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Noun Phrase

A Noun phrase (NP) consists of a noun and its modifiers, including determiners, adjectives, prepositional phrses and adjective clauses. A typical NP can be formulated as follows: Determiner + Adjective + Noun. However, if they are placed after the noun, they are called post- modifiers.

- If the cost of health benefits for working people in a country rises, usually employers cut wages or pass on the costs as higher to customers.


a)      Determiners are usually placed before the noun. Articles: the, a/an

Demonstratives: this, that Numerals: two, five, etc. Possessives: my, their, etc. Quantifiers: some, many, etc.


Example: Love is a beautiful feeling. (“a beautiful feeling” is a noun phrase that includes a noun, “feeling,” and the determiner “a” and the adjective (modifier) “beautiful”)

Example: My house is over there. (“My house” is a noun phrase which consists of the noun “house” and a modifier - the possessive adjective “my”)


b)      Adjectives: the delicious food

c)      Complements, in the form of a prepositional phrase Such as: the student of physics,

That-clause: the idea that the world is a small village


Noun phrases can function as subjects, objects.

-    That sophisticated woman is beautiful. (“That sophisticated woman” is a noun phrase that functions as a subject.)

-    People running for their lives: People who run for their lives.

-    I like the book that you bought. (“The book that you bought” is a noun phrase that functions as an object.)


·   A relative clause could replace the preposition phrase.

-    The man who is wearing the hat.

·   There could be a string of adjectives (and pre-modifying nouns) instead of just one.

-    Both of these systems have their own structural rules.

-    The world cup football competition.

·   A numeral or cardinal could be inserted after the determiner.

-    Do you remember the first time I bumped into you in the park?

·   A noun phrase can be made more complex.

-    The roving eye which he had cultivated for so many years.

·   Any part of the noun phrase can simply be stripped away.

-    The very tall education consultant with the roving eye” can become “The tall education consultant with the roving eye” (here 'very' has been deleted).

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