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Using Articles A, An, The

Grammar Focus: Indefinite Article: A, An

1.                         Indefinite article ‘a’ is used before a singular countable noun beginning with

a consonant sound.

Example: a cow, a desk, a house, a one eyed man, a university boy, a usage, a eucalyptus tree, a utensil, a U-turn, a user, a useless machine, a one-way ticket, a useful book, a ewe, a union, a European, a unique creature, a unicorn, a unanimous plan, a eulogy, a unit, a one-eyed boy, a UN spokesman, a UK plane, a US soldier, etc.

2.                         Indefinite article ‘an’ is used before a singular countable noun beginning with a

vowel sound.

Example: an elephant, an umbrella, an aero plane, an orange, an applicant, an hour, an honest man, an heir, an heiress, an X-ray machine, an honorable person, an heirloom, etc.

3.                         Indefinite article 'a' 'an' is used with English alphabets and abbreviations when

they are separately read out.

Example: an MA, an MP, an MBBS, an HA, an FM, an LLM, an M. ED, an NGO, an MBA, a ‘B’, a ‘D’, an ‘F’, an ‘H’, an I.A, an M.A, an LG, an SP, a B.ED, an SOS, an SDO, a UFO, a TOEFL score, a UNESCO office, a WHO officer, etc.

4.                         Indefinite article 'a' 'an' is used when a noun belongs to a group/community, profession and expresses the meaning ‘a kind of’ even though they are uncountable nouns Examples: Noam Chomsky is a linguist.

Bill Gates is an entrepreneur.

Mrs. Sharma is a nurse.

He is a Newar.

Gold is a useful metal.

Milk is a drink.

Iron is a metal.

5.                         ‘A' 'an’ is used to say how a person looks like.

Manisha’s a little Hitler.

Rohan is an honourable person.

Rina is an enthusiastic learner.

Ritesh is a violent person.

6.                         'A' 'an' is used when talking about prices, quantities and rates.

They cost it 50p a kilo.

I can type 50 words a minute.

He was driving at 50 miles an hour.

7.                         With some phrases:

Examples: as a rule, have a pity, to have a knowledge, to make a guess at, to have a pain/ cough/fever/headache/ a talk/ a rest/ a walk/ a noise/ to have a bath/ a drink, to pay a visit, on an average, be in a temper, to give a warning, to take an interest, have a say, at a glance, etc.

Grammar Focus: Definite Article: The

Definite article ‘the’ is used:

1.            when something is mentioned for the second time.

He is wearing a hat. The hat is made in Japan.

I saw an ugly man yesterday. The man was very tall.

2.            before the names of things which are  unique  and  only  one:  the  earth,  the  sky the universe, the moon, the great wall, the Jupiter, etc.

3.            before superlative degree:  Mt.  Everest  is  the  highest  peak  in  the  world.  Which  is the coldest place in Nepal? She is the most beautiful of all in school.

4.            abstract nouns qualified by an adjective or an adjectival phrase or clause : The Wisdom

of Solomon is famous. The intelligence of Einstein is very strong.

5.            before ordinal numbers: the first, the second, the fifth, the last, the next, etc.

6.            before the name of musical instruments: the guitar, the flute, the madal, the harmonium, etc.

7.            before the names of river, seas and oceans: the Nile, the Red Sea, the Pacific Ocean, etc.

8.            before the names of groups of island: the British Isles, the West Indies, etc.

9.            before the names of mountain ranges: the Himalayas, the Alps, etc.

10.        before the plural names of countries: the Netherlands, the Philippines, the UK, the

USA, etc.

11.        before the names of canals: the Suez Canal, the Gandak Canal, etc.

12.        before the names of deserts: the Sahara, the Thar, the Gobi, etc.

13.        before the names of Newspapers: the Kathmandu Post, the Washington Post, the

Republica, etc.

14.        before a period of decades: the fifties, the sixties, the eighties, etc.

15.        before the names of directions and poles: the south, the North Pole, the east, the

west, etc.

16.        before the names of periods of history: the modern Age, the stone Age, the

Victorian age, etc.

17.        before the family names and castes: the Rana, the Gurung, the Brahmin, the

Tamang, etc.

18.        before the names of holy books: the Ramayana, the Bible, the Quran, the Geeta, etc.

19.        before the names of nationalities/religions/ races/ positions or posts: the Chinese,

the Hindus, the Black, the Prime Minister, the principal, the class teacher, etc.

20.        before a noun modified by a ‘phrase’ or ‘clause’: The boy, who is in a black coat, is a university student. I like the pen which is made in Nepal.

21.        before the name of the adjectives that represent social groups: the old, the unemployed the blind, the deaf, the young, the rich, the poor, the sick, the homeless, the elderly, etc.

22.        before special meals: the birthday party, the wedding anniversary party, etc.

23.        before parts of day: the morning, the afternoon, the evening, etc.

24.        before the names of ships and aeroplanes: the Mary Celeste, the Titanic, the Buddha Air, etc.

25.        before the names of hotels, restaurants, theaters, cinemas, clubs: the Soaltee, the

Guna Cinema, the Lion’s Club, the Rastriya Nach Ghar, etc.

26.        before the names of scientific innovations: the telephone, the television, the computer,

the radio, etc.

27.        before the names of political parties: the Congress, the CPN-UML, the Forum, the

Labour Party, the Communist Party, etc.

28.        before the name of the historic events: the Martyrs’Day, the Independence Day, etc.

29.        before the names of the museums and libraries: the National Museum, the American

Library, the Science Museum, etc.

30.        before the names of the parts in the house: the kitchen, the bedroom, the study room,

the dining room, the toilet, etc.

31.        some other examples:

Pokhara is known as the Cherapunji of Nepal.

The sooner it is done, the better result it produces.

The more you work hard, the more you earn.

Some of / a few of / most of the students passed the exam.

Repetition of the Article

The secretary and treasurer has gone on leave.

The secretary and the treasurer have gone on leave.

Here the first sentence clearly indicates that the nouns secretary and treasurer refer to the same person. The repetition of the article in the second sentence indicates that the nouns refer to two different persons.

Winston Churchill was a great orator and statesman. (Here the reference is to one person – Churchill.)

There were on the jury among others a great orator and a great statesman. (Here the reference is to two different persons.)

Grammar Focus: No Articles

We do not use article before:

1.              uncountable and abstract nouns used in a general sense.

Honey is sweet. (NOT The honey is sweet.)

Sugar is bad for your teeth. Wisdom is better than riches. Virtue is its own reward.

Note that uncountable nouns take the article the when used in a particular sense.

Would you pass the sugar? (= the sugar on the table)

2.              plural countable nouns used in a general sense.

Children usually rush about.

Computers are useful machines.

Note that plural nouns take the article the when they are used in a particular sense.

Where are the children? (Whose children? Our children)

3.              the names of countries, people, continents, cities, rivers and lakes.

India is a democratic country. (NOT The India …)

Paris is the capital of France. (NOT The Paris …)

4.              the names of meals. Mother is cooking lunch. Dinner is ready.

Note that we use a when there is an adjective before breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc. We use the when we are talking about a particular meal.

I had a late dinner yesterday.

The lunch we had at the restaurant was very good.

5.              the names of languages.

Can you speak English? (NOT Can you speak the English?)

They speak French at home.

6.              school, college, university, church, bed, hospital, prison, etc. when these places are

used for primary purpose.

His dad is still in hospital.

We learned English at school.

He is at university.

I go to temple every day.

He usually goes to bed at 10 pm.

Note that 'the' is used before these words when the reference is to the building or

object rather than to the normal activity that goes on there. I went to the hospital to see my friend.

I went to the temple to observe its architecture.

7.              the names of days and months. Saturday is the holiday in Nepal. January is the first month of the year.

8.              the names of diseases, games, colours and possessive pronouns.

He died of AIDs.

Cricket is a popular game. My favourite colour is white. I like his hair style.

Grammar Focus: Common Errors

Incorrect                                                                  Correct

We live in village.

We live in a/the village.

She works in pub.

She works in a/the pub.

He is best player in the team.

He is the best player in the team.

She is fastest runner.

She is the fastest runner.

The Paris is big city.

Paris is a big city.

I live in the Kathmandu.

I live in Kathmandu.

The iron is a useful metal.

Iron is a useful metal.

The gold is yellow.

Gold is yellow.

We should not make noise.

We should not make a noise.

I have an urgent business.

I have some/urgent business.

Do you sell eggs by kilo or by dozen?

Do you sell eggs by the kilo or by the dozen?

Indus is largest river in Pakistan.

The Indus is the largest river in Pakistan.

He is M .A. in the English.

He is an M.A. in English.

Muslims read Holy Quran every day.

The Muslims read the Holy Quran every day.

This is a news to me.

This is news to me.

I am student of Nepal Police School.

I am a student of the Nepal Police School.

The both sisters are in ninth class.

Both the sisters are in the ninth class.


Additional Practice: Read these sentences.

A poor diet will ultimately lead to illness.

This is an ultraviolet lamp.

The teacher gave me an ultimatum.

She had a warm smile and an unaffected manner.

He set an unapproachable target.

The umpire’s decision is final.

He has a unanimous voter’s group for his support.

There has been an unaccountable increase in cases of the disease.

The people I met there were very friendly.

The jury reached a common verdict at the most awaited case.

Retirement is an unaffordable luxury for any workers.

The author is a Pulitzer Prize honouree. It is a user manual.

I felt an utter fool.

The effects of global warming are catastrophic.

It is a useless room.

There has been an unannounced increase in bus fares. She is a member of a union

He has a urinary infection.

He has an unalterable belief on god.

The prospects for the immediate future are good. Her father was a stern unbending man.

They presented an unanswerable case for more investment.

The director is standing on her immediate right.

The computer has a USB port.

I bought an urn filled with hot soup.

The immediate cause of death is unknown. She felt a deep sadness.

He is an uptight teenager.

It’s a party for the new honourees.

It was a three-hour exam.

She was treated as an honorary woman.

The system is in imminent danger of collapse. Mirrors in a room often give an illusion of space. It will take about an hour to get there.

The earth is illuminated by the sun.

There is a user manual of the new computer.

I have received an SOS message.

The play offers some illuminating insights into the King’s character. I must buy a Unique Selling Point.

It was an ill-timed visit.

The only light in the room came from the fire. He lives in a utopian society.

It is an unattainable target.

The decision of government is a U-turn on education policy.

Mr. Raman is an unappreciated person.

The advertisements are intended to improve the company’s image. China has a unified transport system.

Mrs. Thapa sang an unashamedly sentimental song.

The house was painted in an unappealing shade of Yellow. He made a unilateral decision.

One of the major parties has an unassailable lead in the local election.

The tiny window was the only source of light. He represents a united group of people.

It is an authorized biography.

The ultimate decision lies with the parents. There is a unisex hair salon.

An unbalance diet leads to obesity.

The nights are getting longer.

Investing in a unit trust reduces risks for small investors.

Mrs. Sushila Karki is an unbiased judge.

The heat was getting to be too much for me.

TU is a university in Kathmandu.

The king had an unblemished reputation in the past.

The phone has been ringing for half an hour. I saw a walker with a lump.

There is an unbroken chain of events.

It was the best day of my life.

A black hen lays a white egg.

He has an uncanny ability to see the areas of problem.

What’s the matter with you?

A civil denial is better than a rude grant.

We had an unbelievable time in Pokhara.

A.         Put a, an, the or nothing where necessary.


2.   A son is

sun gives us light and heat.

old age support of his father.

3.   Can you tell me which steepest peak is?

4.   Abhishek has come from UK.

5.   Could you close door please? It is very cold here.

6.   Crown Prince Charles of Great Britain is heir to the throne.

7.   Cruelty is universal attitude of human beings.

8.   Asmita sold horse and wonderful animal.

9.   He got award of Rs. 10,000.

10.       Aditya had got many useful books.

11.       Mr. Shrestha is honourable teacher.

12.       Anish is university student.

13.       Abdul is inheritor to the throne of Bhutan.

14.       He is worst person I’ve ever seen.

15.       Bibas is CDO.

16.       I bought ewe in Dhunche Bazaar.

17.       Bandana bought novel yesterday. novel was very inspiring.

18.       I don’t want to miss opportunity to be doctor.

19.       Deepa drinks tea twice day.

20.       I feel shame to live on charity of foreigners.

21.       Dipendra gave Rs. 200 to aged beggar .

22.       I had sent you postcard from Sydney.

23.       Garima has a picture of Alps.

24.       Kisor has a picture of Hanging Garden.

25.       Mahib has put on attractive uniform.

26.       Mausam went to open field to play.

27.       It is one rupee note.

28.       Mihang wrote useful article.

29.       Nabin plays flute well.

30.       Niraj plunged deep into ocean.

31.       Malaysia is on equator.

32.       Pramila is honest woman.

33.       Pranita is third girl of our class.

34.       Now, we cannot live without telephone.

35.       Once a tiger was asleep in forest. It was warm sunny day.

36.       Prasanna saw cute ape in the zoo.

37.       Once there lived beggar. beggar was blind.

38.       Our principal has gone out.

39.          book you gave me on Saturday was very interesting.

40.       Milk is wholesome food.

B.          Put a, an, the or nothing where necessary.

1.   People recite Geeta every morning.

2.   Plants release oxygen

3.   My sister is M.A. student.

4.   Please bring ashtray.

5.   Mrs. Regmi has good bike.

6.   Pratik has great deal of important documents.

7.   He is one handed boy.

8.   She is one-eyed girl. So we should help her.

9.   Jessica is Eurasian girl.

10.       The Karnali is greatest River in Nepal.

11.          lion is king of beasts.

12.         Nile is longest river in the world.

13.       I played cricket yesterday.

14.         students have established union.

15.         sun is star.

16.       Their life depends on sea.

17.       There are a lot of customers in restaurant.

18.       There is FM station in my village.

19.       Rameshwor saw ass yesterday.

20.       There is temple in the village.

21.       Urdu is not easy language.

22.       'Water' is uncountable noun.

23.       We can watch the stars with the help of telescope.

24.       Prinsa had lunch in very nice restaurant last Saturday.

25.       We live in society.

26.       We need to do more for poor.

27.       We need water for living.

28.       Kathmandu is capital of Nepal.

29.          Earth moves round sun.

30.          Mahabharat is holy book of Hindus.

31.       There is playground in center of town.

32.          Principal explained whole problem to guardians.

33.       Rajshree is looking for girl. girl is her sister.

34.       Do you remember place where you were born?

35.       This is home of our uncle.

36.       She went to temple to see her friend.

37.          honesty is best of all virtues.

38.       He came back home on foot.

39.       What beautiful garden it is!

40.       There is not cloud in sky.

C.          Put a, an, the or nothing where necessary.

1.      Bagmati is sacred river.

2.   He suddenly took U-turn.

3.   Which is biggest river in Nepal?

4.   Let us discuss matter seriously.

5.     honest man speaks truth.

6.   I first met him year ago.

7.   Srilanka is island.

9.   Sanskrit is complicated language.

10.       Rashma got most expensive birthday present.

11.       The student has come school without umbrella.

12.       India is one of most industrial countries in Asia.

13.          second chapter of the book is very interesting.

14.          word to intelligent is sufficient.

15.       One evening saint came to my door.

16.       Wisdom is gift of heaven.

17.       There is little hope of his recovery.

18.       We heard sweet bells over the bag.

19.       Rohit had great genius, sagacious and incentive.

20.       The rose is sweetest of all flowers.

21.       The horse is noble animal.

22.          Banyan is kind of big tree.

23.       Sabita has got unique computer.

24.       We go to temple to pray.

25.       There is auditorium hall in our village.

26.       I like playing guitar.

27.       There is university in Pokhara.

28.       Sanu Kaji is energetic leader.

29.       Iron is useful matter.

30.       No political leader can make Nepal Utopia.

31.       Our English teacher is not European.

32.       She is I.A. in English.

33.       Saugat is going away at end of this month.

34.       Mt. Everest is highest peak in the world.

35.       Shreejal learns to play violin at school.

36.       I met one-handed man on the way.

37.       Satis bought ewe yesterday.

38.       She is open minded student.

39.          girl in red skirt is my sister.

40.          moon causes tides.

D.         Put a, an, the or nothing where necessary.

1.     Statue of Liberty was gift of friendship from France in United States.

2.      tiger that killed a man yesterday was really frightening.

3.     chimpanzee is endangered species.

4.     ubersexual tourist visited our school today.

5.   Gold is expensive metal.

6.   Our local health centre has MBBS doctor.

7.   Atlantic Ocean is hugest ocean.

8.   We played volleyball yesterday.

9.   Som is expedient member of his family.

10.       Subina recites Bible every morning.

11.       Because of things man has discovered, we live longer.

12.       Who is smartest teacher of your school?

13.          school is very near my home.

14.       I have black and white dog.

15.       Sumit is better poet than novelist.

16.       She is honour to this profession.

17.       We need someone with excellent knowledge of German.

18.       Suraj has

19.       My parents gave me

deep distrust of strangers.

good education.

20.       Susmita has thorough understanding of the subject.

21.       Lake Victoria is one of largest lakes in Africa.

22.       We have U-shaped room.

23.         Himalayas are example of folded mountain range.

24.       Sahara is the largest desert in world.

25.       Mandarin is official language of People’s Republic of China.

26.       London is on Thames.

27.          British Museum attracts thousands of visitors each day.

28.         match between Korea and Nepal was one-sided game.

29.       Utsav gave the beggar one rupee note.

30.       I got important message.

31.       Iraq lies in Middle East.

32.       Carol is US citizen.

33.       We have used unanimous strategy to cope with this problem.

34.       They have one-pound coin.

35.       She heard outcry from below.

36.       I keep myself busy in kitchen every morning.

37.       He likes such one thing that entertains me.

38.       I like coffee most.

39.       He needs good rest.

40.       It is urgent message.

E.                Put a, an, the or nothing to complete the following paragraph.


Take out       large bowl,       smaller bowl,        electric food-mixer,       large plate, and wooden spoons. Have ready       flat cake, five egg whites,       sugar,and       liter of ice cream. You need freezer and oven.

Place            cake on            plate. Put            ice cream in            large bowl. Beat it with electric  food-mixer  until  it  is           little  soft.  Pile            ice  cream  on            cake  in pretty shape. Then put         ice cream and cake back into          freezer. Freeze          ice  cream until it is solid. While        ice cream is freezing, put        egg whites in        smaller bowl.  Beat     egg whites until they are stiff.  While  you are beating, slowly add two      thirds          cup of sugar. Beat until           sugar is dissolved and           egg whites are very  stiff.  Turn          oven on very hot.Take          cake out of          freezer.  Spread           egg    whites  over           ice  cream.  Cover  all            ice  cream  carefully.  Put            cake  into oven and bake it for three minutes, until           egg whites are golden brown. Remove dessert and serve it immediately with chocolate sauce. ice cream is still frozen, but

           egg whites are hot. cold ice cream gives this dessert its name, “Baked Alaska.”

F.                Put a, an, the or nothing to complete the following paragraph.

When          person  takes          trip  to          beach,  he  should  bring          things  to  make trip more pleasant. He will need        towel,        Frisbee,         books,         food,        suntan oil,         sunglasses,         money, and         radio. I always bring         friend along,too. We sit on towel, read books, eat food, and listen to radio.

Then we play with         Frisbee. Of course, we spend         money, too. When you go to beach at Miami, be careful of        sun.        sun is strong and hot. Stay  in         water as   much as you can. If         sky is clear,        danger of sunburn is great. If          sky is cloudy,   you can stay out longer. Always check weather before you go to beach.

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