a view to solving the problems of our country.

32. Completing the following sentences.
a) We should say ‘no’ to corruption because it destroys everything.
b) Corrupted persons are not only dishonest but also greedy.
c) Now, it is high time we left corrupted people.
d) We should work together if we want to keep the country free from corruption.
e) But we are so self-centred that we do not want to change our habit.

33. Completing the following sentences.
a) No sooner had she reached the station than the train left.
b) She ran fast lest she should reach the station.
(c) She could not avail herself of the opportunity.
d) I prevented him from going there.
(e) All should do something to develop the country.

34. Completing the following sentences.
a) AIDS is a fatal disease which has no cure.
b) It is such a disease that can be transmitted in different ways.
c) The first AIDS patient was a man who led a miserable life.
d) The doctors suggest that everyone be aware of this disease.
e) There is no further remedy that can cure a patient.

35. Completing the following sentences.
a) Rita studies attentively so that she can do well in the examination.
b) Hardly had the leader finished his speech when the people stood up.
c) I walked fast lest I should miss the class.
d) A fish market is the place where people go for buying fish.
e) It is disappointing to note that the price of necessary things is going up.

36. Completing the following sentences.
a) Walk fast lest you should miss the train.
b) It is high time we changed our bad habit.
c) Modern husbands are conscious of their duties.
d) For good health we need to walk regularly.
e) If I help him in danger ­I will also get help in my problem.

37. Completing the following sentences.
a) We work hard so that, we could earn well.
b) There is nobody who does not know the value of time.
c) As she is devoted to studies, she will do a better result in the examination.
d) She left the place after, I had reached there.
(e) As soon as the police came, the criminals went away.

38. Completing the following sentences.
a) I don’t like people who are idle/lazy.
b) Do you know where he lives?
c) It was long since I had last seen him.
d) You will not prosper unless you work hard.
e) Had I been proposed to go I would have gone with them.

39. Completing the following sentences.
a) You cannot find others to love you unless you love them.
b) It is love that has no limitation.
c) Love is divine which is expected.
d) Your friends cannot help loving you if you love them.
e) If you are not loved, it is good evidence that you are not a good person.

40. Completing the following sentences.
a) She has a lot of money but no happiness.
b) My mother gave me taka 500 so that I could buy a shirt.
c) He has been suffering from fever for seven days.
d) Though it rained yesterday the weather was not cool.
e) The train had left the station before I reached there.

41. Completing the following sentences.
a) Walk fast lest you should miss the train.
b) Our students are so meritorious they will do well in the examination. 
c) Scarcely had the teacher gone out of the room when the students stood up.
d) If I knew his mobile number I would call him.
e) It is time we gave up a bad habit.

42. Completing the following sentences.
a) A graveyard is a place where the dead are buried.
b) I am not sure whether he will come or not.
c) The old man is walking carefully lest he should fall down.
d) Do you mind if I talk to you?
e) Unless you work hard you will fail in life.
43. Completing the following sentences.
a) It is easy to say but difficult to do.
b) Five years passed since I had met you.
c) A graveyard is a place where the dead are buried.
d) She insisted that she must do the job.
e) Unless you work hard, you will fail in life.

44. Completing the following sentences.
a) She could not attend the meeting because she was ill.
b) We went to his residence as soon as we received the phone.
c) She was so ill that she could not talk.
d) We immediately decided to shift her to a hospital where she could get treatment.
e) No sooner had we reached the hospital than he died.

45. Completing the following sentences.
a) They went to college after they had finished their breakfast.
b) This poem is too difficult for me to understand.
c) No sooner had she seen me than he left away.
d) He speaks as if he knew everything.
e) It is high time we changed our bad habit.

46. Completing the following sentences.
a) As you sow, so you reap.
b) Although Bangladesh is a populous country, it is full of natural beauty.
c) She is my teacher who is a learned woman.
d) I wish I were a child again.
e) He took up a part-time job so that he could earn his livelihood.

47. Completing the following sentences.
a) Since Bangladesh is an agricultural country, timely rainfall is very necessary.
b) As her economy depends on agriculture, we have to improve our agriculture.
c) We have to develop cultivation scientifically so that we can increase our production.
d) Though our farmers work hard, they do not get what they need.
e) They cannot improve their condition because they are illiterate.

48. Completing the following sentences.
a) Water is so vital of all-natural resources that we are greatly dependent on it.
b) It is water which keeps us alive.
c) Our agriculture which depends on the water cannot produce anything without it.
d) Though Bangladesh is blessed with rivers we do not get required water during the dry season.
e) If the rainfall is timely, we will get the good production of crops.

49. Completing the following sentences.
a) The poor man is too hungry to talk.
b) I came here with a view to meeting my friend.
c) The weather was so cold that we could not go outside.
(d) Hasib behaves as if he knew everything.
e) The higher we fly, the harder we feel.

50. Completing the following sentences.
a) My father is a teacher who is a learned man.
b) Unless he gets up early in the morning, he will miss the first bus.
c) It is high time we changed our bad habit.
d) Though it’s raining, people are moving.
e) A patriot is respected because he thinks for the country.

51. Completing the following sentences.
a) Acid rain is harmful because it burns everything.
b) The wind was so strong that we could not stand there.
c) Had he been a little careful the accident would not have happened.
d) They were frightened when they were crossing the road.
e) Take your umbrella lest you should fall in the rain.

52. Completing the following sentences.
a) It is true that most of the parents in our country are not interested enough to send their female children to school.
b) Parents think that spending money on the children’s education is unwise especially when they are female children.
c) They think female children need no education because they will be married off.
d) To lessen discrimination in children’s educational status the government gives subsidy for female children so that they could be educated.
e) It is a good sign that now a day’s women are coming out of their homes.

53. Completing the following sentences.
a) Yesterday Mitu had an accident while she was crossing the road.
b) No sooner had we heard the news than we rushed to the place.
c) We took her to a hospital which was near the road.
d) We took her to a hospital which was a public hospital.
e) As it was a public hospital, there was a huge rush.
f) But our patient was so serious that we shifted the patient to a private clinic.
g) It is true that honesty is the best policy/health is wealth.
h) In the youth the mind is so soft that accepts anything which is brought before it.

54. Completing the following sentences.
(a) Bangladesh is one of the resourceful places which has plenty of natural resources.
(b) It is a matter of sorrow that we ourselves cannot utilize them.
(c) There are many resources which can change the condition of our country.
(d) If we want to develop our country, we have to make the best use of our resources.
(e) If we fail to utilize our natural resources properly, we cannot make our country advanced in the world.

55. Completing the following sentences.
(a) Tea, which is a popular drink, is grown largely in Indian subcontinent.
(b) It is a kind of small plant which grows in hilly areas.
(c) When tea was first introduced in Bangladesh, it was drunk only in aristocratic and rich families.
(d) Bangladesh earns a huge amount of foreign exchange by exporting tea.
(e) Sylhet is the place where tea plants grow well.

56. Completing the following sentences.
(a) The man who is idle can't shine in life.
(b) We must work hard in order that we can make a good result.
(c) It is hard labour that can ensure success
(d) idle cannot reach their target because they do not
(e) You cannot expect a good result unless you work hard.

57. Completing the following sentences.
(a) Truth is beauty and beauty is truth.
(b) Truthfulness is the quality which is the best.
(c) A truthful person is loved and respected by all.
(d) The man who does not speak the truth is trusted hone.
(e) We should form the habit of speaking by the truth.

58. Completing the following sentences.
(a) Leisure means the time when a person remains free from all types of pressure or duties.
(b) Since we live in a materialistic world, we have to work every moment like a machine.
(c) But it should be kept in mind that taking rest is as important as doing work.
(d) If a man does not take rest after work, he cannot concentrate on his next work properly
(e) So, we should take rest so that we can work more.

59. Completing the following sentences.
(a) It is I who helped you.
(b) It is high time we realized the importance of education.
(c) Walk fast lest you should miss the train.
(d) Hardly had she reached home when it began to rain.
(e) If you read indifferently, you will not understand your lesson.

60. Completing the following sentences.
(a) Chikungunia is not a fatal disease that is transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes.
(b) It is such a disease that takes a long time to be cured.
(c) The first Chikungunia patient was found in Dhaka where blood tests were done.
(d) The doctors suggest that a patient of Chikungunia should take sufficient rest.
(e) There harm. is no further fear that it can cause serious.

61. Completing the following sentences.
(a) A student must take care of health because health is wealth.
(b) The man who possesses good health is happy in life.
(c) It is high time we realized the valuΓ© of time.
(d) No sooner had he reached the station than the train left.
(e) Time is so valuable that we should not waste it.

62. Completing the following sentences.
(a) No sooner had we reached the school than it began to rain.
(b) Unless you study attentively, you will cut a sorry figure in the examination.
(c) Scarcely had the party begun when my friends came.
(d) If I had known his mobile number, I would have phoned him.
(e) Work hard provided that you can be successful.

63. Completing the following sentences.
(a) But for your timely intervention, he would have been ruined.
(b) Many days passed since we had met each other.
(c) Had I been a king, I would have brought peace in my country.
(d) Hardly had I reached the station when the train left.
(e) The old woman walks slowly lest she should fall down. 

64. Completing the following sentences.
(a) He worked so hard that he could succeed in life.
(b) It was high time we had taken action against corruption.
(c) A drowning man catches at a straw.
(d) The men who work hard are sure to succeed in life.
(e) He has complete his homework before his father returns.

65. Completing the following sentences.
(a) Be truthful if you want to be trusted by others.
(b) Scarcely had the assembly begun when the other officer joined the meeting.
(c) If I knew his mobile number, I would call him.
(d) He came here with a view to meeting me.
(e) Five years passed since I had met her last.
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