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Question Tags

Practise these contractions —







had + v3




had better not




has + v3



will you?

has to /have to /had to




has/have/had+ noun


dare not


have + v3





will you?













don’t/ never + v + o

will you?



‘d + better




‘d + have + v3




‘d + rather




‘d + v3


used to + v1



‘s + been + v4




‘s + being + v3




‘s + ing




‘s + noun




‘s + p.p. (v3)


would rather not


had + noun


would/’d + v1



Quick Tip: Tag questions are a very common feature of spoken English and are used mostly as a social convention, inviting a response from the other person. They are used to elicit a response or just as a statement. Tags are also used for asking for an agreement or confirmation. Tag is not a separate sentence; it is a part of sentence.

Grammar Focus: Rules of Question Tag

1.                   There should be comma (,) at the end of the statement.

He plays football, doesn’t he?

2.                   A tag should begin with small letter.

She eats an apple, doesn’t she?

3.                   Affirmative statement has a negative  tag  and  negative  statement  has  a positive tag.

Ram works hard, doesn’t he? (Positive statement-Negative tag)

We aren’t running on the ground, are we? (Negative statement-Positive tag)

4.                   Nouns as subject of the statement should be changed into pronoun.

The girls were in white dress, weren’t they? We have a car, don' t we?

People live in house, don't they? These boys are honest, aren't they?

5.                   If there is auxiliary verb in the statement, the same auxiliary verb should be repeated in the tag. Here is a list of auxiliary verbs.

Present Form                                                  Past Form












had to

You are making noise, aren’t you?

You ought to read this novel, oughtn’t you?

He will fail the test, won’t he? Rica can sing a song, can’t she? We do our task, don't we?

6.                   If there is no auxiliary verb in the statement, do, does or did is used in the

tag according to the subject, number and form of the verb.

Sub +v1 (base form) = don’t Sub +v2 (past form) = didn’t

Sub +v5 (‘s’ or ‘es’ form) =doesn’t

Rita works hard, doesn’t she? People love music, don’t they?

Roman sang a beautiful song, didn’t he?

7.                   If the subject of the statement is ‘this’ or ‘that’ the pronoun in the tag is ‘it’       but if the subject is ‘these’ or ‘those’, the pronoun in the tag is ‘they’.

This is a nice book, isn’t it? That is your concern, isn’t it?

These are the things I need, aren’t they? Those are my books, aren’t they?

8.                   If there is ‘You  and I’ together in the subject of the statement, the pronoun          in the tag should be ‘we’.

You and I are relatives, aren’t we?

You and I were working in a shop, weren’t we?

9.                   If the verb ‘have’ is used as a main verb the tag will be as given below. Have = do: We have lunch at 12, don't we?

Has = does : She has me do it, doesn't it?

Had = did: I had a headache yesterday, didn't I?

10.               Imperative sentences take will you as a tag. But in the case of ‘Let’s’, ‘shall we’ is used.

Close the window , will you? Never take drugs, will you? Don’t make a noise, will you? Get it done, will you?

Please, help me, will you? Have this yourself, will you?

Let us play, will you? Do it, will you?

Let’s not play there, shall we? Turn off that switch, will you? Let’s have a cup of tea, shall we? Come here, will you?

11.               A sentence having two clauses takes a tag according to the former clause.

I wish he would pass the exam, don’t I? I don’t think he will come here, do I?

It is said that 5% of total children are out of school, isn’t it?

12.               If there is sub+’d+rather+v1 and sub+'d+better+v1 in the statement the tag

will be wouldn’t and hadn’t respectively.

You’d better take the exam, hadn’t you? He’d rather consult doctor, wouldn’t he?

13.               Sentence with negative words such as neither, no, none, no one, nothing, scarcely,

barely, hardly, hardly ever, seldom, never, rarely, nobody, not often, infrequently are always followed by a positive tag.

Nobody writes homework, do they?

These students never play volleyball, do they? Ram and Anita hardly pass the exam, do they? Nothing happened, did it?

Neither of the students had lunch, did they? None of them enjoyed the film, did they?

14.               Singular auxiliary verbs (is, was, has, does)  change  to  plural  auxiliary  verbs  (are, were, have, do) to form tags if the subjects of the statements are somebody, someone, nobody, no one, everybody, everyone, anybody, anyone, none, neither, etc.

Everyone likes swimming, don’t they? Everybody likes her, don’t they?

No one respects a criminal, do they? Neither of the books is good, are they? Somebody has got my purse, haven’t they?

15.               If the subject of the statement is everything, anything, something, nothing, all + singular verb, the pronoun in the tags is ‘it’.

Everything is ok, isn’t it? All is fine, isn’t it?

Something is wrong to you, isn’t it?

Grammar Focus: Common Errors

Incorrect                                                                               Correct

I have many problems, haven’t I?

I have many problems, don’t I?

He has a nice car, hasn’t he?

He has a nice car, doesn’t he?

They had their lunch, hadn’t they?

They had their lunch, didn’t they?

We have to go there, haven’t we?

We have to go there, don’t we?

You had to convince her, hadn’t you?

You had to convince her, didn’t you?

Govinda has to be careful, hasn’t he?

Govinda has to be careful, doesn’t he?

You'd better take the exam, wouldn’t you?

You'd better take the exam, hadn’t you?

I am alright, amn’t I?

I am alright, aren’t I?

Don’t tell a lie, do you?

Don’t tell a lie, will you?

Let’s have a cup of tea, will you?

Let’ have a cup of tea, shall we?

Everyone likes him, doesn’t he?

Everyone likes him, don’t they?

I shall be late this evening, shalln’t I?

I shall be late this evening, shan’t I?

He cut his finger, doesn’t he?

He cut his finger, didn’t he?

He hardly speaks English, doesn’t he?

He hardly speaks English, does he?

He used to smoke, usedn’t he?

He used to smoke, didn’t he?

This is a beautiful house, isn’t this?

This is a beautiful house, isn’t it?

That was a terrible accident, wasn’t that?

That was a terrible accident, wasn’t it?

One should study hard, shouldn’t they?

One should study hard, shouldn’t one?

Nobody has awareness, has they?

Nobody has awareness, do they?

A.          Add a suitable question-tag to these sentences.

You mustn't read this question, ? We all have to write a short story, ? We must obey the rule, ? We have to go there, ?

Milan doesn’t need to go home, ? Samikshya has to see a doctor, ? Smoking ruins our health, ? John has to stop it, ?

Most people cannot go to Africa,             ?  Subash saw somebody,              ?

Finding a job isn’t easy, ? Abin went somewhere last night, ? They always sleep after lunch, ? Sangam has something to do, ?

You’re coming with us, ? Anju told somebody about it, ? Nawaraj is late this morning, ? They put it somewhere, ?

The hotel was quite good, ? There is a cat in the room, ? Subashree cooks well, ? Somebody wants to meet him, ? You can’t tell the difference, ? I saw somebody I knew, ?

Nilam does his work very well, ? Anjush brought something, ? This isn’t very pleasing, ? Thakur gave it to someone, ? Nitesh likes quiet places, ? Susan is very thin, ?

Puja doesn’t play the piano, ? They need twenty-five dollars, ? They didn’t hurt the child, ? They look at the stars, ?

There were accidents yesterday,              ?        We take photographs,             ?

Tourists used to come here, ? I like Mina as she´s very friendly, ? Rachana needn’t go home, ? He usually travels by plane, ?

Rashila dared to jump, ? Anupam writes detective stories, ? They daren’t do that, ? They go to the gym after lunch, ? Ribi doesn’t dare to do that, ? Anuj goes to bed early, ?

Rikesh saw the film, ? Bibas is a very intelligent person ? Everything is good, ? We were at the party yesterday, ?

You aren’t good today,               ?        She has a wallet,             ?

She smokes 5 cigarettes a day, ? Roy has got a new job, ? Rohan had had a great time there, ? We have no problem, ?

They shall book the ticket, ? I have been to Kathmandu, ? He has to work tomorrow, ? Bibek scarcely goes to party, ? Rishi has many friends here, ? Grisma has no experience, ? You live up in the town, ? They had a baby last year, ?

Ritisha studies with you, ? Jeevan had been to China, ? Rohit will be back later, ? We’d better go there on time, ? Sabina left at two o’clock, ? They are very beautiful women ?

B.            Add a suitable question-tag to these sentences.


There´s some milk in the fridge, ? This is a very incredible story , ? Both men look very much alike, ? Jonas took them somewhere, ? I´m your best friend, ? I liked something about her, ? Sailesh has seen that movie, ? I have to work today, ?

They have to come back later, ? Ritesh wants to buy a   computer ? Wait please, ? Mary is a very friendly person ?

One should study hard, ? These shoes are very expensive ? Kapil has to meet her, ? The movie was very exciting ?

Kristina and I had to say it, ? Ann likes apples and pears, ? I have a new pen, ? We go to temple everyday, ?

Labish has a grammar book, ? Ramesh gets up at 6:45 everyday ? Manamulya had some problems, ? Reema dares to tell a lie, ?

We must be honest, ? Ritu visits her parents every month, ? Manoj has to be here at 2 o’clock, ? They have to write many letters, ?

You don’t have to follow him, ? Roshna has to wait a few minutes, ? Nikesh has to fill a form, ? Sajan usually talks about football, ? Sudarsan didn’t have to go there, ?     Sachin wears his father´s shoes, ?

Niraj has your ticket, ? It takes me an hour to get there, ? Everything seems all right, ? Sijan goes there three times a week, ? Nisha has got to leave, ? Bipin plays golf with his boss, ?

Mohan plays football, ? Shreya writes about her trips, ? You didn’t have any lessons today, ? Mary has to come with him, ? Rabin is on holiday, ? Sudan has to study tonight, ?

We see it on a daily basis, ? Aryan won’t object, ? Priyanka doesn’t know your father, ?    Nobody knows the matter, ?

There are three boys here, ? This will work to solve our problem, ? I am not disturbing you, ? You haven’t got a headache, ?

Someone has let the dog in, ? Don’t burst that balloon, ? Raj may read this book, ? You do go to school, ?

She is a charming girl, ? The moon goes round the earth, ? I am a poor person, ? Live and let other live, ?

They are very good people,       ? Sudip barely comes to me,       ?

Nothing was good at the party,

?           Let’s have a talk,              ?

Rajan comes here every day,        ?       I have a headache now,        ?





C.           Add a suitable question-tag to these sentences.

She can speak French well, ? Nobody knows about it, ? They will be here early, ? None did well, ?

Hiramani left at two o’clock, ? Neither of them plays well, ? I was a very stupid person ? I am not well, ?

This trip is very interesting             ?             I am an engineer,              ?

She is very pleasant, ? Several boys use drug, ? This music is very romantic ? Manners make a man, ? These exercises are very difficult ?    Birds make nest, ?

This whisky is very good, ? Parents are like gods, ? These girls are very beautiful ?          Dogs are best pets, ?

Do it yourself,              ?       Cats ate rats,             ?

You just keep quiet, ? Cows are grazing, ? Please help the needy people, ? Horses were running, ? Have a cup of tea, ? We merely sleep, ?

None helped me last year, ? Everybody knows me, ? That boy ran very fast, ? She barely drinks alcohol, ? You dare not stay here, ? We never set out there, ? There are no people, ? You need not stay hare, ? Sushmita said nothing, ? Nothing is interesting, ?

Sujal’d rather play basketball,             ?             I hardly sing a song,             ?

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