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Use of the words as Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives

Words perform different functions in a sentence. According to the functions they perform, they are divided into eight classes: Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction and Interjection. These eight classes of words are called Parts of Speech.

In this chapter, we shall look at the definitions and examples of Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives.

A Noun refers to the words that are used to name persons, things, animals, places, ideas, qualities or events. In simple words, Nouns are naming words. Manav, boys, class, Moga, cattle, happiness or marriage are examples of nouns.

For Example :

1.     Keats was a great poet.

The underlined word is a noun that refers to a person.

2.     This pen is new.

The underlined word is a noun that refers to a thing.

3.     India is our beloved country.

The underlined word is a noun that refers to a place.

4.     Honesty is the best policy.

The underlined word is a noun that refers to a quality.

5.     Beauty can be exceedingly cute.

The underlined word is a noun that refers to an idea.

6.     The lion is the king of the jungle.

The underlined word is a noun that refers to an animal.

7.     I celebrated my birthday.

The underlined word is a noun that refers to an event.

A Verb is a word used to denote an action or state of being or possession. In simple words, we call them action words.

For Example :

1.     I sang a song. (action)

2.     She wrote a poem. (action)

3.     Virat has a hard ball. (possession)

4.     Parth is a good boy. (state of being) The underlined words are Verbs.

An Adjective is a word that is used to qualify or describe a noun or a pronoun. An adjective is descriptive by nature. It adds something to the meaning of a noun or a pronoun.

For Example :

1.     It is a red pen.

2.     He is wearing a black shirt.

3.     Harry is a tall boy.

The underlined words are adjectives.

Words used as Noun, Verb and Adjective


1.         air

Noun : I could feel the air on my face.

Verb : I always aired my opinion freely.

2.         act

Noun : It was an act of bravery.

Verb : He acted well on the stage.

3.            address

Noun : I traced her new address in the city.

Verb : The Prime Minister addressed the nation on the Independence Day.


4.            attempt

Noun : It was her maiden attempt.

Verb : You must attempt all the questions.

5.            attack

Noun : It was a direct attack on democracy

Verb : Porus attacked his enemy ferociously.

6.            answer

Noun : His answers satisfied the police.

Verb : She answered the officer politely.

7.         back

Noun : He was hit at the back by the opponent.

Verb : I always backed my friends in trouble.

Adj    : He approached the kitchen from the back


8.         bag

Noun : She was carrying a bag.

Verb : Rekha has bagged the best actress award.

9.         blind

Noun : One should help the blind.

Verb : We should not be blind to our own faults.

Adj. : My grandfatger became blind at the age of sixty.

10.       book

Noun : I bought a new book.

Verb : I have booked my room in the hotel.

11.        break

Noun : We shall meet at break for lunch.

Verb : The child broke the glass.

12.       catch

Noun : Sachin never dropped a catch.

Verb : The police has caught the real culprit.

Adj. : Instead of merely using catch phrases, strict actions should be taken to eradicate corruption.

13.       chair

Noun : He was sitting on a chair.

Verb : Her boss chaired the meeting.


14.       calm

Noun : It seemed like the calm before the storm.

Verb : I tried to calm her down.

Adj. : We should remain calm in an emergency.

15.       call

Noun : She made a call to her mother.

Verb : We were called for a meeting.

16.       cry

Noun : I could hear her cry in the corner.

Verb : The child has been crying for long.

17.       clear

Noun : It was a clear sky.

Verb : We must clear your doubts.

18.            dance

Noun : I met her at a dance.

Verb : She danced well.

19.            demand

Noun : Your demands are high.

Verb : He was demanding undue favours.

20.       dress

Noun : She purchased a new dress.

Verb : She was dressed to kill.

21.       deal

Noun : We finalised the deal.

Verb : Her father deals in sugar.

22.            desire

Noun : Her only desire is to be an actress.

Verb : He desired to be the captain of his team.

23.       date

Noun : Dates are a source of rich fibre.

Verb : Your application is not dated.

24.            draw

Noun : The match ended in a draw.

Verb : She was drawing beautiful sketches,

25.            drink

Noun : Cold drinks can be harmful for young children.

Verb : I don’t drink tea.

26.       eye

Noun : He got hurt in his right eye.

Verb : She has been eyeing this position for long.

27.            excuse

Noun : He always makes silly excuses.

Verb : I quietly excused myself from the meeting.

28.            face

Noun : She has a very photogenic face.

Verb : We faced the enemy bravely.

29.            fear

Noun : There was no time for fear.

Verb  Everyone should fear God.

30.            feed

Noun : The old man needs a good feed and a sound sleep.

Verb : The guests were fed with many delicacies.

31.            figure

Noun : Natasha saw a tall figure climbing the mango tree.

Verb : Some problems take time to be figured out.

32.       fill

Noun : They ate to their fill.

Verb : He filled the bottle with hot water.

33.            field

Noun : The farmers are ploughing their fields.

Verb : Yuvraj Singh fields well in the slips.

34.            finger

Noun : He cut his finger while dressing the salad.

Verb : They fingered the notebooks while cleaning the bookshelves.

35.            fish

Noun : I like fish.

Verb : Don’t fish in troubled waters.

36.            fail.

Noun : He attends every meeting without fail.

Verb : Ravi failed in English.

37.       fit

Noun : A fit of jealousy caused his downfall.

Verb : He fitted well into the new team.


38.       fix

Noun : They were in a fix regarding their choice of dress for the wedding

Verb : The meeting has been fixed for tomorrow.

39.            flow

Noun : This pen has a smooth flow.

Verb : Tears were flowing down her cheeks.

40.            frame

Noun : The frame of his spectacles was oval.

Verb : He had his picture framed.

41.            flower

Noun : I like flowers very much.

Verb : Roses flower in the spring.

42.       fly

Noun : He tried to catch the flies.

Verb : The war planes were flying low in the sky.

43.            form

Noun : He filled all the columns in the form.

Verb : A new raid team has been formed.

44.            gun

Noun : He purchased a new gun.

Verb : The robbers were gunned down by the police.

45.            groan

Noun : Her groans were getting louder.

Verb : He was groaning at the top of his voice.

46.            hand

Noun : He washed his hands with soap.

Verb : We handed over the thief to the police.

47.            head

Noun : He shook his head in disbelief.

Verb : The truck was heading towards him.

48.            hold

Noun : He got hold of him.

Verb : I held my ground firmly.

49.            hope

Noun : All his hopes were dashed to the ground.

Verb : Saina hoped to win the gold at the Olympics.

50.            house

Noun : They live in a big house.

Verb : This hotel houses many suites.


51.            hunt

Noun : They were out on a hunt in the forest.

Verb : They were hunting wild boars.

52.            humble

Noun : We must respect the humble.

Verb : He humbled the proud person in the party.

Adj    : He lived a very humble and noble life.

53.            interest

Noun : He pays heavy interest on his loans.

Verb : I am interested in new discoveries.

54.            insult

Noun : He advised me how to handle insults.

Verb : We should never insult the poor.

55.            know

Noun : Somebody in the know told me about his failure.

Verb : He knew all the answers.

56.       line

Noun : He drew a straight line on the white sheet.

Verb : Many shops were lined along the river bank.

57.       light

Noun : Please switch on the light.

Verb : He lighted the lamp.

Adj    : This cloth is as light as a feather.

58.       lack

Noun : He could not pay his fees due to lack of funds.

Verb : He lacked enough courage to speak the truth.

59.       look

Noun : The look in her eyes gave away the secret.

Verb : I looked at him with surprise.

60.       land

Noun : He was tilling the land.

Verb : The plane landed safely.

61.            leave

Noun : She is on leave for a few days.

Verb : He is leaving the station tomorrow.

62.       love

Noun : They were in love.

Verb : I will always love my country.

63.       man

Noun : Man is a social animal.

Verb : The soldiers are manning this post round the clock.



Noun : I liked the make of his jacket.

Verb : The old man was making kites.



Noun : He thinks he is the master of all tricks.

Verb : She has mastered her subject thoroughly.

66.       milk

Noun : I drink milk everyday.

Verb : The milkman is milking the cow.

Adj    : He loves milk products.

67.       mind

Noun : He had a mind to thrash his opponent hollow.

Verb : One should mind one’s own business.

68.            mouth

Noun : The dentist asked him to open his mouth.

Verb : He mouthed some new words today.

69.            measure

Noun : All the safety measures were taken by the police.

Verb : The tailor master measured the cloth carefully.

70.       need

Noun : Shelter and food are the basic needs of human beings.

Verb : He needs some help in Mathematics.

71.            notice

Noun : The Principal issued a show cause notice to the errant clerk.

Verb : I noticed some changes in his attitude.



Noun : What is your mobile number?

Verb : His days in this office are numbered.

73.       novel

Noun : I have read many novels by George Eliot.

Adj    : He gave a novel idea.


74.       oil

Noun : I applied oil to my hair.

Verb : He oiled the machine regularly.

75.       offer

Noun : He received many job offers.

Verb : The minister offered to resign after the train accident.

76.       open

Noun : The children were playing in the open.

Verb : He opened the window.

Adj    : The flowers are all open now.

77.            order

Noun : The magistrate issued his release orders.

Verb : I ordered him to post the letter.

78.            paper

Noun : The boy tore the paper.

Verb : He papered the wall with posters.

79.            plant

Noun : He bought a new plant.

Verb : The gardener was planting the trees in the garden.

80.            pause

Noun : He delivered his speech with many pauses.

Verb : I paused for a moment.

81.            promise

Noun : We must keep our promise.

Verb : I promised him all kinds of help.

82.            present

Noun : He gave me a beautiful birthday present.

Verb : He presented his case forcefully.

83.       pay

Noun : She received her pay in her account.

Verb : He paid the bills in time.

84.            quarrel

Noun : A quarrel among real friends doesn’t last long.

Verb : The neighbours were quarreling over a trifle.

85.       race

Noun : We finished the race as co-winners.

Verb : He was racing towards the post very fast.

86.       rain

Noun : The kids loved dancing in the rain.

Verb : It has been raining since morning.

87.            reach

Noun : It is beyond his reach.

Verb : The fire tender reached the spot in time to douse the fire.

88.       rest

Noun : He asked for some rest after a long day’s work.

Verb : The old man rested for a while.

89.            refuse

Noun : We should not litter the roads with refuse.

Verb : She refused to dance with him.

90.            remark

Noun : I don’t appreciate his negative remarks.

Verb : The judged remarked against his proposal.

91.       rise

Noun : There has been a sharp rise in the prices of essential commodities.

Verb : The sun rises in the east.

92.            request

Noun : She forwarded her request for leave.

Verb : Seema requested her brother for help.

93.       ring

Noun : I gave my mother a diamond ring.

Verb : Who will ring the bell?

94.            right

Noun : Everyone knows his rights.

Verb : The judge should right the wrong now.

Adj    : This is your right hand.

95.       run

Noun : He completed the run successfully to win the match.

Verb : Athletes ran to their best potential.


96.            stand

Noun : Anna Hazare took a clear stand against the corrupt system.

Verb : I would stand by my friends through thick and thin.

97.            school

Noun : I always reach school in time.

Verb : I schooled my pet dog very lovingly.

98.            ship

Noun : Titanic was a big ship.

Verb : His consignments have been shipped today.

99.            storm

Noun : A storm shook the sea shores.

Verb : The police stormed into the gangster’s den.

100.            sleep

Noun : He lost his sleep over the business deals.

Verb : He slept soundly.

101.            smell

Noun : I like the smell of her perfume.

Verb : This flower smells sweet.

102.            spy

Noun : James Bond has been a fictional spy.

Verb : They were spying on the military personnel.

103.            stop

Noun : Suddenly, the machine came to a stop.

Verb : They stopped the work for a while.

104.            temper

Noun : We should not lose our temper.

Verb : You have to learn to temper your enthusiasm.

105.            time

Noun : What is the time by your watch?

Verb : Their meeting was timed to perfection.

106.            turn

Noun : We voted in turns.

Verb : The boss turned down his request for leave.

107.            touch

Noun : I can never forget her soft touch.

Verb : Her words touched my heart.


108.            vote

Noun : Everyone must cast his vote honestly.

Verb : They voted for their leader.

109.            water

Noun : We must use water judiciously.

Verb : She was watering the plants.

Use the following words both as Nouns and as Verbs  and as Adjectives   (if applicable):

aim, pen, attempt, break, calm, deal, touch, promise, rain, pause, water, vote, man, dance, fix, gun, head, eye, light, rest, smell, ring, fly, oil, rest.

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