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Particle: Examples, Classification and Exercises

A participle is a form of a verb that is used in a sentence to modify a noun, noun phrase, verb, or verb phrase, and thus plays a role similar to that of an adjective or an adverb. In other words it is a word formed from a verb which can be used as an adjective. It is also called a ‘Verbal Adjective’.

For Example :

1.        Barking dogs seldom bite.

2.        Coming events cast their shadows.

3.        Let the sleeping tigers sleep.

4.        The day was very tiring.

5.        It being a sunny day, they preferred to stay inside.

Kinds of Participle

There are three kinds of participles in English:

(i)    The Present Participle

(ii)    The Past Participle

(iii)    The Perfect Participle

The Present Participle is the form of the verb that is formed by adding “ing” to the first form of the verb. It is the form that appears in all continuous tenses.

For Example :

(i)    stay+ing= staying

(ii)    writing +ing = writing

(iii)    waste+ ing= wasting

Uses of Present Participle

1.         As an adjective For Example :

(i)    They were swimming in running water.

(ii)    It was an interesting story.

(iii)    You are fighting a losing battle.

(iv)    A drowning man catches at a straw.

2.         As a subject complement For Example :

(i)    This journey has been challenging.

(ii)    His advice was motivating.

(iii)    This novel is very intriguing.

(iv)    The sun is shining.

3.         As an object complement For Example :

(i)    They caught him napping.

(ii)    We found him violating the rules.

(iii)    She left him crying.

(iv)    His ideas are quite tempting.

4.         As adverb For Example :

(i)    They have gone away cursing her.

(ii)    The peon went away running.

(iii)    The children ran out shouting.

(iv)    He finished writing his book.

5.         As part of an Adjective phrase For Example :

(i)    The lady wearing black dress is a big TV Star.

(ii)    The person controlling the shots here is my friend.

(iii)    The book containing valuable information is missing.

(iv)    The man waiting at the door is my cousin.

6.         As Participle phrase For Example :

(i)    Reaching the station, I took my train.

(ii)    Entering the class, he took his seat.

(iii)    Finding the book interesting, I purchased it.

(iv)    Telling the beads of her rosary, the grandmother moved about in the house.

7.         As an absolute phrase For Example :

(i)    Weather permitting, we shall go for a long walk.

(ii)    It being sunny, children could not play out.

(iii)    God willing, they will be winners.

(iv)    The cat being away, the mice will play.

8.         To combine sentences For Example :

(i)                                              The children saw the gardener. They ran away.

Seeing the gardener, the children ran away.

(ii)                                      The pickpocket found the police around. He disappeared.

Finding the police around, the pickpocket disappeared.

(iii)    He heard the school bell. He started running.

Hearing the school bell, he started running.

The Past Participle is the third form of a verb and works like an Adjective.

For Example : burnt, learned, cooked etc.

Uses of Past Participle

1.            As an Adjective For Example :

(i)    He picked up the broken plates.

(ii)    He was a spoilt brat.

(iii)    A burnt child dreads the fire.

(iv)    No use crying over spilt milk.

2.            As Subject Complement For Example :

(i)    Nice people are respected.

(ii)    Winners were awarded scholarships.

(iii)    Their dreams were fulfilled.

(iv)    His mind remains focused.

3.            As Object Complement For Example :

(i)    They considered the match lost.

(ii)    I found the market closed.

(iii)    We saw him tired.

(iv)    They found the water contaminated.

4.            In Perfect Tenses For Example :

(i)    He had watched the match.

(ii)    They had already vacated the house.

(iii)    I have passed the exam.

(iv)    She had left for Delhi.

5.            As Adverb For Example :

(i)    The baby sparrows huddled together frightened.

(ii)    He sat in a corner totally exhausted.

(iii)    They felt famished.

(iv)    Delighted over the victory, he danced with a rapture.

6.            As Participle Phrase For Example :

(i)    He found a mouse trapped in a net.

(ii)    He finished lunch cooked by his wife.

(iii)    I gave him a picture captured by my new camera.

(iv)    Caught in a bind, he tried to break the rules.

A Perfect Participle is a participle that expresses an action or state as just finished.

For Example :

1.           Having delivered the message, he left immediately.

2.           Having finished his work, Harry was ready to play.

3.           The child, having found his mother, was happy again.

In the sentences above, the expressions-‘having delivered’,’ having finished’, and’ having found’ each has a noun as its object.


These participles express an action that is just finished. They are , therefore, Perfect Participles.

It is: having / having been+ V3 (third form of the verb).

Uses of Perfect Participle

1.                          To express the completion of one action before the other action took place :

For Example :

(i)    Having learnt my lesson, I slept peacefully.

(ii)    Having been praised by the boss, he felt relieved.

(iii)    Having accomplished his task, he took a break.

(iv)    Having seen the patient, the doctor advised him to take medicine.

2.                          Dangling or Unrelated participle: If the participle doesn’t have subject or is disregarded, the result is confusion. It is called dangling or unrelated participle.

For Example :

(i)    Feeling sleepy, the book fell from his hands.

Note: ‘Feeling sleepy’ belongs to ‘the book’. It seems as if the book was feeling sleepy. The above sentence should be written as:

As he was feeling sleepy, the book fell from his hands.

Exercise 17 (Solved) Fill in the blanks with Present Participle :

1.        The man (drive) the car is a friend of mine.

2.        Lorries (come) over the bridge have to be careful of the wind.

3.        Who was the girl (wear) the red dress?

4.        Students (submit) their essays late will lose ten marks.

5.          The (bud) flowers looked very beautiful.

6.        The (run) bus rammed against the wall.

7.                  (hear) the noise, he rushed to the spot.

8.        They told us an (amuse) account of their journey.

9.        I saw the lion (approach) us.

10.        He watched them (fight) over trifles.

Answers :

1.        The man driving the car is a friend of mine.

2.        Lorries coming over the bridge have to be careful of the wind.

3.        Who was the girl wearing the red dress?

4.        Students submitting their essays late will lose ten marks.

5.          The budding flowers looked very beautiful.

6.        The running bus rammed against the wall.

7.        Hearing the noise, he rushed to the spot.

8.        They told us an amusing account of their journey.

9.        I saw the lion approaching us.

10.        He watched them fighting over trifles.

Exercise 18 (Solved) Fill in the blanks with Present Participle :

1.                   We saw many (excite) tricks in the magic show.

2.                             (keep) in mind his health, the doctor advised him rest.

3.                   He felt pity on the (cry) child.

4.                   The peon came (run) to the office.

5.                   A (roll) stone gathers no moss.

6.                   Don’t get off a (run) car.

7.                   Would you mind my (come) too?

8.                             (Climb) mountains is my passion.

9.                   You should stop (advise) others.

10.                             (sing) can be a rewarding career too.

Answers :

1.                   We saw many exciting tricks in the magic show.

2.                   Keeping in mind his health, the doctor advised him rest.

3.                   He felt pity on the crying child.

4.                   The peon came running to the office.

5.                   A rolling stone gathers no moss.

6.                   Don’t get off a running car.

7.                   Would you mind my coming too?

8.                   Climbing mountains is my passion.

9.                   You should stop advising others.

10.                     Singing can be a rewarding career too.

Exercise 19 (Solved)

Fill in the blanks with Present Participle/Gerund :

1.                         (hear) the lion’s roar, the deer ran away.

2.               While (cross) the road, the old beggar was hit by a speeding truck.

3.               She has a (smile ) face.

4.               Her (charm) smile wins many hearts.

5.               We must prevent their (go) away.

6.               The man (sit) on the bench is known to me.

7.               Cars (speed) away can be very dangerous for pedestrians.

8.               I found him (drink) beer.

9.               He began (shout) at the poor man.

10.                Children love (eat) chocolates.

Answers :

1.            Hearing the lion’s roar, the deer ran away.

2.            While crossing the road, the old beggar was hit by a speeding truck.

3.            She has a smiling face.

4.            Her charming smile wins many hearts.

5.            We must prevent their going away.

6.            The man sitting on the bench is known to me.

7.            Cars speeding away can be very dangerous for pedestrians.

8.            I found him drinking beer.

9.            He began shouting at the poor man.

10.             Children love eating chocolates.

Exercise 20 (Unsolved) Fill in the blanks with Present Participle :

1.            The movie, now, (play) at the city theatre is my favourite.

2.            My mother is (prepare) a cake for my birthday.

3.            The ship sailing to Mexico is (leave) tonight.

4.            The letters (need) immediate answers are on the desk.

5.            The (bore) class ended just a few minutes ago.

Exercise 21 (Solved) Fill in the blanks with Past Participle :

1.          She found her (tear) book on the floor.

2.          He has

3.          The college has

(leave) the windows open.

(close) for summer vacation.

4.          They saw a few rupees (throw) on the roadside.

5.          We watched a movie (direct) by Raj Kapoor.

6.          He seemed to be a  man with a (break) heart.

7.          A (burn) child dreads the fire.

8.          The man looked (worry)

9.          He looked a bit (confuse).

10.           We gave him a (write) complaint.

Answers :

1.          She found her torn book on the floor.

2.          He has left the windows open.

3.          The college has closed for summer vacation.

4.          They saw a few rupees thrown on the roadside.

5.          We watched a movie directed by Raj Kapoor.

6.          He seemed to be a man with a broken heart.

7.          A burnt child dreads the fire.

8.          The man looked worried.

9.          He looked a bit confused.

10.           We gave him a written complaint.

Exercise 22 (Unsolved) Fill in the blanks with past Participles :

1.        Julie wasn’t at home, she had (go) to the shop.

2.        We’ve already (have) lunch.

3.        This was the first time she had (do) her homework

4.        They have (begin) painting the living room.

5.        We have (keep) this secret for three years.

6.        He has never (drive) a motorbike before.

7.        I have (be) sick all week.

8.        By the time we arrived, the children had _______ (eat) all the chocolates.

9.        The books had (fall) off the table, and were all over the floor.

10.        The patient (die) before the doctor arrived.”

Exercise 23 (Solved) Fill in the blanks with Past Participle :

1.                  (select) the best eleven, they started their practice.

2.                  (finish) the day’s work, we went to see a movie.

3.                  (win) the tournament, the Indian team had a great party.

4.        The food (cook), she laid it on the dining table.

5.                  (take) proper rest, they felt ready for a long game.

Answers :

1.        Having selected the best eleven, they started their practice.

2.        Having finished the day’s work, we went to see a movie.

3.        Having won the tournament,the Indian team had a great party.

4.        The food having been cooked, she laid it on the dining table.

5.        Having taken proper rest, they felt ready for a long game.

Exercise 24 (Unsolved) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Participle :

1.         I‘d (lend) my umbrella to John, so I got wet.

2.         I’ve been looking for ages, but I haven’t (find) my keys yet.

3.         The birds have (fly) south for the winter.

4.         She has finally (come).

5.         Don’t worry, we haven’t (forget) about the meeting.

6.         It had (become) very cold, so we went inside.

7.         You have (buy) a lot of new clothes recently.

8.         I’d (get) a lovely new bike for my birthday, so I was keen to try it.

9.         She’d (bring) a cake to the party, but we didn’t eat it.

10.         Have you (choose) your university yet?

Exercise 25 (Unsolved) Fill in the blanks with an appropriate Participle :

1.         Have you ever (drink) Turkish coffee?

2.         I’ve (give) some money to Julia.

3.         Had you (hear) of this band before you came to the USA?

4.         She has (know) about the problem for three months.

5.         Why has John (leave) already?

6.         While he was ploughing his fields, a scorpion (sting) him.

7.         His father looked (worry)

8.         He became (discourage).

9.         It was a (tire) exercise.

10.         They shall be (write) a letter.

Exercise 26 (Solved)

Fill in the blanks with correct form of the verb (To-Infinitive, the Gerund or the Participle) given in brackets.

1.                     (Find) fault is easy.

2.           It is not worth (read).

3.           I found the snake (kill).

4.           He made me (listen) to old songs.

5.           He was busy (pack).

6.           Don’t make me (laugh).

7.           The light is too weak (read).

8.           He enjoys (smoke).

9.           Most boys like (play) games.

10.           They let him (speak).

Answers :

1.                   To find fault is easy.

2.                   It is not worth reading.

3.                   I found the snake killed.

4.                   He made me listen to old songs.

5.                   He was busy packing.

6.                   Don’t make me laugh.

7.                   The light is too weak to read.

8.                   He enjoys smoking.

9.                   Most boys like playing games.

10.                     They let him speak.

Exercise 27 (Solved)

Fill in the blanks with correct form of the verb (To-Infinitive, the Gerund or the Participle) given in brackets.

1.        He told me

2.        The parcel is heavy



3.        We found the child (cry).

4.        He wanted (study) medicine.

5.                  (jog) is a good exercise.

6.        It is a sin (tell) a lie.

7.                  (smoke) is injurious to health.

8.        He does nothing but (complain).

9.        Kids like (play) games.

10.        We decided (wait) for her.

Answers :

1.        He told me to go.

2.        The parcel is too heavy to carry.

3.        We found the child crying.

4.        He wanted to study medicine.

5.        Jogging is a good exercise.

6.        It is a sin to tell a lie.

7.        Smoking is injurious to health.

8.        He does nothing but complain.

9.        Kids like playing games.

10.        We decided to wait for her.

Exercise 28 (Unsolved)

Combine the following pairs of sentences by making use of a participle :

1.         She went home. She was ill.

2.         I was hungry.

I prepared some noodles.

3.         He found his book. He started reading it.

4.         Parth finished his homework. He went out to play.

5.         The mayor was busy.

He had no time to meet anyone.

6.         The bus reached the last stop, He got down.

7.         It was raining.

No one could go out.

8.         We saw a beggar. He was limping.

9.         They missed their train. They began to walk back.

10.         I saw her result. I began to dance.

Exercise 29 (Solved)

Do as directed :

1.        She has no choice but (tell) the truth.

(Fill up the blank with an Infinitive)

2.        His mother bade him (take) the medicine immediately.

(Fill in the blank with an Infinitive)

3.        Every team has a manager.

He manages the administrative needs of the team.

(Combine these sentences into a single sentence using To-Infinitive)

4.                  (play) carom amuses every child.

(Fill in the blank with a Gerund)

5.                                            The teacher prevented him from (quarrel) with his classmates.

(Fill in the blank with a Gerund)

6.        The fire fighters entered the (burn) house.

(Fill in the blank with a Participle)

7.        He hurt his toe.

He stopped walking.

(Combine into a single sentences using a Participle)

8.        You will pass only by (study) regularly.

(Fill up the blank with a Gerund.)

9.        He came (collect) his money.

(Fill in the blank with To-Infinitive)

10.        I saw a man (walk) on the rope.

(Fill in the blank with a Participle)

Answers :

1.        She has no choice but to tell the truth.

2.        His mother bade him take the medicine immediately.

3.        Every team has a manager to manage their administrative needs of the team.

4.        Playing carom amuses every child.

5.        The teacher prevented him from quarrelling with his classmates.

6.        The fire fighters entered the burnt house.

7.        Having hurt his toe, he stopped walking.

8.        You will pass only by studying regularly.

9.        He came to collect his money.

10.        I saw a man walking on the rope.

Exercise 30 (Solved)

Do as directed :

1.        I am always ready (learn) new things.

(Fill up the blank with an To-Infinitive)

2.        He was asked (explain) his behaviour.

(Fill in the blank with To-Infinitive)

3.        Shelly drove very fast.

She reached her class in time.

(Combine these sentences into a single sentence using an Infinitive)

4.                                            They will get the contract only by (cooperate) with each other.

(Fill in the blank with a Gerund)

5.        Children kept on (play) in the sun.

(Fill in the blank with a Gerund)

6.        The (sing) bird stole the show.

(Fill up the blank with a Participle)

7.        Ravi opened the lock. He entered the room.

(Combine into a single sentences using Participle)

8.        (swim) is a healthy exercise. (Fill up the blank with a Gerund)

9.        He has the ability (top) in the exam.

(Fill in the blank with an Infinitive)

10.                  (follow) the right path, he achieved his aim.

(Fill up the blank with a Participle)

Answers :

1.        I am always ready to learn new things

2.        He was asked to explain his behaviour.

3.        Shelly drove very fast to reach her class in time.

4.        Theywill get the contract only by cooperating with each other.

5.        Children kept on playing in the sun.

6.        The singing bird stole the show.

7.          Opening the door, Ravi entered the room.

8.            Swimming is a healthy exercise.

9.        He has the abilityto top in the exam.

10.        Following the right path, he achieved his aim.

Exercise 31 (Unsolved)

Do as directed :

1.        He is eager (succeed).

(Fill in the blank with To-Infinitive)

2.        Let me (try) this sum.  (Fill in the blank with To-Infinitive)

3.        He has a big farm.

He manages affairs of the farm.

(Combine these sentences into a single sentence using an Infinitive)

4.                  (read) novels was his favourite pastime.

(Fill in the blank with a Gerund)

5.        I never enjoyed (go) to the dentist.

(Fill in the blank with a Gerund)

6.        The doctor was attending the (wound) soldier.

(Fill in the blank with a Participle)

7.        The servant stole some money. He wanted to hide it somewhere.

(Combine into a single sentences using Participle)

8.        A miser hates (waste) his money.

(Fill in the blank with a Gerund.

9.        He refused (sit) for a test.

(Fill  in the blank with To-Infinitive)

10.           (throw out) from the party, he wanted to start a new group now. (Fill in the blank with a Participle)


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