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Object - Nesne

Object - Nesne
The object is placed after the main verb. An object is a noun or pronoun that is governed by a verb or a preposition. Nesneler İngilizc’de fiilden sonra gelir ve fiilin anlamını tamamlar.

S + V + O + Place + Time + Adverb

Açıklama: Adverb’in yeri değişebilir.


  She collects stamps.

  He likes reading.

  He likes to read.

  He is waiting for a bus.

  She gave two books to her brother.

  She asked the boy about his father.

  She made soup, salad, and roast beef for dinner.


Translation is not difficult.

She looks unhappy.

Açıklama: Bu nesne türleri “to be” ve “linking verb” lerden sonra kullanılır. İngilizce’de Link Verb fiillerinden sonra sıfat gelir ve özneyi nitler. Link Verb yapısındaki cümlede fiil değil, özne nitelenir, bu yüzden fiilden sonra zarf yerine sıfat kullanıılır. En çok kullanılan linking verb,

  “to be” (is, are, am; was, were).

  Look, smell, seem, …

Noun Phrase:

A horse is an animal.

Preposition + noun:

  He is in Ankara.

Noun phrase + Preposition:

There is a book on the table.

Object Pronoun:

Object Pronouns (Nesne durumundaki zamirler): me, you, us, them, him, her, and it.

  I saw him.

  I gave him a book.

Noun Phrase + Noun Phrase:

I gave a book to him.

Noun Phrase + Adjective:

- He  likes coffe strong.

Noun Phrase + Verb + Noun Phrase:

  We let him to go home.

I want him to help us.


I don’t know where he lives.

Noun +Manner + Pace + Time adjectives:

The children played games quietly in their room yesterday.

Transitive verbs:

Some transitive verbs (for example: bring, break, give, offer, sell, send, show, and tell) are often followed by two objects without prepositions. In this case, the order after the verb is first the indirect object (object pronoun or noun without a preposition), then the direct object (numeral/article + noun).
She gave him two books.

They offered me a good job.

He sent her a present.

The teacher told the students a story.

Transitive verbs take a noun phrase (NP) as a direct object. Past participles of transitive verbs can also be used as adjectives.
The broken window is there.

Object of a preposition

If there are two objects after the verb, the word order is first the direct object, then the object with preposition. There are 3 kinds of objects: a direct object, an indirect object, and an object of a preposition. How can you tell if a word is an indirect object or the object of the preposition?

If it comes just after a preposition – then it's the object of the preposition.

If it does not come just after a preposition – then it's an indirect object.

Also, the indirect object is usually followed by the direct object. The object of the preposition does not.

A direct object receives the action of the verb. In other words, it is directly affected by verb.

I saw her.

She is making a pancake.

The dogs noticed the bone.

An indirect object is the receiver of the direct object, and it usually comes just before the direct object. (Kime?)

He bought his friend a present. "His friend" is the indirect object. Genelde kime sorusunun yanıtıdır.

He gave his mother flowers.

Jack is telling them the news.


The object of a preposition is the noun or pronoun governed by a preposition.

The cat ran under the car. (“The car” is the object of the preposition “under”.)

This is one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. (Neil Armstrong)

Are those biscuits on the table for the dogs?

Emma gave Ronnie the book. (Ronnie is the indirect object.)

Emma gave the book to Ronnie. (Ronnie is the object of the preposition.) ( And by the way, these two sentences basically have the same meaning.)

The words that follow a preposition are called the object of the preposition.

The cat ran under the car. (“The car” is the object of the preposition “under”.)

Can you give this parcel to him tomorrow? (“Him” is the object of the preposition “to”.)

At noon, at = preposition; noon = noun or the object of the preposition.

Behind them, behind = preposition; them = pronoun or the object of the preposition.

Without sneezing, without = preposition; sneezing = gerund or the object of the preposition.

The object of the preposition will often have modifiers that add description:

In class today, we talked about what Mr. Duncan expects in our next research essay.

About = preposition; what Mr. Duncan expects in our next research essay = noun clause or the object of the preposition.

Objects of prepositions are in the objective case

The noun or pronoun governed by a preposition is always in the objective case. In English, this only affects pronouns.
Go with her. (The pronoun “her” is the objective case version of “she”.)

Sit near them. (The pronoun “them” is the objective case version of “hey”.)

You want me to talk to whom? (The pronoun “whom” is the objective case version of “who”.)

Preposition + Object: edatın nesnesi

Preposition + Noun Phrase:

I am very much interested in the latest technology. (Cümle “be” yapısındadır, “passive” değildir.)

Preposition + Object Pronouns:

They are against me.

I am thinking you.

Preposition + Ving (Gerund):

He is really good at swimming. Yüzmede gerçekten iyidir.

Preposition + Demonstrative Pronouns:

I am not interested in this. Bununla ilgilenmiyorum.


Preposition + Quantifiers:

I don’t know about either. İkisi hakkında bilgim yok.

Preposition + Noun Clause:

In spite of the fact that he is poor, he is happy.

I am not concerned about where she was yesterday. Dün nerede olduğun hakkında ilgilenmiyorum.


Preposition + preposition’lardan sonra  “Ving (gerund); to V (infinitive)” yapısı kullanılmaz.

Preposition + the fact that;  Preposition’lardan sonra “that” gelmez.

Preposition + whether/Question Words; Preposition’lardan sonra “if” gelmez.

After a preposition, it is used “whom” not “who”.

After a preposition, it is used “whether” not “if”.

If you're going to say something like my wife and I, make sure it's the subject of your sentence, otherwise it should be me and my wife.

You can't say between you and I. It's between you and me.

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