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Repeat these connectives —




in addition, and, similarly, likewise, as well as, furthermore, also, moreover, and then, too, not only ... but also, even


to begin with, then, next, earlier/later, after this/that, following this/that, afterwards


as a result, thus, so, therefore, consequently, thereby, eventually, then, in

that case


however, on the other hand, despite, in spite of, though, although, even though, but, on the contrary, otherwise, yet, instead of, rather, whereas, nonetheless, in contrast


obviously, certainly, plainly, of course, undoubtedly


if, unless, whether, provided that, for, so that, depending on


refers to, means, consists of


in conclusion, in summary, lastly, finally, to sum up, to conclude, to recapitulate, in short


for instance, for example, just as, in particular, such as, namely, to



since, as, so, because (of), due to, owing to, in other words


before, since, as, until, meanwhile, at the moment, when, whenever, as

soon as


Grammar Focus: Types of Conjunctions








I have to find a new job, for I am



in addition to

Please calm down. Let’s wait and see.


and not

Neither my parents nor my teachers

supported me.



I have a nice house but I don’t have a car.



Do you have any brothers or sisters?



He is good person, yet you don’t trust him.



My brother is very smart, so everybody likes





I did not go to school as I was sick.


because; as

I will not write to you since you write to



for the reason

I walked slowly because my leg was



logical result

I am sixteen therefore I am not eligible to



despite the fact that

Though he is poor, he is honest.


despite the fact that

Although it was very hot, they continued



unexpected result

He failed the exam despite hard labour.

In spite of

unexpected result

They climbed up hills in spite of bad weather.

So that

the reason for sth

I went to market so that I could buy some



for the purpose of

I bought a computer to learn to type.

In order to

for the purpose of

He went to the zoo in order to see wild



in that condition

If you work hard, you can pass the exam.


if not

You won’t succeed unless you labour hard.


to whatever degree

He is a good boy. However, a few friends like



shows time order [same time]

Father watches television                                  while I do my



shows time order [first action]

I take a bath after I come from office.


shows time order [first action]

I go out when I finish my work.


shows     time      order [second action]

Before taking bath, I walk for an hour.


Both …and

not only...but also

Both  father           and           mother           are           equally important.


choice of two

I like to play either shirt or t-shirt.


true negative statement

Neither I played nor did I enjoy the game.



Whether you do it yourself or let me do.

Not only...but also

sth else is also true

I not only wrote poem but also recited it in class.

Grammar Focus: Common Errors

Incorrect                                                                               Correct

Unless you do not try, you will never succeed.

Unless you try, you will never succeed.

Neither Jack is intelligent nor hardworking.

Jack is neither intelligent nor hardworking.

As he is fat so he runs slowly.

As he is fat he runs slowly.

He is fat so he runs slowly.

When I reached there then it was raining.

When I reached there, it was raining.

Do it carefully lest you may not make a mistake.

Do it carefully lest you make a mistake.

Though he was poor but he was happy.

Though he was poor he was happy.

He was poor but he was happy.

The car either dashed against a goat or a donkey.

The car dashed against either a goat or a donkey.

Hardly the sun had risen when we set out.

The sun had hardly risen when we set out.

Hardly had the sun risen when we set


As soon as he got the telegram, at once he


As soon as he got the telegram, he


This is my house, I live here.

This is my house where I live. This is my house. I live here.

Additional Practice: Read these sentences.

Her voice was shaking despite all her efforts to control it.

In spite of his age, he still leads an active life.

We thought it was correct. However, we have now discovered some errors.

Although the sun was shining, it wasn’t very warm. Though she gave no sign, I was sure she had seen me. Even as he shouted the warning the car skidded.

I like her, even though she can be annoying at times.

The more she thought about it, the more depressed she became.

It looks as though it’s all up with us now.

Tony behaved as if nothing had happened to him.

It’s been an age since we’ve seen them.

We have got a new dining table for the dining room.

All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses.

The old system had its defects, nevertheless it was right to the new one. The problems are not serious. Nonetheless, we need to tackle them soon. Life was harder at that time because neither of them had a job.

Candidates are judged on technical accuracy as well as artistic expression.

There were as many as 200 people at the lecture.

We went early so as to get good seats.

The man walked slowly because of his fractured leg.

Nilam is only seventeen. Therefore, she is not eligible to vote.

It’s a small sports car, yet it’s amazingly spacious. I learnt to write a letter when I was at school.

It was for a while before I realized the truth. I will call you later after I finish my work.

He must have lost his bag while he was asleep.

I’m going to buy either a camera or a grand piano with the money.

Neither Roman nor his friends are learning well.

We are very busy so that we won’t be able to take time off this year. He bought the computer to write a book.

I listened enthusiastically for he brought good news for me. Rima hurried up hoping that she could catch the first bus. Sigma was afraid lest she had exposed too much.

He is so clever that no one can deceive him.

This school is not only popular but also has many facilities.

A.         Choose the correct connectives to complete the following sentences.

1.        Some people were invited to the party couldn’t come. (who/which/where)

2.        That’s the woman (which/who/what/that) works in our office.

3.        The manager called a meeting we left our works. (so/although/because)

4.          my confidence,I could not score good marks. (Despite/for/Because of)

5.        She sings well and do I. (so/nor/or)

6.        Try, try you die. (up to/still/until)

7.        Wait here

8.        We’ll wait here

(after/before/till) I return. (before/where/until) you come.

9.        You can’t be a good teacher (if/unless/whether) you read and write well.

10.    This is the house (what/who/which) belongs to my sister.

11.    This is the place (when/which/where) I live.

12.    Those (which/where/who/when) have passed the SEE can apply for this post.

13.    We could not go for trek (because/despite/because of) the snowfall.

14.    We go to school we get knowledge. (to/in order to/in order that)

15.    We go to the bank (to/for/so that) we can cash the cheque.

16.      he is rich, he does not buy attractive clothes. (Although/Despite/ Because)

17.    She worked hard (to/because/so that) she could win the race.

18.    The book is (very/so/very much) interesting that it became the best seller.

19.      the rain, the game was continued. (Because of/Although/In spite of)

20.      he is poor, he is helpful. (Although/So/However)

21.      her poverty, she is involved in social work. (Because of/In spite of/Though)

22.    The man (which/who/when) is standing against the wall is a teacher.

23.    The school was closed (because/so that/because of) strike.

24.    He boasts he knows it. (as/ as if/but for)

25.       you work hard, you cannot succeed. (If/Unless/As)

B.         Choose the correct connectives to complete the following sentences.

1.        The hotel (what/when/where) I stayed was very clean.

2.        This is the girl (whom/who/that) I like most.

3.        This is the house (which/when/who/where) I was born.

4.        We have been victim (because/because of/so) his cruelty.

5.        We continued the work (despite/since/because of) bad weather.

6.        We saw the grapes (who/which/where) hung over the garden wall.

7.        You can’t do it can I. (so/nor/or)

8.          (Despite/Because/Because of) the rain, they enjoyed the picnic very much.

9.          (Although/Because/However) he is poor, he helps the orphans.

10.      (Because/Because of/Although) she is rich, she does not spend money.

11.      she is old, she can read without glasses. (Even though/However/In spite)

12.      he is on diet, his weight is constant. (Even though/In spite of/However)

13.    She was good at physics the fact that she found it boring. (as/ for/despite)

14.    They went swimming all the danger signs. (despite/because of/even though)

15.    He wanted to take no risks, small. (however/despite/although)

16.    She has the window open, cold it is outside. (although/however/because of)

17.      carefully I explained, she still didn’t understand. (Despite/ However/Though)

18.      you look at it, it is going to cost a lot.(As /Though/However)

19.    He was feeling bad. He went to work, , and tried to concentrate. (despite/ however/though)

20.    He is very smart. a few people like him.(Despite/However/Though)

21.      he is nearly 80, he is still very active. (Despite/However/Although)

22.      the sun was shining, it wasn’t very warm. (Despite/However/Although)

23.      small, the kitchen is well designed. (Despite/However/Although)

24.    I felt he was wrong, I didn’t say so at the time. (despite/ however/although)

25.    Anne was fond of Tim, he often annoyed her. (despite/ however/though)

26.      she gave no sign, I was sure she had seen me. (Despite/However/Though)

27.    His clothes, old and worn, are of good quality. (despite/however/although)

28.    Strange it may sound, I was pleased it was over. (despite/however/although)

29.    Our team lost. It was a good game . (despite/however/although)

30.    I like her, she can be annoying at times. (despite/however/even though)

C.          Choose the correct connectives to complete the following sentences.

1.        Our car is damaged. we’re getting a new one soon. (But/Therefore/For)

2.        All horses are animals, not all animals are horses. (as/but/however/so)

3.        I invited some of my colleagues not all. (as/but/however/so)

4.        The party was all over when we arrived. (as/but/however/so)

5.        We have three sons none of them lives/live nearby. (as/but/however/so)

6.        We saw several houses none we really liked. (as/but/however/so)

7.        He told me all the news none of it was very exciting. (as/but/however/so)

8.        I offered to pay he was having none of it. (as/but/however/so)

9.        I’m afraid we can’t come, thanks for the invitation anyway. (as/but/however so)

10.    I suggested sharing the cost, he wasn’t having any of it. (as/but/ however/so)

11.    The water was cold

12.    She was not only intelligent

I took a shower anyway. (as/but/however/so) also very musical. (as/but/however/so)

13.    We got there early Mike had already left. (as/but/however/so)

14.    You cannot join us you complete your homework. (if/unless/though)

15.    I showed him the photographs he did not believe me.(but/however/though)

16.    I’ve never been there; it is a lovely place, by all accounts. (as/but/however/so)

17.    I  was  standing  right  next  to  her,   


she didn’t even acknowledge me.

18.    The  letter  was  correctly   addressed,   


delivered to the wrong house.

19.    The room was small adequate. (as/but/however/so)

20.    The book is too long , it is useful and entertaining.(nevertheless/though/as)

21.    The  problems  are not serious. , we shall need to tackle them soon. (nevertheless/because of/despite)

22.    Life was harder then neither of us had a job. (since/because/though)

23.    Coursework is taken into account exam results. (as well as/too/since/also)

24.    I was just beginning to enjoy myself we had to leave. (when/while/after)

25.      Penguins have wings, they cannot fly. (As/Though/But)

26.    I was surprised he addressed me in English. (when/while/after/because)

27.    I nearly suffocated the pipe came adrift. (when/while/after/because)

28.    People often simply discard their pets they go abroad. (when/while/after)

29.    He gets aggressive he is drunk. (when/while/after/because)

30.       it was raining, I didn't carry raincoat. (Although/Despite/Because)

31.       she was very popular, she lost the election.(Although/Despite/Because)

32.    I bough a TV entertainment. (for/so/to)

33.    She sold her car buy another one. (in order to / for/ so that)

34.    Bread butter is my best food. (but/and/so)

35.    Her  voice was shaking all her efforts to control it. (even though/however/In spite of )

D.         Choose the correct connectives to complete the following sentences.

1.        He does not speak, does he drink. (either/neither/also)

2.        You must apologize, you will be finished. (if/unless/otherwise)

3.        He must be asleep there is no light in his room.(for/so/hence)

4.        He has been working hard, he will pass. (for/so/hence)

5.        We will promote him he is efficient.(because/so/hence)

6.        I can’t help you you tell me the truth.(if/unless/otherwise)

7.        It looks it might rain.(as if/if/like)

8.           she is poor, she is always neatly dressed.(As/Though/Since)

9.        I have such regard for him I will do anything for him.(that/as/than)

10.    He climbed up a tree to get a good view.(so as/such as/so that)

11.    John smokes his brother doesn’t.(but/however/though)

12.      Alan Manish has come.(Neither-nor/Also/As-as)

13.    She speaks English Spanish.(as though/as if/as well as)

14.    I like him he is very sincere.(because/though/however)


16.    She is ill

he worked hard, he did not win.(Because/Though/However) she is cheerful.(but/as well as/though)

17.       it was raining, we decided to go out. (Because/Though/However)

18.    The piper played the children danced. (because/and/however)

19.    James works hard his brother is lazy. (whereas/though/however)

20.    I went to the shop bought some vegetables. (because/and/however)

21.    You must start at once; you will be late. (if/unless/otherwise)

22.    He must be tired he has been working since morning. (because/and/however)

23.    He is not clever as his brother. (so/because/however)

24.    He must be punished he is guilty. (because/since/for)

25.    A fool his money are soon parted. (and/too/as well as)

26.    He was not punished he was guilty. (though/despite/because of)

27.    He worked hard he might pass the examination. (that/for/as)

28.    Give every man thy ear few thy voice. (but/however/too)

29.    I waited for him the clock struck seven. (until/as long as/when)

30.    You will not get the prize you deserve it. (unless/otherwise/nevertheless)

31.    It has been a year I saw him. (since/as/yet)

32.    Hardly had he reached the platform the train arrived. (when/while/after)

33.    No sooner did he see the tiger he fainted. (than/then/after)

34.    She felt unwell she stayed at home. (so/so that/so. that)

35.    Maya is smart everbody likes her.(so/so that/so. that)

E.          Choose the correct connectives to complete the following sentences.

1.        They  attempted  all the questions. some questions were out of the course. (Despite/Despite of/However)

2.        They can stay (when/where/whom/while) they want.

3.        They carried an umbrella (so/for/because) it was raining.

4.        They completed the work on time many difficulties. (because of/in spite of/as long as)

5.        They hurt the teacher (therefore/so that/however) he did not punish them.

6.        They went to the river (because/so that/to/as) they wanted.

7.        They were playing (when/where/who) I left for school.

8.        They she will come today. (as well as/as well/as)

9.        This is the boy (where/whom/which) I like most.

10.    This is the exact location (that/when/where) I had lost my ring.

11.    You can’t succeed (if/unless/without) you work hard.

12.    You didn’t obey them (because/so that/before) you were punished.

13.    You will be punished for (what/when/while) you have done.

14.    The climbers were lost the avalanche. (however/because of/therefore)

15.    He is the best teacher, he has the least experience. (though/because/despite)

16.    She never took a taxi, she could afford to. (even though/because/despite)

17.    It looks it is all up with us now. (as though/because/despite)

18.    It's been an age we’ve seen them. (since/as/because of)

19.    It is a long time they left. (since/as/because of)

20.    The argument continued I stopped them. (until/while/after/because)

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