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Causative Verbs

Causative Verbs 

Grammar Focus: Make

Active: Subject +make +agent +V1+ object Passive: Agent + aux. +made + to + V1 + (by agent) Hom made his brother clean his room.

The film made me cry.

She always makes us laugh.

Did they make you sing a song?

I was made to dance.

He is made to tell the story. How was she made to dance?

Grammar Focus: Get

Subject + get + agent + to + V1 + object Subject + get+ object + V3

He got his sister to call a taxi.

My sister always gets me to go to temple with her.

They may get me to dance at my birthday party.

Did you get him to tell jokes? I got my jacket washed.

Get this letter translated.

You must get your health checked up regularly.

Grammar Focus: Have

Subject + have + agent + V1 + object Subject + have + object + V3

I had my teacher check my vacation work. She always has me help in her homework. I must have her repair my computer.

I need to have my brother buy some important books. Did you have your father pay your tuition fee?

I didn’t have him cut my hair. I had my shoes mended.

She has her leg broken.

Go and have your bicycle repaired.

Grammar Focus: Common Errors

Incorrect                                                                               Correct

I am made study hard.

I am made to study hard.

We are made study hard.

We are made to study hard.

They were made study hard.

They were made to study hard.

He was made study hard.

He was made to study hard.

A.            Choose the best answer and fill in the gaps of the following sentences.

1.             Anaya her house painted. (has, make ,get)

2.             Get it at any cost. (do, to do, done)

3.             Get this letter .(to translate, translate, translated)

4.             Have your hair . (trim, to trim, trimmed)

5.             Gopi has his watch .(steal, to steal, stolen)

6.             Gems his father to buy a book. (has, makes, gets)

7.             Aryan makes her him. (follow, to follow, followed)

8.             Get your car .(wash, to wash, washed)

9.             Please get your homework . (check, to check, checked)

10.         Binod gets his cycle .(mend, to mend, mended)

11.         Chameli gets her eyes .(cure, to cure, cured)

12.         Durga got a book . (open, to open, opened)

13.         Elisha  got her bicycle .(repair, to repair, repaired)

14.         Fulmati got me her son on the way to her home. (carry, to carry, carried)

15.         Guru had journalist about him. (write, to write, written)

16.         He has a helper (to clean, clean, cleaned) the house.

17.         Imran has his shoes . (polish, to polish, polished)

18.         Jimmy has my property in the bank. (deposit, to deposit, deposited)

19.         Kaman has my car

20.         Lobsang has the picture

. (wash, to wash, washed)

.(paint, to paint, painted)

21.         Mr. Regmi made me the chair to his room. (bring, to bring, brought)

22.         Niruta made me angry. (feel, to feel, felt)

23.         Oman made us a song yesterday. (sang, to sang, sing, singing)

24.         Pemba will get the driver his car. (stop, stopped, to stop)

25.         Rashmi will have to have a suit before leaving. (leave, left, to leave)

26.         She (get, has, make) the letter written.

27.         Tashi has his teeth . (restore, to restore, restored)

28.         Yam had his mother water from the nearest tap. (fetch, to fetch, fetched)

29.         His mother made him his medicine. (to take, take, taken)

30.         Mr. Thapa is going to get him a letter. (write, to write, written)

31.         Sailendra gets my servant a newspaper for him. (to bring, bring, brought)

32.         I get my windows . (paint, to paint, painted)

33.         Niten gets the cobbler his hair. (cut, to cut, cutting)

34.         I have the man my hair. (to cut, cut, cuts)

35.         They made me for them. (work, worked, to work).

36.         I make her

37.         Harry makes her

hard. (labour, to labour, laboured)

him. (follow, to follow, followed)

38.         She made them homework. (do, to do, done)

39.         The teacher made them instruction. (read, reads, to read

40.         She got the house (repair, to repair, repaired)

B.             Choose the best answer and fill in the gaps of the following sentences.

1.             I have a coat .(stitch, to stitch, stitched)

2.             He has his cycle .(mend, to mend, mended)

3.             They got their case .(decided, to decide, decide)

4.             Peeling onions always makes me . (cry, to cry, cried)

5.             We had a professional photographer pictures of everyone who participated in our wedding. (take, to take, taken)

6.             I get my suit . (clean, to clean, cleaned)

7.             She had the beautician her hair. (design, to design, designed)

8.             They have their sheets .(clean, to clean, cleaned)

9.             I have my teeth (fill, to fill, filled)

10.         People have drivers their cars. (drive, to drive, driven)

11.         She had the mechanic her car. (repair, repaired, to repair)

12.         I had the plumber the pipes. (mend, to mend, mended)

13.         They have the waiter food. (serve, to serve, served)

14.         Have your homework . (check, to check, checked)

15.         They got the cook food for them. (cook, to cook, cooked)

16.         She gets her servant household works. (do, to do, done)

17.         He gets his eyes . (cure, to cure, cured)

18.         Mica got her dress . (makes, to make, made)

19.         I get my windows . (paint, to paint, painted

20.         We get our seats . (book, to book, booked)

21.         I got my roof (repair, to repair, repaired) yesterday.

22.         People get cobblers their shoes. (make, to make, made)

23.         She gets her tea

24.         They got the government

. (serve, to serve, served)

some project for them.(bring, to bring, brought)

25.         The students were made hard. (to study, study, studied)

26.         She has me these dishes. (clean, to clean, cleaned)

27.         Get your hair .(trim, to trim, trimmed)

28.         Please get the house .(paint, to paint, painted)

29.         Have your car .(wash, to wash, washed)

30.         I get the cobbler my hair. (cut, to cut, cutting)

31.         Alice stopped at the service station to have the tank .(fill, to fill, filled)

32.         I got Mary me some money. (lend, to lend, lent)

33.         He has the spot on his nose . (remove, to remove, removed)

34.         Please have me you. (help, to help, helped)

35.         My teacher makes me at the front. (stand, to stand, stood)

36.         I am going to get him a letter. (write, to write, written)

37.         My wife is making me a game. (play, to play, played)

38.         I had an engineer (to design, design, designed) the building.

39.         Lumina has me (to write, write, written) a letter.

40.         She (get, make, has) me solve the problem.

C.             Fill in the blanks with correct forms of the verbs given in the brackets.

1.             The teacher had the class (speak) on Children’s Day.

2.             He got the cobbler his shoes. (polish)

3.             They will get their work soon. (complete)

4.             The teacher had his speech for the conference. (write)

5.             Arun had his house last week. (paint)

6.             Who made you such stupid joke? (crack)

7.             He made his father a new motorbike. (buy)

8.             Kim was sing a song. (make)

9.             Dip has got many books . (publish)

10.         She made the baby a nap. (take)

11.         Do you think we can get him the work? (do)

12.         The finance minister made everyone the tax. (pay)

13.         I am getting my brother me. (help)

14.         My father always gets me to market to buy things. (go)

15.         They have me a song. (sing)

16.         He has his task .(complete)

17.         She has me for her. (work)

18.         Get your pen .(refill)

19.         Have your bicycle . (mend)

20.         The students were sing in the programme. (make)

21.         The people have the leaders their promise. (keep)

22.         The government gets the public in the sanitation programme. (participate)

23.         He has already had his message . (deliver)

24.         A student is labour hard in school. (make)

25.         Our class teacher always makes us in the assembly. (stand)

26.         The boss gets his servant the floor. (sweep)

27.         Get these plants (water) every day.

28.         Have your notebook (cover) by now.

29.         I got a teacher (teach) me a grammar lesson.

30.         I have my friends (wash) the dishes.

31.         He (has) the letter written.

32.         I made my son the windows before he could go outside to play. (wash)

33.         Mrs. Crane had her house . (decorate)

34.         The teacher had the class a 3000 word research paper. (write)

35.         He got some kids in the neighbourhood out his garage. (clean)

36.         I went to the bank to have a cheque . (cash)

37.         After I had the sleeves , the jacket I bought fit me perfectly. (shorten)

38.         My boss made me my report because he wasn’t satisfied with it. (redo)

39.         Tom got his twin brother Tim a glass of milk for him. (bring)

40.         The wise man had the stone . (remove/to remove/removed)

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