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Transformation of Sentences

Transformation of a sentence means changing the words or form of the sentence without changing its meaning (or sense). Such changes can be in the form of changes from negative sentences into assertive, interrogative or exclamatory sentences and vice versa or change in narration or change in voice or changes from simple to compound or complex sentences etc.

What is a Sentence?

While speaking or writing, we use words. We generally use these words in groups as—

(i)      Parth is a nice boy.

(ii)      Lions roar.

(iii)      He goes to school every day.

(iv)      Do not tell a lie.

Each of the above group of words makes complete sense.

Thus, a group of words that makes complete sense or meaning is called a Sentence.

Text Box: Note : A group of words that forms part of a sentence, and has its own subject and its own predicate is known as a Clause. A sentence may have one or many clauses in it.

A sentence has a subject and a predicate. (The Subject is the part of the sentence that denotes the person or thing about which something is said and the Predicate is that part of the sentence that says something about the person or the thing denoted by the ‘Subject’.)

On this basis, we find different kinds of sentences.

Kinds of Sentences

1.        Simple Sentence

2.        Compound Sentence

3.        Complex Sentence

1.         A Simple sentence is that which has one finite verb and has only a single independent clause and no dependent clause.

For Example :

(i)   Children are playing.

(ii)   Ram gave him a gift.

(iii)   Shiva dances.

(iv)   The Principal pardoned the naughty boys.

(v)   He must run fast to catch the train.

2.         A Compound Sentence is one that has at least two independent clauses that have related ideas. The independent clauses are joined by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, for, nor, or, yet, therefore, so, either. or, neither. nor, not only…but also)

For Example :

(i)   We went to Delhi and saw the Red Fort.

(ii)   She worked hard yet could not succeed.

(iii)   We must run or we can’t catch the train.

(iv)   Life is short, still we love it.

Each of the above sentences has two finite verbs in it. Each sentence has two independent clauses which are joined by a coordinating conjunction.

2.          A Complex sentence is the one that has one main clause and one or more subordinating clauses. In such sentence, the main clause makes complete sense on its own, whereas the subordinating clause does not convey a complete meaning on its own and depends upon the main clause for making complete sense.

For Example :

(i)   He saw a man who was very tall.

(ii)   Unless he stops, he can’t pass the baton.

(iii)   He says that he will reach in time.

(iv)   The player who scored the goal has gone out of the ground. We use the following conjunctions in complex sentences.

who, whom, where, which, when, whose, what, how, that, if/ whether, unless, than, while, till, until, before, why, even if, because, wherever, as though, although yet, as, since, so    that, lest should, such that etc.

Exercise 1 (Solved)

Let us look at the following sentences and identify them as simple, compound or complex sentences :

1.         This is the town where he was born.

2.         Be kind and help the poor.

3.         He is a good player.

4.         He saw a man who was limping.

5.         Stay healthy and cheerful.

6.         He knew what he wanted from them.

7.         I shall speak to you when I reach home.

8.         Inspite of hard work, he could not win.

9.         He heard what I said.

10.         They shall come home now.

Exercise 2 (Unsolved)

1.        He must weep or he will die.

2.        I know Rajesh is a clever person.

3.        The village in which he lives is very small.

4.        The train leaves at 5 p.m.

5.        There is no student but loves good teachers.

6.        Whoever is learned is respected.

7.        What you say is quite correct.

8.        He is too fat to run.

9.        He is so fast that you cannot catch him.

10.        He is very rich yet very humble.

Exercise 3 (Unsolved)

1.        I can prove that he is a liar.

2.        God made man and man made machine.

3.        He is more a fool than a cheat.

4.        He is tall and handsome.

5.        He says that he will win.

6.        This is the business in which huge profits can be earned.

7.        Moga is the place of my birth.

8.        As you sow so shall you reap.

9.        We must eat to live.

10.        I hoped that it was true.

Text Box: Subordinate Clauses and its types

Now let us understand what a clause is and what its types are.

A clause that depends upon a main clause or any other clause to make complete

sense is called a subordinate clause or a dependent clause. There are mainly three kinds of Subordinate Clauses, namely:

(i)      Noun clause

(ii)      Adjective clause

(iii)      Adverb clause

Let us examine them briefly:

A.   Noun Clause

It is a group of words that does the function of a noun. It has a subject and a predicate of its own and it forms part of a larger sentence.

A Noun clause generally begins with subordinating conjunctions and indefinite relative pronouns such as; what, where, why, when, which, how, that, if, whether, etc.

For Example :

1.        The teacher says that it is true.

2.        What you say is true.

3.        Does anybody know if the banks are open today?

4.        I earn whatever I can.

B.  Adjective Clause

It is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate of its own, and does the function of an adjective.

An adjective Clause generally starts with connecting words such as : who, which, where, that, whom, whose, as and why etc.

For Example :

1.        He is the boy who helped his friend.

2.        That is the house where Gandhiji was shot at.

3.        Shaheed Mangal Pandey was the person who laid the foundation of India’s First War of Independence.

4.        That is the award which he deserves the most.

C.  Adverb Clause

It is a group of words that has a subject and a predicate of its own and functions as an adverb in the sentence.

An adverb clause generally indicates time, place, purpose, manner, and condition and it begins with conjunctions like, since, where, when, after, before, although, as if, till, as long as, whence, wherein, now that, in case, because, unless, etc.

For Examples :

1.        They stood up when Lady Diana entered the room.

2.        Everybody became silent as she got up to speak.

3.        He cracked jokes with his friends before he had a heart attack.

4.        You will succeed because you have worked hard.

Simple sentences can be converted/ transformed into compound sentences by joining independent clauses by a coordinating conjunction as shown below

1.        Simple : The match being over, the players went home. Compound : The match was over and the players went home.

2.        Simple : Besides making a promise, I kept it. Compound : I not only made a promise, but also kept it.

3.        Simple : We must eat to live. Compound : We must eat or we can’t live.

4.        Simple : Notwithstanding her best efforts, she did not win. Compound : She made her best efforts, yet did not win.

5.        Simple : Seeing a snake, the child ran away. Compound : The child saw a snake and he ran away.

Exercise 4 (Solved)

Transform the following simple sentences into compound sentences :

1.        He shall succeed with your assistance.

2.        Climbing up the table, he cleaned the ceiling fan.

3.        You must rest to avoid losing your health.

4.        Work hard to pass the examination.

5.        Through his sincere efforts, he won the first position.

6.        Besides being hard working, he is intelligent.

7.        Coming here, he took away my books.

8.        Owing to his indiscipline, he was reprimanded.

9.        Seeing a tiger coming, he fled.

10.        Going to New York, Manav met his friend.

Answers :

1.         Assist him, and he shall succeed.

2.         He climbed up the table and cleaned the ceiling fan.

3.         You must take rest or you will lose your health.

4.         Work hard and you will pass the examination.

5.         He made sincere efforts and won the first position.

6.         He is not only hard working, but also intelligent.

7.         He came and he took away my books.

8.         He showed indiscipline, therefore he was reprimanded.

9.         He saw a tiger and he fled.

10.         Manav went to New York and met his friend.

Exercise 5 (Unsolved)

Transform thefollowing simple sentences into compound sentences :

1.               Getting out of the car, Mr. Rattan Tata walked away.

2.               Being hungry, he needed food.

3.               We were surprised to see him at our place.

4.               He will compel you to leave the room.

5.               Being lazy, he failed.

6.               He fell asleep on account of being tired.

7.               In spite of being poor, he is very honest.

8.               Notwithstanding his failure, he is still hopeful.

9.                   She was credited for her hard work.

10.                Taking a stone, he threw at the dog.

Exercise 6 (Solved)

Transform the following Simple sentences into Complex sentences :

1.        He is sure of his success.

2.        She doesn’t remember the exact date of her birth.

3.        He knows the name of the best player in this team

4.        She promised to help me.

5.        I owe my success to his guidance.

6.        India is my land of birth.

7.        His victory is certain.

8.        His remarks pleased all

9.        He died in his youth.

10.        He is too fat to run.

Answers :

1.        He is sure that he will succeed.

2.        She doesn’t remember the exact date when she was born.

3.        He knows who the best player in this team is.

4.        She promised that she would help me.

5.        I owe my success to him because he guided me.

6.        India is the land where I was born.

7.        It is certain that victory will be his.

8.        It were his remarks that pleased all

9.        When he died, he was very young.

10.        He is so fat that he cannot run.

Exercise 7 (Unsolved)

Transform the following Simple sentences into Complex sentences :

1.        I wish him success.

2.        India’s victory is certain.

3.        It is the way to learn new ideas.

4.        We must help him, a poor man.

5.        He is too weak to walk.

6.        This book is too good to lose.

7.        It is his duty to safeguard his children.

8.        Father desired him to succeed.

9.        Work hard for success.

10.        He acts like a joker.

Exercise 8 (Unsolved)

Transform the following simple sentences into complex sentences :

1.        Owing to repeated failures, she made no effort.

2.        He is too weak to stand.

3.        They went to Chandigarh to buy a car.

4.        He would be very pleased to help us in any way.

5.        Of all the players, Virat is the best batsman.

6.        On reaching the city, she went straight to her college.

7.        Being lost in thoughts, I could not see him.

8.        He got plucked in the tests because of his careless attitude.

9.        On being caught red handed, he had to admit his mistake.

10.        In spite of all his riches, he had no peace of mind.

Exercise 9 (Unsolved)

Transform the following simple sentences into complex sentences :

1.        He felt utterly helpless.

2.        Sheena admitted her guilt.

3.        The boss is likely to punish her.

4.        He has informed her of her result.

5.        That is the way to do it.

6.        Having renounced the world, these monks live on charity.

7.        He comes of a rich and noble family.

8.        There I saw many beautiful palaces.

9.        She likes my style.

10.        He seems to be a fool.

Exercise 10 (Unsolved)

Transform the following Simple sentences into Complex sentences :

1.            Ms. Sushma is said to be a good doctor.

2.            The east wind cut like a knife.

3.            Don’t leave the station without permission.

4.            She speaks very fast for me to understand.

5.            He is a lazy lad.

6.            I like solving such problems.

7.            His face expressions tell us a different story.

8.            Today is the last day of this test match.

9.            On being questioned, he confessed his fault.

10.             Tell us the facts.

Exercise 11 (Unsolved)

Transform the following Compound sentences into Complex sentences :

1.         He saw the lion and fled.

2.         He got the message and replied at once.

3.         I saw the thief and caught him.

4.         You have to write it or you will forget it.

5.         The teacher explained the sum and the students noted it.

6.         He finished his breakfast and left the table.

7.         He was upset but did not lose heart.

8.         Be simple and you will win hearts.

9.         She tried her best but could not catch the thief.

10.         The Principal addressed the students and gave his message.

Exercise 12 (Unsolved)

Transform the following Compound sentences into Complex sentences :

1.        He had lost the book and he has found it.

2.        She read the letter and took off.

3.        You must run or you will miss the meeting.

4.        The nation calls us and we must respond.

5.        We must eat or we can’t live.

6.        He is unwell, he doesn’t rest.

7.        He must admit his fault or he will be thrown away.

8.        Spare the rod and spoil the child.

9.        Take care of your health; you will live longer.

10.        Show me his picture, I will find him.

Exercise 13 (Unsolved)

Transform the following Compound sentences into Complex sentences :

1.          He must be advised or he will falter.

2.          I must be informed about your loss or I shall not bother.

3.             He cares for me, so I respect him.

4.          Write as I say or I will not help you.

5.          She wrote to me and I responded immediately.

6.          Be truthful and fear not.

7.          Keep quiet or you will be punished.

8.          We called the peon, but she did not appear.

9.          He worked very hard, yet she did not top her class.

10.           He was unhappy with his boss, so he left the job.

Exercise 14 (Unsolved)

Transform the following Simple sentences into Complex sentences :

1.        She asked me and I gave her all the details of the incident.

2.        Either you tell us the truth or you will be sacked.

3.        Finish this work in time or I will not give any more orders.

4.        He threw off his shirt and jumped into the water to pull out the drowning child.

5.        He has a charming smile, therefore, he has made many fans.

6.        I found his mobile and he was very thankful to me.

7.        He is an old friend, therefore, I respect him.

8.        She must weep or she will fall sick.

9.        Milkha Singh was hard working and he won many races.

10.        They were afraid and they ran away.

Exercise 15 (Unsolved)

Transform the following Compound sentences into Complex sentences :

1.           He must resign or he will be thrown out unceremoniously.

2.           I rang up at your number, but you never responded.

3.           Be diligent and you will succeed.

4.           Be nice to others and you will be happy.

5.             I not only make promises, but also fulfil them.

6.           He took a break and started working again.

7.           He should not be late or he may be fined.

8.           Listen and she will explain.

9.             Waste not, want not.

10.           Give the papers to my secretary and I will sign them.

Exercise 16 (Solved)

State, which of the following sentences are ‘Compound’ and which are‘Complex’.

1.        He must cry or he will die.      – Compound sentence

2.        He knows Reena who is a clever girl.      – Complex sentence

3.        The village in which I was born is very small.      – Complex sentence

4.        I returned home because I was tired.      – Complex sentence

5.        He will treat them, as they treated him.      – Complex sentence

6.        God made rivers and man made dams.      – Compound sentence

7.         A guest is unwelcome when stays too long. – Complex sentence

8.        He is not only handsome but also clever.      – Compound sentence

9.        I liked what he suggested.      – Complex sentence

10.        She was sick, still she attended school.      – Compound sentence.

Exercise 17 (Solved)

State, which of the following sentences are ‘Compound’ and which are ‘Complex’.

1.         As I was sick, I could not go out.      – Complex sentence

2.         The higher we go, the cooler it is.      – Complex sentence

3.         We wish he should win.      – Complex sentence

4.           She was ill, therefore, she could not come to school.

– Compound sentence

5.                                                 I was tired and fell asleep. – Compound sentence

6.                                                 He had no advice that he could offer. – Complex sentence

7.         She is rich but she is miserly.      – Compound sentence

8.         I will help him with the resources that he needs. – Complex sentence

9.         When he was questioned, he faltered.      – Complex sentence

10.         She is very intelligent yet simple.      – Compound sentence

Exercise 18 (Unsolved)

State, which of the following sentences are ‘Compound’ and which are ‘Complex’.

1.        This is the place where Gandhiji stayed.

2.        I know what is in this packet.

3.        I picked up the chalk and wrote on the board.

4.        He can go wherever he likes.

5.        Neither you nor he is wrong.

6.        Don’t talk while I am speaking.

7.        It was not as big as I thought.

8.        It seems as if it might rain.

9.        I will help her when she needs any help.

10.        I got up and walked out of the meeting.

In addition to the above, Sentences may take the following forms :

(i)      Statement or Assertive sentences

(ii)      Question or Interrogative sentences

(iii)      Imperatives and Optative sentences

(iv)      Exclamatory sentences

(v)      Active and Passive

(vi)      Direct and Indirect Sentence

Transforming Interrogative into Assertive

For example :

Interrogative Assertive

1.        Did he not help you?   He did help you.

2.        Is she a fool?  She is not a fool.

3.        Who does not know Gandhiji? Everyone knows Gandhiji.

4.        What if she fails?     It doesn’t matter if she fails.

5.        Who likes to be bullied? Nobody likes to be bullied.

6.        When can honesty die? Honesty can never die.

7.          How can man remain immortal? Man cannot remain immortal.

8.        Why waste money like this? Money should not be wasted

like this

9.        Who trusts a liar? Nobody trusts a liar.

10.        Who doesn’t love power? Everybody loves power.

Transforming Assertive into Interrogative

For example :

Assertive Interrogative

1.         Everyone knows him. Who doesn’t know him?

2.         A leopard cannot change its spots. Can the leopard change its


3.         Nobody likes to be poor. Who likes to be poor?

4.         Everyone loves his motherland. Who doesn’t love his mother


5.         It does not matter if we lose the What if we lose the match? match.

6.         You will never forget your college Will you ever forget your college days? days.

7.         This is not the right attitude.     Is this the right attitude?

8.         There is no one like a mother.     Is there any one like a mother?

9.         Everyone wants to be a millionaire. Who  doesn’t  want  to  be a


10.         Nobody wants to lose. Who wants to lose?

Transforming Exclamatory into Assertive

For example :

Exclamatory Assertive

1.        What a lovely scene!     It is a very lovely scene.

2.        O for a glass of water!      I long for a glass of water.

3.        Alas! He is dead.     It is sad that he is dead.

4.        If only I could win the scholarship!  My greatest ambition is to win

the scholarship.

5.        How noble he is!   He is very noble.

6.        What a great win!     It was a great win.

7.        O that I were rich!      I wish that I were rich.

8.        Hurrah! We have won the match.     It is a matter of joy that we have

won the match.

9.        How pleasant the weather is! The weather is very pleasant.

10.        What a fall!     It was a great fall.

Transforming Assertive sentences into Negative For example :

Assertive Negative

1.        He is a good person.   He is not a bad person.

2.        Health is wealth.   No health, no wealth.

3.        He is too weak to walk.   He is so weak that he cannot


4.        Look before you leap.   Do not leap before you look.

5.        Do attend my party.   Do not miss my party.

6.        He is an honest person.   He is not a dishonest person.

7.        Man is mortal. Man is not immortal.

8.        It is foolish to argue with him.     It is not wise to argue with him.

9.        Every rose has a thorn. There is no rose without a thorn.

10.        Only God can help us. None but God can help us.

Transforming Imperative sentences into Assertive For example :

Imperative Assertive

1.                                        Do not make a noise. You should not make a noise.

2.                                        Avoid bad company. You should avoid bad company.

3.                                        Do not play with fire. You are advised not to play with fire.

4.                                        Get out of the room. You are ordered to get out of the room.

5.                                        Take exercise daily. You should take exercise daily.

6.                                        Attack the enemy. You are ordered to attack the enemy.

7.                                        Respect your elders. You are advised to respect your elders.

8.                                        May the sun never set.      I hope the sun never sets.

9.                                        Open the door.  The door should be opened.

10.                                            Keep quiet. You are ordered to keep quiet.

Exercise 18 (Unsolved) Transform the following sentences into interrogative:

1.          It is useless to blame her.

2.          Everyone knows him.

3.          Our soldiers are exceptionally brave.

4.          It is not a foolish idea.

5.          The deaf cannot hear.

6.          Everyone loves his parents.

7.          His arguments are baseless.

8.          Cowards die many times before their death.

9.          A rolling stone gathers no moss.

10.           This is not the way a gentleman should behave.

Exercise 19 (Unsolved) Transform the following sentences into Assertive :

1.        Why cry over spilt milk?

2.        Why be dishonest?

3.        Who is free from guilt?

4.        Who can serve two masters?

5.        Is honesty not the best policy?

6.        Why waste time in useless arguments?

7.        Why go to him?

8.        Who would not like to be a millionaire?

9.        Who likes to be the last?

10.        Can anybody say that he has never told a lie?

Exercise 20 (Unsolved)

Transform the following Exclamatory sentences into Assertive.

1.         O for a cup of coffee!

2.         Would that I were an engineer!

3.         How stupid of him to say that!

4.         Alas! He has lost his purse.

5.         Hurrah! We have won.

6.         Oh! You are going.

7.         If I were the Prime Minister of India!

8.         What a great start of the day!

9.         What a lovely face!

10.         How sweet of you!

Exercise 21(Unsolved) Transform the following sentences into Exclamatory.

1.        I wish I had a cup of tea.

2.        It was a very nice day.

3.        It is very sad that she is undone.

4.        It is very odd.

5.        He narrates the story very cleverly.

6.        Swami Vivekananda was a great speaker.

7.        Kishore was, indeed, a great singer.

8.        It is very stupid of him to criticize others.

9.        Man is a strange piece of work.

10.        Death is very dreadful.

(f)   Change of Voice (This is covered in detail in the Chapter ‘Change of Voice’)

(g)  Change of Narration (This is covered in detail in the Chapter ‘Change of Narration’)

Adjectives are expressed in different degrees-(a) Positive (b) Comparative

(c)  Superlative.

Positive degree is used to describe the quality of a place, person or thing in the plain form. Pattern: There is no comparison.


For Example :

1.            No other Indian actor is as great as Amitabh Bachchan.

2.            Manav speaks as fast as a parrot.

3.            You are as tall as I.

4.            Very few Indian actors are as great as Amitabh Bachchan. Comparative degree is used when we compare the qualities of two places, persons or things.

For Example :

1.          Amitabh Bachchan is greater than any other Indian actor.

2.          A parrot does not speak faster than Manav.

3.          I am not taller than you.

4.          Amitabh Bachchan is greater than most other Indian actors. Superlative degree is used when we convey that something is the best of its kind in comparison to three or more places, persons or things.

For Example :

1.        Amitabh Bachchan is the greatest of all Indian actors.

2.        Cannot transform into Superlative Degree.

3.        Cannot transform into Superlative Degree.

4.        Amitabh Bachchan is one of the greatest actors of India.

Text Box: Note : [The above sentences, 2 and 3 cannot be transformed into Superlative Degree since the comparison is between two i.e. ‘Manav and a parrot’ and ‘You and I’.]





No other boy in the class is as tall as Sham.

Sham is taller than any other boy in the class.

Sham is the tallest boy in the class.

India is not as large as some other countries.

India is not larger than some other countries.

India is not the largest country in the world

Very few poets are as great as Keats.

Keats is greater than most other poets.

Keats is one of the greatest poets.

Very few speakers are as respectable as Swami Vivekanand of India.

Swami Vivekanand is more respectable than any other speaker of India.

Swami Vivekanand is one of the most respe- ctable speakers of India.


Exercise 22 (Unsolved)

Transform the following sentences using comparative degree of comparison:

1.          He is not as tall as his brother.

2.          He is the most honest employee.

3.          No other boy is as good as Parth.

4.          Jill is not as beautiful as Maggie.

5.          I have never seen such a beautiful girl as Rekha.

6.          No other metal is as useful as iron.

7.          This book is not as good as that.

8.          Himalaya runs as fast as a horse.

9.          Mandeep is as strong as Sandeep.

10.           Alisha does not sing so well as Lata.

Exercise 23 (Unsolved)

Transform the following sentences using positive degree of comparison.

1.        She is not more intelligent than I.

2.        Ravi is smarter than Kishan.

3.        This poem is better than that.

4.        Mercedes car runs faster than Honda Bikes.

5.        My brother is richer than I.

6.        Mussoorie is cooler than Dehradun.

7.        Water is the best drink.

8.        Mother India is one the best Indian movies.

9.        Ashoka, the Great was one of the best kings of all times.

10.        Lead is the heaviest metal.

Exercise 23 (Unsolved)

Transform the following sentences using Superlative degree of comparison.

1.        Kalidas is greater than any other poet in India.

2.        He is more liberal than many people.

3.        My city is cleaner than many other cites of Punjab.

4.        Birds do not fly as fast as airplanes.

5.        Simran is more intelligent than her friends.

6.        No other hill station in India is as busy as Mussoorie .

7.        No ofther flower is as good as rose.

8.        No other season is as pleasant as spring.

9.        Very few filmmakers were as good as Raj Kapoor.

10.        He is smarter than any other boy in our neighbourhood.

When Adverb ‘too’ is followed by ‘to infinitive’, it can be removed by replacing it with ‘so that’. Even if ‘too’ is not followed by ‘to’, according to the sense of the sentences, we can replace it with expressions like, to a fault, over, beyond, more than enough, etc.

For Example :

1.         The milk is too hot for me to drink. The milk is so hot that I cannot drink it.

2.         He is too weak to run.

He is so weak that he cannot run.

3.         This box is too heavy for her to lift.

This box is so heavy that she cannot lift it.

4.         He is too proud to learn.

He is so proud that he cannot learn.

5.         She was too old to walk fast.

She was so old that she could not walk fast.

Using “Too”

It can be used in place of expressions like ‘so that’.

For Example :

1.         He is so happy that he cannot tell. He is too happy to tell.

2.         The wall is so high that I cannot jump over it. The wall is too high for me to jump over it.

3.         He is so slow that he cannot catch her. He is too slow to catch her.

4.         I am so busy that I cannot join you in celebrations. I am too busy to join you in celebrations.

5.         He spoke so fast that he could not be understood. He spoke too fast to be understood.

Do as Directed:

(Transformation of All Types) Exercise 1 (Solved)

1.        The teacher is too weak to control the class. (remove ‘too’)

2.        Bullet trains run faster than mail trains.

(Change the Degree of Comparison)

3.        He hoped to pass the test. (Change into a complex sentence)

4.        He was honoured for his honesty. (Change into a compound sentence)

5.        He must run fast or he will not catch the train.

(Change into simple sentence)

6.        Mumbai is the largest metro city in India.

(Use positive degree of Comparison)

7.        Who doesn’t make mistakes? (Change into assertive sentence)

8.        The case is too urgent to be postponed. (Use ‘too’)

9.        One more mistake and he will be fired. (Use ‘If’)

10.        As soon he lay on the bed, the postman rang the doorbell.

(Change into a negative sentence)

Answers :

1.         The teacher is so weak that she cannot control the class.

2.         Mail trains do not run as fast as the bullet trains.

3.         He hoped that he would pass the test.

4.         He was honest, so he was honoured.

5.         He must run fast to catch the train

6.         No other city in India is as large as Mumbai.

7.         Everyone makes mistakes.

8.         The case is so urgent that it cannot be postponed.

9.         If he makes one more mistake, he will be fired.

10.         No sooner did he lie on the bed, than the postman rang the doorbell.

Exercise 2 (Solved)

Do as Directed :

1.          He is too composed to lose temper. (remove ‘too’)

2.          She is not so intelligent as her sister is.

(Change the Degree of Comparison)

3.          He sold his lame horse. (Change into a complex sentence)

4.          He asked for too much money as he was greedy.

(Change into a compound sentence)

5.          It was a possibility that was vague. (Change into simple sentence)

6.          Ram is the tallest boy. (Use positive degree of Comparison)

7.          A sailor and afraid of storm! (Change into assertive sentence)

8.          She is so old that she cannot walk. (Use ‘too’)

9.          You cannot win the competition unless you work hard. (Use ‘If’)

10.           Everyone will believe her word. (Change into a negative sentence)

Answers :

1.            He is so composed that he cannot lose temper.

2.            Her sister is more intelligent than she.

3.            He sold his horse that was lame.

4.            He was greedy, so he asked for too much money.

5.            It was a vague possibility.

6.            No other boy is as tall as Ram.

7.            A sailor is not afraid of storm.

8.            She is too old to walk.

9.            If you don’t work hard, you can’t win the competition.

10.             Nobody will disbelieve her word.

Exercise 3 (Solved)

Do as Directed :

1.        She is too practical to understand real love. (Remove ‘too’)

2.        As soon as he saw a lion, he began shuddering with fear.

(Rewrite Using ‘ No sooner…..than’)

3.        The child is playing with a broken doll.

(Change into a complex sentence)

4.        The sun having set, we returned home.

(Change into a compound sentence)

5.        He admitted that he was at fault. (Change into simple sentence)

6.        Very few kings were as great as Ashoka.

(Change degree of Comparison)

7.        How fast Milkha ran! (Change into assertive sentence)

8.        She is so weak that she can’t sit. (Use ‘too’)

9.        You will feel tired if you don’t take proper rest. (Use ‘unless’)

10.        She is a great artist. (Change into a exclamatory sentence)

Answers :

1.         She is so practical that she cannot understand real love.

2.         No sooner did he see a lion, than he began shuddering with fear.

3.         The child is playing with a doll that is broken.

4.         The sun had set and we returned home.

5.         He admitted his fault.

6.         Ashoka was greater than many other kings.

7.         Milkha ran very fast.

8.         She is too weak to even sit.

9.         Unless you take proper rest, you will feel tired.

10.         What an artist she is!

Exercise 4 (Unsolved)

Do as Directed :

1.        These fruits are too cheap to be good. (Remove ‘too’)

2.        As soon as I stepped out of my office, it started raining heavily.

(Rewrite using ‘ No sooner…..than’)

3.        Everyone believes in my sincerity. (Change into a complex sentence)

4.        Owing to his sickness, he could not play the match.

(Change into a compound sentence)

5.                                            She told me where she lived. (Change into simple sentence)

6.        The peacock is the most beautiful bird.

(Change degree of Comparison)

7.        What a great shot! (Change into assertive sentence)

8.        That man is too arrogant to be pleased. (Use ‘too’)

9.        You will fall sick if you don’t stop eating. (Use ‘unless’)

10.        This painting is a great piece of art.

(Change into a exclamatory sentence)

Exercise 5 (Unsolved)

Do as Directed :

1.        This news is too good to be true. (Remove ‘too’)

2.        Hardly had he finished his work when his boss gave him another task.

(Rewrite Using ‘ No sooner…..than’)

3.        He is too proud to appreciate anyone else.

(Change into a complex sentence)

4.        Being lazy, he failed. (Change into a compound sentence)

5.        The iron rod was so hot that he could not touch it.

(Change into simple sentence)

6.        He is smarter than any other employee in his office.

(Change the degree of Comparison)

7.        Money cannot buy happiness. (Change into an interrogative sentence)

8.        The water in the pool was so cold that she could not swim in it.

(Use ‘too’)

9.        He is poor. He is honest. (Use ‘though’)

10.        Is there anything greater than the love for your motherland?

(Change into a negative sentence)

Exercise 6 (Unsolved)

Do as Directed :

1.         The tree was too tall for me to climb it. (Remove ‘too’)

2.         As soon as the sun rose, the clouds disappeared.

(Rewrite Using ‘ No sooner…..than’)

3.         I saw the danger and moved on. (Change into a complex sentence)

4.         With great effort, he passed the examination.

(Change into a compound sentence)

5.         If weather permits, they will play the match.

(Change into simple sentence)

6.         Kapil was the best of all the all-rounders in the world.

(Change degree of Comparison)

7.         He never drinks milk. (Change into an interrogative sentence)

8.         He is so slow that he cannot win the race. (Use ‘too’)

9.         We cannot go for the picnic unless it stops raining.

(Rewrite using ‘if’)

10.         Ram was older than Sham. (Change into a negative sentence)

Exercise 7 (Unsolved)

Do as Directed :

1.        The iron is too hot for me to touch. (Remove ‘too’)

2.        As soon as the moon rose, the stars disappeared.

(Rewrite Using ‘No sooner…..than’)

3.        He tried hard but he failed. (Change into a complex sentence)

4.        He is learned but he is not courteous.

(Change into a compound sentence)

5.        He failed though he worked hard. (Change into simple sentence)

6.        Hari is as tall as Shyam. (Change degree of Comparison)

7.        The police will take steps to control the situation.

(Change into an interrogative sentence)

8.        He is so stupid that he cannot handle such a situation. (Use ‘too’)

9.        Can money buy health? (Change into assertive sentence)

10.        He played a great shot. (Change into a an exclamatory sentence)

Exercise 8 (Unsolved)

Do as Directed :

1.        He is too slow to learn. (Remove ‘too’)

2.        As soon as he saw the tiger, he took to heels.

(Rewrite Using ‘ No sooner…..than’)

3.        This is Gandhiji’s birth place. (Change into a complex sentence)

4.        When the day dawned, we got up.

(Change into a compound sentence)

5.        The boy was so weak that he could not stand properly.

(Change into simple sentence)

6.        Akshay is the best comedy actor. (Change degree of Comparison)

7.        Walk fast. You may miss the train. (Combine these sentences)

8.        This news is so good that it cannot be true.      ( Use ‘too’)

9.        She confessed her fault. (Change into  complex sentence)

10.        There is a doctor in the stadium.

(Change into an interrogative sentence)

Exercise 9 (Unsolved)

Do as Directed :

1.         He was too late to attend the meeting. (Remove ‘too’)

2.         As soon as his examination started, he started writing the answers.

(Rewrite Using ‘ No sooner…..than’)

3.         Obey your parents or you will come to grief.

(Change into a complex sentence)

4.         He punished his servant because he behaved rudely.

(Change into a compound sentence)

5.         This tree is so high that none can climb it.

(Change into simple sentence)

6.         Love is greater than any other thing in the world.

(Change the degree of Comparison into superlative degree)

7.         If you read, you will learn. (Remove ‘if’)

8.         He is so arrogant that no one can like him. (Use ‘too’)

9.         None but sincere people can achieve success.

(Change into affirmative)

10.         Only Rekha has done justice to her role. (Replace ‘Only’ by ‘none’)

Exercise 10 (Unsolved)

Do as Directed :

1.        She is too strong for her opponents. (Remove ‘too’)

2.        No sooner did I hear of his success than I congratulated him.

(Remove ‘No sooner…..than’)

3.                                            I have no time to waste. (Change into a complex sentence)

4.        The play being over, the audience left the hall.

(Change into a compound sentence)

5.        As soon as I arrived, I sent for her. (Change into simple sentence)

6.        This city has more parks than playgrounds.

(Change degree of Comparison)

7.        Unless you write the correct answer, you will not get full marks.

(Remove ‘Unless’)

8.        Tea is sweeter than it should be. (Use ‘too’)

9.        He is insincere. (Change into negative)

10.        Only the polar star remained in sight. (Replace ‘Only’ by ‘all’)

Exercise 11 (Unsolved)

Do as Directed :

1.        She is too proud to listen. (Remove ‘too’)

2.        No sooner did he start his bike than the petrol finished in the fuel tank.

(Remove ‘No sooner…..than’)

3.        Hard working person succeeds in life.

(Change into a complex sentence)

4.        He fell asleep on account of being tired.

(Change into a compound sentence)

5.        He is sure that he will succeed. (Change into simple sentence)

6.        Our shopkeeper sells at a cheaper rate than any other shopkeepers in the area. (Change degree of Comparison)

7.        If you do not water the plants, they will not bloom. (Remove ‘if’)

8.        It is never so late that one cannot tell the truth. (Use ‘too’)

9.        She is trying many dresses. (Change into negative)

10.        She came here ten years ago. (Replace ‘ago’ by ‘since’)

Exercise 12 (Unsolved)

Do as Directed :

1.        This news is too good to be true. (Remove ‘too’)

2.        As soon as the referee blew the whistle, the athletes started running.

(Use ‘ No sooner…..than’)

3.        The child was pleased at having got the toy.

(Change into a complex sentence)

4.        Both the parties were happy with the solution that they arrived at.

(Change into a compound sentence)

5.        Men who work hard rise in life. (Change into simple sentence)

6.        He is not cleverer than his brother. (Change degree of Comparison)

7.        If you study, you will pass. (Remove ‘if’)

8.        Very few countries are as great as India.

(Change into superlative degree of adjective)

9.        Sometimes, Kamal acts foolishly. (Change into negative)

10.        Ten years have passed since we met. (Use ago’)

Exercise 13 (Unsolved)

Do as Directed :

1.         She was too busy to go to cinema. (Remove ‘too’)

2.         No sooner did I learn of his illness than I took him to the doctor.

(Rewrite using ‘ as soon as’)

3.         He is poor but he is honest. (Change into a complex sentence)

4.         He was not only punished but also fined.

(Change into a compound sentence)

5.         It was a trick that was difficult to understand.

(Change into simple sentence)

6.         Kolkata is the most populated city of India.

(Change degree of Comparison)

7.         Speak the truth and you don’t have to be afraid. (Use ‘if’)

8.         Who does not want peace? (Change into assertive)

9.         She did not forgive me. (Change into positive)

10.         Everyone admires the brave. (Change into interrogative)

Exercise 14 (Unsolved)

Do as Directed :

1.         The soldiers are too disciplined to violate rules. (Remove ‘too’)

2.         If a woman is educated, her whole family is benefitted.

(Rewrite using ‘ Unless’)

3.                                                 I love India, my motherland. (Change into a complex sentence)

4.         He has all the virtues of a great man except straight forwardness.

(Change into a compound sentence)

5.         I was very tired after the day’s work and I sat down to take some rest.

(Change into simple sentence)

6.         A wise foe is better than a foolish friend.

(Change degree of Comparison)

7.         We share our room and books. (Use not only…..but also)

8.         Does the moon not revolve around the earth? (Change into assertive)

9.         You are not without wisdom. (Change into positive)

10.         He drives very fast. (Change into interrogative)

Exercise 15 (Unsolved)

Do as Directed :

1.        It is too foggy outside to see anything. (Remove ‘too’)

2.        He left for USA two years ago. (Rewrote using ‘Since’)

3.        Please write your address. (Change into a complex sentence)

4.        She could not run fast as she was fat.

(Change into a compound sentence)

5.        Though he ran fast, he could not catch me.

(Change into simple sentence)

6.        Swimming is the best exercise. (Change degree of Comparison)

7.        Seeta and Geeta are beautiful. (Use not only…..but also)

8.        Does anyone like cheats? (Change into assertive)

9.        This  sum is not difficult. (Change into positive)

10.        That is not the way a lady should behave. (Change into interrogative)

Exercise 16 (Unsolved)

Do as Directed :

1.         He is too smart to lose his focus. (Remove ‘too’)

2.         Walk fast. You might miss the bus. (Rewrote using ‘lest.. should’)

3.         He is a hard working person. (Change into a complex sentence)

4.         Hurry up or you will be late for school.

(Change into a compound sentence)

5.         Since India is my motherland, I love her.

(Change into simple sentence)

6.         He is as wise  as his brother. (Change degree of Comparison)

7.         He is a painter and poet. (Use not only…..but also)

8.         How shameful! (Change into assertive)

9.         He is very talented. (Use ‘too’)

10.         You cannot please everyone. (Change into interrogative)

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