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Top 19 Grammar Books (PDF)




A complement is a word or a structure that completes the meaning of a verb, a subject, or an object.

      Sheila is a nurse. (adding information about Sheila)


      All of them seemed surprised. Hepsi şaşırmış görünüyordu.


Verb complements are direct and indirect objects that stand after the verb:


      She gave the book to Anna.


      Give me a pen.


Subject complement in the form of a noun is called predicative noun or predicative nominal; in the form of an adjective – predicative adjective (or predicate adjective). Subject complement stands after the linking verb (it is predicative complement):

      It is a book.


      The book is interesting.


Complements which add more information about an object are called object complements.


Object complement stands after the object to which it refers:


      I find it strange.


      He makes me very angry. (adding information “about me”)

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