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Changing Voice

Practise these short passives —

Active                                                                         Passive



is kept


is keeping


is being kept

is +being+v3



was kept


was keeping


was being kept

was+ being +v3

have kept


have been kept

have+ been +v3

had kept

had + v3

had been kept

had + been+ v3

will keep

will +v1

will be kept

will +be +v3

would keep

would +v1

would be kept

would + be + v3

would have kept

would + have +v3

would have been kept

would + have + been +v3

to keep


to be kept

to+ be+ v3

to have kept

to+ have+ v3

to have been kept

to +have +been+v3



being kept


The students should have prior knowledge of the following things before they start to change

the active sentences into passive.

a.        Types of sentences



My uncle bought the house.


My uncle did not buy the house.


Did my uncle buy the house?


Buy the house.


May you buy the house!

b.        Types of tenses and aspects

Simple present

The ghost occupies the house.

Present cont.

The ghost is occupying the house.

Present perfect

The ghost has occupied the house.

Simple past

The ghost occupied the house.

Past continuous

The ghost was occupying the house.

Past perfect

The ghost had occupied the house.

Simple future

The ghost will occupy the house.

Future perfect

The ghost will have occupied the house.

Going to future

The ghost is going to occupy the house.

c.       Verb forms


play, haunt, frighten, invite, go, visit


played, haunted, frightened, invited, went, visited


played, haunted, frightened, invited, gone, visited


playing, haunting, frightening., inviting, going, visiting


plays, haunts, frightens, invites, goes, visits

d.        Subject pronouns


e.        Object pronouns



Grammar Focus: Changes in Passive Voice

1. Subject and object change

We need to consider the following rules while changing the position of the subject and object:

Active: I convinced him.

Passive: He was convinced by me. Active: He gifted me a good camera.

Passive: A good camera was gifted to me by him.

2. Pronoun Change


Active voice                                                                       Passive voice
















by whom

Grammar Focus: Passive of Different Tenses

Go through the following chart to know about the use of auxiliary verbs in different tenses:




Simple Present

I write a letter.

S + v1/v5 +obj

A letter is written

by me.

Obj +is/am/are + v3 + by + sub

I do not write a letter.

S + do/does +not+ v1+obj

A letter is not written by me.

Obj +is/am/are + not

+ v3 + by + sub

Do I write a letter?

Do /Does +sub +v1

+ obj+?

Is a letter written

by me?

Is/Am/Are + obj + v3 + by + sub

Present Contionus


I am writing a letter.

S + is/am/are + v4


A letter is being written by me.

O b j + i s / a m / a r e + being+ v3 + by + sub

I am not writing a letter.

S + is/am/are + not

+ v4 + obj

A letter is not being written by me.

Obj +is/am/are + not

+being +v3 +by+ sub

Am I writing a letter?

Is/Am/Are + sub + v4 + obj

Is a letter being written by me?

Is/Am/Are + obj + being + v3 + by +sub

Present Perfect Tence

I have written a letter.

S + have/has+v3+ obj

A letter has been written by me.

Obj+have/has + been

+ v3 + by + sub

I have not written a letter.

S + have/has + not

+ v3 + obj

A letter has not been written by me.

Obj +have/has + not

+been + v3+ by +sub

Have I written a letter?

Have/Has + sub + v3+ obj

Has a letter been written by me?

Have/Has + obj + been

+ v3+by+ sub


Simple Past Tense

I wrote a letter.

S + v2 + obj

A letter was written

by me.

Obj + was/were + v3 + by + sub

I did not write a letter.

S + didn't + v1 +  obj

A letter was not written by me.

Obj + was/were + not

+being + v3 +by + sub

Did I write a letter?

Did + sub +v1 + obj

Was a letter written

by me?

Was/were + obj + v3 + by + sub

Past Continious


I was writing a letter.

S+was/were + v4+ obj

A letter was being written by me.



I was not writing a letter.

S + was/were + not

+ v4 + obj

A letter was not being written by me.

Obj + was/were + not

+ being + v3 + sub

Was I letter?



Was/Were + sub + v4 + obj

Was a letter being written by me?

Was/Were + obj + being + v3 + by + sub


Past Perfect Tense

I had written a letter.

S + had + v3 + obj

A letter had been written by me.

Obj + had + been + v3

+ by + sub

I had not written a letter.

S + had + not + v3

+ obj

A letter had not been written by me.

Obj + had + not + been

+ v3 + by + sub

Had I written a letter?

Had + sub + v3 + obj

Had a letter been written by me?

Had + obj + been + v3

+ by + sub


Simple Future Tense

I will letter.



S + will/shall + v1 + obj

A       letter   will written by me.


Obj    +          will/shall be+v3 + by + sub


I will not write a letter.

S + will/shall +not + v1 + obj

A letter will not be written by me.

Obj + will/shall + not + be + v3 + by + sub

Will I letter?



Will/Shall + sub + v1 + obj

Will    a           letter written by me?


Will/Shall + obj + be + v3 + by + sub

Future Perfect Tense

I       will        have written a letter.

S + will/shall + have

+ v3 + obj

A letter will have been written by me.

Obj+ will/shall +have + been + v3 + by + sub

I will not have written a letter.

Sub+will/shall + not

+ have + v3 +obj

A letter will not have been written by me.

Obj+will/shall+not+ have+been+v3+by+ sub

Will      I             have written a letter?

Will/Shall + sub + have + v3 + obj

Will a letter have been written by me?

Will/Shall+obj+ have + been + v3 + by + sub

Going to Future Tense

I am going to write a letter.

S + is/am/are/was/ were + going to + v1 + obj

A letter is going to be written by me.

Obj+ is/am/are/was/ were + going to + be + v3 + by + sub

I am not going to write a letter.

S + is/am/are/was/ were + not + going to + v1 + obj

A letter is not going to be written by me.

Obj+ is/am/are/was/ were + not + going to

+ be + v3 + by + sub

Am I going to write a letter?

Is/Am/Are/Was/ Were + sub+ going to + v1 + obj

Is a letter going to be written by me?


+ obj + going to + be + v3 + by + sub

Grammar Focus: Passive of Different Sentences

1.   Passive of Modals

Active                                                                               Passive

(S + modal + v1 + obj)

(S + modal +not+ v1 + obj)

(Aux + s + v1 + obj +?)

(Obj + modal + be + v3+by + sub) (Obj + modal +not+ be + v3+by + sub) (Aux + obj + be + v3+by + sub +?)

She can play the guitar. She cannot play the guitar. Can she play the guitar?

The guitar can be played by her. The guitar cannot be played by her. Can the guitar be played by her?

I may buy the laptop.

I may not buy the laptop.

May I buy the laptop?

The laptop may be bought by me. The laptop may not be bought by me. May the laptop be bought by me?

Gems might play chess. Gems might not play chess. Might Gems play chess?

Chess might be played by Gems. Chess might not be played Gems. Might chess be played by Gems?

We should study all lessons.

We should not study all lessons.

Should we study all lessons?

All lessons should be studied by us.

All lessons should not be studied by us.

Should all lessons be studied by us?

I must learn these strategies.

I must not learn these strategies. Must I learnt these strategies?

These strategies must be learnt by me. These strategies must not be learned by me. Must these strategies be learnt by me?

She may have availed the chance. She may not have availed the chance. May she have availed the chance?

The chance may have been availed by her. The chance may not have been availed by her. May the chance be availed by her?

He might have eaten an apple.

He might not have eaten an apple.

Might he have eaten an apple?

An apple might have been eaten by him.

An apple might not have been eaten by him.

Might an apple have been eaten by him?

You should have studied the Geeta. You should not have studied the Geeta. Should you have studied the Geeta?

The Geeta should have been studied by you. The Geeta should not have been studied by you. Should the Geeta have been studied by you?

She must have started a job. She must not have started a job. Must she have started a job?

A job must have been started by her.

A job must not have been started by her.

Must a job have been started by her?

You ought to have helped them. You ought not to have helped them. Ought you to have helped them?

They ought to have been helped by you. They ought not to have been helped by you. Ought they to have been helped by you?

2.   Passive of WH Questions

Active                                                                               Passive

WH word + aux + sub + verb + obj +?

WH word + aux +obj+ be/been + v3 +by+ s +?

Where have you bought this jacket?

Where has this jacket been bought by you?

When will Rita return the book?

When will the book be returned by Rita?

How did he send you the message?

How were you sent the message by him?

Whom did you give my book?

Who was given my book by you?

Whom are you looking for?

Who is/are being looked for by you?

What are you doing?

What is being done by you?

What did Rita sell you?

What was sold to you by Rita?

What have you seen?

What has been seen by you?

Who + verb + Obj +?

By whom + aux/be verb + sub + v3 +?

Who broke the chair?

By whom the chair was broken? Who/whom was the chair broken by?

Who can perform it?

By whom can it be performed? Who/whom can it be performed by?

3.   Passive of Imperatives

Active                                                                               Passive

(V+ obj)-order/command

(Let + obj + be + v3)

Open the door.

Let the door be opened.

Complete the work.

Let the work be completed.

Turn off the television.

Let the television be turned off.

Learn your lesson.

Let your lesson be learnt.

Kill the snake.

Let the snake be killed.

Punish him.

Let him be punished.

Speak the truth.

Let the truth be spoken.

Revise your book.

Let your book be revised.

Clean your room.

Let your room be cleaned.

(Let + obj1 + verb + obj2)-double object

(Let + obj2 + be + v3 + by + obj1)

Let me write a poem.

Let a poem be written by me.

Let him sing a song.

Let a song be sung by him.

Let Sabina perform a drama.

Let a drama be performed by Sabina.

Let us play a game.

Let a game be played by us.

(Verb + obj)-advice/suggestion

(Obj + should/must + be + v3)

Help the helpless.

The helpless should/must be helped.

Obey your elders.

Your elders should/must be obeyed.

Drink plenty of water.

Plenty of water should/must be drunk.

Do regular exercise.

Regular exercise should/must be done.

(please, kindly, do+ verb +obj)-request

You are requested to + verb +obj

Kindly help me.

You are requested to help me.

Please don't smoke.

You are requested not to smoke.

Do help them.

You are requested to help them.

4.   Passive of have to/has to/had to

Active                                                                               Passive

(S + have to/has to/had to + v1 + obj)

(Obj + have to/has to/had to + be + v3 + by

+ sub)

I have to finish the work.

The work has to be finished by me.

Ram has to study English.

English has to be studied by Ram.

They had to cook rice.

Rice had to be cooked by them.

Verbs not used in the Passive voice

Verbs referring to states of being like have, belong, be, seem, resemble, etc. do not usually have passive constructions. In that case we either choose another verb or avoid using the passive.

Active: Then we had lunch.

Passive: Then lunch was eaten. (NOT Then lunch was had.)

Transitive and Intransitive verb

A verb can be either transitive or intransitive. A transitive verb needs an object in sentence to give complete meaning while an intransitive verb does need an object in sentence to give complete meaning. For example,

Transitive verb: send

Active: He sent a letter.

Passive: A letter was sent by him.

Here, send is a transitive verb and it needs an object i.e. letter to express full meaning.

Intransitive Verb: laugh, happen, die, agree, look, seem, arrive, fall, occur, sleep, be, go, rain, stay, become, recover, walk, come, live, remain, work, reach, sit, etc.

Active: He laughs.

Passive: He is laughed.

Active: The accident happened at 2 o’clock. Passive: The accident was happened at 2 o’clock. Active: My grandfather died ten years ago.

Passive: My grandfather was died ten years ago.

Here, laugh, happen and die are intransitive verbs and they do not need object for expressing

full meaning.

Grammar Focus: Other Passive Constructions

1.   Passive Combination with Preposition

Active                                                                               Passive

Sub + verb + preposition + obj

Obj + be + v3 + preposition + sub

We must go into this matter.

This matter must be gone into.

I knocked at the door.

The door was knocked at.

They were looking for some useful books.

Some useful books were being looked for.

You must call to her.

She must be called to.

We must write to him.

He must be written to.

Some verbs take other prepositions instead of `By’

Know, oblige, marry-to

Deal, please, displease, satisfy, dissatisfy, fill, cover-with Interest, consist, envelope, absorb, contain-in

Surprise, astonish, alarm, amaze, frighten, shock-at


Active                                                                               Passive

Ram pleases me.

I am pleased with Ram.

The poem interested me.

I was interested in the poem.

His death shocked me.

I was shocked at his death.

I know him.

He is known to me.

His death surprised them.

They were surprised at his death.

That bottle contains milk.

Milk is contained in that bottle.

1.   Get Passive


Active                                                                               Passive

She helps me.

I get helped by her.

Ram married Sita.

Ram got married to Sita.

2.   Causative Verb


Active                                                                               Passive

Buna makes Asana cry.

Asana is made to cry.

Arjun made me sing a song.

I was made to sing a song.

He made us dance.

We were made to dance.

She makes us recite a poem.

We are made to recite a poem.

3.   Passive of Infinitives and Gerund


Active                                                                    Passive

S + like/dislike/love/hate + noun + v + ing

S + like/dislike/love/hate + being + v3

We like people praising us.

We like being praised.

I don't like people laughing at me.

I don't like being laughed at.

I hate people looking at me.

I hate being looked at.

Sub + wish/want/love/like+obj1+ to + v1+ obj2

Sub+wish/want/love/like+obj2+tobe+V3+ by + obj1

I want Karma to write a poem.

I want a poem to be written by Karma.

Sub + decide, think, urge, propose, determine, agree+ to +V1+obj

Sub + decide, think, urge, propose, determine, agree + that


She decided to buy a computer.

She decided that a computer should be


4.   Passive Combination with Manner Adverbs


Active                                                                               Passive

S + verb + obj + manner adv

S + be verb + manner adv + v3

They do the work very well.

The work is very well done by them.

He was doing the task slowly.

The task was being slowly done by him.

My son always speaks to everyone politely.

Everyone is always politely spoken by my son.

5.   Reflexive Passive

Active: Don’t let people see you. Passive: Don’t let yourself be seen. Verb+ Yourself

Active: Prepare yourself for the race.

Passive: Be prepared yourself for the race.

6.   Impersonal Passive

If we don’t want to identify a specific person as agent, but prefer not to use a passive form, we can use an impersonal subject. They, we, people, etc. are impersonal subjects.

Active                                                                               Passive

They said he was a spy.

It was said that he was a spy. He was said to be a spy.

We think he is the captain.

It is thought that he is the captain. He is thought be the captain.

We believe that the sun is a star.

It is believed that the sun is a star.

The sun is believed to be a star.

People believe that he hid in a cave.

It is believed that he hid in a cave. He is believed to have hid in a cave.

They say that English is an

international language.

It is said that English is an international language. English is said to be an international language.

People say that she is a wise person.

She is said to be a wise person.

It is said that she is a wise person.

People believed that she was an expert of birds.

She was believed to have been an expert of birds. It was believed that she was an expert of birds.

7.   Miscellaneous Sentences

Active                                                                               Passive

I didn't write anything.

Nothing was written by me.

You can believe in him.

He can be believed in by you.

Honey tastes best.

Honey is best when it is tasted.

A bus knocked down him.

He was knocked down by a bus.

Grammar Focus: Common Errors


Sentences                                                   Incorrect                                                   Correct

He knows me.

I am known by him.

I am known to him.

He pleases me.

I am pleased by him.

I am pleased with him.

His death shocks me.

I am shocked by his death.

I am shocked at his death.

The poem interested me.

I was interested by the


I was interested in the


The result surprises me.

I am surprised by the result.

I am surprised at the result.

The pot contains polluted water.

Polluted water is contained by the pot.

Polluted water is contained in the pot.

Ryan satisfies me.

I am satisfied by Ryan.

I am satisfied with Ryan.

Highgate cemetery buried


He was buried by Highgate


He was buried in Highgate


The dark slowly accustomed my eyes.

My      eyes           were           slowly

accustomed by the dark.

My      eyes           were           slowly

accustomed to the dark.

Arjun married Aastha.

Aastha                was                married      by


Aastha                 was                 married      to


A.       Change these sentences into passive voice.

They’re building a new house. They cannot put those things here. We must respect to him. They may deliver the goods tomorrow.

Who are you looking for?    He has to do it immediately.

They are sending the material today.   We must help him.

Do I write a poem?    He cannot finish this today.

They are considering that question now. The police may hold him for several days. We selected captain. John brings the mail every day.

She is typing that letter now. They have put the chairs in the room. Who broke the chair? They are sending the merchandise today.

Are you writing an essay?    He sent the e-mail last week.

Sing a song. Wash your clothes.

Buy a jacket.       I prepare tea.

He buys a coat. She cleans her nose.

They have made a house.  We have cooked rice.

Ram sir has written a love letter. Help the beggar.

Respect your grandparents. Obey your sister.

The cat drank milk. The dog is eating bone.

She has dyed her hair.  We will find a room.

Shake your hand. Switch on the light.

B.  Change these sentences into passive voice.

They were discussing the question. They have to deliver the books today. We shall hear his voice no more. We must find him immediately.

They are sending troops there today.      They are teaching the students.

Have you invited him in the party?         He took the money last Monday evening.

Who can perform it?         He has called me today.

They are cleaning the classroom.        She ate the cake this morning.

He is finishing the work now. Mr. Smith wrote the book last summer. We should improve our handwriting. She has just taken the newspaper.

They were cleaning the office this


He teaches that class on Friday.

Did you call the police?      They will leave the tickets for you.

They are examining him now. Somebody has taken my book.

Who did you call yesterday? The wind blew the smoke away soon. We are using this room. She broke the plate on purpose.

Were you calling him? They will bring the boy tomorrow. They are defending the city well. They had finished the work by noon. We were playing basketball. Mrs. Jackson saw the accident.

They are holding the meeting today.      They have found the child at last.

Who finished the given task? You were rushing about in the garden. Had she rented a room for a week? Her books were lying about on the floor. They are transferring him to another class. He looked about the room.

We can finish this right away.         We were flying above the clouds.

Will you perform this drama? The accident brought his career to an end. They may send the fax tomorrow. The divorce became absolute last week.

Who painted this house?         He made it absolutely clear.

They wrote a book.        We grew fruits and vegetables.

We must lose no time.        She made her wishes abundantly clear.

Will you have visited the temple? The car accelerated to overtake me. You can use this room for the lesson. They gave me a red book.

C.  Change these sentences into passive voice.


People will forget it in a few days.    Do it now.

People speak English all over the world. Copy these questions. They fought a big battle. What do you do?

They made this gun by hand. Does he sing a song? She has put all the chairs in the next room. Shake your  fingers. He broke his leg in an accident. Divide it among them. They will send the book next week. Clean this table.

A car ran over our dog a short while ago. Let him complete the project. They left the wounded soldiers behind. Never let him cut down the trees. Respect the teacher. Deliver your lecture fluently.

Riva will not apply for the visa. Are you inviting me to the party? Rocha wasn’t writing a story. They have to saw a piece of log. Sangria will bring a glass of water. Let him explain the whole thing first. The boy has done his homework. Let me organize a party.

He is considering several new proposals. Paint the wall.

The poachers are killing the wild animals. Cut this apple into three pieces. The tornado destroyed thirty houses. Write an essay.

Was Raj reading a book? Begin the assembly.

Were you typing a letter? Throw this waste in dustbin.

They have built a new bridge. They promise us higher wages.

What is she doing? They should check the details.

When do you return the book? He accepted all the changes we proposed. Will Susan eat an apple? He will do the work this afternoon.

You have to buy a raincoat.   We have to write these exercises at home.

Write an interesting story.    He should send this message right away.

Will you have visited the temple? The car accelerated to overtake me. You can use this room for the lesson. They gave me a red book.





D.          Change these sentences into active voice.

A story is being written by him.       This book was written by Mr. Regmi.

This must be checked twice by you.        The lesson will will have been taught by me.

It can be done by him. The book has been returned by Rajdeep. It has to be sent right away by you. The dish was broken by the maid.

This room can be used by us. The cries of the child were heard by us. The money has been sent by them The money had been stolen by the boy . This book was published in 1945 by him. America was discovered by Columbus. Tea is being prepared by Hema. The house was struck by lightning.

It should be sent immediately by you.        The book may be published in June by me.

It has to be done at once by me. The money has been found by Ram. The class is taught by Dip. The city was destroyed by bombs. The book was found by Mahesh. This work will be completed by them.

The money was stolen by a thief. The e-mail was sent this morning by me. The parcel will be delivered by me. Hut had been destroyed by earthquake. The city has been destroyed by the enemy. Your homework will be checked by me. The lecture was attended by many people. The book will be published by them.

Our exercises are corrected by our teacher.        The town will have been captured by them.

He was struck by an automobile.        The house was built in 1950.

The work had been finished by James.        The books will be brought by John.

Our class has been taugh by Mina .          It was discovered by me.

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