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Articles A, An and The

Determiners: a, an, the

Determiners are usually placed before the noun: A/an/the + (adj) + Noun Articles: the, a/an

Quantifiers: some, many, etc.

Demonstratives: this, these, that, those, [Pronoun] Numerals: two, five, etc.

Possessives: my, their, etc. [Pronoun]


There are two articles in English: the definite article "the" and the indefinite article "a/an".

The article indicates whether the noun before which it stands is specific “the” (the book, the books) or “some, any, one of (a book, an apple).


If common noun is in the form of plural noun, it will not take any “Article”

We are both doctors.



“A/an” is used to show that you are referring to a general type of person or thing and not a specific person or thing. “a/an” is used before singular. A /an + adj + noun: Noun phrase

Before a noun that starts with a vowel (a, e, I, o, u) we use “an”. an orange, an egg Before a noun that starts with a consonant we use “a”. a woman, a boy

-    There is an ink-pot on the desk.

-    They saw a horror film last night.


“A” is used in some phrases that say how much of something there is: a profit of, a few, a great deal of...

-    Mercedes announced a 20% profit for the first half of the year.


“The” is used to show that you are talking about a particular thing or person that has already been mentioned, is already known about, or is the only one. “The” güneş, ay gibi tek olan varlıklar içinde kullanılır. The sun, the moon. We don’t use depart from platform 1, 2, 3, ..

-    Radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer.

-    In 1969 Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon.

-    What is the capital of Spain?


“The” is used when you are about to make it clear which person or thing you mean:

-    There were lots of fish in the lake and we caught several big ones.


“The” is used before an adjective to make it into a plural noun when you are referring to all the people that the adjective describes:

- When someone becomes a doctor they make a promise to always help the sick.


“The” is used before the name of a family in the plural to refer to all the members of that family:

-    Did you remember to invite the Smiths to dinner?


"The" goes with name of countries having to words or more.

Use "the": with words for institutions places and countries, and all rivers and oceans, have “the” as part of their name, when you are talking about a particular one:

-    Researches in the Amazon continue to find new species of plants and animals.

-    The Saudis have created a monster in the world of Islam.

-    The Berlin Crisis of 1961

-    The Canary Islands.

-    The Sarbone University

-    The USA: The United State of American.

-    The Far East

-    The biggest ocean in the world is Pacific. It covers 32.6 % of the world’s surface.

Normally before villages, city, state, and country; “Article” is not used. Do not use "the" with the name of a place, for example a street, town, country, or airport. He went to Bankok on holiday. It was his first trip to Thailand.

-    The biggest fresh water lake in the world is Lake Baikal in Russia. It is 400 miles long and 80 miles wide.


Normally, Proper Noun doesn’t take any “Article” before it:

-    Sally always goes for a walk in St. John’s Park on Sunday afternoons.


Superlative comparison: the + (most) adj/adv+ est:

-    The Nile is the longest river in the world. It is 6700 kilometers long.


The expression “the number” is followed by a singular verb while the expression a number is followed by a plural verb.

-    The number of casualties is unknown.

The adj. / adv. + noun: işte bu… (“The” eki sıfat ya da zarfın önüne gelir ve vurgu yapar.)

-    The very idea: işte bu fikir.


The fact:

The fact is (that): Gerçek şu ki

-    The fact is (that) we don't have enough money.

-    The fact is, he lost because he didn't try very hard.


Noun Clause:

-    The fact that she should see a doctor is very important.


The … is a fact: … bir gerçektir.

Something that you may not like but have to accept because it is always there or always true

-    The need to ration healthcare resources is a fact of life.

-    Everyone talks about sexual equality, but the fact remains that women are paid less than men.


Order number of four: the fourth

-    John F. Kennedy was the youngest of the United States and the fourth to be assassinated.



“The + adj” plays a plural noun which means a group of people who have common characteristics (The French, The old, The rich...):

-    The French are very polite people.

-    The police have no evidence at all. The police have no evidence whatsoever. (The police: polis teşkilatı)

Whatsoever=at all: hiç

-    The intelligent (people) are not arrogant.

-    The meek (humans) shall inherit the earth.

-    The old (men) and the young (children) were evacuated from the building.

-    The rich (people) are privileged.

-    The office finally admitted that several prisoners had been injured.


If the word is in the plural form it is acting as a noun and in the singular form it could be acting as an adjective or a noun.

-    The Indian brass work is popular in the west. (Adjective)

-    The Indians are going for elections. (Noun)

-    The African nations are taking cogent steps to fight apartheid. (Adjective)

-    The Africans are hardworking people. (Noun)

-    The American tourist visited the museum. (Adjective)

-    The American shopped in the market. (Noun)

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