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Sentence Transformation

Repeat these sentences —





I play a game.

I donot play a game

Do I play a game?

Play a game.

He sings songs.

He doesnot sing songs.

Does he sings songs?

Sing songs.

They helped us.

They didnot help us.

Did they help us?

Help us.

We go there.

We donot go there.

Do we go there?

Go there.

You write poems.

You do not poems.

Do you write poems?

Write poems.

She cooks food.

She doesnot cook food.

Does she cook food?

Cook food.

Raj winked eyes.

Raj didnot wink eyes.

Did Raj wink eyes?

Wink eyes.

You walk fast.

You donot walk fast.

Do you walk fast?

Walk fast.

Tej speaks well.

Tej doesnot speak well.

Does Tej speak well?

Speak well.

Grammar Focus: Types of Sentences

1.           A declarative or affirmative sentence makes a statement.

He studies in the USA.

The children are swimming. The telephone rang.

Everyone will be there soon.

2.            An interrogative sentence asks a question about person thing or reason.

Where are the twins?

Are you going shopping today? What is your name?

3.            An exclamatory sentence expresses surprise, strong feeling or emotion of an


What an amazing view you have from up here! How stupid I am!

What a lovely weather!

4.            An imperative sentence gives an order.

Please sit down.

Tell me the truth.

Never tell a lie.

Don’t go too near the sea.

Let him sing a song.

Wait a minute, please.

Grammar Focus: Sentence Transformation


A sentence that has an auxiliary verb takes ‘NOT’ instantly after the auxiliary verb

when it is changed into negative and auxiliary verb comes at the initial position of

the sentence when it is changed into interrogative.

I have learnt a grammar lesson. (Statement)

I haven’t learnt a grammar lesson. (Negative) Have I learnt a grammar lesson? (Interrogative) They are playing football. (Statement)

They are not playing football. (Negative)

Are they playing football? (Interrogative) He will visit temple tomorrow. (Statement) He won’t visit temple tomorrow. (Negative)

Will he visit temple tomorrow? (Interrogative)

We have our dance class at 11 am. (Statement)

We don’t have our dance class at 11 am. (Negative) Do we have our dance class at 11 am? (Interrogative) He lost his bicycle yesterday. (Statement)

He didn’t lose his bicycle yesterday. (Negative) Did he lose his bicycle yesterday? (Interrogative) Krishna speaks English well. (Statement)

Krishna does not speak English well. (Negative)

Does Krishna speak English well? (Interrogative)

Mrs. Sharma has a beautiful daughter. (Statement)

Mrs. Sharma does not have a beautiful daughter. (Negative) Does Mrs. Sharma have a beautiful daughter? (Interrogative) We have a beautiful garden in our house. (Statement)

We don’t have a beautiful garden in our house. (Negative) Do we have a beautiful garden in our house? (Interrogative) Gautam had a beautiful car. (Statement)

Gautam did not have a beautiful car. (Negative)

Did Gautam have a beautiful car? (Interrogative)

A good merchant has to be aggressive in today’s competitive market. (Statement)

A good merchant doesn’t have to be aggressive in today’s competitive market. (Negative) Does a good merchant have to be aggressive in today’s competitive market? (Interrogative) We have to submit the project on time.(Statement)

We don’t have to submit the project on time. (Negative) Do we have to submit the project on time? (Interrogative) You had to meet him. (Statement)

You did not have to meet him. (Negative)

Did you have to meet him? (Interrogative)

  Transformation of imperative sentences              

Compose a song. (Imperative)

Don’t compose a song. (Negative)

Will you compose a song? (Interrogative)

Let me tell you a joke. (Imperative)

Don’t let me tell you a joke. (Negative)

Will you let me tell you a joke? (Interrogative)

Let’s have a party tonight. (Imperative)

Let’s not have a party tonight. (Negative)

Shall we have a party tonight? (Interrogative)

  Transformation of sentences into negatives              


Affirmative                                                                              Negative

a few / very few

not many

a lot of/enough

much (uncountable), any (elsewhere)







and so

and neither

any of/some of/most of

none of


no one/none-object

as soon as

no sooner…. than

as … as

…not so

either ….or…

neither …nor…


no one/none




need not (necessity), must not (prohibition)




none but


no (in the beginning)




no one




never (negative), ever (question)


any longer/anymore

too/also/as well



Affirmative                                                                              Negative

Very few students learn Latin now.

Not many students learn Latin now.

He bought a lot of story books.

He didn’t buy any story books.

All of them are smart boys.

None of them are smart boys.

He has already passed his driving test.

He hasn’t passed his driving test yet.

She always combs her hair.

She never combs her hair.

He wrote a poem and so did his brother.

He didn’t write a poem and neither did his


Some/most of the boys are playing.

None of the boys are playing.

Anyone could do it.

No one could do it.

As soon as the teacher came, we stood up.

No sooner the teacher came than we stood


Nim is as clever as Niraj.

Nim is not so clever as Niraj.

Either he or his friends are honest.

Neither he nor his friends are honest.

Everyone is unique.

No one is unique.

If you go to the theater, you will see the


Unless you go to the theater, you won’t see

the drama.

You must exercise daily.

You neednot exercise daily.

They often/usually complain about the quality of sanitation.

They seldom complain about the quality of


Only I visited the museum.

None but I visited the museum.

Some students will go to the zoo next Friday.

No students will go to the zoo next Friday.

Somebody was knocking at the door.

Nobody was knocking at the door.

Someone has called you.

No one has called you.

Something is required for me.

Nothing is required for me.

They sometimes go for hiking.

They never go for hiking.

He is still with us.

He is not with us any longer/anymore.

Krishal likes apples, too.

Krishal doesn’t like apples, either.

A.        Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative.

Affirmative                                                      Negative                                                      Interrogative

Sony writes an essay.



Sony is writing an essay.



Sony has written an essay.



Sony has been writing an essay.



Sony wrote an essay.



Sony was writing an essay.



Sony had written an essay.



Sony had been writing an essay.



Sony will write an essay.



Sony will be writing an essay.



Sony will have written an essay.



Sony will have been writing an essay.



B.       Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative.

Affirmative                                                      Negative                                                      Interrogative

My mother cooks food.



My mother is cooking food.



My mother has cooked food.



My mother has been cooking food.



My mother cooked food.



My mother was cooking food.



My mother had cooked food.



My mother will cook food.



My mother will be cooking food.



My mother will have cooked food.



My mother will have been cooking food.



My mother is going to cook food.



C.       Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative.

Affirmative                                                    Negative                                                    Interrogative

The dog chews bone.



The dog is chewing bone.



The dog has chewed bone.



The dog has been chewing bone.



The dog chewed bone.



The dog was chewing bone.



The dog had chewed bone.



The dog had been chewing bone.



The dog will chew bone.



The dog will be chewing bone.



The dog will have chewed bone.



The dog will have been chewing bone.



The dog is going to chew bone.



D.        Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative.

1.          The assistant presses her lips.

2.          She kisses him on the lips.

3.          A thousand people are there.

4.          He has an abhorrence of waste of any kind.

5.          He is a man of extraordinary abilities.

6.          The whole building is soon ablaze.

7.          Cars and buses are set ablaze during the riot.

8.          He has already boarded the plane.

9.          The judge describes the attack as an abominable crime.

10.       We are served the most abominable coffee.

11.       She treats him abominably.

12.       They are licking their lips at the thought of clinching the deal.

13.       He is driving at 50 miles an hour.

14.       I am waiting for about an hour.

15.       He arrives at about ten.

16.       The children are rushing about in the garden.

17.       Her books are lying about on the floor.

18.       The papers are strewn about the room.

19.       The accident has brought his career to an abrupt end.

20.       There is absolute proof.

21.       They are protesting against the government.

22.       I have been learning computer since last month.

23.       He has a new bike these days.

24.       We have a very nice restaurant in Thamel.

25.       Ryan has an apartment in Kathmandu.

26.       He has to post this letter soon.

27.       We have to be aware of the world population growth.

28.       We must have punctuality at all times.

29.       It may rain tomorrow.

30.       I shall feel oblige to you.

31.       They should consider the company’s new rules.

32.       She might betray you.

33.       We can do it ourselves.

34.       Mr. Regmi can speak English fluently.

35.       I will visit Biratnagar next week.

36.       He gazed at her with pure adoration.

37.       He waved to the adoring crowds.

38.       Gold rings decorated his fingers.

39.       The children garlanded themselves with flowers.

40.       We have to respect them.

E.         Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative.

1.          The survivors were adrift in a lifeboat for six days.

2.          He was accused of committing adultery.

3.          There were only three of us on the advanced course.

4.          She had the advantage of a good education.

5.          Being tall gave him an advantage over the other players.

6.          It would be to your advantage to attend this meeting.

7.          The new regulations will work to our advantage.

8.          She took advantage of the children’s absence to tidy their rooms.

9.          We had full advantage of the hotel facilities.

10.       The photographer showed him to advantage.

11.       Many teachers would like to be more adventurous and creative.

12.       He overcame many personal adversities.

13.       The doctors are affiliated with the Relief Fund.

14.       Ram had a deep affinity with nature.

15.       She nodded in affirmation.

16.       All of them could afford £50 for a ticket.

17.       She felt she could afford it.

18.       He had got the money to go on the trip.

19.       They get their staff selected.

20.       The whole building was soon aflame.

21.       I started to feel afraid of going out alone at night.

22.       She was afraid of upsetting her parents.

23.       The boy said what he believed.

24.       They had already fired three people.

25.       He ran after her with the book.

26.       She was left staring after him.

27.       The police are after him.

28.       We were rowing against the current.

29.       The rain beat against the windows.

30.       They took precautions against fire.

31.       He started playing the piano at an early age.

32.       Let's go there.

33.       Help them.

34.       Sing a song.

35.       Let her go.

36.       Get it done.

38.                Have it yourself.

39.                Let's help each other.

40.                Do it right now.

F.        Change the following sentences into affirmative and interrogative.

1.          She didn’t speak English with an accent.

2.          Noone called me.

3.          She hasn’t decided to accept the job.

4.          They didn’t accept the court’s decision.

5.          The accident didn’t happen at 3 p.m.

6.          We hardly quarrel with each other.

7.          Everything didn’t go according to plan.

8.          Neither he quarrels nor does he tell a lie.

9.          None of the boys are honest.

10.       Nobody is perfect.

11.       No one is coming with us.

12.       He didn´t go to the swimming pool.

13.       They didn´t have dinner at nine o´clock.

14.       Adam didn´t run 500m race.

15.       Helen didn´t eat too many sweets.

16.       I didn´t buy the newspaper in the shop.

17.       We didn´t get up at eight o´clock.

18.       I don’t like coffee.

19.       I am not living in Paris.

20.       They are not coming from Spain.

21.       They don’t have work in a bank.

22.       They don’t get up at eight o’clock.

23.       We mayn’t go to the cinema on Friday.

24.       You mustn’t read the newspaper every day.

25.       He can’t go to school in France.

26.       We couldn’t watch TV in the evening.

27.       I shan’t have a shower in the morning.

28.       She shouldn’t drink alcohol.

29.       They won’t visit their parents at the weekend.

30.       You wouldn’t study English very often.

31.       It doesn’t rain here in the summer.

32.       We mightn’t go out on Tuesday nights.

33.       He doesn’t like cabbage.

34.       The sun doesn’t go round the earth.

35.       She doesn’t play the piano.

36.       He is not a good boy.

37.       They are not working now.

38.       I have not got a pen.

39.       He has not got a car.

40.       You had not seen us.





G.         Change the following sentences as indicated in the brackets.

1.          But they had no money. (Affirmative)

2.          Do you nourish your friendship? (Affirmative)

3.          My lack of vision is my strength. (Negative)

4.          He always answered. (Negative)

5.          His voice was pleasant. (Interrogative)

6.          Was it beautiful piece? (Affirmative)

7.          Academic institutions are less secure. (Negative)

8.          Maya must not do this work. (Affirmative)

9.          This one was probably for his mom. (Negative)

10.       We have been unworthy followers. (Interrogative)

11.       Isn’t there a court order against this? (Affirmative)

12.       They shared their clothes and toys. (Negative)

13.       Kapil hurried to her. (Negative)

14.       Accept your friends as they are. (Negative)

15.       Take a deep breath and open the mouth wide. (Negative)

16.       Don’t keep fingering the spot on your face. (Interrogative)

17.       Keep bags in between, rather than besides your feet. (Negative)

18.       Get a thorough medical check-up before you go. (Interrogative)

19.       Open schools and monasteries for the people. (Interrogative)

20.       Allow your friends to be themselves. (Negative)

21.       Don’t speak what should not be shared. (Affirmative)

22.       Don’t let yourself be used by your friends. (Affirmative)

23.       Some people are afraid to make friends. (Interrogative)

24.       He was pleased with the results. (Negative)

25.       It is a wonderful piece of art. (Interrogative)

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