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Top 19 Grammar Books (PDF)


Reported Speech

Look at the following sentences.


DIRECT SPEECH                                                                     REPORTED SPEECH

‘I hate you,’ Kabindra whispered.

Kabindra whispered that he hated him.

The man shouted at the dog. ‘Go home!’

The man shouted at the dog to go home.

‘Did you find it in the tunnel?’ she asked.

She asked whether he had found it in the


‘Let’s find the others,’ he suggested.

He suggested to find the others.

‘That’s not fair,’ he exclaimed.

He exclaimed that it was not fair.

He asked, “How did you know?”

He asked her how she had known.

He said, “Mending walls is a specialist occupation."

He said that mending walls was a specialist occupation.


Speaking Practice

Answer these questions based on the given sentences.

a.             What are the two ways of narrating?

b.            What is direct speech?

c.             What is indirect speech?

d.            What punctuation marks are used in the direct speech?

e.             What punctuation marks are used in the indirect speech?

f.              How many parts does a direct speech have?

g.             How many parts does an indirect speech have?

Listening Practice

Repeat these sentences after your teacher.

Direct Speech

Indirect Speech

He said, " I am busy now".

He said that he was busy then.

I said, " I am working here".

I said that I was working there.

You said, " I have got it today".

You said that you had got it that day.

We said, " We saw a tiger yesterday".

We said that we had seen a tiger the day before.

She said, " I was singing last week".

She said that she had been singing the week


Raj said,"I had called you here".

Raj said that he had called me there.

Tej said, "I will see you tomorrow".

Tej said that he would see us the next day.

Prem said,"I can do it right now".

Prem said that he could do it right then.

Ram said, I may be sick tomorrow".

Ram said that he might be sick the nextday.

Prem said".I must do it myself ".

Prem said that he had to do it himself.

Quick Tip: The sentences in the direct speech have two parts. One is separated with comma (,) and the other one is enclosed with the inverted comma (“….”) e.g. He said, “I love my nation.” Direct (the 1st part separated with the comma is called the reporting part or verb and the 2nd part is known as the reported) speech.

Grammar Focus: Changes in Reported Speech

1.                Tense Change


Direct Speech

Indirect Speeh


Simple present

Simple past


Present continuous

Past continuous


Present perfect

Past perfect


Simple past

Past perfect


Past continuous

Past perfect continuous








Has to/have to + v1

Had to + v1


Do not/does not+v1

Did not+v1



Had to



No change


Had + v3

No change


Had better/ought to/used to

No change


Universal truth

No change

2.                Adverbial Change


Direct Speech

Indirect Speech












that day












the following day/the next day



the previous day/the day before


next day/week/month

the following day/week/month


the day before yesterday

two days ago


last week/month/year

the week/month/year before









that night





3.                Person Change


Subjective case





















Yourself Yourselves






















4.                Reporting Verbs and Joining Words Change


Reported speech

Reported speech

Joining words








to/not to




to/not to


yes/no question




wh- question


wh- words




that/wh- words





5.                Punctuation Mark Change

“” (Inverted comma),? (Question mark), ! (Exclamation mark) and, (comma)-full stop (.)

Look at this sentence.

Direct: He said to me, "I am sleeping now". Indirect : He told me that he was sleeping then.


1.         reportiing verb: said to - told

2.         conjunction - that

3.         pronoun - I - he

4.         tense - am - was

5.         adverbial: now - then

6.         punctuation: comma, inverted comma - full stop

Grammar Focus: Different Types of Sentences

1.    Universal Truths

Direct Speech                                                                    Indirect Speech

He told us, “The world is round.”

He told us that the world is round.

Partita said, "The sun rises in the East."

Partita said that the sun rises in the East.

My father said, “We are mortal”.

My father said that we are mortal.

He said, “Time and tide waits for none”

He said that time and tide waits for none.

Dina said, "Asia is the largest continent."

Dina said that Asia is the largest continent.

2.    Conditionals II and III

Active: Kushal said to me, “If I were you, I would fly high in the sky”. Passive: Kushal told me that if he were me, he would fly high in the sky. Active: Lakesh said, “If I had done well, I would have scored better in exam”.

Passive: Lakesh said that if he had done well, he would have scored better in exam.

However, tense is changed in case of conditional I.

Active: Gagan said, “If you request Hem, he may solve your problem”. Passive: Gagan said that if I requested Hem, he might solve my problem.

3.    Assertive Sentences

If the reporting verb (said, said to, asked) is in the past tense, the speech is changed into

past tense.


Direct Speech                                                                    Indirect Speech

said, said to

said, told

Peter said, "I work in the garden."

Peter said that he worked in the garden.

Peter said, "I'm working in the garden now."

Peter said that he was working in the garden then.

Peter said, "I have worked in the garden."

Peter said that he had worked in the garden.

Peter said, "I have been working in the garden."

Peter said that he had been working in the garden.

Peter said, "I worked in the garden yesterday."

Peter said that he had worked in the garden the day before.

Peter said, "I was working in the garden."

Peter said that he had been working in the garden.

Peter said, "I had worked in the garden."

Peter said that he had worked in the garden.

Peter said, "I had been working in the garden."

Peter said that he had been working in the garden.

Peter said, "I will work in the garden tomorrow."

Peter said that he would work in the garden the following day.

Peter said, "I can work in the garden."

Peter said that he could work in the garden.

Peter said, "I may work in the garden."

Peter said that he might work in the garden.

Peter said, "I would work in the garden."

Peter said that he would work in the garden.

Peter said, “I don’t work in the garden”.

Peter said that he didn’t work in the garden.

Peter said, “I have to work in the garden”.

Peter said that he had to work in the garden.

The verb tense remains the same in reported speech if the reporting verb (introductory verb) is in present or future tense.

Active: Kiran says, “The house is ready for settlement”. Passive: Kiran says that the house is ready for settlement. Active: Ram will say, “I will call you”.

Passive:        Ram will say that he will call me.

Active: Alan has said, “I have completed the task”. Passive: Alan has said that he has completed the task.

4.    Modal Verbs


Direct Speech                                                                    Indirect Speech

He said, “I can drive an auto”

He said that he could drive an auto.

Krishal said to me, “I may buy a car”.

Krishal told me that he might buy a car.

They said, “You must work hard”. (necessity)

They said that I had to work hard.

My sister said to me, “You must obey your elders”. (duty/law/truth)

My sister told me that I must obey my


He said to me, “I shall appreciate it”.

He told me that he should appreciate it.

The students said, “We would apply for


The students said that they would apply for visa.

Bibek said, “I could run faster”

Bibek said that he could run faster.

Dipendra said to me, “I might meet him”

Dipendra told me that he might meet him.

She told us, “We should be really glad”.

She told us that they would be really glad.

However, shall and should with first person pronoun (I, we) change into would.

Active: Kabindra said to me, “I shall do it for you”. Passive: Kabindra told me that he would do it for me. Active: The workers said, “We should be proud of you”. Passive: The workers said that they would be proud of me.

5.    Interrogative Sentences

Direct Speech                                                                    Indirect Speech

asked, said to, said

asked, enquired of, questioned,

interrogated, wanted to know

He said, “Do you speak English?”

He asked me if I spoke English.

He said, “Does he play football?”

He asked me if he played football.

He said, “Did you watch that movie


He asked me if I had watched that movie the

day before.

He said, "Is it raining?"

He asked if it was raining.

He said, "Are you British or American?"

He asked me whether I was British or


He    said,         “Were       you         present     in         the


He asked if I had been present in the


He said, “Has he invited you in the party?”

He enquired if he had invited me in the


He said, "Have you got a computer?"

He wanted to know whether I had a


He said, "Can you type?"

He asked if I could type.

He asked me, "How old is your mother?"

He asked me how old my mother was.

The mouse said to the elephant, "Where do you live?"

The mouse asked the elephant where she lived.

She asked, "What time does the train arrive?"

She asked what time the train arrived.

She asked, "When can we have dinner?"

She asked when they could have dinner.

The elephant said to the mice, "Why are you so small?"

The elephant asked the mice why they were so small.

"Will you come?" she asked me.

She asked me if/whether I would come.

6.    Imperative Sentences


Direct Speech



Indirect Speech

said, said to

ordered, commanded, advised, suggested, requested, prayed, begged, persuaded, warned

He said to me, "Write carefully!"

He told me to write carefully.

I said to Paban, “Close the window”.

I told Paban to close the window.

The General said to the soldiers, “Be ready to attack”.

The General commanded the soldiers to be

ready to attack.

Mother said to me, "Don't fight with your


Mother told me not to fight with my sister.

He said to homework."

me, "Get




He told me to get on with my homework.

Miss Lee said to Alan, “Don’t be late again


Miss Lee warned Alan not to be late again

the next day.

The beggar said, “Lady, give me some food to eat."

The beggar begged the lady to give him some food to eat.

"Get up!" he said to me.

He told me to get up.

"Don't smoke," the doctor warned my


The doctor warned my father not to smoke.

"Leave the room," he told John.

He told John to leave the room.

"Don't give up," the teacher told her


The teacher told her students not to give up.

He said to me, "Don't hesitate”.

He persuaded me not to hesitate.

1.    Optative Sentences

Direct Speech                                                                    Indirect Speech

said , said to

said, told, prayed, blessed, wished, bade

He said to me, “May you pass in the exam!”

He wished me that I might pass in the exam.

She said to Rita, “May you fall soon!”

She cursed Rita that she might fall soon.

He said to her, “Good bye, madam!”

He bade her goodbye.

Mother said to me, “May you get success!”

Mother blessed me for success.

Mother blessed me that I might get success.

She said to me, “May you prosper."

She wished me that I might prosper.

2.    Exclamatory Sentences

Direct Speech                                                                    Indirect Speech

said, said to

cried, exclaimed, applauded, confessed or bade

He said, “Hurrah! My father has


He exclaimed with joy that his father had come.

She said, “Alas! Rita died”.

She expressed her sorrow that Rita had died.

He said, “What a beautiful present it is!”

He exclaimed with joy that it was a beautiful


Gita said, "Alas! How foolish I have been."

Gita confessed with regret that she had been very foolish.

Anita said to me, “Congratulation!”

Anita congratulated me.

I said to him, “Thank you!”

I thanked him.

3.    Hopes, Intentions and Promises

Direct Speech                                                                    Indirect Speech

said, said to

promised, hoped, threatened

He said, "I'll pay you the money tomorrow."

He promised to pay me the money the next day.

He promised that he would pay me the money the next day.

He said, "I'll be back by lunchtime."

He promised to be back by lunchtime.

He promised that he would be back by lunchtime.

They said, "We should arrive in London before nightfall."

They hoped to arrive in London before nightfall.

They hoped they would arrive in London before nightfall.

He said, “Give me the keys to

He threatened to shoot me if I didn’t give him the keys to the

the safe or I’ll shoot you!”



He threatened that he would shoot me if I didn’t give him the


keys to the safe.

4.         Requests and Suggestions

Direct Speech                                                                    Indirect Speech

said, said to

suggested, warned, asked, advised, invited, begged, taught, forbade, urged

The doctor said to me, “Stop smoking!”

The doctor advised/suggested me to stop


She said, “Could you please be quiet,”

She asked/requested me to be quiet.

Dad said to David, “Please help me washing

the dishes.”

Dad asked/requested David to help him by

washing the dishes.

Jack said to Maggie, “Please Jack don’t tell anyone my secret!”

Jack begged Maggie not to tell anyone his


She said, “Sugar, please.”

She asked for the sugar.

He said, “Could I have three kilos of


He asked for three kilos of onions.

She said, “Why don’t you get a mechanic to

look at the car?”

She suggested that I should get a mechanic

to look at the car.

"Please, revise for the test," he said.

He urged me to revise for the test.

Our teachers said to us, “Don’t follow that

bad company”.

Our teachers advised/ forbade/prohibited us not to/to follow that bad company.

She said, “Please help me”.

She requested to help her.

I said to him, “Please guide me how these

sentences are changed”.

I requested/asked him to guide me how

those sentences were changed.

"Put on your coat," I said to him.

I advised him to put on his coat.

“You had better hurry Ashok” she said.

She advised Ashok to hurry.

She said, “You ought to love your parents”.

She advised me to love my parents.

5.         Offers

Direct Speech                                                                    Indirect Speech

said, said to

suggested, ordered, urged, advocated, requested

He said, “Let’s leave the container at the station”.

He suggested leaving the container at the station.

He suggested that they should leave the

container at the station.

She said, “Let’s stop now and finish it later”.

She suggested stopping then and finishing it


She suggested that they should stop then

and finish it later.

The strike leaders said to the workers, “Let’s

show the bosses that we are united”.

The strike leaders urged (advocated/advised) the workers to show the bosses that they were united.

He ordered, “Let the guards be armed”.

He ordered that the guards should be


They said to the teacher, “Let us come in,


They requested to the teacher to let them go in.

He said to me, “What shall I do for you?”

He asked what he should do for me.

6.         Miscellaneous Sentences

Direct Speech                                                                    Indirect Speech

He says, “Meet me at the station.

He says that we are to meet at the station.

He said to me, “You might visit the zoo”.

He requested me to visit the zoo.

He said, “If she leaves the house, follow


He said that if she left the house I was to

follow her.

He said to me, “Open the door, will you?”

He told/asked me to open the door.

"We are doing exercises," he explained.

He    explained         that         they         were         doing


"I have broken the window," he admitted.

He admitted that he had broken the


"I have been waiting since morning," he


He complained that he had been waiting

since morning.

"She went to Rome," I thought.

I thought that she had gone to Rome.

He said, "I wish they were in Greece."

He said that he wished they were in Greece.

Mike said, "I would rather fly."

Mike said that he would rather fly.

He said to me, “They had better go."

He suggested that they had better go.

"I will come on Sunday," he reminded me.

He reminded me that he would come on Sunday.

"I may write to him," she promised.

She promised that she might write to him.

He said, "I must wash up."

He said that he had to wash up.

He said to me, "I needn't be at school today."

He told me that he needn't be/didn't have to

be at school that day.

He said, "We must do it in June."

He said they had to do it in June.

He said, "You must be tired after such a trip." (certainty)

He said we must be tired after such a trip.

Grammar Focus: Common Errors

Sentence                                                     Incorrect                                                     Correct

He said, “The sun gives us


He said that the sun gave us


He said that the sun gives us


He said, “Man is mortal”.

He         said         that         man         was


He said that man is mortal.

Ram says, “I am fine”.

Ram says that he was fine.

Ram says that he is fine.

He said to me, “What shall I

do for you?”

He asked me what he should

do for me.

He asked me what he would

do for me.

He said, “I shall work hard”.

He said that he should work


He said that he would work


He will say, “I will call you


He will say that he would call

me later.

He will say that he will call

me later.

He has said, “I have given


He has said that he had given


He has said that he has given


A.          Change these sentences into indirect speech.

1.                              Aastha said to me, “I am busy now”.

2.                              Aayush said to me, “I am writing an essay”.

3.                              Abhishek said to me, “I have brought a new camera today”.

4.                              Abin said to me, “I have been studying here since my childhood”.

5.                              Abishek said, “I wrote a letter yesterday”.

6.                              Anisha said, “I was visiting a park at this time last week”.

7.                              Anju said to Rashila, “I had completed my work before I fell off the wall”.

8.                              Anjush said to us, “I will give you a grand party tonight”.

9.                              Anudit said to us, “I can solve this problem right now”.

10.                      Anuj said to Niraj, “I could ride a bicycle during my stay in Kathmandu”.

11.                      Anup said, “We should be serious now. The exam is approaching near.”

12.                      Anupam said to Amrita, “I shall buy this gift for you”.

13.                      Arbin said to Sangam, “I may call you tomorrow”.

14.                      Ashish said to me, “I might be sick if I didn’t do exercise”.

15.                      Ayush said to us, “I would come if you invited me”.

16.                      Batshal said to us, “I must be quite conscious now”.

17.                      She said to me, " I am feeling bored now".

18.                      He said to me, "We were at the concert yesterday".

19.                      I said, " I had seen that accident".

1.                              You said, " We must help the poor".

B.          Change these sentences into indirect speech.

1.                              Bibash said to his father, “I ought to revise all the lessons”.

2.                              Bibek said to his mother, “You need not worry about me”.

3.                              Bishal said, “I have to submit this project tonight”.

4.                              Denga said to us, “We’d better go for an educational tour”.

5.                              Durgesh said to us, “I’d rather prefer coffee but I like to drink tea now’.

6.                              Eroj said to his friends, “Let’s organize a grand party tomorrow”.

7.                              Grishma said to her sister, “Will you help me with this problem?”

8.                              Hichan said to her mother, “Are you preparing food for me?”

9.                              Jeevan said to his brother, “Why don’t you let me go to play football?”

10.                      Jonas said to his mother, “What have you thought about my further studies?”

11.                      Kabindra said to his English teacher, “Would you please repeat the lesson for me?”

12.                      Kapil said to his mother, “You did not wash my clothes yesterday?”

13.                      Kristina said to Susmita, “Come here soon”.

14.                      Kushal said to Eroj, “May you be succeeded”.

15.                      Labish said to me, “Don’t scold me all the time”.

16.                      Lakesh said to his mother, “May I watch TV for an hour?”

17.                      Lokendra said to his mother, “Don’t try to convince me”.

18.                      Man Mulya said to Sijan, “May you worsen soon”.

19.                      Mandil said to us, “How about going to cinema today?”

20.                      Manish said, “Please help me”.

21.                      Manoj said to us, “What a cute baby there is!”

22.                      Milan said to him, “What a lazy boy you are!”

23.                      Nawa Raj said to Durgesh, “What an insincere decision you have taken!”

24.                      Nikesh said, “What a difficult problem it is!”

25.                      Nilam said, “The food was not cooked properly.”

26.                      Niraj said to the passengers, “Your safety-belt has not been fastened properly”.

27.                      Nisha asked, “Hasn’t the bus from Budhathum arrived yet?

28.                      The teacher said to the students, “Imitate my pronunciation if you want to speak well.”

29.                      Om sir said, “There will be a test next Monday.

30.                      Nitesh told Manoj, “Go and see your English teacher. He will tell you what to do.”

31.                      Priyanka suggested, “Let’s call on Harish”.

32.                      Puja told the visitor, “My mother is not at home. She has gone to visit her sister.”

33.                      Rachana said, “Why are you going to the market again, Grisma?”

34.                      Try to do it by yourself,” Rajan said to me.

35.                      Ramesh said to me, “You are too young to register for National Service.”

36.                      Rashila says, “I haven’t got any problem till now.”

37.                      Reema told them, "The game hasn't started yet".

38.                      Ribi said, “The birds have started to eat the bananas.”

39.                      Rikesh said, “The parcel was sent two days ago.”

40.                      She said, " I have to work hard".

C.          Change these sentences into indirect speech.

1.                              ”We want these flowers,” they said.

2.                              ”When you see Bob, tell him that Joe is looking for him,” my brother said to me.

3.                              ”Who brought the parcel?” my father asked.

4.                              He said, “It was taken during the night.”

5.                              She said, “The rain will have stopped by seven o’clock.”

6.                              We told him, “Nobody came to help us.”

7.                              I told Mr. Lama, “Raj cut his chin playing hockey"

8.                              She did it on Sunday,” I said.

9.                              She said to him, “Have a cup of tea.”

10.                      She said, “It was raining.”

11.                      Mr. Ramhari said, “I am very tired”.

12.                      He said, “I am flying to Biratnagar tomorrow”,

13.                      Nandi said, “I have lived in this village all my life”

14.                      Peter said to me, “I can’t go out with you because I am not feeling well”.

15.                      Hira said to me, “I hope you have enjoyed yourself

16.                      He told me, “There are a couple of cobras in the hedge.”

17.                      Ritisha reminded us, “Our class will start early tomorrow morning.”

18.                      Ritu said, “Two men have escaped from prison today.”

19.                      Rohan asked us, “When did you last see Eroj?”

20.                      “I will go on holiday tomorrow,” Rohit told me today.

21.                      “I work hard every day of the year,” Roshna always tells us.

22.                      “Behave yourself properly!” Sabina told me.

23.                      “Don’t be late tomorrow morning,” Sachin warned Anup.

24.                      “Go and see Sudip and ask him to lend me his bicycle,” Sailesh said to Arbin.

25.                      “Have you read the paper yet?” my brother asked me.

26.                      “Sachin forgot his bag yesterday,” Sajan told me.

27.                      “I am thinking of buying a new car in January.” Samikshya said to her mother.

28.                      “Don’t go away until the clerk has given you a receipt,” Sangam said to me.

29.                      “I can lend you my car,” Shreya said.

30.                      “Turn on the light please!”Sijan said to Kabindra.

31.                      “We are the best students,” Subash said to Sailesh.

32.                      “The teachers have called us,” Sudip said to his friends.

33.                      “We painted the hall last weekend,” Susmita said to me.

34.                      “I’ll come if I can,” Sujal promised us.

35.                      “I’ll be here at 10 o’clock,”Sujan said to Prajwol Sir.

36.                      “It is raining hard now,” my sister has just told me.

37.                      “Lend me your book a moment, please,” Tom asked me.

38.                      “That door wasn’t locked last night,” my mother said.

39.                      “The train arrives at one o’clock,” Nick has just told us.

40.                      “The trip has been postponed to the end of the month,” I told Jim.

D.         Change these sentences into indirect speech.

1.                              He asked, “How much does it cost?”

2.                              Helen asked, “Where are you going?”

3.                              They asked me “Will you invite us?”

4.                              He asked me, “Do you know, where he is?”

5.                              She asked me, “What time is it?”

6.                              He asked me, “How are you feeling now?”

7.                              She asked him, “How do you like your new job?”

8.                              He asked me, “Have you been waiting long?”

9.                              Amar said to me, “Throw it away”.

10.                      He said to her, “Stop that noise”.

11.                      She said to her, “Don’t go near the dog”.

12.                      He said to them, “Put your books on the table”.

13.                      We said to him, “Be careful”.

14.                      She said to him, “Don’t be silly”.

15.                      Helen says, “I want to be a doctor”.

16.                      Jean said, “I want to go out, mother”.

17.                      His father said, “You are right, Gautam”.

18.                      Gautam said to Kamal, “Wait for me here”

19.                      He said to me, “I saw your friend in the cinema yesterday”,

20.                      She said to him “I called you up but you didn’t answer an hour ago”

21.                      The teacher said to me, “Write your name on this paper.”

22.                      Sneha said to me, “Wait for me here”.

23.                      Hemanta said to them “Don’t go out alone”.

24.                      He said to me, “Type this letter immediately,”

25.                      Prasanna said to Tarjan, “Don’t do it again”.

26.                      The students said, “We may be a little late”.

27.                      The teacher said, “You must answer this question in 5 seconds”

28.                      He said, “I can’t stay out very late”

29.                      My mother said to me, “You ought to be more careful”.

30.                      I said to them, “Don’t write on your desks”.

31.                      He asked me, “How much did you pay for this book?”

32.                      The nurse asked him, “How are you feeling”.

33.                      The teacher asked “Have you written your homework?”

34.                      He asked me “Do you know anything about the accident?”

35.                      My brother asked, “Has anybody called while I was out”.

36.                      She asked me “Do you know where Mrs. Basnet lives?”

37.                      He asked her, “Has the plane left?”

38.                      Diwas asked, “How much does this coat cost?”

39.                      The manager asked me “Where are you from?”

40.                      She asked him “When will you meet your friends?”

E.           Change these sentences into indirect speech.

1.                              She said to me, “I have had my dinner.

2.                              Bandana said to the teacher, “What wrong have I done?”

3.                              Garima said, “Let’s go to school.”

4.                              Kristina said, “Oh! I’ve cut myself”.

5.                              Aastha said, “What a lovely garden!”

6.                              Shreya said, “What did you say?”

7.                              Sneha said, “I’m doing maths now”.

8.                              Abhishek said to me, “How often do you watch TV?”

9.                              Sony said, “I’ve already seen that film”.

10.                      Susan whispered, “I’ve drawn the picture”.

11.                      Urmila said to me, “Will we get a break after this session?

12.                      Bus conductor said to me, “Show me your ticket”.

13.                      Dr. Gupta said to Mina, “Take this medicine”.

14.                      Mr. Aman said, “Never smoke.”

15.                      One Chinese said to me, “Do you like Nepal?”

16.                      The fox said to the tiger “Don’t be afraid”.

17.                      Nutan said, “I will have to get home earlier”.

18.                      Rudra said, “What are you doing here?

19.                      My mother said, “Where has Ramila gone?”

20.                      He always says to them “You must pay more attention”

21.                      Manu ordered to me, “Take a look at yourself in the mirror”

22.                      Pranish said, “Alas! My dog is dead”.

23.                      Mina said, " I want to be a nurse.

24.                      Mother said, “What’s Joe doing?”

25.                      Mr. Thapa said to his students, “Don’t make a noise”.

26.                      My brother said to me, “Why did you have to do this?”

27.                      My father said to me, “Don’t take drugs.”

28.                      Arbin said, “Are you well, Anup?”

29.                      Pemba said, “Are you getting well Paru”

30.                      Pujan said to him, “Are you hungry?”

31.                      Raj said to Bizana, “Where is my pen?”

32.                      Tulsi said to Joni, “Don’t speak until you’re permitted.”

33.                      Ram said to me, “Where do you live?”

34.                      Nutan said to him, “Do you lend me your book?”

35.                      Raman said to me, “Where are you going?”

36.                      Rita asked, “How was it done?”

37.                      Ronish said, “Oh dear! I’ve torn my shirts”.

38.                      Rosa said to Deepak, “Why didn’t you go to market?”

39.                      He asked, “Have you finished your work?”

40.                      She said to him, “Let’s have a cup of tea.”





F.           Change the following indirect speech into direct speech.

1.                              He asked me if I knew the manager.

2.                              He told me to write the memo immediately.

3.                              He said that he would fill in an application form.

4.                              She asked me if I liked her new house.

5.                              She asked the driver to give her a lift.

6.                              Hritik said that she would give up trying.

7.                              Gopal said that he would do his best.

8.                              She asked him if he had worked before.

9.                              They asked me if I could type.

10.                      We asked the neighbours to turn the music down.

11.                      He said that he would answer the phone for me.

12.                      She said that she had printed that report 3 times.

13.                      The manager said that he would give us a rise.

14.                      They said that they would give up smoking.

15.                      He told the employees to arrive earlier.

16.                      She told me to write more clearly.

17.                      They said that they had already visited the exhibition.

18.                      He said that he liked our products very much.

19.                      Helen told me to read all the reports.

20.                      He asked me if I could write a business letter.

21.                      He said that he was busy then .

22.                      He asked me where I lived.

23.                      She asked me how much it cost.

24.                      They asked me where I was going.

25.                      You told her to leave the room.

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