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Change of Voice

The voice of a verb tells whether the subject of the sentence performs or receives the action.

When a verb represents a person or a thing as doing something, it is said to be in Active Voice. In most English sentences with an action verb, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb. So, when we express an idea giving importance to the doer, the sentence is written in the active form.

Structure of active voice : Subject + verb + object.

For Example : I do the work.

It means that the ‘doer of the action’ is active.

For Example : Harry won the prize.

Sonam sang a song.

These examples show that the subject is doing the action. The subject does or “acts upon” the verb in such sentences so, the sentences are said to be in the active voice.

On the other hand, when a verb represents a person or thing being acted upon, it is said to be in Passive Voice.When we express an idea giving importance to the action rather than to the doer, the sentence is written in the passive form. 

Structure of Passive Voice : Object + be verb + verb as past participle + by + subject.

For Example : The work is done by me.

It means that the ‘doer of the action’ is not active but passive.

For Example : The prize was won by Harry.

A song was sung by Sonam.

Generally, the passive is preferred when the doer of an action is unknown.

For Example : The bridge is being repaired.

The prizes have been announced. The thief was caught.

Points to remember : There are many sentences in Active Voice that cannot be changed into passive or vice versa.

Rules for Change of Voice

Important rules for change of Voice from Active Voice to the Passive Voice are as follows :

Active Voice

Passive Voice

In active voice, the verb is controlled by the subject.

In passive voice, the verb is controlled by the object

The object in the active voice becomes the subject in the passive voice.

Only the past-participle of the main verb is used in the passive voice (along with the helping verb).

In Active Voice, the verb agrees with the subject. It means the subject is active.

In Passive Voice, the verb agrees with the object. It means the subject is passive.

Some Common Rules for Active and Passive Voice

Pronouns get changed when they change their positions in the following way:


I « Me


We « Us

You « You


He « Him

She « Her


It « It

They « Them



Only third form of Verb is used in Passive Constructions.

For Example :  I. They understand me very well. (Active Voice)

II. He understands me very well. (Active Voice)

In the example-I, the subject is in plural form (they). So, the verb (understand) is used in accordance with that.

But in the example-II, the subject is in singular form (he). So, the verb (understands) is used in accordance with that.

Let us see the Passive voices of these sentences

For Example : (i) I am understood very well by them.

(ii) I am understood very well by him.

In both these sentences, the verbs are modified only by the singular Pronoun “I”, not by the subjects of the sentences.

The gardener waters the plants. (Active Voice)

The plants are watered by the gardener. (Passive Voice)

Active and Passive Voice Related to Tense

1.                                Present Indefinite Tense

Active voice : Subject+ First form of the Verb+ s/es + Object Subject+Do/Does+ not+ 1st form + Object Do/ Does+ Subject+not + 1st form + Object?

Passive Form : Object + is/am/are/ + 3rd form of the verb+ by + Subject

For Example :


2.                                Present Continuous Tense

Active Voice : Subject + is/am/are + V1+ ing + Object Subject + is/am/are + not +V1 + ing + Object Is/am/are + Subject + 1stform + ing + Object

Is/am/are + Subject + not + 1st form + ing + Object?

Passive Voice : Object + is/am/are + being + V3 + by + Subject Object + is/am/are + not + being + V3 + by + Subject Is/am/are + Object + being + V3 + by + Subject Is/am/are + Object + not + being + V3 + by + Subject?

3.                                Present Perfect Tense

Active Voice : Subject + has/have + V3 + Object

Subject + has/have +not+ V3 + Object Has/have +Sub+ V3 + Object?

Has/have +Sub+ not+ V3 + Object?

Passive Voice : Object + has/have + been + V3+ by + Subject Object + has/have + not+been + V3+ by + Subject Has/have + Object + been + V3 + by + Subject?

Has/have + Object + not + been + V3+ by + Subject?

4.                                Past Indefinite Tense

Active Voice : Subject + V2 + Object

Subject+did+not+ V1+ Object Did+subject+ V1+object?

Did+subject+not+ V1+object?

Passive Voice : Object + was/were + V3+ by + Subject Object+was/were+ not+V3+by +Subject

Was/were + Object+V3+by + Subject? Was/were + Object+not+ V3+by + Subject?

5.                                Past Continuous Tense

Active Voice : Subject + was/were + V1+ ing + Object Subject + was/were +not+ V1+ ing + Object Was/were +Subject+ 1st form +ing+ Object?

Was/were+Subject+ not+1st form +ing+ Object?

Passive Voice : Object + was/were + being + V3+ by + Subject Object + was/were + not+ being + V3+ by + Subject Was /were + Object + being + V3+ by + Subject?

Was/were + Object +not+ being + V3+ by + Subject?


6.     Past Perfect Tense

Active Voice : Subject + had + V3 + Object

Subject + had +not+ V3 + Object Had +Subject+ V3 + Object ?

Had +Subject+ not+V3 + Object ?

Passive Voice : Object + had + been + V3+ by + Subject Object + had + not+ been + V3+ by + Subject Had + Object + been + V3+ by + Subject?

Had + Object + not + been + V3+ by + Subject?

7.     Future Indefinite

Active Voice : Subject + will/shall + V1 + Object.

Subject+will/shall +not+ V1+ Object. Will/shall+subject+ V1+object?

Will/shall+subject+not+ V1+object?

Passive Voice : Object + will/shall+be + V3+ by + Subject.

Object+ will/shall+ not+be+V3+by +Subject. Will /shall+ Object+be +V3+by + Subject?

Will /shall+ Object+not+be +V3+by + Subject?

8.      Future Perfect Tense

Active Voice : Subject + will/shall+ have + V3 + Object.

Subject + will/shall+not+ have + V3 + Object. Will/shall+Sub+have + V3 + Object?

Will/shall+Sub+have +not+ V3 + Object?

Passive Voice : Object +will/shall+have + been + V3+ by + Subject. Object + will/shall+not+have + been + V3+ by + Subject Will/shall+ Object+have + been + V3+ by + Subject? Will/shall+ Object+not+have + been + V3+ by + Subject?

For example : 1. Rimpy is writing a poem.

2. Rimpy is writing poems.

Here, the first sentence has a singular object (a poem) while the second sentence has a plural object (poems). Therefore, the verbs will have to be adjusted accordingly at the time of changing them into Passive Voice.

1.   A poem is being written by Rimpy.

2.   Poems are being written by Rimpy.

I.     Present, Past and Future Indefinite Tenses

Exercise 1 (Solved)


Active Voice

Passive Voice

He sings a song

Do you like music? I do not play chess.

A song is sung by him. Is music liked by you?

Chess is not played by me.


Active Voice

Passive Voice

He told a lie.

A lie was told by him.

Did he help you?

Were you helped by him?

She did not like them.

They were not liked by her.

You will win the prize.

The prize will be won by you.

Will you take tea?

Will tea be taken by you?

He will not harm you.

You will not be harmed by him.

Exercise 2 (Unsolved)

Change the voice :

1.      He reviews his work.

2.      They revise their lessons.

3.      She doesn’t tell stories.

4.      Do you favour him?

5.      I bought a new car.

6.      He always helped the poor.

7.      The boys didn’t make a lot of noise.

8.      Did he visit you?

9.      I shall write a letter.

10.       They will read the Ramayana.

II.     Present and Past Continuous Tense

Exercise 3 (Solved)


Active Voice

Passive Voice

I am buying a book.

We are selling mangoes.

The teacher was advising the boy. The hunter was killing the birds.

Did he help you?

Is he telling a story?

A book is being bought by me. Mangoes are being sold by us. The boy was being advised by the teacher.

The birds were being killed by the hunter.

Were you helped by him?

Is a story being told by him?

Active Voice

Passive Voice

Were you watching the match?


What was he doing?

Who is reading the novel?

Was the match being watched by you?

What was being done by him? By whom is the novel being read?

Exercise 4 (Unsolved)

Change the Voice :

1.      He is singing a song.

2.      They were flying kites.

3.      You were eating fruit.

4.      Are they doing their work?

5.      Were they making a noise?

6.      Who is drawing pictures?

7.      What are you saying?

8.      Are you not doing mischief?

9.      Whom are you waiting for?

10.       I am favouring you.

III.     Present, Past and Future Perfect Tense

Exercise 5 (Solved)


Active Voice

Passive Voice

I have taken up a new job.


We had won the contest.

The teacher has finished the lesson.

The hunter has shot the animal.


Have you helped us?

Will he have told the truth? Will you have done your work?

A new job has been taken up by me.

The contest had been won by us. The lesson has been finished by the teacher.

The animal has been shot by the hunter.

Have we been helped by you? Will the truth have been told by him?

Will your work have been done by you?

Active Voice

Passive Voice

What has he asked you?


Who had painted this picture?

What have you been asked by him?

By whom had this picture been painted?

Exercise 6 (Unsolved)

Change the voice :

1.      I have built a new house.

2.      They have set up a cloth shop.

3.      You had not bought a new car.

4.      The police will have caught the thief.

5.      What wrong has he done?

6.      Has he sung a song?

7.      Have you won the prize?

8.      Why have you selected her?

9.      Who will have spoken the truth?

10.       He will have delivered the parcel.

IV.    Transitive Verbs having two objects

Some transitive verbs govern two objects. While changing a sentence, that has two objects, from Active to Passive Voice, any one of the objects may be used as subject.

Exercise 7 (Solved)


Active Voice

Passive Voice

I gave her a rose.


We taught them French.


The judge awarded him punish- ment.



She sent me a gift.

A rose was given to her by me. She was given a rose by me.

They were taught French by us. French was taught to them by us. Punishment was awarded to him by the judge.

He was awarded punishment by the judge.

A gift was sent to me by her.


Active Voice

Passive Voice

The teacher narrated us a story.

A story was narrated to us by the teacher.

We were narrated a story by the teacher.

Exercise 8 (Unsolved)

Change the voice

1.      He is telling them an interesting story.

2.      Who has taught him Punjabi?

3.      They sent us a message.

4.      I promised her an award.

5.      She gave them an extra chance.

V.    Prepositional Verbs

While changing Prepositional Verbs from Active to Passive Voice, the preposition attached with the verbs should not be dropped because it is a part of the verb.

Exercise 9 (Solved)


Active Voice

Passive Voice

The hunter aimed at the bird. Parents look after their children.

The police charged him with murder.

Who is waiting for me?

He objected to my proposal.

The bird was aimed at by the hunter.

Children are looked after by parents.

He was charged with murder by the police.

By whom am I being waited for? My proposal was objected to by him.

Exercise 10 (Unsolved)

Change the Voice :

1.      Mothers bring up their wards.

2.      Children were laughing at the joker

3.      Students should listen to their teachers.

4.      The conjuror played upon their weaknesses.

5.      They looked for the enemy.

VI.     Imperative Sentences

Sentences that express a request, advice or order, should be changed into Passive Voice by using the word ‘Let’ and ‘be’ or ‘should be’ or ‘you are requested to’ ; ‘you are ordered to’ ; ‘you are advised to’.

Exercise 11 (Solved)


Active Voice

Passive Voice

Follow the traffic rules.




Learn your lessons.



Mind your business. Go out at once.

Help me, please.

Let the traffic rules be followed.


The traffic rules should be followed.

Let your lessons be learnt.


Your lessons should be learnt. Let your business be minded. You are ordered to go out at once. You are requested to help me.

Exercise 12 (Unsolved)

Change the Voice :

1.      Stand up at once.

2.      Love your friends.

3.      Always speak the truth.

4.      Get up early in the morning.

5.      Sit down.

6.      Post this letter.

7.      Kindly do it.

8.         Never harm anybody.

9.      Do not make a noise.

10.       Call the doctor.

Exercise 13 (Unsolved)

Change the Voice :

1.   Help your friends in need.

2.   Enjoy the moment.

3.   Don’t play with fire.

4.   Never cheat anyone.

5.   Get some water please.

6.   Hit the ball hard.

7.   Be courteous to others.

8.   Play the match fairly.

9.   Always make new friends.

10.     Take a break now.

VII.    Sentences in which preposition ‘By’ is not used.

There are some sentences in which preposition‘By’ is not used.

Exercise 14 (Solved)


Active Voice

Passive Voice

He knows me.

I am known to him.

His words alarmed me.

I was alarmed at his words.

This pot contains coffee.

Coffee is contained in this pot.

You displeased her.

She was displeased with you.

Many people thronged the

The stadium was thronged with


many people.

Exercise 15 (Unsolved)

Change the voice :

1.      This news surprises me.

2.      He does not know the answer.

3.      The audience thronged the hall.

4.      The students lined the field.

5.      This jug contains milk.

6.      His bag contains many books.

7.      The warning bells alarmed the thieves.

8.      His manners impressed his fiancée.

9.      The sight of a lion frightened the child.

10.       Her rude behavior surprised her parents.

VIII.    Sentences having Infinitives

In case of sentences that have infinitive verbs (to+ first form of the verb) the passive sentences are changed using to+ be+ V3.

Exercise 16 (Solved)

Active Voice

Passive Voice

He has to win it.

It has to be won by him.

She had to tell the truth.

The truth had to be told by her.

You have to finish the work in

The work has to be finished in


time by you.

You had to do it.

It had to be done by you.

They have to give him credit.

He had to be given credit by them.

Exercise 17 (Unsolved)

Change of Voice :

1.      I am sure to win the prize.

2.      The judges had to praise him.

3.      You will have to help him.

4.      He had to recommend my work.

5.      Will I have to drink the entire milk?

6.      Doctors have to attend him regularly.

7.      He likes to admire his comrades.

8.      Children have to show him their book.

9.      She had to sing a song at the party.

10.       Women like men to flatter them.

IX.     Sentences having the subject missing

Sometimes, when some sentences are to be converted from passive into active form, they have to be supplied a subject according to the context of the sentence.

Sometimes, a transitive verb is not changed to passive form but gives the passive sense.

Exercise 18 (Solved)

Active Voice

Passive Voice

Ravi has been advised to study.


He is wanted at home. The criminal was caught. Work must be finished.

The terrorist has been neutralized.

(His teacher) has advised Ravi to study.

(His parents) want him at home. (The police) caught the criminal. (Workers) must finish the work.

(The Army) has neutralized the terrorist.

Exercise 19 (Unsolved)

Change of Voice :

1.      It must be done.

2.      The baby has been named Radha.

3.      The agreements have been signed.

4.      Gandhiji was refused entry into the cabin.

5.      Her parents were informed.

6.      The thieves were arrested.

7.      Some boys were denied entry into the stadium.

8.      The deals were finalized peacefully.

9.      Some protestors were released on bail.

10.       The winners have been awarded.


Modal verbs like can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, dare, ought to, are changed in passive voice by adding ‘be’ + V3.

Exercise 20 (Solved)


Active Voice

Passive Voice

He can solve your issue.

They may not help the poor man.


The courts shall grant him bail today.

Your issue can be solved by him. The poor man may not be helped by them.

He may be granted bail today by the courts.

Active Voice

Passive Voice

Everyone ought to respect the law.

The government must punish the corrupt.

The law ought to be respected by everyone.

The corrupt must be punished by the government.

Exercise 21 (Unsolved)

Change of Voice :

1.      You could lend him some money.

2.      He should be helped.

3.      Your efforts must bear fruit.

4.      We shall keep our area clean.

5.      Youth must spread the Swacch Bharat concept.

6.      We shall create awareness about drugs.

7.      Every citizen ought to follow the Constitution.

8.      Children should obey their parents.

9.      We must love our motherland.

10.       Teachers must be respected.


We may come across many sentences where questions are asked in different manner. For ‘Change of Voice’ in case of Interrogative sentences, we can divide them into two categories.

(a) Yes/ No Type, (b) Wh-Type

Yes/No type questions begin with Auxiliary Verbs such as am, is, are, was, were, do, did, has, have, had, will, shall, can, could, would, should, may, might, must etc.

Exercise 22 (Solved)


Active Voice

Passive Voice

Do you like mangoes? Does he take a picture?

Have you done your homework?


Did he sing a song?

Can you lend me your book?

Are mangoes liked by you? Is a picture taken by him?

Has your homework been done by you?

Was a song sung by him?

Can I be lent your book (by you)?


In case of ‘Wh’ type questions, the answers are provided with some facts or opinions. We place the wh-word at the beginning of the question in the passive sentences also.

Exercise 23 (Solved)


Active Voice

Passive Voice

Why do you like her?

How did you solve the problem?


Who is making a noise? Where did she find her ring? When will you meet her?

Why is she liked by you?

How was the problem solved by you?

By whom is a noise being made? Where was her ring found by her? When will she be met by you?

Exercise 24 (Unsolved)

Change the voice :

1.   Have you received the parcel in time?

2.   Do you speak English at home?

3.   Can you spot the mistakes in her homework sheet?

4.   Will they own up their faults?

5.   Who will bell the cat?

6.   Why will you always rescue him?

7.   Where do you get such beautiful flowers?

8.   Will the boys defeat the girls in debate contest?

9.   Why should you do it?

10.   What can your parents do for you?

Exercise 25 (Solved)


Active Voice

Passive Voice

May I go home now? Love your countrymen.


This juice tastes sweet.

Am I allowed to go home now? Your countrymen should be loved by you.

This juice is sweet when tasted.


Active Voice

Passive Voice

Quinine tastes bitter. Keep your promise.

Quinine is bitter when tasted. Your promise must be kept.

Exercise 26 (Unsolved)

Change of Voice :

1.   Hear your inner voice.

2.   Sea water tastes salty.

3.   Hate none.

4.   His new novel is under print.

5.   Always speak the truth.

6.   People elected him their Prime Minister.

7.   Who brought you here?

8.   Let an application be written by you.

9.   Go out now.

10.   You ought to win it.

Exercise 27 (Unsolved)

Change of Voice :

1.   We saw it as a challenge.

2.   He kept her in the dark.

3.   Nurse the sick.

4.   Why did he kick you?

5.   I don’t make excuses.

6.   He never lost his focus.

7.   Why are you laughing at him?

8.   I admire our Prime Minister.

9.   People dare him to tell a lie.

10.   Duty must be done.

Exercise 28 (Unsolved)

Change of Voice :

1.   She knows her teacher well.

2.   I love my India.

3.   Why should you bear your insult?

4.   What is wanted by you?

5.   Save your soul.

6.   Will you have done her work?

7.   He doesn’t complete the work.

8.   We have won the competition.

9.   How did you get the prize?

10.   You may write a letter.

Exercise 29 (Unsolved)

Change of Voice :

1.   I agreed to her proposal.

2.   He was elected the speaker of the House.

3.   Who did not write the poem?

4.   We were surprised at his remark.

5.   Crowds lined the roads.

6.   He displeases me.

7.   Be alert.

8.   Don’t litter in the streets.

9.   What is done by him?

10.   Nobody listened to his entreaties.

Exercise 30 (Unsolved)

Change of Voice :

1.   Open the window please.

2.   I asked him to leave my office.

3.   Let them perform freely.

4.   You are asked to clear the dues.

5.   The manager has been suspended.

6.   It has to be finished today.

7.   Duty must be done.

8.   I taught them English.

9.   Every parent knows his child.

10.   I have met Amitabh Bachchan once.

Exercise 31 (Unsolved)

Change of Voice :

1.   The king was wearing a big turban.

2.   Post this card immediately.

3.   This glass contains milk.

4.   Coffee tastes sweet.

5.   He gave away the prizes.

6.   When will you return my money?

7.   What are you doing in the ground?

8.   She sought my forgiveness.

9.   Sneha has won many awards this year.

10.   I adore him.

Exercise 32 (Unsolved)

Change of Voice :

1.   Please share your experiences with us.

2.   What is she asking for?

3.   I helped him in his learning days.

4.   None should shirk work.

5.   Why are they shouting at you?

6.   Do it at once.

7.   They admit their mistakes.

8.   Do what pleases you.

9.   Live your dreams.

10.   Sudha was offered the job by Telco.

Exercise 33 (Unsolved)

Change of Voice :

1.   Discipline your life.

2.   Grandmother recited the hymns daily.

3.   Let them oppose me.

4.   May I borrow your car?

5.   The teacher taught us new concepts.

6.   We must acknowledge the salute.

7.   We could not accept your proposal.

8.   Who is creating chaos in the streets?

9.   Indians have proved their mettle in the IT sector.

10.   Indian troops pushed the invaders out of our soil.

Exercise 34 (Unsolved)

Change of Voice :

1.   Captain Vikram Batra made the supreme sacrifice for the motherland.

2.   Flying Officer Nirmaljit Singh hit two enemy planes.

3.   We need to remember this.

4.   Malcolm was attacked by the grizzly bear.

5.   Bhagat Singh is remembered for his selfless sacrifice.

6.   Crafty men condemn study.

7.   I gave them many story books.

8.   We must do more for our society.

9.   Our media must create more for public awareness on GST.

10.   Demonetisation has harmed the interests of the corrupt.

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