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Appropriate Prepositions

Common Prepositions 































Grammar Focus: Common Prepositions


Before months: in January, in Baishakh, etc.

Before years: in 2007, in 1998, etc.

Before seasons: in spring, in summer, in winter, etc.

In + period of time: in a few minutes, in two years, in a week, in two months, etc. Place (comparatively larger): in Nepal, in Kathmandu, in Europe, in the world, etc. Things worn on the body: in a blue sari, in a red cap, in a tie, etc.

Surrounded by something: in the ground, in the car, in the paint, in the bed, in an armchair, in the lock, etc.

Somebody’s job or profession: in army, in driving, in teaching, in business, etc.

To show state or condition: in love, in trouble, in good repair, in a hurry, in debt, in misery, in poverty, etc.

Stages of life: in the childhood, in the womb, in the adulthood, etc.

With means of exchange: in cash/goods, etc.

With phrasal verbs: fill in, deal in, interested in, accurate in, backward in, absorbed in, engaged in, deficient in, experienced in, correct in, successful in, call in, fall in, get in, live in, set in, turn in, dwell in, succeed in, etc.

With some expressions: in a line, in a row, in the sky, in a photograph, in a mirror, in the sun, in the shade, in other words, in addition to, in comparison to, etc.


Before days: on Sunday, on Friday, on Saturday, etc.

Before dates: on 5th Sept., on 24th of this month, etc.

Special occasions: on my birthday, on Christmas day, on the parents’ day, etc.

Topic: on pollution, on dowry system, on democracy, on environment, etc.

Over something: on the wall, on the table, on the notice board, on my head, etc.

To denote position: on the floor, on the ground, on the menu, on the list, on a map, etc. Means of transportation: on a bus, on a cycle, on a train, on a motorcycle, on foot, etc. Supported by something: on the foot, on the hook, on her back, etc.

To describe an activity or state: I am on vacation. I am on my business. We are on holidays. I bought a book on loan.

Being worn: Put your coat on. I didn’t have my glasses on.

With some phrasal verbs: act on, depend on, go on, impose on, keep on, live on, pass on, put on, rely on, walk on, switch on, turn on, carry on, etc.


Before parts of day: at night, at noon, at dawn, at midnight, at dusk, at sunrise, at sunset, etc.

Before time shown by watch: at eight, at five o’clock, at quarter past three,etc.

Before name of festivals: at Dashain, at Tihar, at Id, at Fagu, etc.

Before age: at twenty, at the age of sixty, etc.

Before points: at the bus stop, at the airport, at the platform, at the traffic lights, at the top, at the bottom, at the end of the party, etc.

Small areas: at Bagbazar, at Lagankhel, at Pulchowk, at Dallu, etc.

Other places: at the door, at the end, at the corner of the street, at reception, at home, at campus, at the meeting, etc.

With price, speed, degree: at 90 mph, at 300, at 0 degree C, at 100 degree C, etc. What somebody is doing or happening: I am at lunch. The country is now at war. Where somebody works: at bank, at school/collage, at T.U, etc.

With time adverbials: at present, at this moment, at the same time, etc.

With phrase: look at, aim at, laugh at, point at ,good at, bad at, smile at, angry at, knock at, arrive at, wonder at, get at, etc.


In the direction of something: I walked to the office. It fell to the ground. It was on the way to the station. He’s going to Paris. It is my first visit to Africa. He pointed to something on the opposite bank. Her childhood was spent travelling from place to place.

Located in the direction mentioned from something: Place the cursor to the left of the first word. There are mountains to the north.

As far as something: The meadows lead down to the river. Her hair fell to her waist. Reaching a particular state: The vegetables were cooked to perfection. He tore the letter to pieces. She sang the baby to sleep. The letter reduced her to tears. His expression changed from shock to joy.

The end or limit of a range or period of time: A drop in profits from $105 million to around $75 million I’d say he was 25 to 30 years old. I like all kinds of music from opera to reggae. We only work from Monday to Friday. I watched the program from beginning to end.






























Before the start of something: How long is it to lunch? It’s five to ten.

person or thing that receives something: He gave it to his sister. I’ll explain to you where everything goes. I am deeply grateful to my parents. Who did she address the letter to? To whom did she address the letter?

Directed towards: It was a threat to world peace. She made a reference to her

recent book.

In honour of somebody/something: It is a monument to the soldiers who died in the war. Let’s drink to Julia and her new job.


Who is intended to have or use something: There’s a letter for you. It’s a book for  children. We got a new table for the dining room. This is the most suitable place for me. In order to help somebody/something: What can I do for you? Can you translate this letter for me? I took her classes for her while she was sick. Soldiers are fighting for their country

Concerning somebody /something: They are anxious for her safety. Fortunately for us,

the weather changed.

In support of somebody /something: Are you for or against the proposal? They voted for independence in a referendum. There’s a strong case for postponing the exam. I’m all for people having fun. ‘What does she think about the move?’ ‘She’s all for it.’

to show purpose or function: This is a machine for slicing bread. Let’s go for a walk. Are

you learning English for fun or for your work? What did you do that for?

to show a reason or cause: The town is famous for its cathedral. She gave me a watch for my birthday. He got an award for bravery. I couldn’t speak for laughing. He didn’t answer for fear of hurting her.

In order to obtain something: He came to me for advice. For more information, call this number. There were over fifty applicants for the job.

to show a length of time: I’m going away for a few days. That’s all the news there is for now. to say how difficult, necessary, pleasant, etc. something is: It’s useless for us to continue. There’s no need for you to go. For her to have survived such an ordeal was remarkable. The box is too heavy for me to lift. Is it clear enough for you to read?

to show who can or should do something: It’s not for me to say why he left. How to

spend the money is for you to decide.


point of time: I will have passed the exam by 2075 BS. I will have reached there by


In passive voice before an agent: Football was played by students. Our organization is helped by an INGO.

To denote position: Ram is sitting by me. The book rack is by the cupboard.

To indicate a means of transport or a route system: travel by bus/ car / train/ plane/ travel by air/ land / sea, etc.

To pass through something or place: I went out by the back door. He came by country roads, not by motor ways.

With the means of doing something through: May I pay by cheque? You can contact me by letter/ telephone.


Place or direction from which somebody/something starts: I am from Nepal. The bus goes from Kathmandu to Dhading.

who sent or gave something: I got a letter from my boss. There was a gift from my friend. protection or prevention: Protect people from robbery. Save the children from abuses.

To make a distinction: Why are living things different from non-living things?

Indicating a cause: I’m suffering from fever.


with verbs to express movement on or to a particular place or position: Move the books onto the second shelf. She stepped down from the train onto the platform.

to show that something faces in a particular direction: The window looked out onto the terrace.


In the direction of somebody /something: We were heading towards the City Centre.

She had her back towards me.

Getting closer to achieving something: This is a first step towards political union.

Closer to a point in time: I will be there towards the end of April.

In relation to somebody /something: He was warm and tender towards her. Our attitude towards death is different.

With the aim of obtaining something: The money will go towards a new school building.


Opposing or disagreeing with somebody /something: That’s against the law. She was

forced to marry against her will. The school teachers are against the principal.

Without any advantage: The evidence is against him. Her age is against her.

Close to, touching or hitting somebody /something: Put the piano there, against the

wall. The rain beat against the windows.

In order to prevent something from happening: There is an injection against rabies. They took precautions against fire. Are we assured against burglary?

With something in the background, as a contrast: His red clothes stood out

clearly against the snow. The love story unfolds against a background of civil war. Comparison  between  two  things:  You  must  weigh  the  benefits   against   the cost. Check your receipts against the statement. What’s the rate of exchange against the dollar?








Gone by in time: in past years/centuries/ages, in times past, the time for discussion is


Gone by recently; just ended: I haven’t seen much of her in the past few weeks. The

past month has been really busy at work.

Belonging to an earlier time, past events: From past experience I’d  say  he’d  probably forgotten the time. Let’s forget about who was more to blame—it’s all past history.


To or in a higher position somewhere: She climbed up the flight of steps. The village is

further up the valley.

Along or further along a road or street: We live just up the road, past the post office.

Towards the place where a river starts: There is a cruise up the Rhine.


Partly or completely covering the surface: She put a blanket over the sleeping child. He wore an overcoat over his suit. She put her hand over her mouth to stop herself from screaming.

In or to a position higher than but not touching: They held a large umbrella over her.

The balcony juts out over the street. There was a lamp hanging over the table.

Across something: There is a bridge over the river. They ran over the grass. They had a wonderful view over the park.

During  something:  We’ll  discuss  it  over  lunch.  Over  the  next  few  days   they   got to know the town well. She has not changed much over the years. He built up the business over a period of ten years. We’re away over the New Year.

In relation to something: We have an argument over money. It is a disagreement over

the best way to proceed.

By means of something: We heard it over the radio. She would tell me over the



At or to a higher place or position than something/somebody: The water came above our knees. We were flying above the clouds. A captain in the navy ranks above a captain in the army. They finished the year six places above their local rivals.

More than something: Temperatures have been above average. We cannot accept

children above the age of 10.

Too good or too honest to do something: She’s not above lying when it suits her. He’s

above suspicion.


At or to a lower level or position: He dived below the surface of the water. Please do not write below this line. Skirts will be worn below the knee.

Of a lower amount, standard, rank or importance: The temperatures remained below freezing all day. Her work was well below average for the class. A police sergeant is below an inspector.


In, to or through a position that is below something: Have you looked under the bed? She placed the ladder under the window.

Less than; younger than: An annual income of under Rs. 10,000 is not sufficient for survival. It took us under an hour. Nobody under 18 is allowed to buy alcohol.

who or what controls, governs somebody /something: The country is now under

martial law. She has 20 staff working under her.

Experiencing a particular process: The hotel is still under construction. The matter is under investigation.

Affected by something: The wall collapsed under the damage. I’ve been feeling under

stress lately.


Under somebody /something: They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves. The boat sank beneath the waves.

Not good enough for somebody: He considers such jobs beneath him. They thought

she had married beneath her.








Down or away from a place: I fell off the ladder. Keep off the grass! Scientists are still a long way off finding a cure. We’re getting right off the subject.

To say that something has been removed: You need to take the top off the bottle first! I want about an inch off the back of my hair.

Away from work or duty or price: He’s had ten days off school. They knocked Rs. 10,000 off the car.


To a position in or inside something: Come into the house.  She  dived  into  the water. He threw the letter into the fire.

to show a change in state: The fruit can be made into jam. Can you translate this passage into German? They came into power in 2008. She was sliding into depression.

About or concerning something: I had an inquiry into safety procedures.

Used when you are dividing numbers: Five into five is twenty five.


Surrounded by somebody /something: There is a house among the trees. They strolled among the crowds. I found the letter  among  his  papers.  You’re  among  friends  now.

Being included or happening in groups of things or people: A British woman was among the survivors. He was among the last to leave. This attitude is common among the under-25s. Discuss it among yourselves first.


On the subject of somebody/something: We are talking about the book. I am writing an essay about ‘nationalism’.

At a time near, at approximately: There are about 500 students in my school. We reached there at about 5:30.

Near to a place: I was lost somewhere about Ratna Park yesterday.


Having or carrying something: a boy with curly hair, a man with a stick, a coat with a belt, a child with a broken leg

Indicating the tool or instrument used: draw with a pencil, cut it with a knife, feed the

baby with a spoon

In the company of something/somebody: I live with parents. They went on holiday

with a friend.

Indicating the manner or circumstance: I’ll do it with pleasure. I welcomed her with

open arms.

With adjectives: angry with, pleased with, satisfied with,  delighted  with,  furious with ,etc.


Moving or passing from one side to the other: A river flows through my village. You can

see the germs through microscope.

By means of; because of: You can get success through persistent hard work.

Beginning to the end: The children cannot stay in the concert through the night.


Belonging to somebody or something: He is a friend of Mohan. It is the love of a mother for her child. There is a great role of the teacher. the lid of the box, the director of the company, a member of the team, the result of the debate, etc.

Coming from a particular background: A woman of Italian descent, the people of Wales, etc.

with measurements and expressions of time, age, etc: two kilos of potatoes, an increase of 2%, a girl of 12, the fourth of July, the year of his birth, have a walk of an evening, etc.

after nouns formed from verbs. The noun after ‘of’ can be either the object or the subject of the action: the arrival of the police, criticism of the police, fear of the dark, the howling of the wind,etc.

Summary of Preposition

with                      above


around across


on the left        to                          in

to the left        outside       inside



at                               beside

      far           near nearer

around                                   under





behind          backward


Grammar Focus: Prepositions with Different Words


care , complain , do , dream , speak , hear , read , remind , talk , tell , think , walk , warn,concern, awful, lazy, dream, excited, hear, worry, anxious, just, look


swim, walk, run, go


crave, hanker, look, run


fight, hit, lean, offend, speak, struggle, vote


divide, quarrel, share


aim , arrive , fire , glance , hint , jeer , laugh , look , point , shoot , shout , smile

, stare , throw , wait , wink, arrive, good, bad, annoyed, gazed, angry, adept,

rejoice, shock


abide, live, complete, finish


drive, fall, go, sail, slide


answer, apologize, apply, ask, blame, call, care, crave, forgive, leave, look, punish, search, thank, wait, yearn, anxious, eager, inclined, prepared, ready, customary, fit, notorious, proper, sorry, destined, grateful, penitent, qualified, useful, beg, canvass, feel, hope, long, mourn, start, prepare, sue, wait, wish, affect, ambition, anxiety, apology, appetite,candidate, capacity, compensate, contempt, desire, fitness, fondness, need, passionate, pity, pretext, surety


absolve , abstain , come , differ , escape , hear , hide , prevent , prohibit , protect , recover , run away , suffer, conceal, cease, exclude, derive, differ, emerge, exclude, preserve, refrain, intervene, borrow, absent


accurate, backward, correct, defective, deficient, diligent, fertile, interested, lax, successful, experienced, prompt, verse, believe, delight, empty, enlist, excel, increase, persist, interest, aid, decline, count, appear, hide


break, bump, burst, come, crash, cut, dive, divide, drive, fall, fly, jump, pour, put, run, split, turn


desirous, devoid, envious, fond, greedy, ignorant, proud, regardless, negligent, irresponsible, lame, scared, sick, sure, suspicious, terrified, tired,void, weary, worthy, boast, disapprove, dispose, repent, taste


break , burn , close , cut , drive , drop , fall , fence , finish , fly , get , go , keep, lop , pay , run , set , ,sleep, switch , take, turn , walk, wipe


blame , call , carry , comment , concentrate , decide , get, insist , live ,        put ,rely, smile, spend, stand, switch, turn, urge, compliment, depend, determine, dwell, embark, enlarge, impose, line, resolve, base, congratulate


blow, come, go, leave, look, pick, run, shout , throw


argue, cost, discuss, drop, fall, get, go, hand, hold, jump, knock, put, roll, speak, think, travel, trip


go, jog, walk, hurry


drive, get, lost, rain, run, sat, sold, wade, walk


accede , agree , answer , apologize , apply ,  attend  ,  belong  ,  break  ,  bring , complain , correspond , describe , explain , force , forget , go

, happen , hope , invite , jump , keep , like , listen , need , occur , prefer , promise,reconcile , reply, send , shout, speak, submit, talk, try, throw, wish, write, yield, acceptable, addicted, affectionate, alien, common, contrary, due, faithful, indebted, favorable, necessary, opposite, prior, responsible, accessible, adequate, agreeable, analogous, comparable, deaf, equal, foreign, indifferent, liable, obedient, reduced, suitable, accustomed


crawl, go, labor, stand


add , catch, clean, climb, cover, dig, drive, get, give, go, grow, hurry, keep, lock, look, mix, pick, put, ring, run, save, shut, stay, tie, turn, wake, walk , wash


assist, agree, break, collide, comply, concord, correspond, deal, dot, fill, over- whelm, play, provide, quarrel, sleep, stay, supply, acquainted, afflicted, busy


come, do, drive, go, speak, start

Grammar Focus: Prepositions with Other Phrases


book about, about the war, do something about, like about the movie, special about you, what about her, flung about the place


above a dollar, above mine, above the shop, above average, aged nine and above, rises above zero


quarter after six, a walk after lunch, after this week, life after death, day after tomorrow, after midnight, day after, ran after him


among the five, among the trees, among the crowd, talk among yourselves,


at the beginning, at the table, at his feet, at lunch, free at lunchtime, at the age of sixty, at the moment, at last, driving at 100 mph, at 10%, country at war, at regular intervals, surprised at the news


the houses below us, skirts below the knee, down below, see below


stories by the writer, all by myself, enter by this door, by listening to him, grabbed me by my arm, back by two o’clock, must be in by ten, side by side, by the time I arrived, twelve by ten in size, increased by 10 %, sold by the thou- sand, stood by her side, paid by cheque


during the holidays, during the war, during the night, during the weekend


for a dollar, message for you, prize for the winner, for ten minutes, not for sale, time for dinner, clothes for washing, for murder, for tonight, for two reasons, walked for miles, play chess for years


from here, postcard from Jumla, from his pocket, the flight from, a mile from here, made from wood, prices start from Rs./10, from bad to worse, died from injuries, risk from cancer, from the evidence, different from mine, from our point of view, shelter from rain, banned from driving, truth kept from him


in a traffic jam, pain in my back, in a hurry, in a week’s time, in the mirror, in exchange for, in great danger, in the queue, life in the 1870s, in his youth, in my view, a champion in him, speak in English, watch in horror, in the crowd, in record time, in love, in this room, in private, written in ink, cut in two


too near me, near enough to hear


a friend of mine, colour of, a great deal of, fond of riding, unkind of you, face of an angel, a quarter of, both of us, all of us, woman of wealth, many of them, more of, most of, much of, none of them, plenty of, several of, the back of, the top of, pain of divorce, suffering of millions, of my own free will


a long way off, be well off, off the grass, off the road


a book on palmistry, on fire, standing on my foot, no effect on him, run on batteries, on the phone, forty dollars on a shirt, on time, on page 45, got on my horse, improve on it, on his father’s death


over fifty, develop over time, over the worst, over an argument, victory over, over the radio, run over by, he’s over there


a quarter past, half past, past the age


since 3 o’clock, since last week, since Monday, since she died, since the party


all through, through the door, slept through the lectures, get through the day


five to eight, next to, went up to a stranger, told a story to him, drank himself to death, nursed back to health, nothing to him, stand back to back, keys to my car, old enough to, propose a toast to, sixty miles to a liter, to your liking


under a tree, under age, under fifteen years old, under repair, under the con- trol of, under the impression, under the influence of, under the table, under pressure to, ten soldiers under him


until 3 o’clock, until it’s finished, until past midnight, wait until he’s here


married with a child, trembling with fear, littered with paper, popular with the voters, went to war with, with me or against me, improve with age


without doubt, without his help, without taking a break

Grammar Focus: Common Errors


Incorrect                                                                             Correct

Who is in the phone?

Who is on the phone?

He was trembling in rage.

He was trembling with rage.

I am pleased at you.

I am pleased with you.

He is angry upon me.

He is angry with me.

We traveled in train.

We traveled by train.

What is the time in your watch?

What is the time by your watch?

I would like visit Washington D.C.

I would like to visit Washington D.C

I congratulated her for her success.

I congratulated her on her success.

I go to school by foot.

I go to school on foot.

The snake was killed by a stone.

The snake was killed with a stone.

She washed her face in water.

She washed her face with water.

There was an interesting show at TV.

There was an interesting show on TV.

To where shall I send it?

Where shall I send it to?

I am ill since three months.

I have been ill for three months.

She always felt inferior than her younger sister.

She always felt inferior to her younger sister.

This material is superior than that.

This material is superior to that.

He was prevented to come.

He was prevented from coming.

I met with your friend.

I met your friend.

He insisted to pay.

He insisted on paying.

Additional Practice: Read these sentences.

I was asleep until the phone woke me up. They felt lonely after their children left home.

We always have a good breakfast before we go to work.

I like all kinds of food except Upma. You should eat fruit instead of candy. The cowboy rode into the setting sun. The tiger jumped onto my face.

Shakespeare died in 1616. He walked off.

No, you can’t watch a video. It’s past your bedtime already.

The football rolled down the hill. They borrowed money from the bank.

The jury had a lot of doubts about the evidence. There’s a wooden floor underneath the carpet. Some geese flew over their house.

John and Sarah were hiding inside the wardrobe. There was a tree beside the river.

A man was walking his dog along the riverbank. The freeway goes right through the city.

We were travelling towards Miami.

These streets are less busy than downtown streets.

I am aware of the problem.

She insisted on paying for the meal. I’m pleased with my level of success. Andrew smiles like his mother.

We’re playing against the league champions next week. Ram blamed me for what happened.

The freeway goes right through the city.

I got carried away and started shouting at the television.

He was befuddled by drink.

Traffic can cause damage to the environment.

She was called away from the meeting to take an urgent phone call. It was a title bestowed upon him by the king.

I visited my grandparents during the summer. The house is between the two streets.

He made up the news.

We have not seen our waiter since we arrived.

Add up all the money I owe you. She lives near the school.

The tiger jumped onto my face.

Helen got into acting purely by accident. Last week, I worked until 9pm every night.

My soccer team played well during the championship.

My favourite restaurant is next to the shoe store.

I’ll do my homework before dinner.

She ran down the hill.

He pounds nails with a hammer. I made this bookmark for Mom. She’s determined to taking part. Don’t be jealous of others.

We were amazed at her sweet voice.

She plays tennis on Fridays.

I often get sleepy in the afternoon.

We apologize for the late departure of this flight.

These dogs are loyal to their master.

The war was carried into enemy territory.

Cut the cake into five pieces. There was a tree beside the river. Sally was sitting under a tree.

The boys chased after each other.

A little more independence from him would help.

He hopes for a raise in salary next year.

I cannot go to the party so count me out.

The neighborhood streets are less busy than downtown streets.

I always try to be polite to people.

I don't know what is the key to sucess.

They worked until past midnight.

They borrowed money from the bank.

The injured were carried away on stretchers. Extensive tests have been carried out on the patient. He has proved he can carry through on his promises. She was completely taken aback by his anger.

She lives near the school.

We were at the foot of the hill.

The thief was hiding behind the cupboard.

He trembled with anger. Smoking is injurious to health. He fell into the well.

She walked towards the market. The moon moves around the earth.

A.              Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions given in brackets.

1.                          March 1953, Russia invaded Turkey. (On/In/Since)

2.                       A pen is different a pencil. (than/from/and)

3.                       Can you point the arrow (to/at/on) the bird?

4.                       Abishek lives about two miles (away from/at/in) the town.

5.                       Could you please take your shoes before you enter? (of/off/out)

6.                       Cut the cucumber three pieces. (in/to/into)

7.                       Abiral got married an Indian girl. (by/with/to)

8.                       A picture of two babies is hanging the wall. (in/on/over)

9.                       Aren’t you tired dancing so much? (in/of/by)

10.                  Please describe about London me. (for/to/with)

11.                  Can you throw the pen (on/at/to) me?

12.                  Congratulations your grand success! (for/on/at)

13.                  Did you pay by cheque or cash? (by/with/in)

14.                  Do you believe ghosts? (on/in/at)

15.                  A sword was hanging my head. (over/above/on)

16.                  Do you have a house in Kathmandu to live (in/on/for)?

17.                  Do you have any taste music? (of/ at/ in/ for)

18.               Add some names of students (in/on/to) the list.

19.                  Aman was accused theft. (by/ of/ to/ in)

20.                  The tiger jumped the trap.(into/onto/on)

21.                  Don’t blame me the accident. (for/on/at)

22.                  Don’t go out (to/in/under) the rain. Please wait for a while.

23.                  A wise man never relies others. (in/on/to)

24.                  Don’t laugh (of/at/in) the poor.

25.                  Don’t worry, nothing happens you. (on/in/at/to)

26.                  Alina was born 2060 B.S. (in/ on/ by)

27.                  Go

28.                  Alan is true

the bus stand and look around. (in/ after/ towards) his name. (to/ for/ with)

29.                  Binod died fever. (in/ for/ of/ for)

30.                  Bibek always quarrels (with/ by/ for) his wife.

31.                  Biplob apologized (to/on/for) me for being late.

32.                  Anisha goes to school daily. But, she doesn’t go there (in/on/at) Saturday.

33.                  Babin is accused (at/in/of) theft.

34.                  Have you ever been the capital city of Nepal?(in/to/at)

35.                  Bhubendra pointed the finger me. (in/at/to/towards)

36.                  Shristi is (at/in/by) the sari today.

37.                  Sunila is a girl

38.                  Binaya is cutting mangoes

eighteen years. (of/in/on)

(by/in/with) his knife.

39.                  Ganesh can’t do anything. Please look him. (for/to/after)

40.                  Bishow fell the ladder and broke his arm.(out/up/off)

B.              Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions given in brackets.

1.                       Denish goes to market (on/by/in) a horse.

2.                       Kamal got married the age 20. (at/on/in)

3.                       He got (in/by/into) the car and drove away.

4.                       Dip has a B.E. Degree Pulchowk Engineering College. (by/from/to/of)

5.                       Kamala came here foot. (by/ to/ on/ with)

6.                       I could not understand it. Please explain it me. (for/to/with)

7.                       The freeway goes through the city.(right/along/across)

8.                       Laxmi spends a lot of money cosmetics. (on/in/at)

9.                       She went to Allahabad (by/from/on) train.

10.                 The teachers are always kind us.(to/for/at)

11.                 Mukta was born

12.                 My father lives in Budhathum

(on/at/in) January.

(to/by/with/of) my mother.

13.                 Nisha has a dream being a rich person. (on/of/in)

14.                 Pramod has been living here last week. (since/ by/ before/ after

15.                 I have been searching a job. (for/to/of)

16.                 Prashant has been school for ten years. (in/ to/ at)

17.                 Prashna has been learning Korean language 2012. (since/for/from)

18.                 Osan is excited (for/about/with) going abroad.

19.                 Preeti is fond music. (of/off/with/on)

20.                 Upendra is free anxieties. (with/ from/ of)

21.                 Rupak is good

22.                 Roshan prevented him

(in/for/at) football.

(for/to/from) speaking.

23.                 I sometimes dream you. (about/of/on)

24.                 The child reminds me my school life. (of/about/on)

25.                 Purnima tied the string my waist. (from/to/round/ into)

26.                 Sanam travels (on/by/in) air.

27.                 There’s a wooden floor the carpet. (underneath/above/over)

28.                 Lalu was killed by a lunatic a dagger. (with/from/by)

29.                 Saroj writes (with/by/for) a pencil.

30.                 Yam is famous his dancing skills. (in/for/to)

31.                 Here is the pen that you were looking (to/ at/ for/ in).

32.                 The bridge the Nile River is very nice. (up/over/above)

33.                 The students are supplied good stationeries. (in/with/of)

34.                 Herman is eager learn English. (on/to/by)

35.                 Showrup always meets her the way to work. (in/on/at/to)

36.                 Shahanshil is poor mathematics. (on/in/at)

37.                 Sabita is not annoyed (at/for/with) her behaviour.

38.                 Suraj is not interested Nepali films. (on/in/at)

39.                 The driver is not responsible (with/for/to) the accident.

40.                 The fan is hanging (on/under/below) the ceiling.

C.               Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions given in brackets.

1.                       Surakshya reminded me my village. (of/about/on)

2.                       The firemen are going to put (of/off/out/up) the fire.

3.                       Supriya reminds the Manager the meeting. (of/about/on)

4.                       The street is crowded the tourists. (by/with/of)

5.                       I was shocked what I saw. (at/by/with/of)

6.                       Listen your teacher well. (with/to/for)

7.                       Smarika got married (to/with/for) an American lad.

8.                       Mira met him (in/to/on/at) the airport.

9.                       She always quarrels (by/with/over/between) her husband.

10.                  Sujan has specialized conflict theory. (in/to/into)

11.                  Aastha passed (away/on/by) in childhood.

12.                  Manoj came here the occasion of Vijaya Dashami. (in/on/at)

13.                  My pen was broken three pieces. (in/to/into)

14.                  My school starts (at /in/to/on) 10 in the morning.

15.                  The truck crashed the wall. (in/to/into)

16.                  Anudit is looking a good house. (for/to/of)

17.                  They are small children. Please take care them. (of/ about/on)

18.                  They suspected him stealing money. (on/of/off)

19.                  Aayush is living

20.                  Lina is looking forward

my house. (in/ on/ at/ by)

meeting                   you soon. (to/with/for)

21.                  Mohan is standing the wall. (in/at/towards/against)

22.                  The house belongs my uncle.(by/for/to)

23.                  Anisha has gone to India. She is business. (in/ on/ at)

24.                  I am pleased

25.                  I am writing an essay

(with/for/in) her performance.

“Discipline in the Society”.(in/on/to)

26.                  I apologize to them my mistake. (for/on/at)

27.                  Anup bought this shirt Rs. 400. (in/at/for)

28.                  I have heard the accident which happened last week. (of/about/on)

29.                  Ashish has opened a school the poor students. (to/for/by)

30.                  The bathroom is the kitchen.(opposite/against/by)

31.                  The jury had a lot of doubts the evidence.(about/on/for)

32.                  Can we go (on/in/into) your taxi?

33.                  Arbin is fed up the same food. (by/with/of)

34.                  I’ve lived in the village for twenty years. I am tired (by/of/in) living here.

35.                  It has been raining last week. (from/since/for)

36.                  It’s my compliment

37.                  The high-definition television fell

your had work. (in/on/for)

the dirty street.(onto/into/to)

38.                 My soccer team played well the championship tournament.(during/at/on/in)

39.                 Sandwiched the canned goods and the milk, the bread was smashed. (between/among/with)

40.                  Keep on writing letters me. (with/to/for)

D.              Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions given in brackets.

1.                       Students are abided rules. (to/with/by)

2.                       A girl went them a bike.(by/past/in/on)

3.                       You can count me if you need help. (on/in/into)

4.                       Are you hooked any television series? (on/in/into)

5.                       We are not fascinated Nepali films. (to/in/at)

6.                       They want to apologize to them their mistake. (for/on/at)

7.                       Bibek bought this shirt a supermarket. (in/at/to)

8.                       Denga has been searching job. (for/to/of)

9.                       This exercise is beneficial your health. (in/to/for)

10.                 Bishal hasn’t read the conflict in Italy. (of/about/on)

11.                 They will arrive here the 5th of July. (at/in/on)

12.                 Try to phone me lunchtime. (in/on/at)

13.                 Durgesh didn’t go holiday last year. (on/in/for)

14.                 Eroj’s sister is fond (at/of/off) watching T.V.

15.                 Nawaraj Sir always goes to school (in/by/on) bus.

16.                 Nepalese people are famous their bravery. (on/for/about)

17.                 My room is attached (of/on/to/from) his room.

18.                 Hichan is (at/in/by) the door now.

19.                 Please concentrate your job. (in/on/at)

20.                 Please remind me today’s schedule. (of/about/on)

21.                 Kabindra will have posted the letter tomorrow. (by/on/at)

22.                 Tej will have finished it (for/at/from/by) next day.

23.                 Rita spread the cloth (on/at/of/over) the table.

24.                 Raj was blamed the damage. (to/for/with)

25.                 The boy put a sweet (in/into/out of/from) his pocket.

26.                 Lakesh does not rely the others. (for/on/at)

27.                 We saw an old man red beard lying on the road. (with/in/on)

28.                 Manish talked a lot the politics today. (of/about/on)

29.                 What is wrong (by/in/for/with) you?

30.                 Why are you silent? Speak me. (with/to/for)

31.                 Wisdom is regarded as the gift (from/of/by) heaven.

32.                 Mandil is dancing the concert. (in/on/at)

33.                 Lokendra is responsible these problems. (on/for/about)

34.                 You can apply the post. (for/to/at)

35.                 You can succeed journalism field. (on/in/the)

36.                 You’ll find our house the end of the next street. (by/at/in)

37.                 Why do people believe God?(on/in/the)

38.                 The book fell the floor. (onto/into/to)

39.                 The soccer player leaped the ball. (onto/into/to)

40.                 Are you complaining me? (for/to/against)

E.               Complete the given passage with the correct prepositions.


Show jumping is an Olympic sport compete. As soon as the contestants ride

which both men and women can participate and the ring, you can’t help but be impressed

by the clothes they are dressed . their head they wear a neat black riding hat to protect them if they fall the horse while jumping the jumps placed    the ring. their neck they wear a  cravat tucked the front of their crisp white shirts. this shirt, they wear a close fitting plain dark-coloured, or tweed, jacket, and of course they wear jodhpurs, those distinctive white or cream trousers, tight the waist

and legs but stretchy to enable them to move freely while getting                         and                         the

horse and riding. They also wear knee-high shiny black boots. They really do look splendid as they strut the spectators their gorgeous gleaming horses!

F.               Complete the given passage with the correct prepositions.


        Wednesday,  the flight    Biratnagar was delayed     five hours because of bad     weather. 6.30, after a wait of one and half hours, even though the rain had stopped, the runway was still flooded and the crew decided to wait it was cleared.      this time several incoming flights had been turned away. 6:30 7:00, the

airport  staff  worked   frantically  to  clear            

the water. The passengers had been

informed that there might be a delay but they were not happy having wait so long the plane. One of the passengers said, “I, m quite infuriated! My brother has been waiting Biratnagar half past six. He cannot be expected to stay the whole night, so I’ m going to have to take a taxi when I finally arrive".

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