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Conditional Sentences

Repeat these structures yourself —


If Clause

Main Clause
















Consider these things in conditionals.

The order of the clauses is not fixed – the if clause can be first or second.

We never use will or won’t in the if clause.

We never use would or wouldn’t in the if clause.

We never use would have or wouldn’t have in the if clause.

If the if clause comes first, a comma is usually used.

If the if clause comes second, there is no need to use a comma.

Grammar Focus: Miscellaneous Conditionals

1.            Zero conditional

simple present+ simple present for universal truths

If you mix blue and red you get purple. If you cut your hand, it bleeds.

Water takes the shape of bowl if you pour into it. Water changes into steam if you boil it.

If you heat snow, it melts.

2.            Instructions for the future simple present + imperatives

If you are sick, stay home today.

If he scolds you, tell me immediately.

If someone calls me, please tell them I am out. If you find my purse, return it to me.

If you see my brother, tell him to go home very fast. If teachers scold you, don't be angry.

3.            Suggestion/ warning for the future simple present+subject+should+v1

If you are weak at maths, you should study hard.

If she cannot pass exam, she should quit her studies. If you want to meet me, you should come early.

If you have to catch the first bus, you should go to station early. If you want to lose weight, you must exercise.

If you need scholarship, you have to meet the principal.

4.            First Real Conditional

simple present+s+will/may/can+v1 for possible things

If you work hard, you can pass exam. If you invite me, I may come to you. If you hit that dog, it will bark at you.

If you study well, you will score good marks. If he goes there, he may see her.

If they help me, I will help them in return.

5.            Second unreal conditional

simple past +would/could/might+v1

If you worked hard, you could pass exam. If you invited me, I might come to you.

If you hit that dog, it would bark at you.

If you studied well, you would score good marks. If he went there, he might see her.

If they helped me, I would help them in return.

6.            Third hypothetical conditional

past perfect +would/could/might+ have+v3 for hypothetical things

If you had worked hard, you could have passed exam. If you had invited me, I might have come to you.

If you had hit that dog, it would have barked at you.

If you had studied well, you would have scored good marks.

If he had gone there, he might have seen her.

If they had helped me, I would have helped them in return.

Grammar Focus: Common Errors


Incorrect                                                                               Correct

If you will book the room on time, you will receive a 20% discount.

If you book the room on time, you will receive a 20% discount.

If we would have a bigger flat, we could

invite friends to come and stay.

If we had a bigger flat, we could invite friends

to come and stay.

If the weather would not have been so bad, I could have gone to meet them.

If the weather hadn’t been so bad, I could

have gone to meet them.

I’ll try to get there about 6.30 unless you

want me to arrive earlier.

I’ll try to get there about 6.30 if you want me

to arrive earlier.

Additional Practice: Read these sentences.

I would give up work if I could afford it.

You learn a language better if you visit the country where it is spoken. If you don’t invest in this, you are saying no to a potential fortune.

If you see him, give him this note.

You can stay for the weekend if you like.

If anyone calls, tell them I am not at home.

If he improved his IT skills, he would easily get a job.

You would have known what was going on if you had listened.

They would have been here by now if they had caught the early train.

If I was the principal, I would do things differently. If metal gets hot, it expands.

She glares at me if I go near her desk.

The enemy had a weakness somewhere, if only he could find it. She was acting as if she had seen a ghost.

Don’t be afraid to ask if you don’t understand.

Do you mind if I put the television on? If she notices, she never says so.

We would not have succeeded if we had not had more time.

What happens if nobody comes to the party?

Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly.

If it is convenient I can come tomorrow.

One should never criticize if one is not sure of one’s facts.

If you add all these amounts together you can get a huge figure. Listen to the tune and see if you can remember the words.

Do you mind if I turn the TV off?

If she has any weakness, she won’t get the job.

If I were you, I would start looking for another job.

You won’t get paid for time off unless you have a doctor’s note. I won’t tell them unless you say I can.

If she worked harder, she’d pass her exams.

A.              Use the correct form of verbs to complete these sentences.

1.            I (tell) you about it if I had known all the facts.

2.            We (go) to the movie last night if we had been free.

3.            They (drive) to the country if they had had a car.

4.            Had I known your number, I (telephone) you.

5.            Were I you, I (begin) to study Spanish.

6.            He would have finished sooner if he (hurry).

7.            If he had felt better, he

8.            Unless he had some money, he

(go) to the party.

(not buy) the textbook.

9.            He would help us if he (can).

10.        What would you do if you (be) I?

11.        Had I had more time, I (do) it.

12.        If he had been well, he (come) to the meeting.

13.        If today (be) a holiday, he would spend it at the beach.

14.        If yesterday

15.        If he comes to us, he

(be) a holiday, he would have spent it at the beach. (live) with us.

16.        Unless my sister (get) employed, I won’t leave this job.

17.        Don’t waste your valuable time if you (want) to get good result.

18.        Had someone stolen my car, I (report) it to the police.

19.        He will come if you (invite) him.

20.        If you (attend) the function, he will be happy.

21.        If you (accept) the invitation, he would be happy.

22.        She wouldn’t have died, if she had (receive) proper medical care.

23.        He will not succeed unless he (work) hard.

24.        If she (be) honest, she would not have lost her job.

25.        He cannot go to work unless he (recover) from his illness.

26.        If he (speak) English, he could find a good job.

27.        If he (try) he would have succeeded.

28.        If you (leave) that wasp alone, it might not have stung you.

29.        If Myna (have) more time, she would study more.

30.        If I (be) in your position, I would study Dutch.

31.        If he (know) her better, he could go with her to the party.

32.        If I (have) the money, I would buy that suit.

33.        If John (be) here now, he would help us.

34.        If Hem (be) a good student, he would speak English better.

35.        If our room (be) larger, we could study better.

36.        If the weather (be) warmer, we would go for a walk.

37.        If he (prepare) his lessons every night, he would be a better student.

38.        I would go if I

39.        John would do it if he

(have) more time.

(be) not so busy.

40.        We would speak better if we (have) more practice.

B.              Use correct form of the verbs to complete these sentences.

1.            If the bus’s late, we (walk).

2.            She (call) you if she (have) time.

3.            If it costs too much, I (buy) a smaller one.

4.            If the doctor can’t see me, I (go) somewhere else.

5.            If the class (be) full, we (find) another one.

6.            What will we do if the taxi (not come)?

7.            Will you phone me if there (be) any problems?

8.            I (go) next week, if I get a train ticket.

9.            If he (see) me here, he (be) really angry.

10.        Mary (be) worried if you don’t come to the airport.

11.        If it (snow) this winter, we (go) skiing.

12.        I (lend) them some money if they (ask) me.

13.        If you (visit) Narayanahiti Durbar, you (see) some old buildings.

14.        If you drove more carefully, you (not have) so many accidents.

15.        If he (get up) earlier, he’d get to work on time.

16.        If we (have) more time, I could tell you more about it.

17.        If you (sell) more products, you’d earn more money.

18.        I could help you if you (trust) me more.

19.        His car would be a lot safer if he (buy) some new tyres.

20.        The children would be better swimmers if they (go) swimming more .

21.        I wouldn’t mind having children if we (live) in the country.

22.        If I (be) you, I wouldn’t worry about going to university.

23.        If I (have) any money, I’d give you some.

24.        Your parents (be) a lot happier if you phoned them more often.

25.        Where would you like to live if you (not live) in Pokhara?

26.        What would you do if you suddenly (win) half a million pounds?

27.        Would you mind if I (not give) you the money I owe you today?

28.        Water (freeze) if the temperature falls below zero.

29.        If he’s angry, his face always (go) bright red.

30.        Put your money in a saving account, if you (want) ten percent interest.

31.        If the microphone isn’t working, you (cannot) hear what he’s saying.

32.        The radio (not work) if the batteries are flat.

33.        If there (be) only a few students, we usually close one of the classes.

34.        The machine (not work) if it doesn’t have enough oil.

35.        If a balloon is filled with hot air, it (rise).

36.        If water (boil), it changes into steam.

37.        The machine stops automatically if something (go) wrong.

38.        The school (resume) today if the principal had resigned today.

39.        Our country would develop faster if there (be) no corruption.

40.        The  government  would  have  been  overthrown  if   Yogamaya’s   campaign (be) successful.

C.        Choose the correct form of the verbs to complete the following conditional


1.            If I (was, were) you, I would certainly do it.

2.            John looks as though he (was, were) sick.

3.            He acted as if he (had, had had) a great shock.

4.            If I (knew, had known) this yesterday, I would have acted differently.

5.            If it (rains, will rain) tomorrow, we may not go away.

6.            I (could go, could have gone) if they had asked me.

7.            If he (was, had been) here last week, he would have seen us.

8.            I (will, would) like to study Spanish if I had the time.

9.            If today (was, were) a holiday, we could go to the beach.

10.        If yesterday (was, had been) a holiday, we could have gone to the beach.

11.        Call me if he (comes, will come) before noon.

12.        If I (would be, were) in his position, I would not accept the work.

13.        He will not go unless she (goes, will go) too.

14.        I feel as if I (ate, had eaten) a large dinner.

15.        I think he (would come, would have come) if we had asked him.

16.        I wish I (were, would be) in Florida now.

17.        I wish I (went, had gone) with you to the party last night.

18.        If he (be, were) here, we would go to movie tomorrow.

19.        If he (will come, comes) soon, please let me know.

20.        If the weather (is, will be) nice tomorrow, we may drive to the country.

21.        If I were you, I (will, would) walk to school.

22.        If he (tells, tell) the truth, everyone (believe, will believe) him

23.        If he (can, could) help us, I am sure he would.

24.        If I (know, knew) how to swim, I would go swimming every day.

25.        If I (had, have) time tomorrow, I will go to the movie.

26.        When John (comes, will come) here tomorrow, Mary will talk with him.

27.        He would go to the theater more often if he (have, had) the time.

28.        He said he (may, might) be late.

29.        If he (knows, knew) my number, he could telephone me.

30.        He (call, would call) me if he (have, had) any problem.

31.        If I (were, would be) in Fun Park now, I would go swimming.

32.        If he (posted, had posted) the letter, I (would get, would have got) it.

33.        Had he not died, he (would become, would have become) very popular.

34.        Had the club got parking area, it (would be, would have been) much better place

for the visitors.

35.        I wouldn’t call you unless you (call, called) me.

36.        If you (study, studied) hard, you will get a first class.

37.        If I (find, found) the key, I will give it to you.

38.        If we (start, started) now, we could be in time.

39.        If you (are, were) a millionaire, how would you spend your time?

40.        If he (stop, stopped) smoking, he might get well.

D.        Complete the following sentences with the appropriate conditional clauses.

1.            If I had known about it, I .

2.            They would have come if they .

3.            If I were you, I .

4.            If you had asked me, I .

5.            If he had telephoned me, I .

6.            I would go if I .

7.            He would have helped us if .

8.            If England had been better prepared for war, Germany .

9.            If I had more time, I .

10.         He would have succeeded if he .

11.         If I had been invited, I .

12.         If the weather were nice, we .

13.         If the weather had been nice, we .

14.         They would have joined the class if they .

15.         I might have caught cold if I .

16.         If John were here, he .

17.         He would speak better if .

18.         If he studied more, he .

19.         If I could speak French, I .

20.         If l were in Florida now, I .

21.         If he had more time, he .

22.         If I knew her well, I .

23.         If John prepared his lessons every night, he .

24.         If today were a holiday, we .

25.         If he came to class regularly, he .

26.         Mary would go with us if .

27.         We would go for a walk in the park if .

28.         If today were Sunday, we .

29.         Had I had a car, I .

30.         I would go for swimming if I .

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